TENDER N°: CFT/14/ETF/0005 TITLE: OFFICE FURNITURE TENDER DOSSIER PART A: TENDER SPECIFICATIONS PART B: DRAFT CONTRACT Version updated to include General Clarification n° 1 Contents PART A: 1. TENDER SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 3 Terms of reference .......................................................................................................................3 1.1. Brief background relevant to the supply ...................................................................................3 1.2. Deliverables’ specific requirements ..........................................................................................4 1.3. How supplies will be contracted under the framework contract ..............................................4 1.4. Budget ......................................................................................................................................5 1.5. Monitoring progress .................................................................................................................5 1.6. Payment plan............................................................................................................................5 1.10. Appendices ...............................................................................................................................6 2. Timetable ......................................................................................................................................7 3. Preparing a tender: required documents ......................................................................................8 3.1. Supporting documentation .......................................................................................................8 3.1.1. Declaration on exclusion criteria ..........................................................................................8 3.1.2. Selection documentation ......................................................................................................8 3.1.3. Standard forms .....................................................................................................................9 3.1.4. Joint offers and subcontracting ...........................................................................................9 Joint offers ............................................................................................................................9 Subcontracting................................................................................................................... 10 3.2. Offer: Technical proposal and financial proposal .................................................................. 12 3.2.1. Technical proposal ............................................................................................................ 12 3.2.2. Financial proposal ............................................................................................................. 12 4. Evaluating the offers: award criteria .......................................................................................... 16 5. Checklist for submission of tender ............................................................................................ 18 PART B: Draft Contract .................................................................................................................... 21 CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 02 PART A: TENDER SPECIFICATIONS 1. Terms of reference Summary of requested supply Type of supply Office furniture Duration of the contract 4 years European Training Foundation – ETF Viale Settimio Severo, 65 10133 Turin - IT 2 Lot 1 € 555.000 Lot 2 € 45.000 Place of delivery Lots Maximum budget available each lot 1.1. Brief background relevant to the supply The ETF intends to replace part of its office furniture, partly to meet its obligations concerning ergonomics, health and safety at the workplace, and partly due to the age of the existing furnishings. The tender consists of two lots. You may tender for one lot or for both lots. For Lot 1, the purpose of the tender is to conclude a framework contract with a single supplier to provide various amounts of the following products and services: • Desks – up to 140 units • Drawer units – up to 140 units • Cupboards – up to 350 units • Monitor stands – up to 150 units • Table lamps – up to 140 units • Bar or refectory chairs – up to 80 units • Bar or refectory tables – up to 40 units • Chairs for meeting or conference rooms – up to 150 units • Made-to-measure furniture – on request • Disposal of our furniture being replaced – two desks for each one purchased, two drawer units for each one purchased, one cupboard for each one purchased and one chair for each one purchased – including certificate of disposal in compliance with the relevant Italian laws and EU regulations • Any other items of furniture chosen from the catalogue, such as tub chairs, meeting room chairs, lamps (not table), armchairs, cabinets, bookcases, shelves, sofas, coat stands, furniture accessories, etc. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 03 For Lot 2, the purpose of the tender is to conclude a contract with a single supplier to provide the amounts of the products and services indicated below: • Simpla model, HOWE brand tables for meeting or conference rooms – up to 30 units The ETF intends to purchase the quantities listed above over a period of four years, divided into several orders. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (nationals or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Serbia, FYROM, Albania, Montenegro, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. 1.2. Deliverables’ specific requirements The furniture must meet the minimum requirements described in Appendix A (for Lot 1: A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5 A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9; for Lot 2: A.10 – Lot 2). All products listed above must meet the following requirements: • Three-year guarantee (full) on all components of all products, including labour and any repair and/or replacement of defective goods with spare parts. • Delivery must be made within 8 weeks of placing the order for any item and quantity. The material must be assembled at the ETF's premises or arrive there already assembled. The successful tenderer must dispose of all packaging and must also manage disposal of the furniture being replaced, as set out in Section 1.1. • Each product must come with a user manual in Italian and/or English. • The items proposed must meet current Italian or EU rules governing ergonomics and safety. The requirements set out in Appendix A (for Lot 1: A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5 A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9; for Lot 2: A.10 – Lot 2) should be considered as minimum requirements for taking part in the call for tender. Any bids failing to meet these requirements will be rejected. No variations of the minimum requirements will be accepted. 1.3. How supplies will be contracted under the framework contract The ETF can issue order forms for specific supplies under the framework contract. An example of the order form used is attached to the Draft Contract. The ETF will send a signed order form to the contractor. The contractor will counter-sign, and return the order form (scanned by e-mail or by fax) to ETF as acknowledgement of receipt and acceptance within 7 calendar days. Upon signature by both parties, the assignment can begin. At no stage in the process is the ETF legally bound to issue an order form. Therefore the ETF has no legal commitment to the contractor in case the agreement is not reached on the budget, an activity is cancelled, etc. For any other items of not listed in paragraph 1.1 above, the ETF will ask for an estimate to the successful tenderer. The tenderer must submit at least four proposals. If the offer received is not in line with the market price the ETF reserves the right to purchase the items from another supplier. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 04 1.4. Budget The maximum budget available for this supply is for Lot 1 € 555.000 and for Lot 2 € 45.000. The budget for each order form will be that agreed between ETF and the contractor in the signed order form. Please, refer to the financial proposal for more information on the budget. Any other more specific requirements for the use of the budget may be mentioned in the specific terms of reference attached to the order form. Any other more specific requirements for the use of the budget may be mentioned in the specific terms of reference attached to the order form. 1.5. Monitoring progress The contractor will maintain regular communication with the ETF to ensure clarity on the progress of the deliveries. 1.6. Payment plan The ETF will pay for both lots on receipt of the original invoice after the goods are delivered. Payment for made-to-measure furniture will be as follows: Pre-financing YES 20% of the contract value Upon signature of the relevant purchase order, following receipt of the payment request from the contractor Intermediate payment YES 30% of the contract value Authorised by: Final payment YES 50% of the contract value ETF approval of the report on the delivery status of the goods Authorised by: Acceptance of delivery by ETF CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 05 1.7. Appendices For Lor 1 : Appendix A.1: Desks Appendix A.2: Drawer units Appendix A.3: Cupboards Appendix A.4: Monitor stands Appendix A.5 : Table lamps Appendix A.6: Bar or refectory chairs Appendix A.7: Bar or refectory tables Appendix A.8: Chairs for meeting or conference rooms Appendix A.9: Made-to-measure furniture For Lot 2 : Appendix A.10 – Lot 2: Simpla model, HOWE brand tables for meeting or conference rooms CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 06 2. Timetable The timetable for this tender procedure and signature of the resulting contract(s) is as follows: Date Comments Tender launch date 07.05.214 Date publication sent to OJ Deadline for request of clarifications 16.06.2014 Last date on which clarifications are issued by the ETF 21.06.2014 Deadline for submission of offers 07.07.2014 See Guidelines for ETF public procurement for more details Opening session 08.07.2014 At 14:30 local time Evaluation of offers 09.07.2014 Estimated starting date Notification of award Contract signature Commencement date of contract 8 weeks after evaluation date 12 weeks after evaluation date October 2014 Estimated Estimated Estimated CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 07 3. Preparing a tender: required documents 3.1. Supporting documentation Tenderers must provide a full set of documents for each of the following three areas, which the evaluation committee will assess before proceeding with evaluation of offers. 3.1.1. Declaration on exclusion criteria Tenderers are required to provide the completed and signed ‘Declaration on exclusion criteria’. This standard declaration form is available for downloading at the following address: http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Open_tenders. Tenderers will be excluded in case they are in any of the situations listed in the declaration on exclusion criteria. The ETF may request further documentary evidence to support this self-declaration before contract award. Tenderers must provide a full set of documents for each of the following three areas, which the evaluation committee will assess before proceeding with evaluation of offers. 3.1.2. Selection documentation Tenderers must prove that they have the technical & professional, and economic & financial capacities to effectively perform and administer the contract. Technical and professional capacity The tenderer must have the following technical and professional capacity to perform the contract: Lot 1: A minimum of eight years’ experience in delivering the required products or similar products and related maintenance/assistance Lot 2: Authorised reseller or producer of the proposed products. Evidence of this capacity must be provided by: Lot 1: A list of at least 3 supplies of office furniture implemented over the last eight years, amounting to at least € 120.000 each. Dates, amounts and clients (public and/or private) shall be indicated. Lot 2: Authorised re-seller certificate Economic and financial capacity The tenderer must be able to prove that he is in a stable financial position and meets the following financial stability parameters. For profit making organisations: 1. The ratio between short term assets and short term debts should be above 1. 2. The ratio between own funds and total liabilities should be above 0,2. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 08 3. The net profit should be positive. 4. The annual global turnover should be at least twice the average contract value for a year (respectively € 280.000for Lot 1 and € 23.000 for Lot 2). For non-profit organisations: 1. The ratio between short term assets and short term liabilities should be above 1. 2. The ratio between net assets or equity and total liabilities should be above 0,2. 3. The gross operating surplus should be positive. 4. The annual global revenues should be at least twice the average contract value for a year (respectively € 280.000for Lot 1 and € 23.000 for Lot 2). Evidence of this capacity must be provided by: 1. The presentation of financial statements for the past three financial years for which accounts have been closed signed by the legal representative. 2. The table on the tenderer’s financial stability duly filled in and signed by legal representative (available for download at the following link: http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Open_tenders). 3.1.3. Standard forms Tenderers must provide the following forms duly completed and signed: Legal Entity Form and related supporting document(s): http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/legal_entities/legal_entities_en.cfm Financial Identification Form: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/financial_id/financial_id_en.cfm 3.1.4. Joint offers and subcontracting Joint offers Definition A joint offer is a situation where an offer is submitted by a group of economic operators. Tenders can be submitted by groupings of economic operators who will not be required to adopt a particular legal form. Tendering documents The offer has to be signed by the lead member of the group which has been duly authorised by the other members of the grouping when the tenderers have not yet formed a legal entity. The following documents have to be provided with the offer: A power of attorney from all members to the lead member of the group A document clearly stating which member will be carrying out which tasks as well as who has been appointed by the others as the lead member CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 09 The legal entity form and related supporting document(s) for all members The financial identification form for the lead member Partners in a joint offer assume joint and several liability towards the ETF for the performance of the contract as a whole. This implies that all members have an equal standing towards the ETF in executing the contract. The lead member shall sign the contract with the ETF, shall have full authority to bind and manage all members and shall be responsible for the overall administration of the contract. The power of attorney contained in the offer will be attached to the resulting contract. Evaluation of exclusion and selection criteria Each member of the grouping must be from an eligible country. The exclusion of a member of the group leads to the exclusion of the tender. The exclusion criteria will be assessed in relation to each economic operator individually. Each member of the group must be eligible and provide the required evidence. The exclusion of a member of the group leads to the exclusion of the tender. The selection criteria will be assessed as follows: The selection criteria for technical and professional capacity will be assessed in relation to the combined capacities of all members of the group as a whole. The lead partner shall provide the required evidence on behalf of the group. The selection criteria for economic and financial capacity will be assessed in relation to the combined capacities of all members of the group as a whole. However, each member of group must provide the required evidence. Evaluation of award criteria The award criteria will be assessed in relation to the tender, irrespective of whether it has been submitted by a single legal/natural person or as a joint offer. Subcontracting Definition Sub-contracting is a situation where a contract has been or is to be established between ETF and a contractor and where the contractor, in order to carry out the contract, enters into legal commitments with other legal entities for performing part of the work, service or supply. The contractor shall retain full responsibility towards the ETF for the implementation of the contract. The ETF has no direct legal commitment with subcontractor(s). An economic operator may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which it has with them in order to contribute directly to the performance of the activities mentioned in the tender specifications. Tendering documents For subcontracting exceeding 10% of the total value of the contract per subcontractor, the tenderer must provide in his offer: A document from the tenderer clearly stating the identity, roles, activities and responsibilities of subcontractor(s) and specifying the volume/proportion for each subcontractor CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 10 A letter of intent by each subcontractor stating its unambiguous undertaking to collaborate with the tenderer if he wins the contract and the extent of the resources that it will put at the tenderer’s disposal for the performance of the contract If the above-mentioned documents are not provided, the ETF shall assume that the tenderer does not intend subcontracting or intends subcontracting below the 10% limit. Evaluation of exclusion and selection criteria The tenderer must be from an eligible country, subcontractors may be from non-eligible countries. The exclusion criteria will be assessed in relation to the tenderer and to each subcontractor exceeding 10% of the total value of the contract. The tenderer and its subcontractors must be eligible and provide the required evidence. The exclusion of the tenderer leads to the exclusion of the tender. The exclusion of a subcontractor may lead to the exclusion of the tender. The selection criteria will be assessed in relation to the combined capacities of the tenderer and the subcontractor(s) to the extent that the subcontractor puts its resources at the disposal of the tenderer. The required evidence should be provided and signed by the tenderer only. Evaluation of award criteria The award criteria will be assessed in relation to the tender. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 11 3.2. Offer: Technical proposal and financial proposal The tenderer’s offer must demonstrate an understanding of the ETF terms of reference and be presented in clear concise language. 3.2.1. Technical proposal The technical proposal must include the following information and must be undersigned for acceptance: A brief description of your company, indicating the name and contact details of the person responsible for the tender (max 1 sheet A4). The bid shall be presented in A4 paper, ARIAL 10, single spacing and margins no less than 2.5 cm; The tenderer must duly fill out and submit Appendix A (for Lot 1: A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9. for Lot 2: A.10 – Lot 2), which is attached to the technical specifications, along with the technical datasheet of the proposed products (including measurements) and must specify whether they have any accessories or adjustment devices in addition to what is specified. The tenderer must indicate the delivery time counting from the reception of the order form. A detailed description of the guarantee; Any elements of the terms of reference on which you feel remarks, comments or suggestions are necessary. In addition, for Lot 1: Where required, the tenderer must provide a sample of each individual item for the opening of bids, as outlined in Appendix A (A.1, A.2, A.4, A.5 and A.8). The samples to be provided at the time the bids are opened may be of a different colour from the one requested, but this is the only variation that will be allowed. Samples must be delivered already assembled or assembled at our offices. All packaging should then be removed and the samples must remain at least 30 working days after opening. Once the bids have been assessed, the tenderer shall bear the cost of shipping and removing the goods. Sample goods must be collected no later than 15 working days from receipt of the letter communicating the results of the tender procedure. Once this deadline has elapsed, any uncollected goods will be donated to charity. 3.2.2. Financial proposal Tenderers must use the following standard format (see next page) to present their financial proposal. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 12 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL General comments on the financial proposal ■ All prices must be quoted in Euro. If necessary, please use the conversion rates published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the day when the invitation to this tender was issued. This information is available on the following website of the European Central Bank: http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref. ■ The total price cannot exceed the maximum budget available for the tender. ■ The conditions stated below the table must be included on the tenderer’s Financial Proposal which must be undersigned for acceptance. ■ Prices must be quoted free of all duties, taxes and other charges (including VAT) as the ETF is exempt from such charges under Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Union for services rendered by tenderers having their place of business within the European Union. ■ The tenderer to whom the contract will be awarded will have the sole responsibility for complying with taw laws which apply to him in line with Article II.15.4 to the draft contract. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 13 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL ■ Lot 1: PROPOSED PRODUCT QUANTITY Desks Up to 140 units Drawers Up to 140 units Cupboards Up to 350 units Monitor stands Up to 150 units Table lamps Up to 140 units Bar or refectory chairs Up to 80 units Bar or refectory tables Up to 40 units Chairs for meeting or conference room Up to 150 units Made-to-measure furniture – bar or refectory counters UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Up to 4 units TOTAL ■ CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 14 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL Lot 2: PROPOSED PRODUCT QUANTITY SIMPLA model, HOWE brand tables for meeting or conference rooms UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Up to 30 units TOTAL Price conditions: The price quoted above for the Proposed product corresponds to the product referred to in the Appendix A (for Lot 1: A.1, A2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9; for Lot 2 A.10 – Lot 2). The price includes transport and assembling costs. The disposal of all packaging and the disposal of the furniture being replaced is at contractor costs. I hereby acknowledge and accept the conditions to the financial proposal presented above: Full name of legal representative ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 15 4. Evaluating the offers: award criteria The proposed products must correspond to the minimum requirements set out in the Appendix A (for Lot 1: A.1, A2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9; for Lot 2 A.10 – Lot 2). In case some of the requirements are not met, the bid will be rejected. The bids meeting all the requirements will be evaluated as follow: Lot 1: Additional enhancing features for desks, table lamps and Monitor stands: 20 points By additional enhancing features are meant additional accessories and/or adjustment devices in addition to what specified in Appendix A (A.1, A.4 and A.5). Example: additional adjustment device for table height , fairlead ducts, touch/swipe/proximity motion sensor desk lamps, etc.: 20 points Warranty exceeding three years’ requirement: 20 points Delivery time shorter than requested 8 weeks: 10 points Handiness and aesthetic: 10 points Lot 2: Warranty exceeding three years’ requirement: 25 points Delivery time shorter than requested 8 weeks: 15 points The ETF will use the following award criteria to evaluate offers received: Lot 1: Award criteria Weighting (out of 100) Technical award criteria Additional enhancing features for desks, table lamps and Monitor stands Warranty exceeding three years’ requirement (three points for each year exceeding the three years’ requirement, max 20 points) Delivery time shorter than requested 8 weeks (three points for each week less than the requested 8 weeks, max 10 points) Handiness and aesthetic 20 20 10 10 Financial award criteria Price (the price is the total price of the furniture indicated in the table of the financial proposal for Lot 1, par. 3.2.2) 40 CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 16 Lot 2: Award criteria Weighting (out of 100) Technical award criteria Warranty exceeding three years’ requirement (three points for each year exceeding the three years’ requirement, max 20 points) Delivery time shorter than requested 8 weeks (three points for each week less than the requested 8 weeks, max 10 points) 20 10 Financial award criteria Price (the price is the total price of the furniture indicated in the table of the financial proposal for Lot 2, par. 3.2.2) 70 Evaluation on the basis of best value for money: The formula used by the ETF to calculate which offer represents the best value for money incorporates the score for the technical quality and price as described at paragraph 6.3 to the Guidelines for ETF public procurement (http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Open_tenders). CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 17 5. Checklist for submission of tender When submitting a tender you must acknowledge that you have read and understood the Guidelines for ETF public procurement (http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Open_tenders) and ensure that you have compiled your tender in accordance with the below checklist, to be attached to your supporting documentation. Please tick the boxes below I have read and understood the Guidelines for ETF public procurement I have read and I accept the terms and conditions of the draft contract I have submitted my tender within the stipulated deadline I am submitting my tender in three separate inner envelopes (A, B and C) within an outer envelope or parcel I clearly stated the following information on the outer envelope or parcel: The reference number of the Call for Tender (CFT/14/ETF/0005). The title of the tender The name of the tenderer The indication “Offer – Not to be opened by the internal mail service” The ETF address for submission of offers A clear postmark showing the date I am sealing the outer envelope or parcel with adhesive tape and signed across the seal I have drafted my tender in one of the official languages of the European Union Both the technical and financial proposals are signed by the tenderer’s legal representative I confirm that Envelope A contains one signed original of the following supporting documentation: The required Declaration on Exclusion Criteria The required evidence of the Selection Documentation for technical and professional capacity The required evidence of the Selection Documentation for economic and financial capacity The duly completed and signed Legal Entity Form and required supporting document(s) The duly completed and signed Financial Identification Form The present checklist duly signed and dated I confirm that Envelope B contains: One signed original and 3 copies of the technical proposal I confirm that Envelope C contains: One signed original of the financial proposal presented in the requested format CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 18 Please let us know how you found out about this tender ETF website Official Journal of the European Union Search engine Other (please specify): ________________________________________________ Full name of legal representative (person authorised to sign the contract) ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Full name of contact person ___________________________________________ E-mail address ___________________________________________ Fax number ___________________________________________ For joint tenders, please fill in the following table and add any additional lines for all members % volume of work Full name of lead member _________________________________ _______ Full name of member _________________________________ _______ Full name of member _________________________________ _______ Full name of member _________________________________ _______ For subcontracting, please fill in the following table and add any additional lines for all subcontractors % volume of work Full name of tenderer _________________________________ _______ Full name of subcontractor _________________________________ _______ Full name of subcontractor _________________________________ _______ Full name of subcontractor _________________________________ _______ CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 19 CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 20 PART B: DRAFT CONTRACT This draft contract, together with the ETF terms of reference and the successful tenderer’s offer technical and financial proposals – will form the legal agreement between the two parties for implementation of the service and all required administrative and financial conditions. Any comments on the draft contract should be provided together with the technical proposal. Requests from the proposed winning tenderer to amend the contract following the award decision may lead to the exclusion of the offer. CFT/14/ETF/0005 | 21