
PCR/Electrophoresis Notesheet
By C. Kohn, Waterford WI
Date Assignment is due:
Score: + ✓ -
Why late?
Day of Week
If your project was late, describe why
Wrap-up Score: + ✓ -
Directions: Use the accompanying PowerPoint ( to complete this sheet. This sheet will be due upon
the completion of the PowerPoint in class. These assignments are graded on a +/√/- scale.
1. The
Method enables scientists to read DNA
a. This test made the
other species, possible.
, and the sequencing of many
2. The problem with the Sanger Method is that it is
3. _
works for any kind of
, even
4. Your DNA is _______% the same as anyone else’s DNA.
5. The 0.1% difference from person to person means that
bases are different.
6. Define DNA Fingerprinting:
7. List AND describe the four steps to creating a DNA Fingerprint:
8. What regions of DNA have the most variability from person to person?
9. What regions of DNA are going to be very similar from person to person?
10. Which regions are used to create a DNA Fingerprint?
11. Define STR:
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Copyright 2012 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited.
12. How do STRs enable scientists to create a DNA Fingerprint?
13. In the chart below, whose DNA is most likely the one found at the scene of the crime?
How do you know?
14. What is PCR?
15. What are the advantages of PCR?
16. In what cases would PCR not work?
17. PCR works first by
18. Each side can then be copied by
, creating
19. This process is
strands from
. It can amplify a specific sequence of DNA
20. Draw how PCR works below:
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Copyright 2012 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited.
21. What does it mean to denature DNA?
22. To make this technique work, scientists use
23. Why was Taq polymerase used? (Hint – where was it found?)
24. Why can’t we use a normal polymerase to make copies of DNA?
25. After
sample is cut up into
, each DNA
26. After cutting by a restriction enzyme, why do different samples of DNA have different banding patterns? Why
aren’t they all the same?
27. Draw how EcoRI would cut this DNA Sequence:
28. Once we’ve made billions of copies of the same section of DNA and have cut them with a restriction enzyme, we
have to
29. ____________________ fragments of DNA will travel further than
30. After DNA is placed into the wells of the gel, how are they moved through the gel?
31. DNA moves towards the ___________________________ pole of the gel. Why?
32. The
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DNA fragments slip more easily through the pores of the gel than the
Copyright 2012 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited.
a. How is this like a swimsuit when you are swimming in a pool?
33. What is the last step of this process?
a. Why is this necessary?
34. What is a genetic marker?
35. How can genetic markers be used to diagnose a genetic disease?
36. What is Restriction Fragment Analysis?
37. Summarize the process of DNA Fingerprinting/PCR/Electrophoresis/Restriction Fragment Analysis below:
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Copyright 2012 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited.
Unit Wrap-up
C. Kohn, Agricultural Sciences - Waterford WI
Date Assignment is due: Thursday
Day of Week
Score: + ✓ -
Why late?
If your project was late, describe why
1. Write the 3 topics that you found least easy to understand in this unit:
2. What are the 5 things you most need to review before taking your next
3. Create 3 high-level questions related to this material:
4. List 6 vocabulary words that you did not know before or have almost never used before:
5. What is a specific strategy that you have for remembering a specific item from this unit?
A strategy is a pneumonic, rhyme, analogy, or other brain-based strategy. It is not an activity such as reviewing your notes, making cards, studying hard, etc.
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Copyright 2012 by Craig Kohn, Agricultural Sciences, Waterford WI. This source may be freely used and distributed provided the author is cited.