Careers in Psychology Worksheet

Careers in Psychology
Your objective is to identify the psychological profession that is being described.
The company “JC=BFF” has a variety of psychological positions that it needs filled. You will help them
identify what type of psychologist would be the best aid in each psychological dilemma
(There are two statements from each career group)
Clinical (1), Counseling (2), Developmental (2), Educational (1), Industrial (2), & Experimental(2):
________________1. JC=BFF© toilets flush their contents with a lot of force. Tragically, the office pet
was sucked down when taking a drink. - JC=BFF would like to hire someone full
time to get their employees through this tragedy.
________________2. To begin research of their new Alzheimer’s drug, JC=BFF© needs to study the longrange neurological changes that occur from adolescence to elderly adulthood.
________________3. JC=BFF© cough medicine is marketing its’ new medicine called “Devil Red”. They
want to know why religious customers seem to avoid their product.
________________4. After zombie like occurrences in elderly adults, from their drug “Age be Gone”,
JC=BFF© needs to figure out what type of changes occur between middle and old
________________5. In wake of their poor sales, JC=BFF© employees have had a number of people
suffering anxiety attacks. They want give their employees an outlet for them to
discuss their issues, by bringing in this type of psychologist.
________________6. JC=BFF©s new drug (Devil B’Gone) hopes to boosts peoples self-esteem from
impoverished neighborhoods. The idea is to secretly have half the people taking the
new drug, while the other half taking a sugar pill.
________________7. JC=BFF© wants to study the effects of Religious Ed. classes on student
________________8. After eating JC=BFF©’s brand of bread, Sarah cannot remember her birthday or her
dog’s name. She has also begun to hear voices.
________________9. Lately there have been reports that JC=BFF © shampoos cause rapid onset
paranoia. There have been reports of several shampoo users brutally attacking
neighbors and coworkers. JC=BFF © needs to figure out if these unsubstantiated
rumors are true!
________________10. JC=BFF© has finally realized that its employees may not be as well trained as first
thought. They want to begin reforming their training programs to better assist their
valued customers.