21 January 2012 - Royal College of Psychiatrists

Royal College of Psychiatrists SIG Volunteering and International affairs
Date of meeting: 25.1.2012
Venue: Vancouver House. Birmingham
Before meeting a video presentation on Malawi by SMMHEP -Martin Elphick
(now on SIG website)
PRESENT Dr. Deji Oybedoe, Peter Hughes, Sree Thamburaja, Anna Aboaja, Safi Afghan, Mohamed
Al-Uzri, Daniel Wolde-Giorgis, Mohamed El Tahir, Jane Newson-Smith, Martin Elphick
Apologies: Dr. D. Desai, M. Elphick, M. Jheeta, P. Joshi, A. Kahn, S. Kumar, S. Nagraj, J. O’Grady, J.
Stevens, Raji Oyepeju, Denise Bound, Giusseppe Spoto, Eleni Palizadou, Sherva Cooray, Brian
Parsons, Victor Doku, Roxanne Keyneyard, Omer Moghraby, Ramandeep Dargan, Ashok Singh, Alison
Summers, Christine Wright, Nick Bass, Saeed Mahmoud, Heather Dipple, Vathasala Ramamurthy,
Susie Whitwell
2. Minutes from last meeting 27.9.2011
Amendment – Anna Aboaja attended last meeting and was not included in apologies
Correction of spelling of Dr. Raji Oyepeju’s name
3. Clarification of roles and duties apportioned since last meeting
Medical student –Dr. Roxanne Keyneyard
Core trainee – Mandip Jheeta
Higher Trainee - Sree Thamburaja
Volunteer –Fiona Donnelley (not present to confirm)
Conference – Peter Hughes, Saji Nabi, Anna Abouja.
Fundraising –Peter Hughes, Elle Stout (sister of Anna Stout and to be confirmed), Jane NewsonSmith
Need more people for conference and Fundraising
4. mhGAP lead needed and mhGAP issues – Mohamed El Tahir, Peter Hughes Deji Oyebode , Sree
Thamburaja-development of strategy and link to different organisations
In summary mhGAP is a WHO approach to meeting need in mental health in low income countries
by integrating mental health into primary care with secondary care referral systems for complex
Medical student update and suggestions
1. Aqoon Somaliland –Kings e-links
2. Reports of colleges elective bursaries on website
3. Blogs more accessible via SIG and associate section
4. Elective database
5. Elective night
6. Prize for international essay
7. Medical student section of website
Summer school project for foundation and medical schools – aim to promote psychiatry to
medical students –e.g. “speed dating section “- electives
Core Trainee
-Draft for essay prize document - Mandip Jheeta gave proposal for discussion
-Trainee section of website would be welcome.
-Issue of core trainee and international psychiatry – core trainees are often considered too
inexperienced for international work but strategy could be developed on this
-Overseas psychiatry trainees –associateship. This needs to be explored and benefits of this (see
attachment at end of minutes)
Higher specialist trainee
OOPE issues – discussion on overseas OOPE approved for training. More approved OOPEs needed. 3
month approval is acceptable to deaneries. Different models of OOPE. Great opportunity for
experience, leadership and management outside of UK
Action-exploration of more options SIG Chair, secretary and finance officer
UK volunteering
No feedback. Action –need some development on this. SIG Chair, secretary and finance officer
Discussion of options FINANCE IDEAS
 CPD events and online
 India- mental health awareness camps-sponsored
 College courses in India e.g. Dementia as no old age psychiatrists in India
 Justgiving
 Satellite symposia at college annual meeting
 National lottery
 Partnership with other charity to fund raise
 Professional fundraiser
 Money from college –possibilities through faculties-e.g. general and community psychiatry
Voluntary levy on membership fees
Educational events
Use of SKYPE to minimise costs
Health partnership scheme
Report fees e.g. dvla
Charging for volunteers
Conference will be main fundraising
Also discussion of donations at local level by members –not felt appropriate
Donations -All cheque payments should be made to the ‘Royal College of Psychiatrists’
and sent to the Special Interest Group administrator. It would be useful to include
information (what the payment relates to, SIG it relates to etc).
justgiving - the College’s Development and Communications manager, Liz Cowan for
further information.
The Treasurer can approve Special Interest Groups to run into a deficit and this is
usually communicated through the annual business plan. If there are new initiatives
which have not been included in the business plan an amended business plan can be
submitted for approval.
ACTION: fundraising group of SIG
IAC -discussion on link to SIG
Exact link is unclear and some felt that there should be some financial support of SIG via IAC and
volunteering scheme – Not possible on investigation
ACTION: SIG Chair, secretary and finance officer
Ghana, Micronesia, Bangladesh, Gambia, Sudan e-supervision, India
Zambia project discussed by David Percy -mMED students Zambia. Post grad students
Feedback on different projects
6. Business plan and fundraising
Business plan for past year accepted at college
Crucial to have some revenue
Best way is to start with conference. This needs to be set up
ACTION : Finance officer and fundraising group of SIG
Conference and training –master class – Conference leads to develop this
Possibility of faculty supporting an activity e.g. conference or some volunteering
CPD points –need to ensure that conference will accrue CPD points
Trusts can approve SIG meetings as diversity related
Educational component – needed for trust leave and expenses
Study leave and study budget –need to enable conference to allow this
8. Annual Congress
Not represented 2012 unfortunately
Action: SIG to try and have presence in 2013
9. Link to other sigs and Diaspora groups
Spirituality SIG Discussion with SIG about their set –up. Some useful ideas that we can model on
E.g. conference, consultation role for college, journals, link to WPA,
ACTION: SIG group to develop this and learn from other groups
Partnership meeting Dr. Al Uzri
Now up and running. Thanks to Veena Verdi at College
Donation section needed
Link to NGO, THEt website HPS needed
12. Newsletter
Well done to newsletter volunteers for excellent work
4 per year planned
Need more articles send to Daniel Wolde-Giorgis and Susie Whitwell
13. Any other items
Malawi film –possibilities of fundraising, link to websites, promote in Royal college and at
Photography project –encourage photography and perhaps for images of psychiatry Sree.
Psychiatry in films –international –list of films for website –possibility of fundraising project
Zambia – David Percy –Regional groupings and pre regional college – conference
Training medical assistants –need to have project of this
Link with divisions
Trudi Hilton and pharmaceutical supplies
David Southall and International Health Protection Initiative
USA groups –volunteering –possible collaborative
Psychiatrists have a role in promoting good health and wellbeing
Suggestions for further discussion by those not in attendance
-International link with local academic programmes –E link
- Various chapters e.g. South Asian, Asia Pacific. Felt not appropriate at this stage and
would duplicate structures in place
Items not covered –
 Paper on Basic Needs provided by Dr. Christine Wright –will be available on website. For
agenda next meeting
 Role of retired Psychiatrists-for agenda next meeting
NEXT MEETING at Royal College of Psychiatrists London 19.4.2012 at 200pm
Thanks to West Midlands & Trent Divisional Office for hosting 25.1.2012
Benefits of being affiliate, Specialist associate and International associate College journals – free monthly copies of the British Journal of Psychiatry and The
Psychiatrist (worth over £300 a year), paper and online, and the quarterly International
Psychiatry; free online access to Evidence-Based Mental Health and Australasian
Continuing professional development – the College’s CPD journal Advances in Psychiatric
Treatment free online; discounted subscription to CPD Online, an unrivalled educational
resource developed by the College for its members; registration (at no extra cost) in the
College’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme providing annual certification
required for revalidation.
Print + online – upgrade your free online subscriptions to print + online at a substantial discount,
for Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (£50) and Evidence-Based Mental Health (£10).*
Access to the members’ area of the College website – search the online membership database,
amend your personal record online.
Monthly eNewsletter – keeping you up to date with the latest developments in mental
healthcare, new appointments and advertisements for College Officer positions, policy
consultations and new publications.
The opportunity to attend College meetings and conferences.
Reduced rates for the College’s International Congress.
10% discount on RCPsych Publications books and DVDs.
Local Division membership with the opportunity to participate in meetings and conferences.
Involvement with Specialist Faculties and Sections – opportunities to meet colleagues,
network, and contribute to the development of your specialty.
Eligibility to become join the Friends of the College Archives.
Access to your Regional Advisor and guidance on regional issues (does not apply to
International Associates).
Opportunity to join Special Interest Groups.
Get involved in developing College policy through committees, working groups and consultation
Eligibility for professional recognition at the annual RCPsych Awards
Confidential access to the Psychiatrists’ Support Service.
Access to our Library and Information Services – literature searches and document delivery
along with online access to journals, book loans and a place to work and access the internet
when you are visiting the College.
50% reduction for private room hire at the College’s Grade I listed Regency headquarters.
Opportunity to purchase College ties and other gifts.
Opportunity to join the international volunteer programme