Date: April 29, 2015 Grade Level: 12th GHS Seminar

Date: April 29, 2015
Grade Level: 12th
Objective(s) / Learning
Materials Needed:
Suggested Process:
GHS Seminar
Seminar Meeting
1. Students will complete the college survivor game in their Seminar
1. Rules (see below)
2. Degree Cards (below)
3. Player Cards (linked on Seminar Site or below)
College Survivor Game Rules
Pick two fake universities and "enroll" half the players in each. Print
Player Cards and Degree Cards-- one set each for every player. Print
score sheet. Clip all cards. Write player names on score sheet.
1. Players are called "students", and just like real students, they
should sit upright. Upright around a table or upright in a circle on the
floor. So arrange your students before you do anything else. The
space they surround is called the "study area".
2. Next, pass out Degree Cards. Give each student their beginning
"college savings" of seven cards (14 points):
1 Doctor Card @ 4 points
1 Master Card @ 3 points
2 Bachelor Cards @ 2 points
3 Associate Cards @ 1 point
3. An Associate Card for each student should be leftover. Hold one
back as a reward for yourself and arrange the rest face up in the
middle of the study area. To make the game fair, the cards should be
spread out.
4. Shuffle the Player Cards and deal them. Each student receives a
hand of four cards.
GAME PLAY - Regular Semesters
1. As host, you are "professor" for the first "semester" in the first
round. It is the professor's job to regulate the flow of things by
periodically bellowing "all students pass."
2. Begin the game with a hearty professorial bellow, "all students
3. Upon hearing they pass each student selects one of their Player
Cards and passes it to the student on their left.
4. The first semester continues with more bellowing and more
passing until someone gains a "shining quatro". That is, until a student
holds all four Player Cards (Freshman, Junior, Sophomore and Senior)
in any student's name other than their own.
5. The holder of the shining quatro instantly replaces you as
professor. It becomes their turn to bellow. So immediately they
bellow "graduate", followed by the name of the student they
quatroed. For example, they bellow "graduate Marci". players
(including you and the new professor) then scramble to get one
Degree Card from the cards laid out in the study area.
6. Of course, one student will come up short and not get a Degree
Card. This student is branded a "flunkout". As punishment for being
so "slow", they must pay the new professor a Degree Card from their
college savings.
7. The second semester begins with all students, except the graduate
(for example, Marci), "paying tuition" by depositing a Degree Card in
the study area.
8. The new professor trades her quatroed Player Cards one for one
with the closest four students to her left, and then bellows "all
students pass". Cards are exchanged as before until another shining
quatro is obtained, another professor appointed, etc.
9. This is repeated to the point where one student flunks out so much
they can no longer afford tuition (their college savings are
exhausted). The bankrupt flunkout is expelled from the game! Before
leaving they trade their hand of Player Cards for the latest shining
quatro. They then take the quatro with them as they wander away to
wherever the uneducated wander away to. This departure marks the
beginning of "accelerated semesters".
Accelerated Semesters
10. Accelerated semesters are different in two ways. First, every time
a new quatro occurs the flunkout must leave (trading their hand for
the quatro as they go). Second, they must donate whatever college
savings they have to the "scholarship fund" (a pile kept somewhere
away from the study area).
11. Play continues this way until only four students remain (the "final
four": the fourth, third, and second place students and the "first round
Death Semesters
12. The final four face a different challenge, what we like to call "death
semesters"! Each chooses a Player Card from their hand and lays it
face down. The professor (the latest quatro holder) turns his card
over and the other students follow. If one or more match the year of
the professor's card (for example, Sophomore) they flunk out! If all
three match, the professor is survivor and the round is
over. Whenever two or more players remain, the process is
repeated. A new professor is appointed each time cards are
chosen. The new professor is the student to the old professor's left.
13. Fourth, third and second place students are allowed to keep half
their college savings (the other halves go to the scholarship fund). The
survivor keeps all of her savings! Additionally, the scholarship fund is
divided equally between all students in the survivor's school!
14. The first round is closed once Degree Card points are tallied and
recorded on the score sheet. All students are then invited back for
another round. Player Cards are gathered, shuffled and dealt. Degree
Cards are redistributed as in the beginning, and the first round
survivor becomes the first professor of the new round.
15. The game is complete after four rounds. The student with the
most overall points is the ultimate, very heroic, all-knowing College
DEGREE CARDS (print one set for each player)