SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers
Other Resources
DRAFT 7/8/15
Teaching Practice
Maintaining a nurturing and positive affect (e.g. smiles, laughs, hugs, holds hands, uses a calm voice, shows enthusiasm).
Engaging in positive conversations
(back-and-forth exchanges) with children.
NCQTL in-service suites that support this practice
-Fostering Connections
-Engaging Children in Conversations.
-Fostering Connections
-Engaging Children in Conversations
-Thick and Thin Conversations.
Demonstrating warmth and respect toward children (e.g. listens when they talk, positions self at children’s eye level, treats children fairly).
Giving encouragement and positive feedback about interests, needs, efforts, and/or accomplishments.
Acknowledging and showing sensitivity to children’s feelings.
-Fostering Connections
-Being Aware of Children’s Needs.
-Zoning Staffing to Maximize Learning
-Engaging Children in Conversations
-Thick and Thin Conversations.
-Thick and Thin Conversations.
-Following Children’s Lead.
-Providing Feedback
-Fostering Connections
-Creating a Caring Community
TACSEI website: Family Routine based Support guide: Early Elementary K-2 nd grade
TACSEI website
Backpack Series:
How to Help Your Child Stop Whining
How to help Your Child Understand and label
Noticing individual needs and providing individualized support for all children.
Creating well-designed physical spaces, developing intentional groupings and making classroom contents relevant to children’s interest and learning.
-Being Aware of Children’s Needs
-Creating a Caring Community
-Schedules and Routines
-Problem Solving in the Moment.
-Zoning to Maximize Learning.
-Designing Environments
8. Planning the environment and learning experiences, in consultation with special education service providers, to meet child’s IEP
-Being Aware of Children’s Needs
-Designing Environments
-Materials to Support Learning
-CLASS: Positive Climate.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 52,62.
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
-CLASS: Positive Climate.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).52,62.
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
-CLASS: Positive Climate.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 52, 62.
-CLASS: Quality of Feedback
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).52
-CLASS: Teacher Sensitivity.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 53.
-CLASS: Teacher Sensitivity, and
Instructional Learning Formats.
-Head Start Early Learning Outcomes
Framework (2015).
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats,
Regards For Student’s Perspectives.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 34-47.
-Book:The Inclusive Early Childhood
Classroom Easy Ways to adapt Learning
Centers for All Children.
Book: Design for Living and Learning (Deb
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats,
Teacher Sensitivity, Quality of Feedback.
- -Book: The Inclusive Early Childhood
SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers goals/objectives as well as children’s individual needs and interests
Collaborating with families and special education service providers to provide multiple approaches to learning in order to meet the diverse needs of children with a disability.
Fostering an environment of inclusion by: responding to children’s questions about their own or other children’s disability, reading books with characters who have a disability, and has instructional material in the classroom which shows images of children/adults with varied abilities
Promoting and encouraging a sense of classroom community.
Supporting autonomy and leadership opportunities for children.
-Schedules and Routines
Being Aware of Children’s Needs
-Designing Environments
-Materials to Support Learning
Being Aware of Children’s Needs
-Designing Environments
-Materials to Support Learning
-Creating a Caring Community.
-Giving Children Responsibilities TACSEI website:
Backpack Series:
How to help Your Child Transition Smoothly
Between Places and Activities
Following children’s lead (e.g. encouraging them to express their ideas, building on children’s interest and provide choices).
-Following Children’s Lead
-Giving Children Responsibilities.
Creating classroom rules (e.g. generate ideas for the rules, make the rules understandable to children, provide instruction on rules, discuss consequences and encourage children to use the rules. Establish a few rules and states them positively.)
Providing effective classroom transitions
(e.g. preparing children to move from one activity or setting to another, engaging children in transition activities, individualizing transition strategies, and helping children become more independent as they make transitions
-Creating Classroom Rules
-Classrooms Transitions
-Schedules and Routines
DRAFT 7/8/15
Classroom Easy Ways to adapt Learning
Centers for All Children.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 53.
-CLASS: Support for Autonomy and
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
-CLASS: Flexibility and Student Focus.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 50
-CLASS: Clear Behavior Expectations.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 55-58.
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
-CLASS: Productivity.
-The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
Volume 1. Pg.79-89.
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers from one activity to another).
Teaching behavior expectations through visual reminders, role-play, demonstrations, stories, etc. and preparing children by teaching skills through role-play, demonstrations, stories, etc.
Uses positive guidance when responding to challenging behaviors
(e.g. redirects children from unacceptable to acceptable behavior).
Helps children recognize and manage their own feelings and interpret the emotional cues of others.
Stating Behavior Expectations
-Redirecting Behaviors
-Problem Solving in the Moment
-Being Aware of Children’s Needs.
-Creating a Caring Community
-Problem Solving in the Moment.
Teaching children skills for solving social problems (e.g. listening to each point of view, generating ideas, negotiating, trying solutions).
-Problem Solving in the Moment.
Managing the classroom: schedules and routines (e.g. create a visual schedule, keep the schedule simple, balance activities throughout the day, post the schedule and refer to it often, and let children know when the schedule changes).
Providing materials to support learning
(e.g. increase children’s engagement and learning, support social interactions and promote children’s independence and confidence in learning)
Facilitating planned intentional small group settings to meet particular instruction goals (e.g. introduce a new concept, introduce new materials, teach a new skill, discuss resolution to a problem).
Positions self for good visual supervision, even when working with individuals or small groups (e.g. sits or stands facing most of the children,
-Schedules and Routines
-Classroom Transitions.
-Designing Environments
-Materials to Support Learning.
-Focusing Children on Learning Goals.
-Schedules and Routines.
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Zoning to Maximize Learning.
Located on TACSEI Website: Tips and Ideas for making Visuals to Support Young Children with
Problem Behavior
Located on TACSEI Website: Social Story Tips and Samples
DRAFT 7/8/15
-CLASS: Behavior Management.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 55-58.
-CLASS: Behavior Management.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 56-58
-CLASS: Teacher Sensitivity.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 58.
--Head Start Early Learning Framework
2015. Pg.31-32.
-CLASS: Regards for Student Perspective,
Teacher Sensitivity.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 56.
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
-CLASS: Productivity.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 48-51
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 34-47.
-Head Start Early Learning Framework 2015.
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 59.
-CLASS productivity.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 58-59.
SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers visually scans the room, looks toward loud or unusual sounds or cries, moves around the room as needed).
Collecting and organizing objective factual documentation to identify and plan support for children’s developmental stages and goals.
(including running records, observations and recordings, and children’s work samples and photos)
Encouraging families to share observations of their children’s development and learning.
Analyzing documentation and relating it to children’s learning goals and objectives.
Making adaptations and individualizing instruction for English or dual language learners and for children with special needs.
Managing planning time to effectively plan and organize curricular activities that support current student’s interests, goals, and objectives.
Using both child-initiated and teacherplanned experiences to actively introduce mathematical concepts.
Using both child-initiated and teacherplanned experiences to effectively guide children’s language and literacy learning.
Implementing studies conducive to indepth exploration to help children investigate meaningful topics over time to find answers to their questions.
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Building a Solid Foundation
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Scaffolding Children’s Learning.
-Teacher to Teacher Talk
-Following Children’s Lead
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Following Children’s Lead
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Using the Scientific Method
DRAFT 7/8/15
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 90-91.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 91
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).88-91.
-CLASS: Teacher Sensitivity, Instructional
Learning Formats, Language Modeling.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).88-91.
-CLASS: Productivity and Instructional
Learning formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 16-31
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 73-79
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 66-72
-CLASS: Instructional Learning Formats.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).86-87.
-The Creative Curriculum Studies Kit.
-Book: Young Investigators. The Project
Approach in the Early Years.
Fostering children’s thinking skills by creating opportunities for children to observe, predict and experiment.
-Fostering Children’s Thinking.
-The Scientific Method
Instructional Support
-CLASS: Analysis and Reasoning.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 80-83.
SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers
DRAFT 7/8/15
-CLASS: Creating
--CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 80-83.
Fostering children’s thinking skills by encouraging children to solve problems by figuring out how things work, brainstorming new ideas, making something in a new way and finding multiple possible solutions.
Making learning meaningful for children
(e.g. link new learning to children’s experience, relate concepts to children’s lives, and provide children with handson learning).
Fostering children’s thinking skills by helping children compare and contrast to understand similarities and differences.
Fostering children’s thinking skills by using how and why questions that help children analyze and reason about information and ideas.
Providing feedback by engaging in back and forth exchanges with children to expand and elaborate on their learning and understanding.
Providing effective feedback by asking children to explain their thinking processes. And by encouraging children’s efforts and helping them stick with challenging activities.
Focusing children on learning goals
(e.g. set the stage before the activity, make targeted statements to direct focus during the activity and provide
“wrap-up” statements at the end of the activity).
Scaffolding children’s learning (e.g. encouraging children to use additional resources, offer a range of possibilities and provide hints).
Using the scientific method to help children form their own questions and use their senses to closely observe, predict, investigate and discover the
-Fostering Children’s Thinking.
-The Scientific Method
-Asking Questions
-Making Learning Meaningful
-Fostering Children’s Thinking Skills.
-Fostering Children’s Thinking Skills.
-Providing Feed Back.
-Scaffolding Children’s Learning
-Providing Feed Back.
-Scaffolding Children’s Learning
-Engaging Children in Conversations
-Focusing Children on Learning Goals
-Scaffolding Children’s Learning.
-Materials to Support Learning.
-Using the Scientific Method.
-CLASS: Integration
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).60.
-CLASS: Analysis and Reasoning.
-CLASS: Analysis and Reasoning.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60
-CLASS: Feedback Loops.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60-65.
-CLASS: Prompting Thought Processes.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60-65
-CLASS: Clarity of Learning Objectives.
-CLASS: Scaffolding.
-CLASS: Analysis and Reasoning.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 80-85.
SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers
DRAFT 7/8/15
-CLASS: Analysis and Reasoning. world around them.
Using the scientific method by providing opportunities for children to experiment and test their predictions.
Using the scientific method by allowing children to discuss the results of the experiment.
Engaging children in conversations, follow the child’s lead: comment and wait, ask a question and wait, respond by adding a little more. (E.g. ask questions that relate to the child’s experiences or interests, add to what the child says and model new language, give the child enough time to respond).
Talking with children about their work to extend their thinking and build vocabulary.
Listening to what children say and then rephrasing or restating their language and adding new ideas.
Responding to children’s thoughts and ideas by making statements or asking open-ended questions that help children explain, predict, apply knowledge, evaluate, consider consequences or clarify.
Making suggestions to extend children’s play ideas (e.g. I see you built a road for the cars. What happens when the cars run out of gas?)
Using advanced language and proper individualization strategies to increase children’s receptive and expressive language (Home language if other than
English and English).
Using “self-talk” to describe actions (e.g.
I’m going to hold the book like this so all of you can see it, or I think I‘ll make a list so I can remember what to bring).
Making adaptations and individualizing instruction for English or dual language
-Using the Scientific Method.
-Using the Scientific Method.
-Thick and Thin Conversations
-Asking Questions.
-Engaging Children in Conversations
-Thick and Thin Conversations
-Asking Questions
- Engaging Children in Conversations
-Asking Questions
-Asking Questions
-Fostering Children’s Thinking.
- Engaging Children in Conversations
-Providing Feedback
-Scaffolding Children’s Learning
-Engaging Children in Conversations.
-Providing Feedback
-Scaffolding Children’s Learning
-Engaging Children in Conversations.
-Being Aware of Children’s Needs.
-CLASS: Analysis and Reasoning.
-CLASS: Language Modeling.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60-65
-CLASS: Language Modeling Strategies.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60.
-CLASS: Repetition and Extension.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60-65.
-CLASS: Language Modeling Strategies.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).60
-CLASS: Repetition and Extension
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s). 60-65.
-CLASS: Language Modeling Strategies.
-CC Coaching to Fidelity pg(s).60-65.
-Book English Learners Principles and
Practices to Promote Language, Literacy,
and Learning.
-CLASS: Self and Parallel Talk.
-Book: Learning Language and Loving It.
(Weitzman and Greenberg)
learners and for children with special needs.
Describe other teaching practice(s) that you would like to enhance…
SCOE Grantee Operated professional Learning Community
Participant Needs Assessment
Preschool Teachers
DRAFT 7/8/15
-Book English Learners Principles and
Practices to Promote Language, Literacy, and Learning.