In a span of less than thirty years, cell phones have become ubiquitous and wireless data access has become one of the most common methods of communication today. Due to its wide-spread popularity, wireless networks have also evolved in terms of higher bandwidth and lower end-toend delay to support delay sensitive applications such as voice and video. For example, 1G and 2G networks that were deployed in late eighties and early nineties could only support data rates up to a few tens of kbps traffic and voice communication but by the start of the new millennium, they evolved into 3G networks supporting up to 2 mbps data rate. Currently, 4G networks (e.g., LTE, WiMAX) are being deployed that support multimedia communication and provide data transfer rates up to 100 mbps while supporting 50 ms end-to-end delay. As these networks have been evolving there has also been an exponential growth in the use of mobile devices and bandwidth intensive killer applications. In order to support communication among these myriad types of mobile devices and delay sensitive applications it is now a challenge for the mobile operators to design scalable and optimized networks that can provide the desired quality of service to mobile end users. Heterogeneity of access technologies (e.g.,LTE, WiFi, WiMAX) and roaming is needed across service provider domains. This need for ubiquitous access requires service providers to deploy efficient protocols and design scalable mobile networks that can provide secure and seamless mobility. Similarly, the architects and network designers of the enterprise networks strive to provide secured and seamless roaming access to users as they access services through external networks over the VPN. In order to support seamless mobility in adhoc and M2M type networks such as military networks and vehicular networks, the infrastructure should be equipped with appropriate mobility protocols that support node movement such as simultaneous mobility. As streaming, conferencing, and multimedia applications become more prevalent among mobile users, the careful design and implementation of protocols is needed to support the stringent delay and performance requirements of these applications. While network designers, systems architects, and application service providers are faced with the challenges of selecting the right type of protocols to provide the desired quality of service for the mobile users, they also have to optimize available resources, such as capacity in core networks, and spectrum usage in the radio access network. Hence, while deploying these mobile networks, care must be taken to study the tradeoff between available resources and desired quality of service. In order to come up with an optimal network design that balances resource constraints with quality of service in the mobile networks, a model-based approach is found to be useful. With the advent of various kinds of wireless networks such as potential wide-scale deployment of 4G networks, service providers are faced with the choice of deploying the right set of mobility protocols that are available at various layers. However, it is essential to develop optimization techniques in a systematic way that evaluate the applicability and performance of any mobility protocol before it actually gets deployed. These optimization techniques will need to take into account various components of a mobility event such as security, configuration, authentication, quality of service, and mobile's movement environment. Having a common framework and an abstract model that can analyze the mobility components and derive the systems optimization techniques will make it easier to choose or design the right set of protocols that can provide an optimized mobility management scheme specific to a mobility use case. Thus, there is a dire need for a handbook that addresses best current practices to analyze the performance of mobility protocols and provide a set of systems optimization techniques for different mobility deployment scenarios in an easy to understand format. Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) can benefit from such a handbook that can provide a thorough analysis of the required steps during a mobility event such as discovery, network selection, configuration, authentication, security association, encryption, binding update, and media redirection. This book introduces the mobility protocols at different layers, provides a systematic analysis of the mobility event and investigates the optimization techniques associated with each of the handoff operations at different layers. It takes into account various kinds of mobility deployment scenarios including wireless service providers, enterprise networks, ad hoc networks, and vehicular networks supporting both unicast and multicast traffic. This book provides a formal analysis of the mobility event that is unique and has not been covered until now by any other book. The framework and abstract model proposed in this book can be used to understand and analyze the usefulness of various optimization methodologies. This system model can help to design an optimal mobility network. Results and performance analysis from the mobility testbeds and theoretical models further validate these optimization techniques for various types of use case scenarios. Organization of the book: This book is organized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the main theme of the book, underscores the importance of systems optimization in mobility management and highlights the key technical contributions of each of the subsequent chapters. Chapter 2 introduces mobility management in cellular and IP-based networks and discusses the related mobility protocols that are currently available. We provide a systematic analysis of the mobility event and associated handoff components in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, we introduce a formal systems model that uses Petri nets to analyze the behavioral properties of a mobility event and the associated optimization techniques. Chapter 5 discusses optimization techniques for layer 2 handoff in 802.11 environment. Chapter 6 describes some key mobility optimization techniques for IP-based mobility protocols that we have developed for different components of the handoff event and demonstrates their validation through actual experiments. Chapter 7 discusses optimization techniques associated with multi-layer mobility protocols. Chapter 8 introduces simultaneous mobility, analyzes the probability of its occurrence and proposes respective optimization techniques for layer 3 and application layer mobility protocols. Chapter 9 describes optimization techniques for multicast stream delivery in a hierarchically scope-based multicast architecture. Chapter 10 highlights mobility optimization by way of cooperative roaming. Chapter 11 evaluates a few handoff systems that we have prototyped using some of the optimization techniques by way of experiments and Petri net models, investigates the behavioral aspects of the handoff operations such as deadlocks and analyzes the trade-off between different schedules for handoff and the systems resources. Chapter 12 concludes with a discussion on best current practices of mobility optimization, a summary of contributions, and some possible future research directions. We include three appendices after the bibliography section. In Appendix A, we define the RDF schema for application layer discovery. In Appendix B, as part of the glossary, we define an alphabetical list of the abbreviations that are used. In Appendix C, we define many of the mobility related terms. Intended audience: In particular, the networking professionals in the following field will benefit from this book in their respective areas. Architect for wireless service providers: Many of the wireless service providers are building LTE networks based on 3GPP specifications. These systems generally suffer from optimization problems during handover and roaming. Systems Architects who design the LTE networks will learn about the methods available for optimizing different handoff functions in a heterogeneous access network. Architects are responsible for designing the complete system where mobility and security protocols interact. It is very important to understand their inter-dependency. This book provides an overview of how mobility optimization is affected by other protocols related to security, configuration, and authentication. Researchers: This book covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of mobility optimization and addresses some of the associated research issues including modeling and cross-layer optimization. Researchers will be able to analyze the results through mobility models and experiments and further enhance their own research work. Systems Engineers: Systems Engineers are in charge of integrating different parts of the system and ensuring that it is ready for operation. Since this book covers many of the experimental results from live test-beds involving heterogeneous wireless access such as CDMA, and 802.11, it provides some real insight into the operational aspects of mobility optimization in a real-world deployment scenario. Protocol Designers: Since this book covers the basics of mobility management and the associated optimization techniques, protocol designers will get a chance to learn about the fundamental principles of optimization. This will help them design new protocols or enhance the existing protocols suitable for a specific mobility deployment. IT professionals: IT professionals in enterprise networks are always challenged to design an optimized enterprise network that can provide the desired quality of services to the end users under resource constraints. For example, they have to decide whether they need to provide a layer 2 or layer 3 mobility management to support handoff or whether they need any cross layer feedback during handoff. This book provides an analysis and comparison between different types of mobility protocols useful for the efficient deployment of mobility protocols. Standards professionals: This book provides an overview of many important mobility and security related protocols developed by the IETF as well as their application in the mobile networks as defined by 3GPP. The standards contributors will benefit from the fundamental principles of mobility optimization, methodology, and best current practices described in the book. This will help them to design new mobility optimized protocols. CTOs: Chief Technology Officers of wireless service providers will get a bird’s eye view of mobility management and optimization techniques that can be applied to different deployment scenarios. Since these techniques take into account other operational aspects such as security and quality of service, as well as roaming, they can use this book as a reference book when they interact with other groups within the organization such as CSO, network planning, network deployment and study their inter dependencies.