THEORETICAL FRAME Centrality of Rationality: Rationality as the corner stone of philosophical engagements, distinguishes philosophical enterprise from other sciences. Every episteme pertaining social rationality to EASTERN RATIONALITY: TRENDS & RELEVANCE IN A TECHNOCRATIC SOCIETY or specific INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR JANUARY 19-21, 2012 Call for Papers philosophical traditions foregrounds a ‘world outlook’ along with its ‘form of life’. It is positioned in a cultural ethos favoured by ethical DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY ARUL ANANDAR AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE Karumathur 524 414, Madurai - Tamilnadu orientations. Different Patterns of Rationality: If a serious revisiting of the rational trends of both European and Asian traditions were to be done, then one can situate diverse patterns of rationalities and their epistemological justifications embedded in corresponding cultural ethos/ethics. The patterns may be posited as: the Greek Rationality, the European Rationality, the Continental Rationality, and Modernist Rationality (Enlightenment Rationality) and so on. Within Asian/Indian Traditions interestingly different schools of thought propose typologies of rationalities. Each one tries to justify itself on specific epistemological and metaphysical scales which in turn promote specific ethical directions. The Vedic rationality is distinguishable from Vedantic; the Vedantic rationalities differ from their allied traditions. Equally significant are the Buddhist, the Jain, the Saiva, the Vaishnava and many other popular traditions that conceive diverse patterns of rationalities and most of them are oriented towards the affirmation of life and the divinity in life. Rationality as Social Constructions: Specific rational grounds of philosophical trends are the perspectives that justify and explain the grounds for their corresponding types of societies. For instance, the Greek Platonic Rationality is but the rational ground for the Platonic Form of Society; the modern European rationalities justify the formation and construction of a reason-science-technology based society. Eastern rationalities divergent they are, correspondingly project divergent cultures, ethnicities and social formations. Hence, a study of these rationalities which construe technocracy in terms of their traditions offers rich potentials to address the problems of technocracy and is quite a justifiable research direction. The late modern or post colonial society by its ‘way of life’ and profit orientations is largely a product of modernist rationalities that have their deep cultural roots in the European philosophical traditions. The form of life it has cumulatively projected is but a technological society but unfortunately it is ‘progressive’ towards a technocratic society. Thus, in the long run, there is a shift from Life/Nature based social living to Aristocracy mediated through Theocracy; from Aristocracy to Democracy based on scientific rationality. At present the shift is from Democracy to Technocracy or technocratic forms of life and correspondingly the sight of the human, in relation with the other humans and nature is lost. These shifts in paradigms of rationality and societies are often deemed development. But what has resulted is that (i) (we are) politically democratic, but (ii) increasingly technocratic to the extent of the Abolition of the multiplicity of rationalities and their ethical ethos and (iii) we are faced with a serious sense of erasure of meaning that is constructive of sustainability/sensibility of life-forms; relationality among the fellow humans on the basis of right ethics and the appreciation of the ‘spiritual’ in human seems are at stake. Hence, people are faced with the central issue of revisiting the foundations of rationalities that are life-negating and alternatively look towards the reconstructions of ethical rationalities that are life affirming. This is the how and the why of this international Seminar. Integral Formation through Philosophy Education and Research Communication for Social Transformation The main queries broadly would include: Situating the differentia of rationalities from the Western and Asian Philosophical Traditions and their ethical Directions; Revisiting the specific Asian Philosophical Trends, namely the Eastern Rationalities and interpretatively engage in a symbiosis between rationality and ethics pertaining to each traditions as to pave way for life-affirmations as against life-negating technocratic rationality; Suggesting positive world outlooks unearthed from Asian/Indian traditions. Of course, one might employ critiques of enlightenment rationalities, using the recent trends in continental philosophies as a response to the problematic of technocratic rationality. The real issue therefore, is: Philosophical Engagement of Technocratic Rationality and/Vs. Eastern Rationalities and the Indian Philosophical cum Social Questions for/or/against the technological society. Objectives of the Seminar Interactions to highlight the benefits and problems of technological society; to unearth the ethos of Indian Philosophical traditions to respond positively; to study Indian/Eastern Philosophical World views as a viable response to the problems of technological society. to augment the viability of Eastern Rationality vs. Technological society Since the theme is Eastern Rationality and its relevance to a technocratic society the delegates/ scholars/ resource persons/discussants/participants are invited to deliberate on the following areas. Suggestively the areas of your choice can address any of these issues but focused to the central theme: Integral Formation through Philosophy Education and Research Communication for Social Transformation Area – I: Problematic and Prospects of Area V: Technology & Professional Ethics Technological Society Suggestively your papers can address any of Area – II: Philosophical Reading of the the following sub theme related to the central Rationalities of Technocracy theme: Area–III: Asian Traditions/Trends as and a Indian Response to Area VI: Critique of Applications of Technology Technological Society Area IV: Alternate/Subaltern/Gender Readings of Technology Rationality as Philosophically Problematic Ethical Responses to Technological Society Problems of Enlightenment Rationality and Technocratic Society Buddhism and its Response to the problems of Technology Vedic Rationality as Beyond Rationality Vedantic Rationality and Technological Society The Disappearance of the Social and the Human – Indian Ethical Orientations Response to Problem of Technology from Saivite and Vaisnavite Traditions The philosophical foundations/roots of monopolization of Rationality European Cultural Rationalities & Colonial Justifications Gender Perspectives: Technology and Development Subaltern (Dalit/Tribal) Perspectives: Technology and Empowerment Indian Modern Thinkers and their world outlooks and Technological Society Critique of Rationality of Indian and Western Traditions Religious & Cultural Ethos in a technological society Transgressing Metanarratives; Alternate forms of life The Surrender of Cultures to Technology From Tools to Technology to Technopoly Medicine, Scientism, Technologism Ideology of Computers, Information & Communication Symbiosis of Tradition & Technology: How technology is instrumentalised to retain/return to the past. Kindly send your paper by mail on/before: 10th January 2012 Mobile No: (0) 95 66 477 696 Fr. M. Peter Amaladoss Coordinator Dr. S. Lourdunathan Head Rev. Dr. XAVIER VEDAM S.J. Principal Arul Anandar (Autonomous) College Karumathur – 625 514, Madurai Dt, Tamilnadu, India. YOU ARE WELCOME Integral Formation through Philosophy Education and Research Communication for Social Transformation HEALTH IN FINGER TIPS… The best way to holistic health – devoid of European chemicals medicines… Contact Mobile No: 9751792898 Rev. Dr. Xavier Vedam SJ PRINCIPAL S. Lourdunathan Head Integral Formation through Philosophy Education and Research Communication for Social Transformation