Kristine Carnavos
MANE 6960 H01- Friction, Lubrication, and Wear
HW #5, Problem 1
Produce a 500 word essay describing what you have in mind for a term project for this class.
Your essay must include a clear description of the problem, the objective of the proposed work, the approach you plan to use and a well-researched list of references directly related to the problem. Indicate whether the focus of your project will be on a) Contact Mechanics, b) Fluid
Mechanics, or b) Surface Characteristics and also whether you will emphasize a) Friction
Phenomena, b) Wear Phenomena or c) Lubrication Phenomena. Feel free to select a system to investigate from the list provided, from your own experience or from a personal interest.
My project will investigate tool wear in turning processes as a function of machining titanium and its associated alloys. In particular, my project will look at the specific titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, which is the most common titanium alloy used in industry applications today.
The project will first discuss the metallurgy of titanium/titanium based alloys as well as what properties of the material make it classified as “difficult-to-cut” such as modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity, chemical reactivity, and chip formation characteristics. The overall turning process will be discussed per ISO standard 3002/1, including process definitions and cutting forces formed on the tool face. Tool wear mechanisms will then be discussed, including the types of wear seen on Titanium Alloys as well as specific wear mechanisms seen on the tool face, including flank wear, crater wear, and notch wear. A survey of the current models used to predict tool wear will also be discussed; both standard mathematical models (ie Taylor’s
Equation) as well other methods currently being used in research will be looked at (FEA
Modeling of Diffusion Wear, ANFIS, etc.). Finally, in order to fully understand tool wear on the
turning process in titanium based alloys, the insert materials currently available in industry will be surveyed for their characteristic wear functions in cutting titanium based alloys (CBN, carbide
[including a discussion of coated vs. uncoated inserts], PCD, and ceramic inserts). Based on research and current industry standards, recommendations will be made for applicability of insert types on Ti-6Al-4V.
Current Planned Resource List for Use In Project (Will Be Expanded Further as Project
Hosseini, A. and Kishawy, H.A. “Chapter 2: Cutting Tool Materials & Tool Wear”
Machining of Titanium Alloys, Material Forming, Machining & Tribology. 2014.
Machado, AR and Wallbank, J, “Machining of titanium and its alloys- a review.”
Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers . Vol. 204.
Odelros, Stina, Tool Wear in Titanium Machining . Upsala University. 2012.
De Garmo, Ernest P. et al, “Chapter 21: Cutting Tools for Machining.” De Garmo’s
Materials and Processing in Manufacturing. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Marinov, Valery, “Section 5.5: Tool Wear and Tool Life.” Manufacturing Technology.
pp 77-80. Available online:
Hua, Jiang and Shivpuri, Rajiv, “A Cobalt Diffusion Based Model for Predicting Crater
Wear of Carbide Tools in Machining Titanium Alloys.” Transactions of the ASME ,
Volume 127, pp. 136-144. January 2005.
Palanisamy, S. et al, “Tool Life Study of Coated/uncoated Carbide Inserts during Turning of Ti6Al4V.” Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 974, pp. 136-140. 2014.
Pramanik, Alokesh et. al, “Machining and Tool Wear Mechanisms during Machining
Titanium Alloys,” Advanced Materials Research , Volume 651, pp. 338-343. Jan. 2013.
Zhen, Li et al, “Experimental Investigation of Tool Wear and Chip Morphology in
Turning Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V.” Materials Science Forum, Vols. 800-801, pp 81-86.
Sato, F.C.Y.C et al, “A Contribution to the Study of Ti-6Al-4V Turning.” Proceedings of the COBEM.
Jianxin, Deng et al, “Diffusion Wear in dry cutting of Ti-6Al-4V with WC/Co carbide
Tools.” Wear. Volume 265, Issues 11-12, pp. 1776-1783. 26 November 2008.
Siddhpura, A. & Paurobally, R, “A review of flank wear prediction methods for tool condition monitoring in a turning process.”
International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 65, No. 1-4, pp. 371-393. 2013.
Crosskey, M. & Gutierrez,-Miravete, “A Modeling Study of Diffusion Wear of Carbide
Tools in Titanium Machining.” Rensselaer at Hartford, 2007.