1.1.5 alludes to the information that will be provided in stage 2 body paragraphs. 1.3.4 future implications of the phenomena is proposed 2.1.4 Nominalisation is used to theme 2.2.4 sentence structures are strategically selected to aid readability. 3.1.4 specialised language is used with meaning assumed and inferred in context 4.2.3 specialised evidence is used and cited. 3.1.3 specialised language is used and defined within a clause 1.1.4 Identifies classes and/or subclasses of the phenomena 1.1.3 defines the phenomena 1.3.3 the current situation of phenomena is stated 1.2.2 stage 2 paragraphs are provided that each address an element of the phenomena 1.1.2 an identifiable introduction is provided 2.1.3 strategic thematic patterning is used 3.3.3 words that are related through class and subclass are used for cohesion 2.2.3 complex sentences are used 3.2.2 subordinating conjunctions are used to combine dependant clauses 1.3.2 a summary statement/s is included 1.3.1 an identifiable conclusion is provided 4.1.2 void of subjective language 3.3.2 synonyms are used to create lexical cohesion 2.1.2 aspects of the phenomena is themed 2.2.2 compound sentences are used 3.1.2 specialised language is used with accompanying everyday language 2.1.1 the phenomena is themed 2.2.1 simple sentences are used. 3.1.1 everyday language is used 3.2.1 a coordinating conjunction is used to combine information. 3.3.1 the phenomenon is repeated 4.2.2 specialised knowledge is used to explain 4.1.1 modality is used to express certainty and/or frequency 1.1.1 writes the question as a title 1.2.1 an identifiable stage 2 paragraph is provided 4.2.1 everyday knowledge is used to explain 1.1.0 insufficient evidence 1.2.0 insufficient evidence 1.3.0 insufficient evidence 2.1.0 insufficient evidence 2.2.0 insufficient evidence 3.1.0 insufficient evidence 3.2.0 insufficient evidence 3.3.0 insufficient evidence 4.1.0 insufficient evidence 4.2.0 insufficient evidence 1.1 Stage 1 provides an introduction. 1.2 Stage 2 provides a sequence of events 1.3 Stage 3 describes current situation and/or future implications 2.1 use of theme and rheme 2.2 use of sentence types 3.1 use of field (technical lexis) 3.2 use of cohesive conjunctions 3.3 use of lexical cohesion 4.1 use of objective language 4.2 use of evidence use of stages and phases 2. sentence structure 1. 3. communicating information use of text structure Writing a description *Statement of intent will be required to assess the strategic use of cohesive devices and text structure choices. 4. use of language features Level statements 28-33 At this level students can allude to information that will be provided in a stage 2 body paragraph in the introduction. They can propose future implications of the phenomena in the concluding paragraph. Students can use nominalisation to theme and strategically select sentence structures that aid readability. Specialised language is used with meaning assumed and inferred in context with specialised evidence used and cited. 26-27 At this level students have demonstrated the ability to use specialised language with definitions provided within a clause. They can use words that are related through class and subclass for the purpose of textual cohesion. 19-25 At this level students have demonstrated the ability to identify classes and/or subclasses of the phenomena in the introduction. The current situation of phenomena is stated in a concluding paragraph. Students can use strategic thematic patterning and communicate information through the use of complex sentences. Students can select subordinating conjunctions to combine dependant clauses. They can write a description void of subjective language and use specialised language to explain. 14-18 At this level students have demonstrated the ability to define the phenomena in the introduction with the inclusion of stage 2 paragraphs that address elements of the phenomena. A summary statement is provided as a conclusion. Synonyms are used to create lexical cohesion with modality to express certainty and/or frequency. 9-13 At this level, students have demonstrated the ability to provide an identifiable introduction and conclusion, aspects of the phenomena are themed and compound sentences are used with specialised language accompanied with everyday language 1-8 At this level students have demonstrated the ability to write the question as a title and provide an identifiable stage 2 paragraph. the phenomena is themed and simple sentences are used to communicate information. Coordinating conjunctions are used and the phenomena is repeated to create lexical cohesion. Everyday knowledge is used to explain. 0 Insufficient evidence