2013 - 2014
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Thesis Registration Form ……………………………………………………………………… 4
Senior Thesis Guideline …………………………………………………..…………………… 5
Sample of Preliminary Pages ………………………………………………………………… 8
Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Plagiarism ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
Submission Guideline ………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Submission Checklist ……………………………………………………………………………. 15
Evaluation Method……………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Award …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Congratulation! You are reading this guideline because the fact that you are close to complete your undergraduate degree. A senior thesis is a chance for you to investigate an idea, issue, or policy that is related to your area of study.
However, before you begin writing your senior thesis, there are a few requirements that you must complete:
__ You have earned at least 100 credits
__ Your average GPA is above 3.0
__ You have registered for your senior thesis course (6 credits)
__ You have identified your thesis advisor
__ You have discussed the topic that you want to work on that is related to your area of study with you advisor
__ You have complete the thesis registration form and submit it to the dean of your faculty (which could found in the next page)
If you have completed all of these requirements, you are ready to write your thesis/ term paper.
Note on choosing your thesis advisor
In order to write a great term paper, it is important that you work very closely with your thesis advisor. Therefore, you should choose a faculty member who has expertise in your area of interest and who are willing to help you. Then, you should discuss with your faculty regarding to your research idea and identify a specific method to do so. Furthermore, you should also set clear deadlines for yourself to have your thesis/term paper to be completed by the final deadline set by
University of Puthisastra.
After your discussion with your faculty, please fill out the Thesis Registration Form with your advisor. Then, you should drop this form at the Dean’s office no later than the
3 rd week of your senior year at University.
Student Name: ___________________________ UP ID: _________________________
Number of Completed Credits: ______________ GPA: __________________________
Phone: _______________________ Email: ____________________________________
Major: __________________________________________________________________
Thesis Advisor: __________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Thesis Topic: ____________________________________________________________
First Draft Deadline: ______________________________________________________
Final Draft Deadline: ______________________________________________________
Final Submission Date: ____________________________________________________
Style Manual: □ MLA Style Manual □ Chicago Style Manual □ Harvard Style Manual
By signing, the student and faculty advisor have discussed about the method to conduct this research, and both agree on the deadlines set above.
Student’s Signature Faculty’s Signature Dean’s Signature
Senior Thesis / Term Paper Guideline
Format Requirement
This format guideline is intended to ensure that your senior thesis/ term paper follow scholarly publishing traditions and can be archived in our university library.
There are some strict requirements on the preliminary pages, margins, alignment, and length of your papers. However, the main contents of the work, footnotes, appendices and lists of references should conform to the style accepted in the field. We will accept three of the following style manuals: a.
The MLA Style Manual (Modern Language Association)
( https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ ) b.
The Chicago Manual of Style
( https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/ ) c.
The Harvard System of Referencing
( http://www.uow.edu.au/content/groups/public/@web/@health/documents/doc/ uow025425.pdf
Please work closely with your thesis advisor to choose the style that is appropriate for your field.
General Specifications
Paper and Printing
The final copy of the written work should be on a plain white A4 paper. Print should be letter should be clear and dark black characters.
The work should be written in either Khmer or English. The acceptable fonts for the general texts: a) Times New Roman Size (between 10 to 12) b) Khmer OS Moul Light (between 12 to 14)
For main headings, you are allowed to use up to 14 fonts size for Times New Roman, and 16 for Khmer OS Moul Light
Text Spacing
All work is to be “1.5 lines spaced”, except for leaving one line space between sub headings and text b) Prepare long quotations, footnotes, references, tables, etc. as dictated by the style manual
Top and bottom margins are to be 2.5 cm; left and right margin should be 3cms.
Page Numbering a) Preliminary Pages (all pages before the text begins). Use lower case Roman numerals for the preliminary pages. Begin the page count with title page, but do not display numerals on the title, copyright, certification of approval, and abstract pages. Display the Roman numeral on the table of contents and list page. b) Main Text: Use Arabic numerals starting with page one of the text. c) Page numbers should be in placed centrally at the foot of the page.
Number of Pages
Preliminary pages are not included in the actual counting of the required number of pages of your work. Your senior thesis/ term paper should be at least 15 pages and at most 30 pages (excluding graphs, tables, and pictures). If you suspect you are on track to exceed the word limit, please consult your supervisor in a good time for action to be taken.
Preliminary Pages
The appearance of these pages should be strictly followed the requirement set by
University of Puthisastra. Please do not follow any other styling manual.
Title Page
Please use the sample found in the next page of this manual as a reference. In your tile page, it should contain: a) Logo of the university b) Title of your paper c) Your name d) Your faculty advisor name
Approval Page a) Top line should read “The thesis/ term paper of [ Student’s Name] is approved b) Create signature line for each faculty advisors c) Do not include page number
Copyright Page a) Include full title of term paper/ thesis (be consistent) b) Next line, include “Copyright” with symbol (©) and year c)
Next line, include “by [Student’s Name]”
This is a brief summary of your research project. It includes the nature of the study, the research method and designs, and the findings or conclusion. It should be double spaced and no more than 150 words.
Table of Contents a) Labels as TABLE OF CONTENTS in caps and center justify this line b) Page numbers listed on the Table of Contents must match the actual location of text in the manuscript
Examples of these preliminary pages could be found in the next page.
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សាកលវ ិទ្យាល័យ ពុទ្យធិសាស្ត្រ
គោរពខ្ល ួនងង គោរពអ្នកដទទ្យ អ្ភិវឌ្ឍ
A Thesis By
Heng Sok
University of Puthisastra
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor Degree of Science in Medical Physics
May 2013
Committee in Charge:
Dr. X and Dr. Y
Dr. X, Professor of Physics
The Thesis of Heng Sok is approved.
Dr. Y , Professor of Medicine
May 2013
© 2013 by Heng Sok
To introduce a practical method of using an Electron Density Phantom (EDP) to evaluate different dose calculation algorithms for photon beams in a treatment planning system (TPS) and to commission the Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm (AAA) with inhomogeneity correction in
Varian Eclipse TPS.
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 5
Relevant Literature ……………………………………………………………… 9
3. Model
4. Experiment Environment
4.1 Treatment 1
4.2 Treatment 2
5. Results
6. Conclusions
APPENDIX B: Summary of Subject Instructions
The following structure is designed to guide the student through the process of conceiving his or her senior thesis / term paper.
The introduction to a paper describes: a) The problems that the research project addresses b) Previous research in the problem or research that relates to the some aspect of the problem c) The new research method reported in the paper or and the way that it extends or improves upon earlier research d) The results of that research e) A brief statement on the organization of the paper
Point a through c can be developed as the project progresses. Doing so will help you clarify your ideas. Some ideas sound good in conversation but writing will expose their weakness and provide a basis for communication with the faculty about your work. You should share your introduction with your peers and get their feedback on a regular basis.
This is the second part of your thesis. You have to identify a framework that to test your hypothesis. Whether collecting data using primary or secondary sources.
Research/Data Analysis
In this section, you should defend your thesis with empirical data that relates to the models you selected.
End the term paper by summarizing the results of your research and explaining the validity of your thesis (true or false).
Your writing must be your own. If the work of others is incorporated, the source should be acknowledged carefully according the style manual your faculty advisor and you selected for your term paper.
Failure to do so or any other form of plagiarism will result in a F for your research paper, and you will not be able to graduate. A record of plagiarism will also be displayed in your academic transcript.
Submission Guideline
When you completed your final draft, please consult with your faculty advisor whether you are ready to submit your paper to the Dean of your department.
Then, complete a checklist form in the following page, and then have your faculty advisor sign your approval page of your senior thesis / term paper.
Please make sure that you submit all of the required documents on time. Failure to do so will result in a delay of your graduation date.
Good Luck and Start Working!
Submission Checklist
Student Name: ______________________ UP ID: ___________________________
Phone: __________________________ Email: ______________________________
Major: ___________________________ Advisor: ____________________________
Thesis Title: __________________________________________________________
You must verify that your thesis followed strictly with the requirements set by
University of Puthisastra. Failure to do so will cause a delay in your graduation.
__ Your thesis includes a title page
__ Your thesis includes an approval page and signed by your advisor
__ Your thesis includes a copyright page
__ Your thesis includes an abstract page, and the content is no more than 150 words
__ Your thesis includes a Table of Contents
__ The margin of your main text is 2.5 cm (top and bottom)
__ The margin of your main text is 3cm (left and right)
__ You are using either Times New Roman Text (10 - 12) or Khmer OS Moul Light
(12 – 14)
__ You are using 1.5 spacing
__ You are using A4 paper
__ Your thesis is complied with MLA/Chicago/Harvard Styling Manual
__ You are ready to graduate
Comments from Students or Advisor:
Reviewed by: ________________(Student) Signature and Date: _________________
Reviewed by: ________________(Advisor) Signature and Date: ________________
Reviewed by: ________________(Dean) Signature and Date: ___________________
Evaluation Method
General assessment of the senior thesis / term paper will be done by your faculty advisor.
The following is the basic guideline on how your paper will be evaluated:
Does the paper follow the format set by University of Puthisastra? a) Does this paper address a new aspect of the research that is previously done?
3) Introduction: b) Or Is it a brand new research question? a) Is the objective of the paper clearly stated? b) Is the review of previous literature pertinent to the project? c) Is the organization of the paper presented?
4) Methods:
Discussion: a) Is the proposed method appropriate for the issues addressed? b) Is the method employed in the correct ways? c) Are the sources of data collected reliable? a) Does the paper include both positive and negative results? b) Is the data presented clearly? c) Are the figures presented easy to understand? a) Is the interpretation of the data correct? b) Does it answer the proposed questions in the introduction?
7) Conclusion: a) Is the conclusion consistent with the results? b) Does author suggest what could be done next?
8) Reference: a) Does the author cite all source of information? b) Is it in the right format according to the style selected?
A letter grade of A, B, C, or F will be assigned accordingly by their advisor.
An “A” paper is a paper that clearly and explicitly has significance in the respective field. The background of the research and the research itself is skillfully connected. Question forming is outstanding and innovative, and the methods of evaluation the data is relevant and they have been developed and evaluated independently. The language of thesis confirms to the standard of high quality that is publishable in scholarly journal.
A “B” paper demonstrates the author’s deep familiarization with the scientific discourse on the subject matter. The background of the research and research itself are connected. Question forming is good, and the author provides a good method in analyzing the results.
A “C” paper does contains the description of the background of the thesis work, but on the whole approach is mechanical, merely listing the relevant research base. The scientific background may be either too narrow or badly delimited. The initial assumption of the paper has been considered, but some flaw exists. Results are presented in a rather schematic fashion and their interpretation is left mainly for the reader.
A “F” paper consists of many shortcomings, and some of them are serious. The approach on the whole is not successful. The work does not significantly present the related research and scientific discourse. The source consists mainly of courses not qualified for academic research, such as schoolbooks and professional texts. Both research goal and terminology are unclear.
Methodological choices and analysis have obvious shortcomings.
At the end of each school year, Faculty of Business and Economics will form a committee to review all of the A papers submitted. We will select the top three papers to receive the Dean Award of Best Paper of the Year. A certification of award will be given along with some prizes.