Name : Sri Marhaeningsih NIM : 2012083020 Teaching English Knowledge and Skill Assignment 1. The followings are the synonym of the words the writer gets from Thesaurus Ms Word ; a. Teach = Impart(v.)=communicate, show, explain, clarify, instill, demonstrate, give a grounding in (Dictionary Form)=equip with (Dictionary Form), inculcate with(Dictionary Form) Educate (v.)=tutor, school, lecture, instruct, edify, coach, train Educate in (v.)=tutor in (Dictionary Form), school in (Dictionary Form), lecture in (Dictionary Form)= instruct in (Dictionary Form), coach in (Dictionary Form), train in (Dictionary Form) b. Teaching= Education (n.)=instruction, coaching, training, schooling, lesson Philosophy (n.)=thinking, credo, doctrine, ideas(Dictionary Form), Principles(Dictionary Form), Beliefs(Dictionary Form) Imparting(v.)=Communicating,showing,explaining,clarifying,instilling,demonstr ating,give a grounding in (Dictionary Form), equip with (Dictionary Form), inculcate with (Dictionary Form) Educate in (v.)= tutor in (Dictionary Form), school in (Dictionary Form), lecture in (Dictionary Form), instruct in (Dictionary Form), coach in (Dictionary Form), train in (Dictionary Form) c. Know= Distinguish (v.)=see, tell, recognize, identify, discern, be acquainted with (Dictionary Form), be familiar with (Dictionary Form), have knowledge of (Dictionary Form), be friendly with (Dictionary Form), be on familiar with (Dictionary Form), make out (Dictionary Form) Understand (v.)= comprehend, appreciate, realize, grasp, get, recognize, see, be aware of (Dictionary Form), be knowledge about (Dictionary Form) Experience (v.)= undergo, go through (Dictionary Form), live through (Dictionary Form) d. Knowledge= Information (n.)= gen, facts (Dictionary Form), data (Dictionary Form) Acquaintance (n.)= familiarity, awareness, understanding, comprehension, realization, experience, expertise, skill, know-how, Knowhow (Dictionary Form) Wisdom (n.)= learning, education, intelligence, erudition e. Skill= Ability (n.)= talent, cleverness, dexterity, expertise, proficiency, skillfulness, handiness, knack, aptitude, competence, flair f. Educate = Teach, Instruct, School, Edify, Tutor, Train, coach, inform, alert Education = Teaching, Schooling, Tutoring, Instruction, Edification, Learning, Training, Tutelage, Culture g. Language = Linguistic (adj.)= Verbal, Philological, Dialectal, Etymological, Phonological, Morphological, Semantic, Grammatical, Syntactical Tongue (n)= Idiom, Lingo, Dialect, Patois, Vernacular, Argot, Jargon, Lingua franca (Dictionary Form), Foreign language (Dictionary Form) Speech = talking, communication, verbal communication, words (Dictionary Form) Writing (n)= prose, poetry, style, expression, words (Dictionary Form), verbal skill (Dictionary Form) 2. The followings are the synonym of five other words using thesaurus Ms Word; a. Research= Investigation (n.)= study, exploration, examination, inquiry, enquiry, inquiries (Dictionary Form), enquiries (Dictionary Form) Investigate (v.)= study, explore, examine, seek, do research (Dictionary Form), delve into (Dictionary Form), make inquiries (Dictionary Form), follow a line of investigation (Dictionary Form) b. Method= Technique (n.)= way, process, system, scheme, manner, routine, mode, modus, means (Dictionary Form) Approach (n.)= fashion, organization, procedure, style, practice, orderliness, order System (n.)= logic, structure, sense, reasoning, approach c. Acquisition= Gaining (n.)= attainment, achievement, purchase, procurement, acquirement, getting hold of (Dictionary Form) Loss (Antonym) Purchase (n.)= possession, asset, gain d. Linguistics= dialectology, etymology, phonology, morphology, semantics, grammar, syntax e. Curriculum= Prospectus (n.)= program, syllabus, course, set of courses (Dictionary Form), core curriculum (Dictionary Form), national curriculum (Dictionary Form), program of study (Dictionary Form) 3. The useful of Thesaurus Dictionary to enlarge English Learners’ Vocabulary A. INTRODUCTION To enlarge the English learners’ skill in English, there are many ways, such as; practice speaking to the native speakers, listening to English song, reading English text, composing letter in English and others. Vocabulary is the most important factor to support them The learners should increase their vocabularies every time they have chance. Finding out the synonym and antonym are the effective way to get more vocabularies. The dictionary is the common device to get them all. Many kind of dictionaries used by the learners. When English learners especially they who consider English as Foreign language need the effective way to get more vocabularies in order to get better skill to communicate in English. One of the way is by using thesaurus dictionary. Getting more vocabularies in using thesaurus is not only able to increase English learners’ vocabularies but also gives them fun. Those the reason why the writer chooses the theme “The useful of Thesaurus Dictionary to enlarge English learners’ vocabulary” B. Content Thesaurus is one of synonym dictionary that can give many synonyms of a word. It is the dictionary to enlarge English learners’ vocabularies. By using Thesaurus, the learners are able to practice their English skill. They do not need internet connection to use it. Since it can be used in Ms word. In accordance to Wikipedia a thesaurus is “a reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms), in contras to a dictionary, which contains definitions and pronunciations. The largest thesaurus in the world is the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary which contains more than 920,000 entries”. Although including synonyms, a thesaurus should not be taken as a complete list of all the synonyms for a particular word. The entries are also designed for drawing distinctions between similar words and assisting in choosing exactly the right word. Unlike a dictionary, a thesaurus entry does not give the definition of words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The ways to use Thesaurus dictionary are as follows; Open the Microsoft Word. Type word you are going to get its synonym. Block it then Click right and you will find the word synonym. Point the word synonym then find out “Thesaurus word”. Click the Thesaurus word and the synonyms of the word will appear. These ways makes the learners feel enjoyable. In order to increase English skill, The learners should enlarge their vocabularies every time they have chance. Finding out the synonym using thesaurus becomes effective way to get more vocabularies. Such a dictionary does not need internet connection. It does not spend a lot of expense even the learners are able to use it for fun. Therefore the English learners have many useful from Thesaurus, synonym Dictionary. C. CONCLUSION There is a fun way finding synonym in Thesaurus. Beside getting more knowledge deal to enlarge vocabulary, it is also one way to have a fun using computer. The English learners will get better skill in English communication with less time and less expense. Getting more vocabularies in using thesaurus is not only able to increase English learners’ vocabularies but also gives them fun. 4. 3L ( Free exercises sheet ) In order to increase vocabulary, getting synonym and antonym are good way. Thesaurus Ms word is one way to get it. It is one of synonym dictionaries. The ways to use Thesaurus dictionary are as follows; 1. Open the Microsoft Word. 2. Type word you are going to get its synonym. 3. Block it then Click right and you will find the word synonym. 4. Point the word synonym then find out “Thesaurus word”. 5. Click the Thesaurus word and the synonyms of the word will appear. 6. You can copy the synonym words by clicking the word and touch the arrow then copy and paste Do the following exercises to increase your vocabularies 1. Find out the synonym of the following words using Thesaurus Ms Word. a. Description b. Procedure c. Exposition d. Text e. Improve 2. Write down five words freely then find out their synonym in Thesaurus Ms Word 3. Tell us what you feel after getting vocabularies using Thesaurus Ms Word The followings are the translation Result of words (teach, teaching, know, knowledge, skill, and skillful) using lingvosoft online dictionary 1. teach teach [ti:tʃ English Indonesian V mengajar, memimpin, mempercakap, mempercakapkan, memberitahukan, meng ajarkan, menghajar English Thesaurus: teach V Impart knowledge or skill (to), Instruct in, Cause to learn by example or experience Your translation history: Word Translation teach mengajar (more) 2. teaching teaching ['ti:tʃıŋ English Indonesian N pengajaran, pengajian English Thesaurus: teaching N Work of a teacher, Precept or doctrine 3. know know [nəʋ English Indonesian V tahu, mengetahui, menguasai, pandai, mengerti, paham, maklum, mafhum, me ngenal, kenal English Thesaurus: know V Have information about something, Be sure about something, Be familiar with, Understand, Be able to recognize, Be able to distinguish, Be skillful and experienced, Be able to speak and understand a language, Be able to recall and reproduce, Be subject to, Have sexual intercourse with 4. knowledge knowledge ['nɒlıdʒ ] English Indonesian N pengetahuan, kaji, ilmu pengetahuan, ilmu, kekuasaan English Thesaurus: knowledge N Information and understanding gained through learning or experience, Awareness; familiarity, Erudition, Sum of what is known, Sexual intercourse 5. skill skill [skıl ] English Indonesian N kecakapan, kepandaian, ketrampilan, kebolehan, keulungan, keprigelan, kepiaw aian, pekerjaan, kriya, bakat English Thesaurus: skill N Proficiency; dexterity, Art, trade, or technique, especially one requiring use of the hands or body 6. skillfull skillful ['skılfəl ] English Indonesian A pandai, mahir, trampil, cekatan, cakap, ulung, akas, gapa, gesit English Thesaurus: skillful A Having skill, Showing skill Your translation history: Word Translation skillful pandai (more) knowledge pengetahuan (more) know tahu (more) teaching pengajaran (more) teach mengajar (more) The translation using lingvosoft free online dictionary of other 5 Words 1. Learn learn [lɜ:rn] English Indonesian V mempelajari, belajar, mendengar English Thesaurus: learn V Gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study, Memorize, Become informed 2. Study study ['stʌdı] English Indonesian N penyelidikan, penelitian, pengajian, bahas, pembahasan, telaah, kajian, mata pelajaran, mata kuliah, bahan pelajaran V memikir, memikirkan, mempelajari, mengilmukan, belajar, menghafalkan, meng hafal English Thesaurus: study N Act or process of studying, Attentive scrutiny, Branch of knowledge, Room intended or equipped for studying or writing, Preparatory drawing, related to a sketch V Apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of (a subject), Take (a course) at a school, Inquire into; investigate, Examine closely; scrutinize 3. Methodology methodology [,meɵə'dɒlədʒı] English Indonesian N metodologi, metodik English Thesaurus: methodology N Body of practices, procedures, and rules used in a discipline, Branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge 4. Theory theory ['ɵıərı] English Indonesian N teori, ajaran, pengajian English Thesaurus: theory N Systematically organized knowledge, especially a set of assumptions or statements devised to explain a phenomenon or class of phenomena, Abstract reasoning; speculation, Set of rules or principles for the study or practice of an art or discipline, Assumption; conjecture 5. Thesis thesis ['ɵi:sıs] English Indonesian N tesis, sastrakanta, disertasi English Thesaurus: thesis N Proposition that is maintained by argument, Text promoting an original point of view as a result of study, especially as a requirement for academic advancement Your translation history: Word Translation thesis tesis (more) theory teori (more) methodology metodologi (more) study penyelidikan (more) learn mempelajari (more) skillful pandai (more) knowledge pengetahuan (more) know tahu (more) teaching pengajaran (more) teach mengajar (more) 3 L (Students Free Exercises sheet) If we do not know the word in English we can use free online dictionary called”lingvosoft” to get the meaning The followings are the way to find a word in lingvosoft free online dictionary; 1. Make sure your computer is in internet connection. 2. Type 3. Click free online dictionary as follow; Company | Free Online Dictionaries | Free Download | Forum | Support | Partnership | Help | Search | Home 4. Select language pair English into Indonesia 5. Type the word you want to translate on “enter Word” Dictionary English Indonesian Reverse direction Choose languages Enter Word: 6. Click translate and you will find the translation of the word you typed .