Information Pack PEL1

Dear Applicant
Senior Executive Service (Band 1)—Assistant Secretary, Security – JO687
Thank you for your interest in the Senior Executive Service (Band 1) Assistant Secretary –
Security. The attached information package may help you in preparing your application.
The information package includes:
information about the department;
a copy of the position’s duty statement and selection criteria; and
an application cover sheet, which must be completed and attached to your
Details of how to apply for this position are outlined within this information pack. Please note that
applications must be submitted by midnight Sunday, 22 June 2014.
For further information about this position, please contact:
Neil Skill, 02 6277 3969 or
Kind regards
Recruitment Team
Department of Parliamentary Services
T: 02 6277 5200
W: DPS Employment page
SES B1 Assistant Secretary, Security, Applicant Information Pack – JO687
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Information pack— Senior Executive Service (Band 1), Assistant Secretary,
Who are we looking for?
The Assistant Secretary Security Branch reports to the First Assistant Secretary, Building and
Asset Management and is part of the Senior Leadership Team. This Branch plays a pivotal role
in DPS being a customer focused organisation that is recognised for its expertise, flexibility,
responsiveness and efficiency.
This is a significant leadership role which offers a unique opportunity for the right individual to
shape, drive and deliver the long-term strategic vision and priorities for Parliament House
The successful candidate will have key responsibilities to ensure DPS continues to develop a
risk-based security framework that drives strategic and operational planning.
The key responsibility of the role is to effectively manage the operations of the Parliamentary
Security Service and be the primary liaison role with law enforcement and emergency
management providers.
Key Skills Required:
The successful candidate will bring high level leadership skills to a diverse branch, building on
the existing capabilities of the team and continuing to drive efficiency in all of the branch’s
They will possess significant experience in an operational security environment, as well as the
proven ability to drive strategic planning that supports effective and efficient service delivery in a
high profile operational area.
The candidate must have the demonstrated ability to manage stakeholder relationships and to
use innovation and reform to achieve results in a limited budget environment.
An attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful applicant.
How to apply
Applications, quoting the relevant reference number, should be sent:
by email to quoting JO687 in the subject line.
Your application must:
include a completed DPS job application cover sheet;
your current resume (must include 2 current referees one being current manager);
claims against each selection criterion within 500 words per criterion; and
be submitted by the closing date.
Our selection process
All ongoing DPS jobs are filled on merit. This means we assess the suitability of
applicants to undertake the duties of the job using a competitive selection process.
If you are selected for interview, you will be asked to elaborate at interview about
how your experience and skills qualify you for the position.
Referees reports will be sought to further assess suitability of interviewed
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General advice for developing your application
If you are unfamiliar with addressing selection criteria, the Australian Public Service
Commission’s fact sheet on applying for jobs will be useful:
Cracking the code fact sheet 5
Some of DPS’s selection criteria are generic and are based on the Australian Public Service
Commission’s Integrated Leadership System (ILS). Applicants will be expected to demonstrate
how they would apply these skills to the requirements of the job as described. The Australian
Public Service Commission’s ILS Leadership Pathway identifies and describes leadership
capabilities at all classification levels (
Some background to the department
DPS is one of four departments based in Parliament House to support the work of the Federal
DPS is the principal support agency for the operations of Parliament House—a building where
more than 3,500 people work on sitting days and which nearly one million people visit each
To fulfil the DPS mission of “serving the Australian people by supporting the Parliament and
caring for Parliament House”, DPS has approximately 800 staff with a huge diversity of skills.
DPS deliver a wide variety of services, including building maintenance, security, ICT, Hansard,
broadcasting, and library and research services to the Parliament, parliamentary committees,
Members and Senators and their staff and other building occupants.
The Presiding Officers (the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives) are jointly responsible for the department. The Secretary of DPS is
responsible to the Presiding Officers for the department’s efficient operation.
Information about DPS such as its annual report and strategic plan can be found on
The website also includes a brochure about DPS and our staff
General advice to applicants
Employment opportunities in the Parliamentary Service are open to all Australian citizens and
may be subject to a range of conditions including:
a requirement for a probationary period;
security and character clearances;
working with children check; and
a health clearance.
If you are not an Australian citizen, and have already applied for citizenship you may still be
considered for engagement on the condition that you are able to gain Australian Citizenship
within a specified time. Failure to obtain citizenship within the timeframe could lead to
termination of engagement.
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If you have accepted a redundancy benefit from a Commonwealth employer (including the
Parliamentary Service and the Australian Public Service), you cannot be employed by DPS until
your exclusion period (the number of weeks for which you received a redundancy benefit) has
expired. If you would like to discuss your eligibility, please contact Recruitment on telephone
(02) 6277 5200.
The Parliamentary Service Act 1999 provides for mobility between the Australian Public Service
and the Parliamentary Service.
Conditions of employment and salary
Conditions of employment and rates of pay for Senior Executive Service (SES) employees are
specified in a Determination made under section 24 of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999.
New SES will be entitled to a total remuneration package, comprising the following benefits:
fortnightly base salary payments; and
superannuation support payments.
Employees may be required to make superannuation contributions under the Superannuation
Act 1976, the Superannuation Act 1990, or the Superannuation Act 2005, whichever is
applicable. In addition DPS will pay an employer contribution rate as determined by the relevant
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This cover sheet must be included with your application
Job application cover sheet – Job Reference: JO687
Personal Details:
Given names:
Business hours contact number:
After hours contact number:
Are you an Australian citizen?
If No, have you applied for Australian Citizenship?
Date of application:
Have you accepted a Voluntary Redundancy from a Commonwealth funded agency within the last 36 weeks?
If “Yes”, what date did your exclusion period end:
Date of voluntary redundancy:
Name of agency:
Employment Details: Current employer:
If APS are you:
If APS employed as (level):
AGS Number:
Do you hold a security clearance?
If yes, which level do you hold?
Baseline (Protected/Restricted)
Negative Vetting (Secret/Highly Protected/Confidential)
Negative Vetting 2 (Top Secret)
Positive Vetting
Referees: Please provide contact details of two referees to support your claims for this position.
Note: Your nominated referees should be a current and/or recent supervisor/manager.
Do you wish to identify as:
an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
a person from a different ethnic or racial background
a person with a disability
If selected for interview, will you require any special requirements/arrangements to be made?
If yes please advise:
Do you have any relatives or friends currently working in DPS?
If yes provide details:
(for the purpose of this question a friend is defined as someone with whom you socialise with outside of work 6 or more times a year)
Have you ever been found to have breached the APS code of conduct or similar terminated from employment
for misconduct?
If Yes, Recruitment will contact you to discuss.
I confirm that the information I have provided above and the details in my attached application are, to the best of my
knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that it may be an offence to knowingly provide false information.
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Duty Statement
SES Band 1
Position No.:
Local Title:
Assistant Secretary Security
Immediate supervisor:
First Assistant Secretary – Building and Asset Management
Security assessment:
Negative Vetting 2
The Assistant Secretary Security is accountable for ensuring that DPS is in a position to drive
key strategic issues regarding security and emergency management, address whole of
department challenges regarding security and emergency management and meet regulatory
and legislative requirements through concise and identifiable mechanisms.
Lead the work of the Security Branch including management of at least 2 direct
reports at the PEL 2 level.
Effectively manage and oversee the operations and activities of the Parliamentary
Security Service, including the leadership, training and development of a work force
of approximately 170 officers.
Lead and manage all strategic and operational aspects of security and emergency
services for Parliament House and its surrounds, including ensuring rapid and
effective response to security and emergency management events in and around
Parliament House.
Efficiently manage a budget of $25 million that includes internal and external security
service provision.
Ensure DPS has a security framework that drives strategic and operational planning
that addresses actual and potential implications of risk.
Contribute to effective protective security and business continuity management to
underpin organisational resilience through strategic input to the DPS Executive and
the Parliament House Security Management Board.
Support the Secretary to achieve the requirements for protective security expected by
Oversee the provision of security services for occupants of, and visitors to, Parliament
Reviewed and approved by First Assistant Secretary,
Building Management Division:
Neil Skill
2 May 2014
SES B1 Assistant Secretary, Security, Applicant Information Pack – JO687
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Selection Criteria
SES Band 1
Position No.:
Local Title:
Assistant Secretary Security
1. Shapes Strategic Thinking
 Inspires a sense of purpose and direction
 Focuses strategically
 Harnesses information and opportunities
 Shows judgment, intelligence and commonsense
2. Achieves results:
 Builds organisational capability and responsiveness
 Marshals professional expertise
 Steers and implements change and deals with uncertainty
 Ensures closure and delivers on intended results
3. Cultivates productive working relationships:
 Nurtures internal and external relationships
 The ability to negotiate outcomes
 Facilitates cooperation and partnerships
 Values individual differences and diversity
 Guides, mentors and develops people
4. Exemplifies personal drive and integrity
 Demonstrates public service professionalism and probity
 Engages with risk and shows personal courage
 Commits to action
 Displays resilience
 Demonstrates self awareness and a commitment to personal development
5. Communicates with influence:
 Communicates clearly
 Listens, understands and adapts to audience
 Negotiates persuasively
6. Technical capability:
 Extensive, contemporary experience in leading the design, development and
delivery of security related policy, advice and functions in high profile
environments will be considered favourably.
Reviewed and approved by First Assistant Secretary,
Building Management Division:
Neil Skill
2 May 2014
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