A Guide to Andrology Services

Andrology Services at Simply Fertility
Simply Fertility is a licensed Fertility centre within Baddow Hospital, Chelmsford providing
full fertility assessment and treatment to the infertile couple. The Andrology laboratory
provides diagnostic semen analysis to not only our own patients but to Broomfield Hospital
and local GP’s under the Mid Essex Commissioning Group (CCG). Simply Fertility has a
dedicated Andrology laboratory providing routine semen analysis, storage facilities and
donor sperm banking.
This information sheet has been designed to give you as much information as you need
when being asked to provide a specimen of sperm for analysis, whether by the Fertility
Specialist at Broomfield Hospital or by your own GP.
1. Where are we
2. How do you arrange a semen analysis
3. Where and how to produce your sample
4. Your semen analysis test
5. When will I get my results?
6. Might I need to repeat my test?
7. What if the result is poor?
8. Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis
9. PVSA Appointments
10. Clearance
11. Quality Assurance
12. Notes to the referrer
13. Common Questions
Where are we?
Simply Fertility
Baddow Hospital
West Hanningfield Road
Great Baddow
Tel: 01245 241 231
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Semen analysis: What is it?
Approximately one in six couples have difficulty in conceiving and in approximately 30% of
these it appears to be due to a male factor. Sperm problems can range from the complete
absence of sperm, to having low numbers or simply poor quality. For this reason it is
essential to provide a semen analysis for the diagnosis and possible treatment of any male
factor infertility.
How do you arrange a semen analysis appointment
Appointments have to be made through the GP or fertility specialist. The GP or specialist
will provide a referral form and you will then be asked to call Simply Fertility to arrange the
appointment. Referral forms and patient information can be found at www.simplyfertility.com
As a Semen Analysis patient you can be book an appointment between the hours of 9.30 to
16.00 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and from 9.30 to 12.30 on Fridays.
Appointments can be made on 01245 241 231.
Please not the following:
1. All specimens are required to be assessed within 1 hour of production, preferably
producing a specimen on site at a pre-arranged time.
2. No specimens will be accepted without prior notice.
3. No analysis will be made without a referral form
Where and how do you produce your sample?
Simply Fertility provides excellent facilities for the production of a specimen on site, a
relaxed and comfortable room where you can provide your specimen through masturbation
into a small non toxic sterile container (provided by us). Some will find this embarrassing,
for us it is routine and most likely will not ever have to be repeated. If you do have any
difficulties in producing your sample then there is no need to worry as we will make
arrangements for you to produce it off site, within in your own comfort zone. Semen
analysis is critical and time dependent and this is the reason why we prefer that you
produce on site. On occasions it will not be appropriate to produce your sample on site and
on these occasions we will allow a sample to be produced at home and delivered within 1
hour. No sample will be accepted unless it is produced in a provided sterile sample pot and
handed in with the referral form.
When producing your sample, remember:
1. Abstain from Intercourse for 2-5 days before producing your sample. There are no
benefits for abstaining any longer; in fact it can be detrimental.
2. Ensure that the sample pot provided is properly labelled with the full name and the date
of birth.
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3. Before producing sample, wash and dry hands thoroughly with soap provided. There is
a WC in this room.
4. Samples should be produced by masturbation; we do not recommend any other
techniques in order to avoid any contamination.
5. Please refer to the information sheet on how to operate the TV and films.
6. Do not use lubricant or soap whist producing the sample. Do not use any other sample
pot other than the one provided.
7. Provide a complete sample. The first part of the sample contains most of the sperm so if
some is lost it will affect the overall test.
8. Produce the sample into the pot provided and place in the envelope, making sure the lid
in screwed on correctly.
9. Wash hands then press the bell to alert the embryologist.
10. Open the door and the embryologist will meet you.
11. Hand over the sample. Please inform the embryologist if you did not manage to get the
entire sample in the pot.
Your semen Analysis Test
We examine a number of important sperm factors which all contribute towards the
functionality of the sperm. Our Analysis is performed according to WHO (2010) guidelines
and the Association of Biomedical Andrologists Guidelines for Good Practice (ABA-GGP,
Sperm concentration - Or sperm count in millions per mL of semen. This is done
under the microscope using a specialized counting chamber. Normal range 15
millions per ml or more and a total count of 39 million sperm.
Sperm motility - Sperm are graded on their ability to swim. The progressively motile
being the most fertile. The normal range is when approximately 30% are
progressively motile.
Sperm Volume – The volume should be greater than 1.5 milliliters
Sperm morphology - The shape and size of the sperm are assessed using a stain.
A sample with less than 4% normal forms should be considered as sub fertile.
PH level – The PH of the sample should be greater than 7.2
Antisperm Antibodies – This is not routinely provided, unless indicated. Previous
vasectomy, sports injury or other trauma to the testes are all indications for
assessing the Antisperm Antibodies.
When will I get my results?
A written report will be sent to the referring doctor within a week, although we generally
suggest that patients allow 10-14 days. Your report will use standard terminology for
semen analysis with an overall comment. All reports are generated, checked and signed
by an HCPC State Registered Clinical Scientist.
Urgent results can be faxed to the referring Doctor
No results will be given directly to the patient
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Might I need to repeat my test?
We sometimes ask for a repeat of your test. This may be because one or more of the
factors listed above may be borderline or below what we call the normal range. However,
abnormalities with the sample can occur for a number of reasons, e.g. previous illness,
stress or medication, so we need a second test to be sure.
A repeat sample will usually be organised for 3 months time.
Although millions of sperm are produced by the testes every day, for an entirely new batch
of sperm to be ejaculated a complete cycle of spermatogenesis (sperm production) needs
to occur. This takes around 3 months. By waiting this long between tests we can rule out
any temporary disruptions to sperm production which may have been caused for example
by a bout of illness or stress.
What if the result is poor?
Although it is still possible to conceive if the sperm are poor, the chances are usually much
lower. However, assisted conception treatments such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intra
cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can be very successful even in cases where there are
very few apparently functional sperm. Referrals for treatment can be made by contacting
Simply Fertility directly or one of the other providers in the area.
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Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis (PVSA)
It is essential that men who have a vasectomy have their sperm tested properly in order
that they may be properly informed about when to cease other forms of contraception.
Although vasectomy is a very effective and popular contraception, like all others it carries a
small but real failure rate. Therefore, failure to attend for PVSA when the surgeon has
recommended it could be irresponsible.
The requirements for sample production are the same for routine semen analysis.
PVSA Appointments
Generally, we are required to perform 2 tests but no sooner than 16 weeks post surgery
and only when you have ejaculated more than 20 times following your vasectomy
PVSA is usually organised by the surgeon or specialist GP provider who performs the
vasectomy. The referring clinician should provide 2 x completed sample request forms and
a patient information leaflet. The clinician should clearly state when the vasectomy was
performed. You will then book your appointment at least 1 month but no more than 2
months apart to produce 2 semen samples. Clearance cannot be granted without the two
As a PVSA patient you can be book an appointment between the hours of 9.30 to 16.00 on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays and from 9.30 to 12.30 on Fridays.
Appointments can be made on 01245 241 231.
Please not the following:
1. All specimens are required to be assessed within 1 hour of production, preferably
producing a specimen on site at a pre-arranged time.
2. No specimens will be accepted without prior notice.
3. No analysis will be made without a referral form
Where and how do you produce your sample?
Simply Fertility provides excellent facilities for the production of a specimen on site, a
relaxed and comfortable room where you can provide your specimen through masturbation
into a small non toxic sterile container (provided by us). Some will find this embarrassing,
for us it is routine and most likely will not ever have to be repeated. If you do have any
difficulties in producing your sample then there is no need to worry as we will make
arrangements for you to produce it off site, within in your own comfort zone. Semen
analysis is critical and time dependent and this is the reason why we prefer that you
produce on site. On occasions it will not be appropriate to produce your sample on site and
on these occasions we will allow a sample to be produced at home and delivered within 1
hour. No sample will be accepted unless it is produced in a provided sterile sample pot and
handed in with the referral form.
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Clearance is the term given when a patient can be said to be sterile. The term has been
defined in collaboration with local surgeons as follows:
2 sperm free specimens (Azoospermic)
At least one with <10,000 immotile sperm and the other one sperm free
Special clearance
Persistent non motile sperm can exist in men due to either failure to ejaculate regularly or
anatomical anomalies leading to retention in the genital tract. For this reason special
clearance is given after 28 weeks to patients with persistent non motile sperm retention at a
concentration of <10,000
The laboratory only reports its findings and may make recommendations for further testing.
However no direct advice is given about continued use of contraception or otherwise by the
laboratory unless specifically directed by the surgeon.
Quality Assurance
Our Andrology laboratory is staffed by HCPC Clinical Scientists (Sate Registered) who work
under a quality system that has been qualified and accredited by the Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Authority (Centre No 0336) and are highly experienced and well trained in
diagnostic semen analysis. The laboratory runs a comprehensive quality control program
and is enrolled on the UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme (UKNEQAS).
Notes to the referrer
Please ensure that your patient has a completed sample request form. The form can be
downloaded from the following website. www.simply-fertility.com
Please ensure that the patients name, DOB, NHS number and full address are completed.
Please ensure we have a full practice details or use a practice stamps.
Indicate the type of test you are requesting.
Include any other relevant details, including previous semen analysis, history of testicular
trauma, genetic disease, previous radio or chemo therapy, chronic illness or ongoing
Please also inform us if any patient is known to be an infection risk.
Any other queries than please contact either:
Andy Glew
Sarah Walt
(Laboratory Manager)
(Clinical Scientist)
01245 241 231 | andy@simply-fertility.com
01245 241 231
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Common questions
What if I am unable to produce a sample?
It is not unusual for men to find it difficult to produce a sample to order, and some men may
have personal, religious or cultural reasons. Telephone us as soon as possible to let us
know and we will discuss the situation with you and rearrange your appointment if
necessary. If needed, we can provide a special type of latex-free condom; this device
allows you to collect your semen sample during sexual intercourse with your partner.
Please note, you cannot use ordinary condoms as they are designed to be toxic to sperm.
I only produce a small amount?
This is a common concern; remember the average ejaculate volume is about 2.0ml which is
less than half a teaspoon.
How can I improve my sperm test result?
Generally there is no magic remedy to this, but whatever changes you make to improve
your lifestyle are unlikely to dramatically change the sperm count or motility but can
enhance the health of individual sperms. Lifestyle changes which may improve things
include wearing loose fitting underwear, taking showers instead of long hot baths, not
smoking and keeping alcohol intake to a minimum. Some men do find that taking vitamin
and mineral supplements help but if you have a healthy and varied diet this shouldn't be
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