EDMS No. Rev Validity 000000 1.0 DRAFT REFERENCE HiRadMat Project – 2015-03 CERN CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Date: 06/02/16 Design Report Concrete bunkers design for the HiRadMat facility of CERN/SPS Abstract In order to protect the sensitive diagnostics equipment that are being used by the experimental teams in HiRadMat facility, two concrete bunkers were designed and optimized. The results of Monte-Carlo simulations as well as the final dimensions of the bunkers are summarized in this report. Prepared by : Checked by : Approved by : N. Charitonidis, EN-MEF N. Charitonidis, EN-MEF I. Efthymiopoulos, EN-MEF A. Fabich, EN-MEF REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 2 of 10 HISTORY OF CHANGES REV. NO. DATE PAGES DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 0.0 2012-02-08 4 First version, only the TJ7 bunker 1.0 2015-03-08 10 Update of the note for the new TT61 bunker REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 3 of 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCRETE BUNKERS DESIGN FOR THE HIRADMAT FACILITY OF CERN/SPS ...1 1. 1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................4 HIRADMAT FACILITY OF CERN/SPS............................................................ 4 2. 2.1 2.2 CONCRETE BUNKERS ...............................................................................4 TJ7 BUNKER ........................................................................................... 5 TT61 BUNKER ......................................................................................... 6 3. REFERENCES..........................................................................................10 REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 4 of 10 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 HIRADMAT FACILITY OF CERN/SPS The HiRadMat facility of CERN/SPS is a newly constructed facility at CERN where a high-energy, pulsed beam is available for materials and accelerator components tests. A full description of the facility can be found in [1]. A 3D model of the facility’s layout can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1 — 3D drawing of the HiRadmat facility’s layout. The experimental area is located in TNC tunnel, in front of the beam dump, while the experimental data acquisition systems can be placed either in TJ7 or in TT61 tunnels. 2. CONCRETE BUNKERS In order to protect sensitive experimental equipment from the prompt radiation, two concrete bunkers have been designed and optimized using the FLUKA Monte – Carlo code. The positions of the two bunkers can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2 — Top-view of HiRadMat facility. The positions of the two bunkers are marked with the two red spots. REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 5 of 10 2.1 TJ7 BUNKER The dimensions of the bunker in TJ7 tunnel (distance ~ 35 m from the target) are illustrated in Figure 3. The bunker material is concrete, with a nominal density of 2.4 g/cm3. Figure 3 — Model of the concrete bunker placed in TJ7, with the corresponding dimensions In order to optimize the bunker’s dimensions, a set of Monte-Carlo simulations using the FLUKA [2,3] code was performed. The simulation parameters are summarized in Table 1. The fluence of Hadrons with energy > 20MeV was scored, for an assumed HiRadMat pulse of 3.74x1012 protons, impinging on a tungsten powder target (density 9 g/cm3). The target was enclosed by two aluminium containers, as was the case for the sample holder of HRMT-10 experiment [4]. The results of the simulations for the camera (modelled roughly as a rectangular box of SiO2, and placed at the beam height, behind the bunker) can be seen at Figure 4. A maximum fluence of approximately 105 hadrons per pulse is scored on the camera. Parameter Beam Momentum Beam sigma Target Equipment Quantities Scored Pulse Intensity Value 440 GeV/c 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm Cylinder of tungsten powder (9 g/cm3), R=1.6 cm, Length = 30 cm, enclosed into two aluminium containers. 1 silicon boxes 50 x 18 x 40 resembling the High Speed Camera or other similar equipment placed at the beam height. Dose (Gy), Hadrons > 20MeV Fluence (particles/cm2) 3.74 x 1012 protons Table 1 — Simulation parameters for the optimization of the TJ7 bunker. REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 6 of 10 ~ 10 Hadrons/cm2/pulse 5 Statistical Uncertainty: 3-6% in the camera Beam direction Figure 4 — Hadrons > 20 MeV Fluence for 1 pulse of 3.74x1012 protons on target does not exceed 105 hadrons/cm2 The absorbed dose by the camera is also of interest. In Figure 5, the maximum dose deposited on the camera can be found, normalized for one pulse of 3.74x1012 protons. A photo of the bunker in TJ7 can be seen in Figure 6. 2.2 TT61 BUNKER During the LS1 technical stop, two feed-throughs were constructed between the TNC and TT61 tunnels, in an attempt to reduce the optical paths between the observation instruments and the target. For that reason, a new bunker was designed and optimized in order to protect the experimental observation equipment from the prompt radiation. More specifically, two positions of equipment placement have been studied and optimized in TT61 tunnel, placed bilaterally from the feed through holes, one upstream and one downstream the target. REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 7 of 10 ~ 2x10-4 Gy/pulse Beam direction Figure 5 — Maximum absorbed dose from the camera for one pulse of 3.74x1012 protons on target (Gy), for the TJ7 bunker. The maximum dose does not exceed 2 x 10 -4 Gy. Figure 6 — A photo of the bunker in TJ7. REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 8 of 10 The new bunker dimensions can be seen in Figure 7. Beam Figure 7 — Top view drawing of the concrete bunker placed in TT61, with the corresponding dimensions in mm. The height of the structure is 1.6 m. The exact size was optimized with Monte-Carlo simulations, in order to achieve in the camera the same hadrons > 20 MeV fluence (105 hadrons/cm3/3.74x1012 protons) as in TJ7 bunker. The simulation parameters are summarized in Table 2. Parameter Value Beam Momentum Beam sigma 440 GeV/c 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm Cylinder of solid tungsten (19 g/cm3), R=1.6 cm, Length = 30 cm, enclosed into two aluminium containers. 2 silicon boxes 50 x 18 x 40 resembling the High Speed Camera or other similar equipment placed at the beam height. Dose (Gy), Hadrons > 20MeV Fluence (Particles/cm2) 3.74 x 1012 protons Target Equipment Quantities Scored Pulse Intensity Table 2 — Simulation parameters for the optimization of the TT61 bunker. The results of the simulations for the fluence in the cameras (modelled roughly as rectangular boxes of SiO2, and placed at the beam height) can be seen at Figure 8. A maximum fluence of approximately 105 hadrons per pulse is scored on the camera upstream the target, while a maximum fluence of 106 hadrons per pulse is scored on the one downstream. The results for the absorbed dose, can be found in Figure 9, normalized for 3 x1012 protons on target. REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 9 of 10 ~ 105 Hadrons/cm2/pulse ~ 106 Hadrons/cm2/pulse downstream feed-through Upstream feedthrough Target Figure 8 — Top view of the bunker structure in TT61 tunnel. The hadron > 20 MeV fluence in the upstream camera does not exceed 105 hadrons / cm2 per pulse. However, the fluence in the downstream camera is calculated to be one order of magnitude higher, that is 106 hadrons/cm2 per pulse. Figure 9 — Maximum absorbed dose from the camera for one pulse of 3.74x10 12 protons on target (Gy), for the TT61 bunker. The maximum dose does not exceed 10 -5 Gy in the downstream camera and 10-4 Gy for the upstream one. REFERENCE EDMS NO REV VALIDITY HiRadMat Project – 20xx-yy 000000 1.0 DRAFT Page 10 of 10 3. REFERENCES [1] I. Efthymiopoulos et al., “HiRadMat: A New Irradiation Facility for Material Testing at CERN”, TUPS058, Proceedings of IPAC2011, San Sebastian, Spain [2] T.T. Böhlen, F. Cerutti, M.P.W. Chin, A. Fassò, A. Ferrari, P.G. Ortega, A. Mairani, P.R. Sala, G. Smirnov and V. Vlachoudis, "The FLUKA Code: Developments and Challenges for High Energy and Medical Applications", Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 211-214 (2014) [3] A. Ferrari, P.R. Sala, A. Fasso`, and J. Ranft, "FLUKA: a multi-particle transport code", CERN-2005-10 (2005), INFN/TC_05/11, SLAC-R-773 [4] O. Caretta, T. Davenne, C. Densham, M. Fitton, P. Loveridge, J. O’Dell, N. Charitonidis, I. Efthymiopoulos, A. Fabich, and L. Rivkin, “Response of a tungsten powder target to an incident high energy proton beam”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 101005