Takayuki Yamauchi, Ph.D Tel: 701-845-7725 (office) e-mail: takayuki.yamauchi@vcsu.edu Current Position: Tenured Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics, Valley City State University, Valley City, ND 58072. Previous Positions: 1. June 2003- May 2007, Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA 19352 2. Aug 2003 – May 2003, Lecturer of Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA 19352 3. Aug 2002 –Aug 2003, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135-0037 4. Aug 2001 –Aug 2002, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 5. June 1997 – July 2001, Research Associate, Ryuka Intellectual Properties Law Firm 6. August 1999 – August 2000, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware 7. August 1996 – May 1997, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University EDUCATION PH. D in Mathematics (Geometric Analysis), 1996, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD MA in Mathematics, 1992, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD MS in Mathematical Sciences, 1989, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI MA in Mathematics, 1987, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Physics/Math major, University of California at Berkeley, 1981 –1985 Physics major, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, 1980 – 1981 RESEARCH ACTIVITY List of Invited Talks (1) May 25-28, 2011: The Sixth International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Applications, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA. 1 Title: Regularity Properties of a State of Equilibrium of a Plasma Flow in a Nuclear Fusion Reactor (2) July 2-4, 2008: Fifth World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Orlando, FL. Title: Characterization of CMC Surface Parametrization Formulas in terms of Quadratic Differential (3) (4) July 31, Aug 1,2, 2006: 2006 Applied Mathematics Summer Workshop, Dover, DE Title: Existence and Uniqueness of a Large Solution of Elliptic Equation u = H(x,u) when H(x,u) is non-monotone in u April 20, 21, 2006: Workshop in Mathematical Physics, Hoboken, NJ, Stevens Institute of Technology. Title: On the regularity of a minimizer of an energy functional over a class of continuous rearrangements (5) Aug 18-20, 2005: 2005 Applied Mathematics Summer Workshop, Applied Mathematics Research Center, Delaware State University, Dover, DE Title: On the Regularity of Magnetic Flux Function in Nuclear Fusion (6) July 9-11, 2004: 2004 Applied Mathematics Summer Workshop, Applied Mathematics Research Center, Delaware State University, Dover, DE Title: On a Lagrange Multiplier Rule with Continuously Many Constraints and its Applications to Nuclear Fusion Physics (7) Oct. 23, 2002: Differential Geometry & Analysis Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, NY. Title: On the Construction of a Negatively Curved Complete Constant Mean Curvature Surface in the Hyperbolic Space Determined by a Prescribed Hopf Differential Professional Membership: American Mathematical Society PUBLICATIONS (In these papers, I provided partial answers to open problems that remained completely unanswered for the duration of 12 to 17 years.) 2 (1) On the Regularity of Magnetic Flux Functions in Nuclear Fusion, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory, and Algebra, Volume 15 Number 5, 2006, pp497-511. 15 pages. (2) Large Solutions of Elliptic Equation u = H(x,u) when H(x,u) is non-monotone in u, International Journal of nonlinear Operators Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, No.1-2, 2007, pp33-61. 29 pages. (3) On Modified Lagrange Multiplier Rule and its Application to the Regularity of Magnetic Flux Functions in Nuclear Fusion, International Journal of Evolution Equation, Vol. 3, Number 1, 2007, pp65-90. 26 pages. (4) On the Constructability of a Negatively Curved Complete Constant Mean Curvature Surface in the Hyperbolic Space Determined by a Prescribed Hopf Differential. The Journal of Geometric Analysis, Volume 13, Number 3, 2003, pp 521-555. 35 ages. (5) Gauss Maps, Quadratic Differentials, Fundamental Theorem of CMC Surfaces, and CMC Surface Parametrization Formula in Hyperbolic 3-Space, 34 pages, submitted. PAPER IN PREPARATION (1) On the Differential Inequalities that Arise in the Construction of Complete Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces in the Hyperbolic Space, 8 pages. 3