All-Natural Doggie Treats Unique Value Proposition

Feasibility Builder 4: Competitor Analysis (Part A)
All-Natural Doggie Treats: Competitor Profile Chart
All-Natural Doggie Treats
Competitor #1
Competitor #2
Competitor #3
Business name
All-Natural Doggie Treats
Barky Bones1
Mutt Mignon
Doggie Donuts
Company details
(location, #
employees, website,
Home-based in Winnipeg, MB
at 123 Sunshine Terrace.
Owner-operated. Location &
permanent staff part of future
Based in Quebec. Larger
Based in Windsor, ON
Based in Brandon, MB
Family-owned business.
# of employees - ??
Small manufacturer (visited
location to see size). 5-10
Target market
Manitoba dog owners who
value quality over price. All
sizes and ages of dogs.
Owners of small and medium
adult dogs.
Owners of small, medium and
large adult dogs, owners of
Owners of small, medium dogs.
Products sold in Manitoba and
Bags of dog treats in variety of
flavours. Plan to develop small
round pellets for dog trainers.
Barky dog food & Barky Bones
dog treats
Dog treats that are shaped
like cats.
Dog food, Doggie Donuts treats.
To be determined (after
$35 for a package of 10, fiveounce packages. Lower price,
as company likely sells lots of
18 ounce package is $6 on
Amazon. Sears sells pack of
three for $40. Mid-range price,
but depends on the store.
Premium pricing (higher than
other treats in pet food stores).
considering all product costs)
Note that competitor businesses are not real businesses.
# of employees - ??? maybe
Session 4 – Participant Manual 
All-Natural Doggie Treats
Competitor #1
Competitor #2
Competitor #3
All-natural, organic
ingredients. Very positive
feedback from dog owners
who have tried it.
Strong brand equity. Available
in many grocery stores and
department stores.
Available in pet food stores.
Low ingredients, more protein,
less wheat.
10 flavours. Safe for dogs with
allergies and/or food
sensitivities. Eco-friendly
packaging will likely appeal to
this market.
Likely has big advertising
budget, great website.
Website has feeding
instructions, nutritional info and
links to buy product online
Funny advertising. Real beef
in the treats. Beef has no
hormones or antibiotics. Great
website with a lot of
information for dog owners.
Treats come in different
textures (crunchy or soft).
Company has an “all-natural”
version of the product. Less
ingredients than Barky Bones
Developing some relationships
with pet stores. Developing a
healthy treat for dog trainers.
This is unique in the market.
Available in only “select” pet
food stores may be attractive to
a market willing to pay a higher
price. More “exclusive” product.
Doggie donuts seem very
healthy. No preservatives. 5
One of the healthiest treats I’ve
seen so far! Probably a strong
Locally produced
New company. Not
established. No brand equity.
Very small niche market.
Don’t have a large marketing
© 2013 SEED Winnipeg Inc. All rights reserved.
Many ingredients. Probably
wouldn’t appeal to dog
owner seeking ultra-healthy
Walmart online purchase link
indicates in-store purchase
only. Not locally produced
“Eating cats” concept might
offend some dog owners who
have cats.
Not locally produced
“Donuts” doesn’t seem to have a
healthy message. Would people
associate this name with health?
Smaller company, probably has a
lower advertising budget.
Higher priced. Available only in
select pet food stores, nationally
Session 4 – Participant Manual 
Any added benefits?
(return policies,
refunds, guarantees,
?? To be determined
© 2013 SEED Winnipeg Inc. All rights reserved.
Can sign up on website for
special offers. Can’t find
Can sign up on website to get
coupons by text messaging.
Session 4 – Participant Manual 
All-Natural Doggie Treats
Competitor #1
Competitor #2
Competitor #3
How do they reach
their customers?
Website, LinkedIn to reach
business customers, business
cards, emails to pet stores with
monthly specials, free samples
for pet stores
Website, Facebook, twitter,
YouTube, newsletters,
advertise on TV and in
magazines for pet owners
Website, Facebook, and
videos on YouTube. Some
advertising in pet magazines.
Website, Facebook, and ??
High quality, organic, safe for
dogs with allergies/food
Removes plaque on teeth,
come in three flavours
All-natural ingredients,
hormone & antibiotic-free
Low ingredients, more protein.
Healthy option. Flavour options,
no preservatives.
Healthy, safety, energy, keeps
fussy dogs happy, safe for the
environment. Owner peace of
Product designed to increase
dental health. Freshens breath.
Increase dog health. Claim to
give dogs more energy. Half
the salt of leading brands.
Improves dog health and energy.
Unique value for their
High quality treat for dogs that
also meets needs of fussy or
allergic dogs.
Website has a lot of
information for dog owners,
including puppies, breeds,
and a dog age calculator
Website also has a lot of
information for dog owners,
but less than Barky Bones.
© 2013 SEED Winnipeg Inc. All rights reserved.
Feasibility Builder 4: Competitor Analysis (Part B)
All-Natural Doggie Treats: Features/Benefits/UVP
Product features & benefits:
High quality, organic ingredients
Health, increased chance of
long life for your dog, doing
what’s good for your dog
Safe for dogs with allergies or food sensitivities
Safety, increased health and
Available in 10 flavours
Options for the fussy dog
Sold in biodegradable packages
Safe for the environment, low
Sold online and in pet stores
Session 4 – Participant Manual 
All-Natural Doggie Treats Unique Value Proposition
All-Natural Doggie Treats are…
For dog owners in Manitoba seeking high-quality dog treats, who value pet health
over price
Who are unable to find dog treats that meet their high quality standards and
support pet health.
All-Natural Doggie Treats creates healthy, delicious, and nutritious dog treats with
only high-quality, organic ingredients.
That provide nutrition and flavour variety, while meeting the needs of “fussy” dogs or
those with special dietary needs
Unlike other dog treats on the market, All-Natural Doggie Treats are available in 10
flavours, and are sold in environmentally-friendly packaging.
© 2013 SEED Winnipeg Inc. All rights reserved.
Feasibility Builder 4: Competitor Analysis (Part A)
YOUR BUSINESS Competitor Profile Chart
Using the sources most relevant for your business (listed on pp. 5-6), collect research on your direct competitors. As you gather information, fill out
the chart. Do a competitor profile for your top 3 direct competitors. If you have several direct competitors, you should profile as many as possible.
YOUR Business
Business name
Company details (location, #
employees, website, etc.)
Target market
Competitor #1
Competitor #2
Competitor #3
YOUR Business
Any added benefits?
How do they reach their customers?
Product/services features
Product/service benefits
Unique value for their customers
Competitor #1
Competitor #2
Competitor #3
Feasibility Builder 4: Competitor Analysis (Part B)
YOUR Business: Features/Benefits/UVP
YOUR product / service features & benefits:
Unique Value Proposition
Who are
YOUR business name…
That provide