PART 2: Inquiry Scholar Educational Plan Instructions: 1. After applying to the Inquiry Scholar program and receiving provisional acceptance (Part 1), complete this Educational Plan. Include all four supporting materials: statement of purpose, proposal overview, course plan, and co-curricular plan). 2. Request your faculty mentor approve your Educational Plan. Your faculty member e-mails your application with attachments with a statement of approval to Name: Click here to enter your full name CUNY first ID: Enter 8-digit EMPL ID 4-Part Educational Pl an Components 1. Statement of Purpose. Short statement [approximately 1-2 paragraphs] on your purpose in pursuing this work. Why are you interested in this work? What are the key ideas that drew you to it? What disciplinary lens you will be using? Is your plan interdisciplinary? Statement of Purpose 2. Course plan. Attach an Annotated Course list for the courses you will take to prepare you for your inquiry project. See Inquiry Scholar Handbook for additional explanation. Use the format below: Course number (e.g., ANT 1001H) Course description from latest Bulletin (cut & paste) Type of class Indicate if it is a methods course, disciplinary content course, faculty research project, research practicum/ internship, or independent study. Your summary (in your own words) Usefulness (overall and for your final project) 3. Preliminary Co-curricular plan. Attach a description of co-curricular activities to support your work (speakers, exhibits, professional conferences, workshops, trainings, online courses, etc.), listing any specific activities in which you know you want to participate. Use the format below; include links to information for each activity. Event/workshop title Sponsoring organization Description & link Reason for attending Date 4. Proposal overview. Summarize your initial plan. Be sure to describe a tentative methodology and source material you plan to use or collect. Briefly describe your projected final project (e.g., thesis, large project.) A sample thesis statement architecture is below. I am studying… (Narrowed topic) as represented by… (Primary exhibits, e.g., data sets, artifacts, etc.) to analyze how/why… (Research question starts with “how” or “why”) so that my audience of… (Targeted readership) can… (Benefit to audience) Topic Primary exhibits Research question Audience Benefit