Duck Creek Watershed: Initial Water Quality Summary Outline Water Quality Concerns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Increase in Water Temperature Increase in Sedimentation Increase in Nutrients and Nuisance Algal Blooms Increase in Nuisance Exotic Species Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Stormwater Runoff Threatened Designated Uses Pollutant(s) / Source(s) / Cause(s) Designated Use Pollutants Sources (Threatened) Known (k) and Suspected (s) Invasive Species (K) (Eurasian Watermilfoil / Coontail) Sediment (K) Known (k) and Suspected (s) Human Transport (K) (Recreational Boating / Fishing) Stream Banks (S) Sediment (K) Stormwater Runoff (S) Nutrients (S) Stormwater Runoff (S) Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Sediment (K) Stormwater Runoff (K) Loss of Stream Bank Vegetation (S) Stream Banks (S) Sediment (K) Stormwater Runoff (S) Nutrients (S) Stormwater Runoff (S) E.coli (S) Stormwater Runoff (S) Other Indigenous Aquatic Life and Wildlife Coldwater Fishery Partial / Total Body Contact Recreation Causes Known (k) and Suspected (s) - Lack of Education (S) - Loss of Stream Bank Vegetation (S) - Loss of Stream Bank Vegetation (S) - Lack of Stormwater Management Practices (S) - Residential / Commercial Fertilizers (S) - Lack of Stormwater Management Practices (S) - Loss of Streambank Vegetation (S) Impervious Surfaces (K) Development – Riparian Landowners (S) Loss of Stream Bank Vegetation (S) - Loss of Stream Bank Vegetation (S) - Lack of Stormwater Management Practices (S) - Residential / Commercial Fertilizers (S) - Lack of Stormwater Management Practices (S) - Loss of Streambank Vegetation (S) - Failing Septic Systems (S) - Pet / Waterfowl Waste (S) - Cattle Crossing (K) Designated Use Goals Designated Uses (Threatened) Other Indigenous Aquatic Life and Wildlife Coldwater Fishery Partial / Total Body Contact Recreation Goals Reduce Invasive Species (Eurasian Watermilfoil / Coontail) by increasing education and implementing IPM strategy. Reduce excessive sediment and nutrient inputs throughout the watershed. Protect fishery by improving stormwater management measures. Reduce water temperature by re-establishing riparian buffers. Protect recreational uses by reducing the input of E.coli into the watershed Desired Uses & Goals Desired Uses Goals Groundwater / Drinkable Water Ensure groundwater and surface water quality throughout watershed. Unique Habitat Identify critical habitat for endangered / threatened species and ways to protect their habitat. Open Space Public Access / Recreation Navigation Establish permanent easements and nature preserves within the watershed. Implement cluster development ordinances. Increase buffer zone along streams and implement waterfront overlay. Protect and preserve current access sites along Duck Creek and Duck Lake. Reduce Invasive Species throughout the watershed. Concentrate on Eurasian Watermilfoil / Coontail in Duck Lake. Reduce sediment and nutrient inputs throughout the watershed.