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Florida Gulf Coast University
Honors Program Development Grant Application
The Florida Gulf Coast University Honors Program Development Grants (HPDGs) are designed
to support Honors students’ intellectual development by providing a maximum award of $1500
to offset costs for:
Traveling to professional conferences to present academic papers;
Conducting academic research or projects;
Purchasing tangible items to support academic endeavors;
Participating in a workshop specific to your major;
Honors coursework that involves costs outside of the regular course related fees;
Honors Thesis development;
*Study Abroad or Away opportunities.
HPDGs can only support activities closely related to Honors Program coursework.
HPDGs cannot be used to pay membership dues, subscriptions, living expenses, or tuition.
*Honors Program Study Abroad/Away Grants are for students accepted to an approved FGCU
Faculty-Led Study Abroad, FGCU Study Away, FGCU Exchange Program, Provider Program,
or other U.S. University Study Abroad program. International volunteer or Internship grants will
be considered if the travel can be closely connected to Honors coursework or research projects.
Applicants must have an approved Travel Abroad/Away plan on file before applying;
Applicants must complete the HPDG Budget Form and include all other funding
Apply by checking the appropriate box on the HPDG application;
All students in good standing with the Honors Program are eligible to apply for an HPDG, and
students must remain in good standing with the Honors Program to receive HPDG funds.
The Honors Program Development Board (HPDB) will review each HPDG request to determine
funding according to the following criteria:
How clearly the project supports the student’s intellectual development;
The strength of the applicant’s essay;
Availability of funds;
Number of applicants for available funds.
The Honors Program reserves the right to request two or more price quotes be obtained prior to
Florida Gulf Coast University
Honors Program Development Grant Application
How to Apply
To apply for an HPDG, please fill out the HPDG application form and submit it to the Honors
Program office in Reed Hall, 155. Be sure to supply all requested information and materials,
such as receipts, invoices, and budgets. Your HPDG should be submitted and approved prior to
any made purchases. The Honors Program understands that certain purchases may have to be
made prior to HPDG submission and approval; however, the Honors Program is not obligated to
fund any unapproved purchases and students assume all financial obligation for expenses made
prior to official HPDB approval.
The Honors Program can only approve and fund expenses that are listed on the HPDG
application and documented (through receipts or invoices).
There are two deadlines per academic year in which you can submit an HPDG application.
November 1 – For Winter and Spring awards
April 1- For Summer and Fall awards
These deadlines will be posted on the Honors Program Blog Page and the CANVAS Calendar.
HPDG applications turned in after a deadline will not be considered until the next application
HPDG applications submitted for consideration at any other time will be evaluated according to
budgetary availability.
You will receive a letter as to your funding options after HPDG approval. It may take up to three
weeks for payment after HPDG approval.
Receiving HPDG Funds
If approved, you may receive HPDG funds in one of the following ways to be determined by the
Florida Gulf Coast University
Honors Program Development Grant Application
Reimbursement for prior purchases- please submit original itemized receipts for
purchases listed on your HPDG application;
Direct payment for travel or registration fees;
Direct deposit into your Gulfline Account.
The Honors Program will only pay for items that have been approved. If your project requires
that you make purchases that you have not been approved for (i.e. buy different materials or
make different travel plans), then you must contact the Honors Program immediately and seek
approval for these different purchases. The Honors Program is not obligated to approve any
changes to an HPDG that was previously submitted and approved.
You must submit all receipts for reimbursement within 7 days of purchase or you will not receive
reimbursement. After the 7 day deadline, funds will not be issued. You must make your
purchases during the semester you were approved for your HPDG.
If I receive an HPDG, is anything else required of me?
Yes. The Honors Program wants to encourage other students to academically benefit from the
research and travel experiences HPDGs support, and we want to encourage you to reflect on the
benefits of your HPDG-supported experience. Thus, upon completion of your HPDG-supported
activity, you need to submit: 1) HPDG Photos, and 2) an HPDG Questionnaire
Please be aware that the photos and information you submit to the Honors Program will become
the Honors Program’s property and may be used in online or print publications.
HPDG Photos: Please email to at least three to five photos capturing
representative moments during your HPDG-supported experience (such as you conducting
research, traveling, doing fieldwork, delivering a paper, working with colleagues or mentors,
etc.). In the body of the email, please describe the location and people appearing in each photo.
Please name each photo so as to easily identify them.
HDG Questionnaire: At the same time you send in your pictures, please email to an attached Word document with the following information:
1) Name
2) Major
3) Career goals
4) Best aspect of your research project
5) Why is research important to you?
Florida Gulf Coast University
Honors Program Development Grant Application
You should submit your photos and questionnaire to the Honors Program within a month of the
conclusion of your HPDG-supported project. Failure to submit these required materials may
affect your eligibility for future funding from the Honors Program. By submitting the photos and
essay you are giving the Honors Program permission to publish them at its discretion.