SOP Number: CP060.00 Title: Surgical Procedure for Placement of Gastric Catheter Revision No: Replaces: 00 N/A Author: Kristin Smith I Date in effect: Page: 7/15/2010 Page 1 of 4 MAL Director: Dr. Peggy Borum FSHN Chair: Dr. Neil Shay PURPOSE The purpose of surgical procedure for placement of gastric catheter is to gain the ability to access the stomach during the experiment. Sterile person will hand instruments to Dr. Borum as needed. Sterile person must anticipate when instruments are needed. II SCOPE This procedure provides instructions for the placement of gastric catheter. III RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of Metabolic Assessment Laboratory personnel to follow this procedure. It is the responsibility of supervisory personnel to ensure compliance with this procedure and to train employees and students responsible for performing this procedure. Students will report accidents to the principal investigators immediately. IV REFERENCES N/A V REAGENTS AND MATERIALS V.A. 20-gauge leur adapter. V.B. 1 cc syringe filled with 0.4 cc lidocaine (2%). V.C. Babcock. V.D. Scissors (small). V.E. 4-0 dexon to approximate muscle. V.F. Hemostats. V.G. 16-gauge male locking leur adapter. V.H. 1cc syringe of 250 mg cefazolin V.I. 3-0 running nylon to approximate skin. V.J. Gastric catheter. V.K. Toothed and non-toothed forceps. V.L. Needle holder. V.M. Scalpel handle. V.N. #10 scalpel blade. V.O. Bioclusive Tape Pack. VI EQUIPMENT N/A Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP060.00 Title: Surgical Procedure for Placement of Gastric Catheter Revision No: 00 VII Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Page: Page 2 of 4 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS VII.A. Members of the MAL have been trained extensively in the procedures described in this SOP. VII.B. Members of the MAL have completed animal contact training in order to work in the PNICU. VIII DEFINITIONS VIII.A. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Standard Operating Procedure is a document that provides instructions for completing a specific task in the lab. VIII.B. Metabolic Assessment Laboratory (MAL) – The Metabolic Assessment Laboratory is the laboratory that will use this SOP. VIII.C. Piglet Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PNICU) – The PNICU is a unit where the piglet is monitored by 24 hour care and routine check-up parameters using PNICU SOPs conducted by the MAL. VIII.D. Sterile Person—The Sterile Person is designated to handle all sterile instruments and materials that will be used inside the piglet. The Sterile Person also passes instruments to the surgeon. IX PROCEDURE IX.A. Gastric catheter preparation IX.A.1. Insert a 20-gauge luer stub adapter into gastric catheter. Refer to SOP# CP041.00 and CP# CP051.00 on how to set up the catheter. IX.B. Make the gastric incision IX.B.1. Expose the incision site. IX.B.2. Inject 0.4 cc lidocaine (lidocaine HCL, USP, 1%) at site of incision subcutaneously. IX.B.3. Make a 2-4 cm abdominal incision above the stomach using the scalpel and forceps. IX.B.4. Open up the muscle carefully using a curved hemostat to expose the stomach. IX.B.5. Identify the stomach and deliver it to the incision with Babcock forceps. IX.B.6. If necessary, Dr. Borum will gently remove the peritoneal membrane using nontoothed forceps and scissors, while Sterile person holds the Babcock. IX.B.7. Sew in double purse-string sutures (4-0 dexon PDS II) on the surface of the stomach using a needle holder. IX.B.8. Insert a catheter into the center of the purse-strings via a small puncture made by a small cut with scissors and enlarged with hemostats. At this point, the Babcock is replaced with a non-toothed forceps. IX.B.9. Secure the inner purse-string suture around the catheter on the distal side of the collar from the tip. Sterile person pushes down slightly on the stomach, while Dr. Borum secures the outer purse-string. IX.B.10. Crosstie the 4 purse-strings three times. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP060.00 Title: Surgical Procedure for Placement of Gastric Catheter Revision No: 00 Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Page: Page 3 of 4 IX.C. Closing the incision site IX.C.1. Use an antibiotic such as a 1cc syringe of 250 mg cefazolin to irrigate the operation site IX.C.2. Close the stomach area automatically in layers with 4-0 dexon sutures and the skin approximated with 3-0 running nylon sutures. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______ SOP Number: CP060.00 Title: Surgical Procedure for Placement of Gastric Catheter Revision No: 00 X Replaces: N/A Date in effect: 7/15/2010 Page: Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENTS X.A. For a list of materials and their locations, refer to SOP# CG098.00. Uncontrolled Copy Document1 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT-DO NOT DUPLICATE Controlled Copy No._______