
Name: ________________________________________________ Period: _____
Environmental Science Semester B Exam Review
Chapter 11 - Water
1. Define groundwater:
2. Define permeable:
3. What would happen to groundwater levels if a surface were paved and became impermeable?
4. What are wells used for? What would one need to consider when digging a well?
5. How can pollution on the land become surface water pollution or groundwater pollution?
6. Define point-source pollution.
7. Give an example of point-source pollution.
8. Define nonpoint-source pollution.
9. Give an example of nonpoint-source pollution.
10. Why is wastewater treatment necessary?
11. What is artificial eutrophication and what causes it?
12. How has the Clean Water Act improved water quality in the US?
Chapter 12 – Air
1. Define primary pollutant:
2. Define secondary pollutant:
3. Define air pollution:
4. Define acid precipitation:
5. What is “sick building syndrome”?
6. How did the Clean Air Act help reduce vehicle emissions in the U.S.?
7. Why is smog a secondary pollutant?
8. How do temperature inversions affect air quality for people?
9. What can be done to improve indoor air quality?
10. Why do large amounts of fish often die in the spring?
Chapter 13 – Climate
1. How is climate different from weather?
2. How does latitude influence climate?
3. How does atmospheric circulation affect climate?
4. What causes the seasons on Earth?
5. How do El Nino and La Nina affect climate?
6. Why is the ozone layer not considered air pollution if ground level ozone is unhealthy to breathe?
7. What is beneficial about the ozone layer?
8. What is one consequence of the ozone layer being destroyed?
9. What is causing ozone holes to form?
10. On average, what has happened to global temperatures over the past 150 years?
11. How do greenhouse gases cause global warming?
12. What are some of the negative effects of a rising global temperature?
Chapter 14 – Land
1. Given that most people live in urban areas, why should rural land be preserved?
2. Is Euclid urban or rural? What is your evidence?
3. Define ecosystem services:
4. Give an example of an ecosystem service.
5. How do ecosystem services link rural and urban lands?
6. What can people in the US do to reduce their use of ecosystem services?
7. How does a rapidly growing population affect a city’s infrastructure?
8. Define urban sprawl:
9. What are the environmental effects of urban sprawl?
10. Define heat island:
11. What can be done to reduce the heat-island effect in cities?
12. What benefits do open spaces in cities provide?
13. How do mass transit systems (like buses and trains) benefit an urban area?
14. Why is land management and conservation important to a rapidly growing human population?
15. What makes topsoil fertile
16. What threatens fertile soil?
17. Define desertification:
18. How can humans reduce desertification?
19. Why is soil conservation an important agricultural practice?
Chapter 19 – Waste
1. Why is there concern about the amount of waste we produce?
2. Define biodegradable:
3. Give examples of materials that are biodegradable.
4. Give examples of materials that are no biodegradable.
5. Why are landfills preferred over incinerators?
6. What happens to waste materials that are recycled?
7. Why does hazardous waste require special disposal?
Chapter 16 – Minerals
1. Define mineral:
2. Why are minerals important to humans?
3. What are the characteristics of a metal mineral?
4. What are the characteristics of a nonmetal mineral?
5. How do mining companies find minerals?
6. Define surface mining:
7. What does the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1977 require?
8. Define acid mine drainage:
9. How do state governments regulate mining?
Chapters 17 & 18 – Energy
1. How do fossil fuels form?
2. What is an advantage of using fossil fuels for energy?
3. Define renewable energy source:
4. Define nonrenewable energy source:
Extended Response
Section 1 – Water and Air Quality
Choose 3 (4 points each)
1. Dams can be important tools in water management programs. However, dams can also have negative effects on the
environment. Describe two positive and two negative impacts of dams.
2. Describe three things you do or can begin to do to conserve water. Explain why it is important for you to conserve
3. Describe two examples of air pollution: state where the pollution comes from and the negative effects it has.
4. Compare and contrast light and noise pollution.
5. Explain the difference between climate and weather. Describe ONE consequence of global climate change and ONE
action you can take to slow global climate change.
Section 2 – Land
Choose 1 (4 points each)
6. Describe the urban-rural connection and TWO ways humans use rural land. Why is land management and
conservation of rural lands important?
7. Give an example of a way you can reduce waste, an item you can reuse, and an item you can recycle. Explain why it
is important to reduce our waste.
Section 3 – Mineral and Energy Resources
Choose 2 (4 points each)
8. Discuss mining by addressing the following questions: Why do we mine? What are two ways that mining is harmful to
the environment? How is mining regulated?
9. Describe renewable energy and give on example of a renewable energy source. Describe nonrenewable energy and
give one example of a nonrenewable energy source.
10. Fossil fuels are our predominant energy source. Explain two reasons why this is a problem and propose two alternative
energy sources you think would be better to use.