Technology Tools For Supporting The Common Core July 2015

Technology Tools for Supporting the Common Core
Co-sponsored by the Technology Department
Jackie Gilmartin
Weber Room 8 Computer Lab
Face to Face Classes: Wednesday, July 1 and Wednesday, July 29
9 a.m. – 12 noon (3 hours each session)
Google Hangout meetings: Wednesday, July 8 and 22nd (1 hour each session)
Individually: 10 hours of coursework each week
Class meetings and time totaling 48 hours
3 in-service credits
The class is limited to the first 20 registrants.
In this 48 hour course, participants will examine instructional technology tools and resources that support the
Common Core Learning Standards. With a combination of on-site meetings and independent work, participants
will be challenged to produce two high-quality technology infused lesson plans aligned to the Common Core
Learning Standards. On-site meetings will allow teachers to learn in a hands-on environment how to effectively
integrate instructional technology tools such as the SMART Notebook software, scanners, document cameras,
digital media, and Web 2.0 tools. Independent work will require participants to read and respond to the
instructor’s blog posts which will include professional articles and videos relating to instructional technology,
complete assignments that directly correlate with on-site lessons and work on the required lesson plans.
Upon completion of the course, teachers will be able to:
 Demonstrate a strong knowledge of online resources supporting the Common Core Learning
 Implement technology tools in the classroom
 Be able work with others in a collaborative online learning environment.
Three credit in-service course (48 hours). No partial credit will be given. Attendance at face-to-face
meetings is required.
There are two ways to register:
1. Register using My Learning Plan. See Teacher Center website for access information.
2. Email Director Susan McAuliffe:
Course Description:
In this 48 hour course, participants will examine instructional technology tools and resources
that support the Common Core Learning Standards. With a combination of on-site meetings and independent work,
participants will be challenged to produce two high-quality technology infused lesson plans aligned to the Common Core
Learning Standards. On-site meetings will allow teachers to learn in a hands-on environment how to effectively integrate
instructional technology tools such as the SMART Notebook software, scanners, document cameras, digital media, and
web 2.0 tools. Independent work will require participants to read and respond to the instructor’s blog posts which will
include professional articles and videos relating to instructional technology, complete assignments that directly correlate
with on-site lessons and work on the required lesson plans. Upon completion of the course, teachers will be able to
demonstrate a strong knowledge of online resources to support the implementation of the Common Core Learning
Standards, how to effectively implement technology tools in the classroom to support instruction and work with others
in a collaborative learning environment.
Course Timeline
Week 1: 7/1/15 (9 a.m. – 12 noon, Weber lab 8)- Face to Face Meeting- 3 hours
 Course overview
 Account setup- Google Drive/Google Classroom
 Common Core Online Resources
 Respond to Blog posting
 Begin working on lessons.
Week 2: 7/8/15 (time tbd) Google Hangout- 1hour
 Assignment #1 Due
 SMART Notebook review, utilizing scanners, document cameras and digital cameras.
 Continue to work on lessons.
 Respond to Blog posting
 Continue to work on lessons.
Week 3: 7/15/15 Independent Work
 Assignment #2 Due
 Digital Media-Discovery Education, BrainPop, online databases, etc.
 Continue to work on lessons.
 Respond to Blog posting
 Continue to work on lessons.
Week 4: 7/22/15 (time tbd) Google Hangout- 1hour
 Assignment #3 Due
 Utilizing Web 2.0 tools
 Continue to work on lessons.
 Respond to Blog posting
 Continue to work on lessons.
Week 5: 7/29/15 9 a.m. – 12 noon (Weber Lab 8)- Face to Face Meeting- 3 hours
 Final projects due.
 Present lessons to class.
Course Requirements
Attend all face to face meetings
Complete Assignments:
Assignment #1
 Write a brief statement detailing the Common Core Learning Standards that you have selected to focus
on in your lessons and why. Describe what your expectations are for the course.
Assignment #2 Select a Presentation Tool (Notebook or Google Slides).
 Your presentation will have 6 slides.
o Slide 1- Name
o Slide 2, 3, 4- Convert a print document into a digital image file by use of a scanner, document
camera and phone.
o Slide 5- Use the screen capture tool to capture from a digital file or webpage.
o Slide 6- Describe your experience in converting print documents to digital files and which
method you prefer and why. Also explain your experience using the screen capture tool. Will
these tools change the way you share resources with your students?
Assignment #3
 Insert 2 forms of digital media (video and/or audio) into your lessons.
 Discuss what is the best solution for your lessons and why.
Respond to Blog Postings:
 Each week there will be a new blog post from the instructor that will include links to professional articles
and videos related to topics in Instructional Technology. All participants must read and respond to the
post as well as comment on two other participants’ comments.
Final Project:
 Develop two high-quality technology infused lessons. Each lesson must focus on a specific Common
Core Learning Standard and include the following:
o Common Core Learning Standards Addressed
o Learning Targets/ “I Can” Statements Being Addressed
o Activities/ Tasks to meet Standards
o Resources/Materials (Texts, Digital resources, & materials)
o Assessments (Include daily assessment & formative)
Participants will share their lessons with the group at the final meeting and be asked to reflect on their
lessons through an online Google Form.