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The College Art Association is seeking applicants for its 2016 CAA-Getty International Program, which
provides funding to fifteen art historians, museum curators, and artists who teach art history to attend
its 104th Annual Conference, taking place February 3-6, 2016, in Washington D.C. The goal of the
program is to foster international collaborations in the visual arts. Generously funded by the Getty
Foundation, the grant covers travel expenses, hotel accommodations, per diems, conference
registrations, and one-year CAA memberships. The program will include a one-day preconference
colloquium on international issues in art history on February 2, at which grant recipients will present
and discuss their common professional interests and issues.
Are You Eligible?
Applicants must be practicing art historians who teach at a university or work as a curator in a museum,
or artists who teach art history. They must have a good working knowledge of English and be available
to participate in CAA events from February 1 to 8, 2016. Applicants must be able to obtain a travel visa
to visit the United States for the duration of the conference. Only professionals who have not attended
a CAA annual conference previously, and who are from countries underrepresented in CAA’s
membership are eligible to apply. Applicants do not need to be CAA members. This grant program is
not open to graduate students or to those participating in the 2016 conference as chairs, speakers, or
How to Apply
Please review the application specifications and complete the form on the following pages. If you have
questions about the process, please email Janet Landay, project director of the CAA-Getty International
Program, at
Applications should include:
A completed application form (see below)
A two-page version of the applicant’s CV
A letter of recommendation from the chair, dean, or director of the applicant’s
school, department, or museum
Please send all application materials as Word or PDF files to Janet Landay, project director of the CAAGetty International Program, at All application materials must be received by
Monday, August 17, 2015. CAA will notify applicants on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
About CAA
The College Art Association is dedicated to providing professional services and resources for artists, art
historians, and students in the visual arts. CAA serves as an advocate and a resource for individuals and
institutions nationally and internationally by offering forums to discuss the latest developments in the
visual arts and art history through its Annual Conference, publications, exhibitions, website, and other
programs, services, and events. CAA focuses on a wide range of advocacy issues, including education in
the arts, freedom of expression, intellectual-property rights, cultural heritage and preservation,
workforce topics in universities and museums, and access to networked information technologies.
Representing its members’ professional needs since 1911, CAA is committed to the highest professional
and ethical standards of scholarship, creativity, criticism, and teaching.
In all areas of employment, education, exhibitions, publications, and programs, CAA actively
encourages the inclusion of individuals representing a diversity of race, religion, gender, age, class,
national origin, sexual orientation, and disability. The organization also discourages discrimination
based on the same.
Application begins on next page.
50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004 T 212.691.1051
CAA-Getty International Program
2016 Application Form
Please type or print clearly.
Today’s Date:
Place of Birth:
Gender (male or female):
University or Museum:
Position or Title:
Mailing address:
Home or Cell Phone (include country and city code):
Studio or Office Phone (include country and city code):
Preferred email:
Application Questions
Please respond to the following questions. Feel free to use as much space as you need.
1. Please describe your academic or artistic focus.
2. Please describe your current job and the institution for which you work.
3. Please describe any previous international collaborations or projects with which you have been
4. How will attending the CAA conference benefit your professional development? In addition to your
scholarly or artistic interests, please include any job-related issues, such as developing curricula for your
department, creating an archive of materials, online learning, digital publications, etc.
5. On February 2, the day before the Annual Conference begins, the CAA-Getty International Program
will convene a preconference colloquium about international issues in art history. Please describe topics
that you would like to explore, both through short presentations and group discussions.
50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004 T 212.691.1051
6. Because the purpose of this grant is to support the internationalization of art history, briefly describe
your views on the current state of the field from a global perspective and your thoughts on ways to
improve it.
7. Feel free to include any additional comments here.
Submission Instructions
Please send the completed application form, your two-page CV, and the letter of recommendation to
Janet Landay, project director of the CAA International Travel Grant Program, at All documents must be Word or PDF files.
All application materials must be received by Monday, August 17, 2015. CAA will notify applicants on
Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
The College Art Association is grateful to the Getty Foundation for its generous support of the CAAGetty International Program.
50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004 T 212.691.1051