I can…

Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 7: Reading For Information
CCSS RI 7.1:
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Proficiency Levels:
Level 1 (Entering)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
I can match the answers to
the 5 Ws based on a given
text in small groups.
(L, S, R)
I can read sentences aloud
using Think-Pair-Share.
(L, S, R)
Level 2 (Emerging)
Level 3(Developing)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can complete sentence
starters using a word bank and
visually supported text in small
(L, S, R, W)
I can respond to a given set of
questions based on textual
evidence with a partner.
 What words __________?
 Which sentences _______?
 Where in the passage ____?
 According to the text _____
 The author implies _____?
(L, S, R, W)
I can create a digital presentation
that includes an analysis of the
text based on evidence present in
the text with a partner.
(L, S, R, W)
I can read information from a text
and type it into a digital
(R, W)
I can write complete sentences
starters with the aid or a word
(R, W)
I can read questions and write
the answers with a partner.
(L, S, R, W)
English for Everyone
Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Magazine articles
Scholastic news
Textual/text, evidence, support, analysis, explicitly, inference/infer, cite, respond, visually, sentence starters, word bank, digital
Teacher will identify key terms from selected passages.
Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 7: Reading For Information
CCSS: RI 7.2:
Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective
summary of the text.
Proficiency Levels:
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
Level 1 (Entering)
Level 2 (Emerging)
Level 3(Developing)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can sort labeled and
illustrated details onto a tchart about a passage with a
(L, S, R)
I can conclude two central
ideas from a passage using a tchart by taking notes with a
(L, S, R, W)
I can conclude two central
ideas from a passage using a
T-chart with a partner.
(L, S, R, W)
I can conclude two central ideas from
a passage using a T-chart with a
(L, S, R, W)
I can build sentences from
the t-chart with a partner.
(L, S, R, W)
I can present the t-chart to the
(L, S, R)
I can explain the doublebubble map using paragraph
(S, R)
I can objectively summarize a passage
using the T-chart with a partner.
(L, S, R)
I can read the sentences
with a partner.
(L, S)
Texts: Center for Urban Education
Brainpop: Summarizing
Smart Exchange: Summarizing
Youtube: Main Idea video by Learningupgrade.com
central idea/theme/main idea
course of the text, text/textual
conclude/conclusion/draws a conclusion
I can compose a two or more
paragraph summary using complete
sentences and transition/signal
words based on previously
completed T-chart.
(R, W)
Teachers will identify key terms from selected passages.
Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 7: Reading For Information
CCSS: RI 7.3:
Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how
individuals influence ideas or events).
Proficiency Levels:
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
Level 1 (Entering)
Level 2 (Emerging)
Level 3(Developing)
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can relate individuals to
events with the aid of visual
supports and leveled texts
with a partner. (l, s, r)
I can establish the relationship
between events and decisions
made by leaders using
manipulatives and given
events. (r, l, s, w)
I can judge and critique the
decisions of leaders using a
cause/effect graphic
organizer with my partner. (r,
I can forecast how current events will
impact the way history will be written
in the future working with a small
group. (l, s, r, w)
(L) Listening
(R) Reading
(S) Speaking
(W) Writing
I can reflect the validity of a
leader’s decision using a
published product based on a
partially completed graphic
organizer. (r, w)
I can compose a chapter of a history
book for future generations with my
group using current events.(l, s, r, w)
Leveled texts
Picture of leaders
Library of Congress for Kids
Judge, Critique, Reflect, Validity, Published product, Partially, Forecast, Current Events, Impact, Compose, Generations, Establish,
Relationship, Events, Manipulatives, Relayed, Partially
Pacing 1st – 4th
Grade 7: Reading For Information
CCSS: RI 7.4:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the
impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.
Proficiency Levels:
Level 1 (Entering)
MPIs (I can…):
function + content + support
I can match illustrations of
figurative language to its
illustrated meanings with a
partner. (S,L,)
I can match labels to facial
expressions to explore the
tone of a text with my
I can match illustrations of
connotative and denotative
meanings with a partner
I can match illustrations of
technical language with its
label with a partner. (R,S,L)
Level 2 (Emerging)
I can illustrate figurative
language examples with my
group using a T Chart.(L,S,R)
I can illustrate technical
language examples with my
group using a T Chart.(L,S,R)
I can illustrate how certain
words impacted the tone of a
text with my group using a T
Chart.(L,S, R)
Level 3(Developing)
I can create a flip book of
figurative language forms
with my group finding
examples from a
Level 4/5 (Expanding/Bridging)
I can complete a T Chart to defend
my understanding of figurative
language with my group using a text.
I can create a flipbook of
technical language using nonfiction text.(L,S,R,W)
I can complete a T Chart to defend
my understanding of connotative
versus denotative language using a
I can create a flipbook of how
specific words in a text
impact tone.(L,S,R,W)
I can complete a T Chart to defend
my understanding of technical
language using a text.(L,S,R,W)
I can complete a T Chart to defend
my understanding the impact of a
specific word on meaning and tone
using a text.(L,S,R,W)
Grade 7: Reading For Information
All the Parts by Tedd Arnold (figurative language)
Science texts
Facial expression
Technical language
Pacing 1st – 4th