Santa Ana College- Department of Kinesiology Syllabus for Kinesiology 203 (88008) - Physiology of Cardiovascular Exercise Mark P. Kelly, Ph.D., CSCS, ACE-CPT Instructor Contacts: Overview This course is designed as an overview of how the body responds to cardiovascular training. Emphasis is placed on understanding cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology as well as metabolic and hormonal control of exercise. Students will examine training sequences, equipment selection, and safety factors including contra-indications for apparently healthy adults. Student Learning Outcomes Besides the content and specific skills, this course will provide opportunities to enhance other skills needed in the real world such as: a) Students will be able to effectively read and articulate the meaning of a variety of graphs depicting the relationship between a dependent and independent cardiorespiratory variable. b) Students will be able to compare and contrast a variety of internet-based health and fitness information sources. c) Students will be able to design a cardiovascular training program to help an individual improve cardiorespiratory fitness and or body composition. Course Objectives After taking this course, students should be able to: 1) Relate aerobic metabolism to cardiovascular training. 2) Identify typical and atypical cardiorespiratory conditions and responses to exercise as evaluated by heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and other health indicators. 3) Express the physiological basis for various training principles 4) Analyze body composition and discuss implications on self and society 5) Recognize aerobic enhancing ergogenic aids and discuss the impact and use or abuse of health related fitness 6) Distinguish between research based, safe and effective modifications to aerobic training activities and anecdotal evidence. Course Content and Required Book This course will use: 1) Required Text- Kenney, W.L., Wilmore, J.H., & D.L. Costill- Physiology of Sport and Exercise 5th Ed. (2012). Human Kinetics, Champaign IL. 2) Selected You Tube Videos 3) Selected presentations by nationally recognized certification companies 4) Selected presentations from Dr. Mark P. Kelly Grading 4 Unit Tests @ 15% for a total = 60% 5 Practical Projects @ 5% for a total = 25% Final Project- You will perform research on given area of fitness . =15% o 10% on paper and 5% on oral presentation Unit Tests- the unit tests will be standard scantron tests which uses multiple choice, matching, true false, and fill in the blank. The number of questions for each test may vary somewhat. Final Projects- will consist of a (3 +/- 1 people) group project, written up in an organized technical paper format. Both project choices will have an oral and a written component both worth 7.5% of your grade. Both choices should have PowerPoint presentations prepared and work on the project must be shared or HALF OR NO CREDIT will be given to the “weak link”. Choice A or B A) Perform an actual study using a member or members of your group in an acute or chronic study- which observes some reaction or training effect due to exercise. The project must have references which does background research into that area and should have the following sections included: 1) Introduction- with the description of what is being performed and why including the background research. 2) Methods and equipment section- a detailed description of what was done and what equipment was used 3) Results- shows the actual data collected in all the trials (no opinions or personal perspective allowed here- just the facts) and possible statistical tests and results. 4) Discussion- this describes what you think of what you found and a rational behind why you found it, using the research again and describe any problems or changes you would make to the study in the future or if repeated. B) Do a group research project on a given topic. The research should be comprehensive and citations and references will be carefully scrutinized. This is basically a review of the research on a given subject. Depending on the subject chosen, the subsections will be organized accordingly. This review paper should be at least 4 pages (not including pictures) and have at least 6 references from scientific journals. 1) Introduction to the topic- background and theory 2) What the research did in the past 3) What research is doing now or needs to do 4) Conclusions which draw together all the research into a cohesive theme. Grades will be on a straight scale, with the final point assignment being at the discretion of the instructor. o o o o o A= 90% and above B= 89.9%- 80.0% C= 79.9%- 70.0% D= 69.9%- 60.0% F- 59.9% and below Late assignments will be deducted as follows- within 24 h= 20% reduction, 48h= 33%, 72h= 50%, after 72h the assignment will not be accepted. Make up on tests must be arranged prior to the exam and must be taken before the following class. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Your success in this course is important to me. Santa Ana College and I are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all individuals with disabilities. If you have a disability that may have some impact on your ability to do well in this course, I encourage you to speak with me as soon as possible. Also, please contact Disabled Student Programs & Services so that we can all collaborate on your classroom accommodations in a timely manner. DSP&S is located in U-103 and their phone number is 714-5646264. The DSP&S office requires documentation of your disability in order to receive reasonable accommodations. If you do not have documentation they will work with you to acquire it. I look forward to supporting you to meet your learning goals. ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: Students at Santa Ana College are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. To falsify the results of one’s research, to steal the words or ideas of another, or to cheat on an examination, corrupts the essential process by which knowledge is advanced. Academic dishonesty is seen as an intentional act of fraud, in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization, or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic exercise. As institutions, we also consider academic dishonesty to include forgery of academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, assisting other students in acts of dishonesty or coercing students into acts of dishonesty. Course Outline and Schedule Week Date Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Reading 8/25 8/27 9/1 9/3 9/8 9/10 9/15 9/17 9/22 Intro to Exercise Physiology- Research Methods Discussing various units in Exercise Physiology Labor Day- off Metabolism- Bioenergetics Metabolism- Bioenergetics Energy Expenditure & Fatigue Endocrine Function- Overview- Anatomy Endocrine Function- Hormonal Regulation Unit #1 Test Intro 9/24 9/29 10/1 10/6 10/8 10/13 10/15 10/20 10/22 10/27 10/29 11/3 11/5 11/10 11/12 11/17 11/19 11/24 11/26 12/1 12/3 Cardiac Structure and Function Vascular System and Blood CR responses to Acute Exercise Ventilatory Anatomy and breathing mechanics Control of breathing rate, tidal volume, Ve Cardiorespiratory responses to acute exercise Practical demonstration of CR Physiology Unit #2 Test Training principles for CV exercise Training Adaptations to Aerobic Exercise Training Adaptations to Anaerobic Exercise Cardiovascular disease and exercise Prescription for Exercise Prescription for Exercise Unit #3 Test Thermoregulation Hydration strategies -Ergogenic Aids Body Composition Happy Thanksgiving- Fuel UP!- final project prep Body Composition Unit #4 Test 12/8 12/10 Project Oral Presentation Project Oral Presentation Ch. 6 Ch. 6/8 Ch. 8 1st pt Ch.7 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 8 Test on 6,7,8 Ch 9/11 Ch 11 Ch 11 Ch. 21 Ch. 20 Ch. 20 (9,11,20,21) Ch. 12 Ch. 16 Ch 15 No class mtg Ch 15 Test on Chpts. 12,15,16 final project final project Ch. 2 Ch. 2 Ch. 2/5 Ch. 4- 1st pt. Ch. 4 – 2nd pt. (test on 2,4,5) Project Exam Pract-1 Test 1 Pract-2 Pract-3 Test 2 Paper 1 Test 3 Pract-4 Test 4 Pract 5 Oral-1 Oral-2