Sector Test Meeting 08.05.2014 LHC Sector Test 2014 web page: Meetings and minutes: Agenda: 1. Collimation Configuration for sector tests and beam measurements. Belen Salvachua 2. Beam transfer - sector test plan and measurement requests. Wolfgang Bartmann 1. Collimation Configuration for sector tests and beam measurements Belen started the presentation with an overview of the collimator system in 2014 and the current status of the installation phase. 32 new collimators will be installed or moved during LS1: 16+2 collimators with beam position monitors: o TCTPH.4R1, TCTPV.4R1, TCTPH.4L1, TCTPV.4L1, o TCTPH.4R2, TCTPV.4R2, TCTPH.4L2, TCTPV.4L2, o TCTPH.4R5, TCTPV.4R5, TCTPH.4L5, TCTPV.4L5, o TCTPH.4R8, TCTPV.4R8, TCTPH.4L8, TCTPV.4L8, o TCSP.A4R6, TCSP.A4L6 4+4 physics debris: o TCL.4R1, TCL.6R1, TCL.4L1, TCL.6L1 o TCL.4R5, TCL.6R5, TCL.4L5, TCL.6L5 1 TCP (primary collimator): o TCP.B6R7 3 TCPs moved due to ventilation work in IR7: o TCP.B6L7, TCP.C6L7, TCP.D6L7 2 new passive absorbers in IR3: o TCAPD.A5L3.B1 TCAPD.A5R3.B2 Currently IR3, IR6 and IR7 are completed; those are the collimators relevant for the Sector Tests. The installation of the TCTPs (and TCL6 if possible) will last until July 2014. Commissioning in the tunnel has started and remote commissioning from CCC will start as soon the collimators are available after individual system test. By the time of the Sector Tests all the collimators will be commissioned. The pilot bunches at the Sector Tests will be stopped with the same technique used already in previous sector tests called OVERSHOOT: Place collimators with the minimum possible gap between jaws on anticollision switches (to avoid the jaws touch each other) 0.5 mm Move the collimator position 5 mm aside from the reference orbit to assure the beam doesn’t have any chance to go through the jaws gap, but it impacts fully on one of the jaws. If required, the collimator can be tilted to leave no clearance. Belen showed that Tungsten collimators (like TCLAs) are the most effective to stop the beam; after 1 m of W collimator only around 0.005% of the beam is left. On the contrary, Carbon collimators are less efficient, since after 1 m of C collimators, 10% of the beam remains still. Belen review the collimators used during the injection tests in 2008; those are summarized in Table 1. Open settings means the collimator is fully retracted to let the beam go through. Intermediate settings correspond to gaps of the order of +/-10 and +/-12 mm depending on the collimator. Beam 1 stopped at LEFT of IR3 Beam 1 Beam 1 stopped at RIGHT of IR3 Beam 1 Beam 2 stopped at RIGHT of IR7 All IR7 collimators closed with overshoot technique TCLA.A6L7 (W collimator) overshoot Beam 2 stopped at LEFT of IR7 Beam 2 dumped in IR6 Beam 2 Table 1: Summary of collimators used for the different injection tests in 2008 with the corresponding type of settings. The arrows indicate the direction of the beam. Assuming the same beam conditions as in 2008, single pilot bunches of <= 5 109 protons/bunch, and the same optics, we can use the same collimator configuration to stop the beams during the 2014 Sector Tests. Discussion: During Belen presentation it was mention a specific test to measure the BLM response in IR3. This required different collimator configurations in IR3 in order to trigger the beam dump by different BLMs and measure the BLM response and the latency between the BLM dump request and the LBDS dump. The latency data can be extracted from the Post Mortem data of both systems. Although is quite a simple test to do with circulating beam, it was agreed on that it could already be done, as in 2008, during the Sector Tests. This time will be done with both beams. Beam 1 will no reach the beam dump system, but it can trigger, nevertheless, the beam dump. Christos Zamantzas asked if it is possible to have for each collimator configuration for the BLM latency test, the list of collimators and their settings recommended by the collimator team well in advance. Reyes asked if specific tests with the BPM collimators in IP2, IP8 and IR6 can be done during the Sector Tests. Belen replied she needs to check. Actions: 1. Collimator team should provide with a list of collimators settings for the BLM latency tests. 2. The BLM latency test has to be added to the measurement list. 2. Beam transfer - sector test plan and measurement requests Wolfgang started the presentation specifying the scope of the BT tests for sector tests: 1. Realignment of relevant machine elements 2. Many systems have been modified (MKI coating, TMR, MKD generators, …) so magnet settings as from RUN I might not be applicable. 3. We can test the functionality of such a crucial equipment and software before beam commissioning 4. We can scan kicker waveforms, test TL stability and set up the kicker timing. 5. SPS extraction channel aperture can be measured, but for optimum settings for kicker and bumps INDIV is needed. 6. Pilot trajectories and intensities are not suitable for the alignment of collimators or TDI, again, INDIVs and circulating beam, respectively, is needed. The installation and commissioning plan for the injection kickers was presented as well and it is summarized in the following table: Activity IP2 (Week) IP8 (Week) Installation 21 35(1) Bake-out interconnects 22-26 36-40 Controls commissioning 27-28 41-42 Hardware tests 29-30 43-44 Tests from CCC 31-43 45-46 Sector Test 44 47(2) (1) This date is driven by the fact that there is no access possible before that due to other shutdown activities. (2) MKI8 seems to have a tight schedule. Concerning (2) Verena said that we should take into account that MKI for B1 would have been commissioned before so all the possible common issues, the software, the control from CCC will be debugged and the two allocated weeks for CCC tests should be more than enough to have the system ready for week 47. Wolfgang presented a comprehensive list (Table 2) of tests with beam to be done for transfer lines, injection and dump systems during the Sector Tests. Test category SPS extraction Description 1. 2. Establish downstream 1. 2. TL trajectory Injection 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Beam dump 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MKE waveform scan Rough aperture check if not yet done Screens matching Check BPM/corrector polarities (and optics) with kick response Measure TL dispersion Set TCDI Check automatic setup application Trajectory stability Threading through injection region onto closed TDI Set TDI, TCLI Aperture in injection region Orthogonal steering MKI waveform scan (screen conductors have been change and there is the issue of TMR aging) MKI synchronization AGK synchronization IQC injection oscillation interlock (needs circulating beam) Synchronization Rough check of extraction channel aperture BTVD/BTVDD image Test 14/15 MKD knob MKB waveform (check with ~ 5 pilots) MKD waveform (never tested before, need to setup a procedure) Table 2: Test with beam to be performed during the Sector Tests. Without beam The pre-requisites for those tests to be possible are summarized in Table 3. Equipment MKI Magnet systems BI systems Optics Test description 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Open valves, conditioning to 55 kV, softstart Check BETSim input, SMP energy transmitted Check MKI waveform logging in OASIS, IQC Heat run Pulsing full line Switch powering Movements, acquisition, logging, fixed displays Screens, BPM, BCT, BLM SPS extraction region (new monitors), TL and LHC injection/extraction region 1. Check settings for SPS extraction, TL and LHC injection/extraction systems 2. Beam position on injection/dump region screens 3. TCDI and MKI validation knobs, 14/15 MKD Protection devices: TCDI, TDI, TCLI, TCDQ, TCSP Interlock Radiation monitoring Quality checks: IQC, IPOC BIS loop closed(2) 1. Downstream TED master BIC, injection permit TT40 2. Inhibit of MKE in case of MKI erratic Radmons, Ramses in injection/extraction region, logging TSU - BIS 1. Data reception and logging 2. Element strengths and limits (thresholds to be updated later) 3. Element updates, new BLMs in injection regions 4. New BETS interlock on MSI, TDI(1) 1. Arming sequence with global BIS 2. LBDS settings and MCS (generators have changed) 3. BETSsim (Q4, MSD input) 4. XPOC: a. Waveforms, VAC, BTVDD, BPMD (need a beam dumped event) b. BLMs (new BLMs and filters) c. BETS interlock TCDQ Test of new TSU to BIS link Sequence Inject and dump SPS extraction to upstream TED 1. Setup extraction bump without extensive aperture scan 2. Steer through extraction channel 3. Check beam on screens 4. Kicker (MKE) timing in OASIS need BCT+MKE(3) Beam dump With beam(3) extraction knobs 4. Aperture bumps at MSI, TCDIM, MKI, Q5, D2 and TCDQ 5. Screens matching application Movement, function/range Table 3: Required preparation for the sector tests. Discussion: (1) New BETS interlock on MSI, TDI: A new BETS interlock on MSI and TDI has been created for RUN II. It is a MASKABLE BIS input. For changing the HW limits access to UA while MSI is powered in needed. Detailed discussions are still needed in order to come out with a procedure for HW limits changed because the MSI is one of the EIS (Element Important de Securite) and once it is in the access chain, access to LHC with the MSI powered is not possible. (2) BIS loop closed: Wolfgang asked if we foresee time before the sector test with the BIS loop closed. Stephan Gabourin replied that by September the BIS team will have all installed and they are flexible to close the loop whenever we schedule the time to test it. (3) Preparation test with beam: Wolfgang asked if the TL can be tested until the downstream TED before the sector test. Reyes replied that this will imply that we have to close the LHC machine in IP2 and the two adjacent sectors putting on hold any other shutdown activity in those areas. There are already three slots for Sector Tests in the planning, so seems difficult to request another one. Verena added that nevertheless, the first sector test includes time for TI2 and TI8 setup, and beam to upstream TED in those lines is already foreseen before that, although no date is still fixed. In case problems are found that compromise the sector tests, there is the reserved weekend of week 50 to revisit the failed tests. Actions: 1 Transfer line team has to define a procedure for changing the HW limits once the MSI is on access chain, may be in coordination with access team. 2 LHCb requested 5 to 6 hours of shots on TDI to do the BCM calibration to be included in the measurement program. 3 ALICE requested few shots in TDI to do cross-calibration of the new BLMs and BCM to be included in the measurement program. 4 We have to add task to select the RF bucket to be injected in the Inject and Dump sequence. 5 To be checked by TL team if there will be a heat run of the TL magnets. 6 TL team should provide the Sector Test team with a draft program of the beam measurements that includes when, how long, who is responsible. 7 Sector Test team should add explicitly on the agenda dates for testing closure of the BIS loop, at least the part needed for the sector tests. This will allow performing the tests (TSU-BIS link and Inject and dump sequence) needed for BT.