
AP Physics B
Course Overview
Class meets every day 80 min/day for 180 days. The school year starts at the beginning of August and
ends in mid-May, so there is little time left after the AP exam. Whatever time remains is spent covering
topics of the students’ choosing, but it usually ends up being Special Relativity.
80 minutes a day for a full year allows students not only extended opportunities for lab work and
cooperative learning groups, but enough time to get into the entire B curriculum and review for the AP
Peer-coaching, peer-teaching and peer-review are an essential part of our course. Students are encouraged
from the first day to create or join a study group to work with in and out of class – nobody works in a
Course goals include developing each student’s intuition, creativity and investigative skills to do the
following: (abbreviated from the 2006-07 College Board AP Physics Course Description)
Abilities Outcome:
1. Apply the Science of Physics to Life (apply the following to each outcome).
A. Use knowledge of basic physics concepts to develop scientific and
1. mathematical abilities.
2. higher thinking (analyze, solve, decide, evaluate, classify, develop, create,
predict, estimate, generalize)
3. communications (present, persuade, demonstrate, explain, defend,
consider, deduce, recommend, share)
4. goal setting and attainment (research, envision, brainstorm, plan,
conduct, revise, persist)
5. experience (collaborate, ethics, relate, summarize, record, interpret,
compare simplify, conclude)
B. Use the scientific method with problems and experiments (research, hypothesis,
experiment, evaluate)
C. Use physics experiments in a proper manner.
D. Use technology to assist in experimentation and problem-solving.
The course consists of 12 units (italicized in the Course Outline that follows), with a test at the
completion of each unit. Units generally begin with an essential question and a demonstration or two to
allow the students to hypothesize and discover the physical relationships. Homework is assigned every night
(mostly from the primary textbook) and peer-reviewed the next day. Labs are done at a time to best
reinforce the relationships and concepts currently being studied. Informal assessment is done on a daily
basis with neighbor-mini-conferences and on-the-fly questions. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed
more on the concepts and method of solution or analysis, and less on the actual final product or answer. As
we get closer to May, the emphasis shifts towards preparing for the AP Physics exam by reviewing released
exams, past free-response questions and test-taking skills.
Content Outcomes:
1. Become Familiar with the Scientific Process in Physics.
A. Know that there may be several approaches in solving the same problem.
B. Use the scientific method to solve problems and carry out experiments.
• know how to set and use controls, parameters, and variables properly in
an experiment
• conduct research (maintain experimental standards, make accurate
computations, conduct experiments)
• know how to gather and represent data (data tables and graphs)
• know how to interpret data and graphs and draw conclusions
• know how to report experimental results in a scientific manner (concise
and logical conclusions
2. Understand the Relationship between Quantities, their Symbols, and their
A. Identify and know metric SI and English measurement units.
B. Have working skills with scientific notation.
C. Use dimensional analysis.
D. Be familiar with the nomenclature of physics.
E. Be able to write, derive, and use equations in problem solving situations.
3. Understand the nature of Classical or Newtonian Mechanics.
A. Know, understand, and apply vectors and vector methods in problem solving.
B. Understand and work with the concepts of velocity and acceleration in one and
two-dimensional motion.
C. Know Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and the Universal Law of Gravitation and
their direct application to moving and non-moving systems.
D. Be able to describe and solve problems stemming from systems in static and
translational equilibrium.
E. Understand the concepts of mass and weight.
F. Have a working knowledge of the Work-Energy Theorem and the Law of
Conservation of Energy for both conservative and non-conservative systems.
G. Know, understand, and apply the concepts of momentum and impulse in the
behavior of physical systems.
H. Be able to describe and work with systems in circular and rotational motion.
I. Cite and create models that explain systems in both linear and rotational motion.
4. Understand the Basic Nature of Thermophysics.
A. Be able to distinguish between and convert among the Celsius, Fahrenheit,
Kelvin, and Rankine temperature scales.
B. Know the distinction between thermal energy and temperature.
C. Demonstrate a familiarity with the expansion and contraction of the gaseous,
liquid, and solid phases of matter.
D. Demonstrate an understanding of heat as an energy form
E. Be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of energy and phase changes that
occur during the loss or gain of thermal energy to a closed system.
F. Be familiar with heat transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation.
G. Be able to distinguish between an ideal and a real gas.
H. Be able to describe and apply the relationships between the volume, pressure,
mass density, temperature, and quantity of ideal gases.
I. Know and apply the Laws of Thermodynamics to thermal and mechanical
5. Understand the Relationship between Oscillatory and Wave Motion.
A. Describe oscillatory motion.
B. Describe the characteristics of wave motion and behavior.
C. Demonstrate a familiarity of wave motion in solids and fluids.
6. Understand the Relationships between Classical Electricity and Magnetism.
A. Be able to demonstrate the existence of two kinds of charge.
B. Describe the quantization of electrical charge in terms of the elementary charge,
C. Be able to state and apply Coulomb’s Law for electrostatic point charges.
D. Describe the electrostatic field and predict the behavior of charged particles in
the field.
E. Be able to illustrate graphically the concept of field lines as a means of mapping
the electrostatic field.
F. Be able to state and apply Gauss’ Law for the electrostatic field.
G. Distinguish between potential energy, electrical potential, and potential difference
across an electrostatic field.
H. Calculate the potential and energy at points in the electrostatic field.
I. Be able to determine the capacitance of a capacitor and to arrange and calculate
the total capacitance of a number of capacitors in series and parallel.
J. Be familiar with the current through resistors and the potential and power drop
across them individually, in series, and in parallel.
K. Be familiar with electrical circuits and the application of Ohm’s Law and
Kirchhoff’’s Rules.
L. Be able to define magnetic flux and its use in calculating the magnetic force on
moving electrically charged particles in magnetic fields.
M. Use the right-hand rule in the determination of the direction of magnetic force.
7. Understand the relationships dealing with geometric optics.
A. Be able to describe the behavior of light as an electromagnetic wave.
B. Be able to distinguish between reflection and refraction.
C. Use ray-tracing techniques to construct images formed by spherical mirrors and
D. Predict the nature, size, and location of images formed by spherical mirrors and
E. Be familiar with index of refraction and Snell’s Law.
F. Be familiar with the phenomena of interference, diffraction, and polarization.
8. Understand the relationship between matter and energy, quantum theory,
atomic and nuclear structure.
A. Describe atomic models.
B. Cite current models of subatomic particles.
C. Be familiar with radioactivity, fusion and fission, and application of nuclear
Procedures for Evaluation
• Quizzes
• Unit exam
• Teacher observation of students in class and in laboratory
• Student laboratory report
• Student notebook
Primary textbook:
Giancoli, D. (2002). Physics: Principles with Applications, 5 rev. ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 013-061143-3
Additional Recommended Resources
Spark Chart Physics
Metric Ruler/Architect Scale
Teacher Website:
Course Outline
Unit 1: Math and Data Review (Summer work)
A. Algebra review
B. Data collection and analysis
C. Vector addition
1. Graphical methods
2. Algebraic methods
Unit Objectives:
The student shall:
State the three fundamental quantities of length, mass, and time in SI and FPS units.
Convert from one system unit into another for the same quantity when the appropriate definitions are given.
Apply unit analysis to a given physical equation to see if the developed relationship is dimensionally correct.
Perform a dimensional analysis of an equation containing physical quantities whose individual units are
Carry out order-of-magnitude calculations or guesstimates.
Understand significant figures and how to handle them when carrying out simple arithmetic manipulations.
Become familiar with the meaning of various mathematical symbols and Greek letters.
Perform arithmetic operations with scientific notation and expressing results is scientific notational form and
expressing these results with Greek prefixes.
Define a vector quantity and a scalar quantity and state examples of each.
Determine the x- and the y-components of a given vector by graphical methods, by
mathematical methods, and to express them in a frame of reference.
Define the resultant or vector sum of two or more vectors.
Find the resultant of two or more vectors by graphical and mathematical methods.
Determine the magnitude and the direction of a vector by mathematical and graphical
methods when its rectangular components are given.
Unit 2: Kinematics (Summer work)
A. Motion in One Dimension
1. Position-time and velocity-time graphs
2. Equations of motion under constant acceleration
B. Motion in Two Dimensions
1. Projectiles
2. Circular motion
The student shall:
 Distinguish between (i) displacement and distance, (ii) speed and velocity, and (iii) average speed
and instantaneous speed.
 Relate average speed to distance traveled and time elapsed in order to solve practical problems
involving such parameters.
 Define the acceleration of a particle.
 State two conditions that are necessary if motion is to be described as uniformly accelerated
 Define acceleration and average velocity and suggest means for measuring them.
 Write five general equations involving distance, initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, and
 Solve for any of two parameters of the five parameters mentioned in Objective 5 when the others
are given.
 Apply the equations of kinematics to any situation where the motion occurs under constant
 Write the value of the acceleration due to gravity in the SI and the FPS Systems.
 Describe what is meant by a body in free fall. Recognize that the equations of kinematics directly
apply to free-fall.
 Construct and analyze position and time and speed and time graphs for both kinematics and free
 Differentiate between one and two-dimensional motion.
 Discuss the trajectory of a projectile under the influence of the earth’s gravitational field, a vector
 Explain graphically how the motion of a horizontally projected ball compares with that of a ball
dropped from rest.
 Explain with diagrams how the vertical motion of a projectile fired at any angle is similar to the
motion of a ball projected vertically.
 Demonstrate that all derived equations developed in projectile motion are dimensionally correct.
 Predict the position and velocity of a projectile as a function of time and its projection angle and
initial velocity are given.
 Determine the range, maximum altitude, and time of flight for a given projectile when the initial
speed and the angle of projection are given.
Unit 3: Newton’s Laws (2.5 weeks)
A. Static Equilibrium (First Law)
1. First Condition – translational equilibrium
2. Second Condition – rotational equilibrium (torque) B. Dynamics of a Single Body (Second Law)
C. Systems of Two or More Bodies (Third Law)
D. Gravitation
E. Applications
1. Inclined planes
2. Atwood’s machines and their modifications
3. Static and kinetic friction
4. Horizontal and vertical circles
5. Planetary motion
The student shall:
• Experimentally demonstrate his/her understanding of Newton's First Law of Motion.
• Give several examples with appropriate discussion to illustrate his/her understanding of Newton's Third
Law of Motion.
• State the First Condition of Equilibrium both verbally and mathematically, give a physical example, and
demonstrate graphically that the First Condition is satisfied.
• Construct a free-body diagram representing all forces acting on an object that isin translational
• Apply the First Condition of Equilibrium to set up two equations involving components of given vectors
along the x-axis and the y-axis of a frame of reference.
• Solve the simultaneous equations derived from the First Condition for unknown forces.
• Define the forces of kinetic friction and static friction and suggest a means of measuring them.
• Write a theoretical relationship for calculating frictional forces and apply this relationship to the solution
of general force situations involving the use of vectors.
• Define the limiting angle of repose for the two surfaces involved along an inclined plane and to generate
methods of vector solutions of inclined plane problems.
• State Newton's Second Law of Motion verbally and in the form of a mathematical statement.
• Write the units of force, mass, and acceleration in SI, cgs, FPS units.
• Define the units newton and slug and to be able to express them in SI, cgs, and FPS units.
• Describe and conduct experiments that would show the variations in acceleration produced by a change
in applied force or by a change in the mass that is being accelerated.
• Use Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation to derive the acceleration due to gravity for the Earth's
surface and for the surfaces of other planets where the radius and the mass of the planet are given.
• Use Newton's Universal Law and Newton's Second Law of Motion to express weight and other
mathematical concepts for any location in the universe.
• Draw a free-body diagram for a body or a system of bodies in motion with a constant acceleration, set
the resultant force equal to the total mass times the acceleration, and solve for the unknown parameters.
Unit 4: Work, Energy, Power & Momentum (2.5 weeks)
A. Work and Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
B. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
1. Gravity
2. Springs
C. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
D. Power
E. Simple Harmonic Motion
1. Springs and Pendulums
2. Energies of SHM
F. Momentum
1. Impulse-Momentum Theorem
2. Conservation of Linear Momentum and Collisions
a. Inelastic, completely inelastic and perfectly elastic collisions
b. Two-dimensional collisions
3. Conservation of Angular Momentum (for a point mass)
The student shall:
• State the conditions necessary for the performance of physical work.
• Give two examples of an applied force that does no physical work and give one example of a
displacement that occurs with the performance of work.
• Write a mathematical statement for calculating the work accomplished by a given force and
demonstrate that the equation is dimensionally correct.
• Define the foot-pound, the joule, and the erg as FPS, SI, and cgs units of both work and energy.
• Illustrate the developed understanding of energy by giving two examples of systems using (i) potential
energy; (ii) kinetic energy, and (iii) total energy.
• Demonstrate by example and by experiment the relationship between the performance of work and the
corresponding change in kinetic energy.
• Calculate the kinetic energy of a body when its mass or weight is given.
• Write an equation that will determine the gravitational potential energy of a known mass or weight
relative to a given location in space.
• State verbally and mathematically the principle of the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
concluding with an example.
• Relate the initial and final energy states of a system to physical situations.
• Demonstrate by example and by experiment the use of the power concept and a procedure for
• Define and compare the units of kilowatt and the horsepower as they are defined to measure power.
• Define impulse and momentum and suggest means for their measurement.
• Write an equation illustrating the relationship of a change in momentum to the impulse and show that
the relationship is dimensionally correct.
• Demonstrate by example and by experiment the validity of the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
• Apply the Law of Conservation of Momentum to problem situations involving colliding bodies and
systems of colliding bodies.
• Use the understanding of energy and momentum to explain what occurs after a collision process has
• Design an experiment that will measure the coefficient of restitution.
• Distinguish by definition and by example between totally inelastic, partially elastic, and perfectly elastic
• Predict the velocities of two colliding bodies after impact when the coefficient of restitution, masses,
and velocities before impact are given.
Unit 5: Fluid Mechanics (2 weeks)
A. Density and pressure
1. Density and specific gravity
2. Pressure as a function of depth
. Pascal’s Law
B. Buoyancy – Archimedes’ Principle
C. Fluid flow continuity
D. Bernoulli's equation
E. Applications
1. Hydraulics
2. Effects of atmosphere on weather, baseballs, etc.
3. Flotation and SCUBA
4. Flight
5. Plumbing
The student shall:
• Define the properties of fluids.
• Define the properties of solids in terms of solid-state chemical bonding.
• Distinguish between elastic and inelastic materials and two examples of each.
• Distinguish between mass density, weight density, and specific gravity.
• Define the concept of pressure and that of absolute pressure.
• State Archimedes’ principle and relate it to buoyancy.
• Discuss capillary action and its relationship with surface tension.
Unit 6: Thermal Physics (2.5 weeks)
A. Temperature and Thermal Effects
. Mechanical equivalent of heat
2. Heat transfer and thermal expansion
a. linear expansion of solids
b. volume expansion of solids and liquids
3. Calorimetry
B. Kinetic Theory, Ideal Gases & Gas Laws
C. Thermodynamics
1. Processes and PV diagrams
a. isothermal
b. isobaric
c. isometric
d. adiabatic
e. cyclic
2. First Law of Thermodynamics
a. Internal energy
b. Energy conservation
c. Molar heat capacity of a gas
3. Second Law of Thermodynamics
a. Directions of processes
b. Entropy
4. Heat Engines and Refrigerators
The student shall:
• Demonstrate by example an understanding of the distinction between thermal energy and
• Demonstrate by example and by experiment an understanding between a specific temperature
and a temperature interval.
• Demonstrate a skill in working with the Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine temperature
scales and the inner conversion between them.
• Describe an experiment that will illustrate the meaning of absolute zero.
Predict the change in the length of a metal rod of known length and material as the rod is
heated through a known temperature range.
Design an experiment to determine the coefficient of linear expansion.
Rank at least four common materials in order of increasing linear expansion coefficients.
Develop a method to determine a relationship for the change in area of a sheet of a material as
it is heated or cooled over a given temperature range.
Predict the volume overflow when a container of known volume and material filled with a
given liquid is heated over a given temperature interval.
Distinguish between an ideal gas and a real gas, giving reasons why some gases closely
approximate the ideal condition.
Demonstrate by example and experiment an understanding of (1) Boyle's Law; (2) The Law of
Charles; (3) the Law of Gay-Lussac; (4) Avogadro's Law; (5) the General Gas Law; (6) the Ideal
Gas Law.
Distinguish by example the essential differences between evaporation; boiling; sublimation as
forms of vaporization.
Describe an experiment that will measure the vapor pressure of a liquid at a given
Suggest two ways to bring the air in a given room to a saturated condition.
Demonstrate by example and by experiment an understanding of heat as an energy form.
Represent the heat gained or lost in a given process in terms of calories, joules, and BTU's.
Give two or more examples illustrating the distinction between quantity of heat and the
temperature of a material.
Demonstrate by example and by experiment an understanding of specific heat capacity and its
distinction from heat capacity.
Explain practical advantages or disadvantages of metals with large specific heat capacities.
Apply the Law of Conservation of Energy to a given process in order to determine unknown
parameters such as mass, specific heat, temperature, or latent heat of fusion.
Describe the changes that take place during phase changes in terms of atomic and molecular
structure of matter.
Design an experiment to measure the latent heat of fusion and the latent heat of vaporization
for a given substance.
Demonstrate by two examples in each case the application of heat transfer by radiation,
conduction, and convection currents.
Discuss, in 100 words or less, the distinction between heat and work as two forms of energy.
Give two examples in which the internal energy of a system can be changed.
State the First Law of Thermodynamics, give two examples in which the law is demonstrated,
and represent the first law mathematically.
Explain the significance of a P-V diagram in describing thermodynamic process.
Define and give an illustrated example of each of the following thermodynamic processes: a.
adiabatic, b. isochoric, and c. isothermal.
Discuss in 200 words or less, the practical significance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Explain the operation and the limitations of the efficiency of internal combustion engine.
Predict the efficiency of a heat engine in terms of heat input and heat output.
Predict the efficiency of a heat engine in terms of input temperature and output temperature.
Distinguish between Carnot Efficiency and actual efficiency as they apply to heat engines.
Unit 7: Electrostatics (2.5 weeks)
A. Coulomb’s Law
B. Electric Fields and Gauss’ Law
C. Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
E. Capacitance
1. Graphical description of capacitance (charge vs. voltage)
a. slope – capacitance
b. area – energy stored
2. Capacitors in series and parallel
D. Applications
1. Point charge distributions
2. Parallel plates
3. Cathode ray tubes
4. Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
5. Condensers, uninterruptible power supplies, tone controls
The student shall:
Demonstrate the existence of two different kinds of electrical charge and relate them to changes in
the electron structure in the atomic make up of the electrical conductor.
Demonstrate by experiment electrical charge and electrical force by experiment.
Experimentally charge an electroscope with a positive static charge and then a negative static
electrical charge.
State Coulomb's Law and express it in terms of an equation.
Apply Coulomb's Law to physical situations.
Define the electrostatic field and state as to how the concept of the field is useful in describing
electrical phenomena.
State in two ways in which an electrostatic field is similar to a gravitational field.
Calculate the magnitude and the direction of the force that would act on a test charge placed at a
given point where the electrical field intensity surrounding a second charge is known.
Write a mathematical expression which will determine the electrical field intensity (1) at a given
point in space and (2) surrounding a given charge.
Illustrate graphically the electrostatic field by calculation and by experiment.
Distinguish between positive work and negative work and give a gravitational and electrical
example of each.
Distinguish between positive and negative potential energy, giving gravitational and electrical
examples of each.
Distinguish by definition and examples between potential energy, potential, and potential
Compute the potential energy of a known charge at a given distance fromanother known charge
and state whether the potential energy is positive or negative.
Calculate the potential at any point due to a charge of known magnitude.
Compute the potential energy of a charge or the potential at a point in the neighborhood of a
number of isolated charges.
Calculate the force that would be exerted on a given charge placed between two oppositely
charged plates of known separation and potential difference.
Describe and illustrate Millikan's Oil-Drop Experiment and its significance in the history of the
development of physics.
Define the electron volt, eV, and be able to express energy in terms of this unit.
Define the dielectric strength of a material and describe the part it plays in limiting the charge that
can be placed on a conductor.
 State the effects of the size and the shape of a conductor on its ability to store a charge.
 State and apply a relationship between applied voltage, capacitance, and total charge.
 Compute the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor when the area of the plates is known and
their separation in a medium of known dielectric constant are given.
 State three advantages realized by insertion of a dielectric between the plates of a capacitor.
 Define permittivity and give an example illustrating its effect on a capacitor.
 Calculate the equivalent capacitance of a number of capacitors arranged in (1) series and (2)
 Determine the energy of a charged capacitor.
Unit 8: Current Electricity (2 weeks)
C. Electric Circuits
1. Emf, Current, Resistance and Power
2. DC circuits
a. Series and parallel circuits
b. Batteries and internal resistance
c. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s rules
d. Voltmeters and ammeters
e. Capacitors in circuits (RC circuits)
3. Applications
The student shall:
 Define the ampere as the unit of electrical current.
 Distinguish between electron flow and conventional flow.
 State Ohm’s Law for electrical components and define the unit of resistance, the ohm.
 Compute the potential drop across a resistance carrying a given current.
 State four factors which determine the resistance of a given wire.
 Calculate the resistance of a wire given its length, diameter, and resistivity.
 Understand, on the atomic level, the effect of increased temperature on a resistance.
 Describe and compute the change in resistance of a given conductor with change in temperature.
 Relate the potential difference across a given resistance carrying a current to the energy loss in the
 Define the watt as the unit of electrical power.
 Calculate the power loss across a given current carrying resistance.
 Define electromotive force and the role it plays in DC electrical theory.
 State Ohm's Law for an entire electrical circuit verbally and mathematically and apply it to the
solution of electrical problems involving internal battery resistance and total resistance of the
 Demonstrate Ohm's Law with a voltmeter, an ammeter, a rheostat, a source of emf, and
appropriate lead wires and draw a schematic diagram of an electrical set-up, using appropriate
symbols for the electrical equipment used.
 Calculate resistance across a bank of resistors in series and parallel.
 Calculate total resistance of an entire circuit.
 Compute power loss in a given DC circuit.
 Connect resistors in series and in parallel and draw circuit diagrams for each connection.
Write statements describing voltage, current, and equivalent resistance for resistors connected in
series and for resistors connected in parallel.
Distinguish between emf and potential difference.
Predict the terminal voltage, given the emf of a battery, its internal resistance, and the load
State and apply Kirchhoff's Law for electrical networks in the determination of unknown currents.
Unit 9: Electromagnetism (2 weeks)
D. Magnetostatics
1. Force of a magnetic field on a moving charge
2. Force of a magnetic field on a current carrying wire
3. Torque on a current carrying loop
4. Magnetic fields due to straight and coiled wires
E. Electromagnetic Induction
1. Magnetic flux
2. Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law
F. Applications
1. Mass spectrometers
2. Motors
3. Generators
4. Particle colliders
The student shall:
 Write the basic law of magnetic forces (the Lorentz force) and apply it to physical situations.
 Define magnetic flux giving its units.
 Define permeability and the role it plays in defining the magnetic field in magnetic materials.
 Use the right-hand-rule in determining the direction of magnetic forces.
 Determine the force on a current-carrying wire placed in a known magnetic field.
 Calculate the magnetic field at a known distance from a current-carrying wire.
 Calculate the magnetic field at the center of a current loop or coil.
 Calculate the magnetic field in the interior of a solenoid and a toroid.
 Define relative permeability.
 Calculate the magnetic torque on a coil of area A having N turns of wire carrying current I when it is
orientated in a known magnetic field of strength B.
 Calculate the torque on a solenoid that is free to rotate in a known magnetic field.
 Discuss the atomic nature of magnetism.
 Write the basic law of magnetic forces (the Lorentz force) and apply it to physical situations.
 Define magnetic flux giving its units.
 Define permeability and the role it plays in defining the magnetic field in magnetic materials.
 Use the right-hand-rule in determining the direction of magnetic forces.
 Determine the force on a current-carrying wire placed in a known magnetic field.
 Calculate the magnetic field at a known distance from a current-carrying wire.
 Calculate the magnetic field at the center of a current loop or coil.
 Calculate the magnetic field in the interior of a solenoid and a toroid.
 Define relative permeability.
Calculate the magnetic torque on a coil of area A having N turns of wire carrying current I when it is
orientated in a known magnetic field of strength B.
Calculate the torque on a solenoid that is free to rotate in a known magnetic field.
Discuss the atomic nature of magnetism.
Unit 10: Wave motion and Sound (1.5 weeks)
A. Description and characteristics of waves
B. Standing waves and harmonics
a. Waves on a string
b. Waves in a tube (open and closed)
C. The Doppler Effect (in one dimension)
D. Sound intensity, power and relative sound intensity
E. Musical applications
Unit 11: Optics (2.5 weeks)
A. Geometric Optics
1. Reflection, Refraction and Snell’s Law
a. Reflection and refraction at a plane
b. Total internal reflection
2. Images formed by mirrors
3. Images formed by lenses
4. Ray Diagrams and the thin lens/mirror equation
B. Physical Optics
1. The electromagnetic spectrum
2. Interference and path difference
3. Interference effects
a. Single slit
b. Double slit
c. Diffraction grating
d. Thin film
The student shall:
• Give an example of Huygens’s principle.
• Define index of refraction.
• Calculate frequency of given wavelengths of electromagnetic waves.
• Discuss the relationships between radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma radiation.
• State Snell’s Law.
• Define critical angle.
• Write and demonstrate two laws that pertain to the reflection of light.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of images formed by plane mirrors.
• Distinguish between virtual and real images.
• Use ray-tracing techniques to construct images formed by spherical mirrors.
• Apply the lens-maker equation to solve for unknown parameters related to the construction of lenses.
• Design an experiment that would give the magnification of a given lens for a given distance.
• Explain why the phenomena of diffraction and interference demonstrate the wave nature of light.
• Give graphic examples of constructive and destructive interference.
• Define and demonstrate the phenomenon of polarization.
• Explain with diagrams the operation of a microscope, a telescope, a camera, and a projector.
Determine the focal length of a lens system.
Predict mathematically the nature, size, and location of images formed by optical systems.
Discuss the significance of resolving power.
Derive the grating equation.
Unit 12: Modern Physics (2.5 weeks)
A. Atomic Physics and Quantum Effects
1. Photons and the Photoelectric effect
. X-ray production
B. Nuclear Physics
1. Atomic mass, mass number, atomic number
2. Mass defect and nuclear binding energy
3. Nuclear processes
a. modes of radioactive decay (α, β, γ)
b. fission
c. fusion
4. Mass-Energy Equivalence and Conservation of Mass and Energy
The student shall:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the equivalence of mass and energy.
• Calculate relativistic changes in mass, length, and time.
• Determine frequencies, wavelengths, and energies of various “types” of light.
• Describe the emission of continuous and characteristic X-rays.
• Discuss electron pair creation.
• Calculate the wavelengths of moving particles
• Discuss the Thomson and Rutherford atomic models.
• Sketch diagrams for the Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett, and Pfund Series.
• Demonstrate with appropriate diagrams an understanding of emission spectra.
• Write Bohr’s First Postulate and use it to verify standing de Broglie waves.
• Write and illustrate the meaning of Bohr’s Second Postulate.
• Calculate the energy emitted per photon per Bohr orbit quantum jump.
• Describe the electronic structure of complex atoms.
• Discuss or write statements demonstrating an understanding mass, charge, and size of a nucleus.
• Describe the standard model.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the equivalence of mass and energy by interchanging kilograms,
mass units, joules and electron volts.
• Define isotope and describe how the mass spectrograph is used to separate isotopes.
• Calculate mass defect and the binding energy per nucleon for a given isotope.
• Write a brief description of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, listing their properties.
• Demonstrate an understanding of radioactive decay complete with balanced general and specific
• Calculate the activity and half-life of a given radioactive isotope.
• Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion.
• Discuss the design and operation of a nuclear reactor.
• Write a brief description of fundamental particles.
Labs are generally open-ended occurring once a week. Students are given an objective, e.g.
“Determine the coefficient of static friction of wood on wood”, and standard materials –
string, ruler, protractor, mass set, light pulley, etc. Students are allowed to create their own
experimental design, but ultimately most of the lab designs must lead to the collection of data
which can be analyzed through graphical methods. Students must graph by hand using a ruler
and graph paper, but are encouraged to check their work with a spread- sheet or statistical
functions on their graphing calculators. Students work in pairs, but each student must submit
a lab report which is turned in the day after the conclusion of activity, then graded and
returned. The report design and format is left up to the student, but generally each report
should include:
• a statement of the problem,
• an hypothesis,
• a discussion or outline of how the procedure will be carried out,
• the data recorded,
• a discussion or outline of how the data was analyzed, and
• a conclusion including error analysis and topics for further study.
Students are required to keep the reports in their lab notebooks in case the college of their
choice requires evidence, artifacts or documentation prior to awarding college credit for
AP B Physics Laboratory Experiments
Mechanics Laboratory Experiments
1. Graphic Analysis Lab 1: Plotting, basic curves, slopes, and equations.
2. Graphic Analysis Lab 2: Curve fitting, method of average points, and the method of
least squares.
3. Significant Figures, Errors, and Uncertainty Lab: Measurements and error.
4. Vectors Lab: The force table and the resolution of vectors.
5. Uniformly Accelerated Motion Lab 1: Body rolling down an inclined plane.
6. Acceleration due to Gravity Lab 1: Spark timer and a body in free fall.
7. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion Lab 1: Block attached to a cord that runs over a pulley
and varying the mass at the free end of the cord.
8. Friction Lab: Measuring the coefficients of static and kinetic friction.
9. Centripetal Force Lab: Measuring the centripetal force acting on a mass traveling in
horizontal circle.
10.Coefficient of Restitution Lab: Measuring the coefficient for the collision of a ball
making a collision with a surface.
11.A Body Falling in a Resistive Medium Lab: Determining the terminal velocity of a free
falling coffee filter.
12.Simple Pendulum Lab 1: Determining the period and frequency of a simple
pendulum and demonstrating the independence of the mass of the bob to period
and frequency.
13.Acceleration due to Gravity Lab 2: Using a simple pendulum to measure the
acceleration due to gravity.
14.Hooke’s Law Lab 1: Measuring elongation and spring constant.
Fluids/Thermodynamics Laboratory Experiments
15.Density and Specific Gravity Lab: Determine the density and specific gravity of solids
and liquids.
16.Buoyancy Lab: Buoyant force on various solids in water.
17.Boyle’s Law Lab: Determining the pressure on volumes of air in a plastic syringe.
18.Phase Diagram Lab: Phase diagram for the cooling of acetyl amide.
Waves and Sound Laboratory Experiments
19.Standing Waves Lab: Standing waves along a string.
20.Resonance Lab: Measuring the speed of sound in a column of air.
Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory Experiments
21.Electric Field Lab: Mapping the electrical field.
22.Electrical Instruments in Circuits Lab: Connecting ammeters and voltmeters in simple
DC circuits.
23.Resistors and Ohm’s Law Lab 1: Simple DC circuits.
24.Resistors and Ohm’s Law Lab 2: Series and parallel circuits.
25.Resistivity Lab: Measuring the resistivity of conducting materials.
26.Capacitance Lab: Capacitors in series and parallel.
27.Kirchhoff’s Law lab: Finding current in multi loop DC circuits.
28.Magnetic Field Lab: Mapping a magnetic field.
Optics Laboratory Experiments
29.Mirror Lab: Plane and curved mirrors.
30.Lenses Lab 1: Finding focal points with convex lenses.
31.Refraction Lab: Snell’s Law and the reflection of light.
32.Diffraction Grating Lab: Determining the wavelength of a monochromatic light