ACT & SAT 2013 - SUMMARY Prepared by: Stephanie Homan Rose-Ann McKernan October 2013 Scores at a Glance ACT Of the 2013 seniors who have taken the ACT at some time during high school: 22% Met all four ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores. 32% Met the ACT Science College Readiness Benchmark Score 20.8% Who took at least three years of science coursework were college ready. 38% Met the ACT Math College Readiness Benchmark Score 41% Who took three or more years of math beyond Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry 42% 59% 20.6% were college ready. Met the ACT Reading College Readiness Benchmark Score Met the ACT English College Readiness Benchmark Score Took ‘Core or More’ courses in high school. SAT Scores on the 2013 administration showed: 1.6% Decline in APS cohort’s mean Reading score since 2010. Decline in APS cohort’s mean Writing score since 2010. 3% 4.2% Decline in APS cohort’s mean Math score since 2010. 56% Reached the SAT benchmark of 1550 which indicates that they have a 65% or better chance of earning a B- or higher for their first year GPA. This compares nationally to 43% of students. Introduction Students elect to participate in one of the two commercial college readiness assessments: the ACT and the SAT. However, now students may take the Accuplacer through CNM as an entrance exam for that institution. Students may enter CNM, and using only the Accuplacer and college credits, ultimately transfer to most any 4-year institution. More students are taking the Accuplacer and this option could have had an impact on participation but did not seem to this year. IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 2 While considering the implications of the ACT and SAT for college readiness, it should be noted that both tests have limited application to high school instructional planning. College entrance exams cannot be used as an assessment of the APS curriculum because not all APS high school students take test these; those who do take them are assumed to be college-bound. The items on these tests are not designed to measure a district’s high school curriculum. Although the ACT has aligned to the NM State Standards and are in the process of alignment to the common core standards, the questions are designed to measure the application of analytical reasoning for problem solving needed for successful college level study. Participation Over the last three years participation in ACT has steadily increased from 2989 to 3217. SAT participation has seen a net increase but a one year decrease from 2012 to 2013. SAT participation is more governed by out-of-state college going that is participation in ACT. Table 1. Percent of Graduating Class Having Taken College Entrance Exams During High School 2010-11 2011-12 4711 4768 2012-13 N % N % N % ACT 2989 63 3164 66 3217 65 SAT 507 11 583 12 533 11 Senior Enrollment* Sources: APS 40-day count, ACT Profile Report – District (Table 1.1) and SAT College-Bound Senior Profile (Table 1). ACT The majority of students seeking to enter a four-year institution in New Mexico take the ACT with 65% of APS 2013 seniors having taken the ACT at some point during high school (n-3217). This percent has fluctuated from 63% to 66% of the senior class over the past three years. IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 3 Scores on the ACT in English, Math, Reading and Science are reported on a scale of 1 to 36. Writing has been added as an optional test and is scored on a scale of 1 to 6. Since 2005-06 APS’ composite score has been higher than New Mexico and slightly lower than the national average. The last three years are shown below and follow this same trend. Figure 1 - ACT Composite Scores for the Nation, New Mexico, and APS 22 21.5 21.1 21.1 ACT Scores (avg.) 21 20.9 20.8 20.5 20.5 20 20.3 19.8 19.9 19.9 Nation NM APS 19.5 19 18.5 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 ACT reports scores for students who indicate they have taken a core curriculum and those who have not. ACT defines a core curriculum as four years of English and three years each of social studies, math, and natural sciences. According to the ACT profile report for the graduating class of 2013, 91% of the 3217 who answered the question reported taking a course of study that would be considered a core curriculum by the ACT definition. As would be expected, students who report having taken a core curriculum consistently out-perform students who may have taken a less rigorous course of study. IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 4 Figure 2 – Average ACT Scores by Level of Academic Preparation 25.0 21.1 21.1 21.420.8 20.4 20.0 18.9 19.0 19.5 20.7 20.7 21.120.6 19.8 18.4 18.6 18.818.4 17.4 18.418.2 20.6 20.8 18.7 21.2 20.4 19.7 19.0 19.4 18.3 17.6 Composite 15.0 Science Reading 10.0 Math English 5.0 0.0 <Core Core 2010-11 <Core Core 2011-12 <Core Core 2012-13 ACT sets a score in each area to indicate the level at which a student must score in order to be assured relative success in credit bearing courses their first year of college. These benchmark scores are listed in the table below and the following graph shows the percent students in APS, New Mexico, and Nation who reached the benchmark scores. Table 2. ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores College Course/Course Area ACT Test Benchmark Score English Composition English 18 Algebra Mathematics 22 Social Studies (Reading) Reading 22 Biology Science 23 IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 5 Figure 3 - Percent of Students Meeting Benchmark in APS, New Mexico and Nation 80 70 Percent Meeting Benchmark 60 64 59 56 50 44 38 40 44 42 38 33 36 32 30 APS 29 26 22 20 19 NM Nation 10 0 English Composition (Benchmark = 18) College Algebra (Benchmark = 22) College Social Science (Benchmark = 22) College Biology (Benchmark = 23) Meeting All 4 Benchmark Scores APS average ACT scores vary widely by ethnic groups. It should be noted that the participation numbers also vary widely for these different ethnic groups with as few as 100 American Indian or Asian students participating to as many as 1801 Hispanic students and 900 Caucasian students. Ethnicity on the ACT is self-report and 6% of our students either did not report an ethnicity or selected Other as their ethnic status. IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 6 When compared to the national averages for each ethnic group APS students tend to score at or above the national average for that group. However, wide differences are still found among the different groups within our district, ranging from a high of 23.1 on the composite for Caucasians and a low of 18 for American Indians. Figure 4 – 2013 ACT Average Scores by Ethnic Groups for APS, State, and Nation 36 31 26 21 22.2 22.4 18 16.7 23.5 23.1 22.5 22.2 18.6 18.7 18 21.4 20.9 20.7 19 18.9 18.8 APS 16.9 16 State 11 Nation 6 1 American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Caucasian Other No Response Table 3 – Participation by Ethnic Group for the Past Three Years 2011 97 2012 103 2013 59 Asian 99 110 86 Black 78 89 76 Hispanic 1419 1631 1801 Caucasian 982 935 900 5 2 7 Two or More 109 118 106 Other/No Response 200 294 182 American Indian Pacific Islander IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 7 Figure 5 - ACT Scores for Ethnic Groups for Three Years 32 27 2011 23.4 23.1 23.1 22.2 21.8 22 21.8 21.7 21.2 20.5 18.8 21.6 21.2 21.4 20.1 18.4 17.9 18 22.2 18.8 18.6 20.8 20.5 20.5 21.1 21.1 20.9 2012 2013 19.8 19.9 19.9 19.1 19.1 19 17 15 12 American Indian (59) Asian (86) IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Black (76) Hispanic (1801) Caucasian (900) Pacific Islander (7) Two or more (106) Other/No Response (182) District NM Nation (N) Page 8 SAT Over the last five years participation in SAT has increased but, it has fluctuated the last 3 going from 507 up to 583 and down to 533 this past year. This represents 11% of the senior class of 2013. Slightly more seniors take the SAT than do juniors. SAT takers tend to be students with plans well underway to attend out of state colleges. Scores on the SAT are reported on a scale of 200 to 800 with 500 as the mean score. Typically APS students score at or higher than the national average on reading, math and writing. When APS SAT takers are compared to the state, scores are the same in reading and slightly lower in math and writing. Figure 6 - SAT 2013 READING scores APS, State, and Nation 800 700 600 555 548 546 550 497 500 550 550 496 496 APS State Nation 400 300 200 2011 IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 2012 2013 Page 9 800 Figure 7 – SAT 2013 MATH Scores for APS, State, and Nation 700 600 552 541 551 546 544 545 APS 500 State Nation 400 300 200 2011 2012 2013 800 Figure 8 - SAT 2013 WRITING Scores for APS, State and Nation 700 600 534 529 528 529 522 531 500 APS State Nation 400 300 200 2011 IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 2012 2013 Page 10 By ethnic group, APS has very diverse numbers of participation; ranging from a low of 14 American Indian students to a high of 262 white students. Ethnicity is self-reported and includes Hispanic/Latino, Puerto Rican, and Mexican as separate categories. In reading, all ethnic groups score higher than the national average for 2013 with one exception: African American students; the same is true in math. In writing, American Indian, African American and students who marked ‘Other’ do not reach the national average. A three year trend for all ethnic groups is found in Appendix A. Figure 9- SAT 2013 Scores by Ethnic Groups for APS 700 606 600 572 582 554 543 533 551 493 500 460 435 472 568 542 502 500 488 485 557 539 514 486 548 505 429 400 Reading Math 300 Writing 200 100 0 American Indian IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Asian Black Mexican Hispanic White Other No Response Page 11 Figure 10 – SAT 2013 Composite Score by Ethnic Group for APS, Nation and State 2000 1900 1800 1729 1700 1712 1692 1645 1600 1500 1400 1450 1665 1623 1576 1551 1445 1427 1687 1630 1490 1472 1610 1539 1501 1521 APS 1409 1324 1353 1354 Mexican Hispanic Nation State 1278 1300 1200 1100 1000 American Indian Asian Black White Other No Response College Board established benchmark scores for SAT to measure college readiness. A score of 1550 gives a student a 65% probability of obtaining a first year GPA of B- or higher. This first year GPA is associated with a high likelihood of college success. The APS composite score of 1616 represents a 70% probability of students obtaining a B- or better; slightly higher than the national average. The average composite score for each ethnic group in APS is presented in Figure 11. IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Page 12 1700 Figure 11- SAT 2013 Composite Score for APS, State, and Nation 1650 1641 1625 1625 1618 1616 1626 1600 APS 1550 State 1500 1498 1500 1498 Nation 1450 1400 2011 IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 2012 2013 Page 13 2000 1729 1800 Figure 12 - Percent of APS Students by Ethnic Group Meeting the SAT Benchmark in 2013 1600 1400 1692 1630 1539 1490 1450 1610 1550 Benchmark 1324 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 American Indian IA/S.Homan & RAM/10.2013 Asian Black Mexican Hispanic White Other No Response Page 14