The 2013 ARTS AGM Minutes follow the 2013 ARTS AGM Agenda below. CACS/ACEC (ARTS/SCEA) Arts Researchers and Teachers Society (ARTS) ARTS Annual General Meeting Minutes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AGENDA Welcome (Monica Prendergast, Vice-President of ARTS. John Guiney Yallop, President of ARTS sends regrets for not being able to attend this year’s AGM.) Approval of Minutes of ARTS 2012 AGM (copies provided) Presentation of ARTS Graduate Research Awards (The recipient of the ARTS Doctoral Graduate Research Award for 2013 is Dr. Terrah Keener. See Me, Hear Me … Queerly Visible: Conversations about family and school with non-heterosexual parents and their children. An honourable mention is being given to the work of Dr. Nané Jordan. Inspiriting the Academy: Weaving Stories and Practices of Living Women’s Spirituality. The recipient of the ARTS Masters Graduate Research Award is Ms Chantal Laurin. Vers une approche interculturelle de l’enseignement de l’orchestre à cordes de la première secondaire.) Vice-President’s Report (copies provided) President’s Report (copies provided) Constitutional Motions (Notices of Motion were given for the following motions. Please note that 60% of those present must vote in favour in order for these motions to pass. Members present may vote on these motions as individual motions or as one group of 13 constitutional motions.) Motion 1: That 3.1 be amended to replace the word ‘Society’ with ‘Association’. Rationale: The correct name of our association is Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. Motion 2: That 4.1 be amended to replace the word ‘Society’ with ‘Association’. Rationale: The correct name of our association is Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. Motion 3: That 4.3 be amended to correct the spelling of ‘privilege’. Motion 4: That 4.4 be amended to correct the spelling of ‘shall’. Motion 5: That 5.0 be amended to begin with the word ‘Executive’. Rationale: This reflects the reality of the positions. Motion 6: That 5.1 be amended to read ‘The Executive Officers of the SIG shall be: President Vice-President and Programme Chair Past-President’. Rationale: The changes proposed here reflect the actual workings of the SIG. The VicePresident is identified as the Programme Chair in the CSSE Conference Programme. This title should be reflected in our constitution as it is a position with dual roles. We currently do not have a position of Past-President. This year, however, the current past president was consulted, more than once, regarding the workings of the SIG. When making decisions about SIG matters, it is more useful to have the experiences and perspectives of three SIG officers rather than two. As well, in the event that one of the officers resigns and a new officer is appointed, it is very important to have the continuity of more than one officer. Motion 7: That 5.3 be amended by adding, ‘and the President will assume the role of PastPresident’. Rationale: This allows for the retention of a more robust experience among the SIG officers. Motion 8: That 5.4 be amended by changing ‘his/her’ to ‘her/his’. Rationale: This is alphabetical order. Motion 9: That 5.5 be amended by the addition of ‘coordinate the ARTS Awards processes’. Rationale: This is something that the President does; it should be listed in the constitution in order to ensure that this takes place. Motion 10: That 5.6 be amended by the addition of ‘and Programme Chair’. Rationale: See Rationale for Motion 5 above. Motion 11: That the following be added under 5.0: ‘5.7 That the duties of the Past-President are to assist the President and the Vice-President and Programme Chair with the operations of the SIG, and to assist in maintaining the website of the SIG. 1 Rationale: The three roles (program, awards, website) are distributed across the executive. Motion 12: That 6.1 be amended by changing ‘French and English’ to ‘English and French’. Rationale: This is alphabetical order. Motion 13: That 8.2 be amended to show the correct spelling of ‘constitution’. 7. Other Motions (Notices of Motion are not required for these motions as they are not constitutional changes.) Motion: That the annual dues of ARTS be $10.00. Rationale: This amount, increased from the current $5.00, will allow our SIG to self-fund the ARTS Awards rather than depending on contributions from external sources. Monetary contributions may still be made to ARTS; in such cases, the monetary contributions will be added to the ARTS account. Motion: That the officers of the SIG re-write the ARTS Graduate Research Awards criteria and processes, and that submissions be limited to theses and dissertations defended in the calendar year preceding the CSSE Conference when the awards are presented. Rationale: Currently, the criteria/processes require that the candidates include the completion document signed by all committee members. Some universities do not provide those documents for Freedom of Information and Privacy reasons. A letter from the university could be another option in cases. As well, we have an abundant number of theses and dissertations defended each year; submissions from the two previous calendar years greatly increase the workload of the committee of reviewers and the President of ARTS. Motion: That the officers of the SIG seek financial contributions to the SIG from arts organizations and artists across the country. Rationale: Such contributions would need to be made to CSSE, and designated for ARTS. Such contributions should not, in any way, bind ARTS, its officers, its members, or CSSE. 8. ARTS Publication Award (Kathy Browning and Joe Norris) Bernie Andrews, Marni Binder, Kathy Browning and Joe Norris, with the President of ARTS, John Guiney Yallop, worked together this year on the development of a process for an ARTS Publication Award. A form, which describes the process they have agreed upon, is provided. Kathy and Joe will present on behalf of the working group. The other members of the working group send regrets as they cannot be present at the AGM this year. After the presentation, the following motion is being made: Motion: That an annual ARTS Publication Award, following the criteria and process on the form provided, be established and that the first ARTS Publication Awards be awarded at the 2014 ARTS AGM. Rationale: This issue has been debated at the last two (or three) ARTS AGMs. Four members of ARTS formed a working group and, with the President of ARTS, engaged in developing criteria and a process for such an award. This is another opportunity to continue to celebrate the work of our community. Motion: That, depending on budget as determined by the officers of the SIG, the ARTS Awards include, for travel to the ARTS AGM, the following monetary awards: ARTS Doctoral Graduate Research Award: $200.00; ARTS Graduate Masters Research Award: $200.00; ARTS Publication Award: $200.00. Rationale: This will provide some additional support and recognition to our colleagues, if they choose to attend the AGM to accept the awards. 9. New Business 10. Adjournment 2 MINUTES Minutes taken by Ian Farish, University of Victoria Chair: Monica Prendergast, ARTS Vice-President and Program Chair Attendees: Monica Prendergast, Pauline Sameshima, Ian Farish, Sean Wiebe, Kathy Browning, Peter Vietgen, Heather McLeod, Roselynn Verwoord, Maia Giesbrecht, Boyd White, Dustin Garnet 1. Awards Presentations: 7 Reviewers, 4 French Speaking Masters: Valery Peters accepted on behalf of Chantal Laurin, Laval University Doctoral: Sal Badali accepted on behalf of Terrah Keener, Mount Saint Vincent University) 2. Approval of minutes from 2012: Kathy Browning in last year’s minutes (correction, points 1 and 8). Approval moved by Kathy Browning, Seconded by Boyd White Passed/Carried 3. Note: Graduate work will be added to website – Pauline Sameshima 4. Report on CSSE ARTS 2013 – Monica Prendergast (see Appendix A for CACS distribution of slots table) 67 submissions for ARTS in CSSE, based on the number of submissions received An increase relative to last year 14 sessions: 8 paper panels, 3 symposia, 2 round tables, 1 poster session Public thanks to reviewers The health of our society is proportional to our submission numbers. There has been steady growth, and we would like to see that continue. Please encourage the extended circle to join the SIG. 5. Monica - Presidents report 2013 … See separate document Pre-conference It made no sense to have a separate pre-conference … splintering off, and we made an executive decision to join the wider pre-conference rather than have our own. Comments regarding this year’s format with CACS and CASWE: Kathy Browning: thought this year’s format was excellent Monica: Gallery exhibit of residential school survivor’s art created while in these institutions was apparently very powerful Monica: commented on Press Play (Intrepid Theatre, Victoria, audio play project) … smart phone and iPod press play … aspects of Victoria’s history including walking tours with comments … potential arts-based method Suggestions/comments for pre-conference planning 2015 U Ottawa, National Arts Centre, please contact Monica or John ARTS GRADUATE RESEARCH AWARDS: Thank you to John from Monica John thanks reviewers Item 6. Constitutional Motions – slight adjustments to constitution Vote on all motions at once Discussion Sean Wiebe: re the term length being a 6 year commitment… is that too long? Monica: Formalization of the past president’s role, better with 3 people in the executive Sean Wiebe: should we have a second vice president … share the load for the program chair. Create another position so there is a first and second vice president Monica: Vice chairs? Roselynn Verwoord: a graduate student position … graduate student mentoring, needs, crafting of our society, not a decision that needs to be made now? Monica: Maybe we need to grow our executive. There is a larger debate here needed in order to move our society forward Sean: In our history, we have had grad students in the higher positions … it might suggest that this is the role for a grad student, a lesser role, rather than the position. Roselyn, Pauline concur: Graduate students can hold these roles 3 Roselyn: Amendment … at least one position should/can be held by a graduate student. There is other wording too… Roselyn will contribute some possible wording changes for the constitution Amendment to motion 11: eliminate wording “…and to maintain the website” Friendly amendment Moved: Ian Farish Second: Kathy Browning Passed/Carried 7. Other Motions: annual dues changed from $5 to $10 in order to increase awards with the intention that the money go towards supporting our award. Pauline: In the past the Royal Conservatory added $500 but we have lost their funding. Moved: Kathy Browning Second: Boyd White Passed/Carried Motion: Guidelines for Graduate Research Awards Discussion … Window is 2 years and John suggests that the window should be closed to one calendar year so that includes calendar year before the conference. More flexible, but the larger window puts more pressure on the president. Pauline: Submissions were submitted twice in the past… sometimes the decision is based on the reviewer Make sure the reviewers can make informed decisions across genres … drama, art, music, literary arts … Boyd: Point of clarification … if it is this year, only between Jan 1 st and Dec 31st 2013 could submit for 2014. The number of people putting time into the SIG is low … there are 10 people at a meeting where membership is close to 100. Moved: Kathy Browning Second: Sean Wiebe 7 in favour 4 abstentions Passed/Carried Motion: Society Officers seek financial contributions to the SIG Discussion: Monica: Not an official role please, given that officers are already stretched thinly. Heather McLeod: What is the background? Pauline: There is cost involved with translation Sean: Does this change the nature of the amendment … the friendly change Moved: Heather Second: Peter In favour: 1 Against: 9 Abstention: 1 Motion defeated Motion: Table this, and consider a new motion, as follows: New Motion: Officers and members of the SIG are encouraged to seek financial contributions and consider other fundraising options – creative ideas to support the SIG and its costs. Such contributions should not, in any way, bind ARTS, its officers, its members, or CSSE. Moved: Peter Seconded: Heather In Favour: 11 Passed/Carried Kathy Browning was invited to speak to Motion that an annual ARTS Publication Award to support creativity, following the criteria and process etc Motion 1: Research Publication Award – formal academic Motion 2: We also need to include creativity with an Arts Award Do they need to be two motions and two awards? Lots of rich discussion. We don’t want to overburden the committee. So .. it is up to the members. Maia Giesbrecht (for Bernie): His concern is that both things should be recognized. What are the criteria that can encompass everything. A publication award is very different than an arts award. They should be equally recognized. 4 Kathy: The second motion covers the arts creative award… hence the need for the creative awards. The form is the same for both… the creative. Pauline (for John): John is concerned that we don’t have two awards, as it will be too much work for the SIG. The award is for arts education research. Monica: Friendly amendment … Arts dissemination award as the wording, versus publication. Agrees that two awards will be too much. Pauline: Don’t change the first award… this is three years in the making. The group of five have debated this, we need more time. Kathy Browning: Let’s move forward so we can have an award. Monica: Let’s vote on the first award, the first motion, and let’s table the second motion/award. Sean Wiebe: We will vote on the first award. A motion needs to be presented and needs to come to the floor in a way that is faithful to procedure: 1st Motion Moved: Dustin Second: Heather McLeod Passed/Carried New Business: Motion: Put forward $200 attached to the award depending on funding, Maia Giesbrecht: Monetary not as important than the recognition award therefore we will not press for monetary award if funding not available. Move: Peter Second: Maia Passed/Carried New Business: Motion: To create a parallel artistic award focusing on expressions of creativity by ARTS SIG members in the performing, literary, and visual award to compliment the Arts Publication Award. Discussion: Sean Wiebe: to support our colleagues in a broader sense … Pauline: To promote our SIG and the works coming from it. Kathy: If we don’t recognize ourselves for our own creative publications, our creative work, then who is going to do that? Artistic publication that is research based. Kathy: In respect of Bernie’s work, perhaps we need to make note of it but also table it 1. We need a different sort of assessment tool. 2. We can pilot the first award as is. Moved: Kathy Second: Peter Tabled Motion: Kathy: The ARTS website should have a publication section. It could be a good place to share. Discussion: Pauline: It is important that the site be created by members and is jointly shared by arts integrated and arts infused work, rather than centrally controlled. Sean Wiebe: Let’s just start a list and provide encouragement… there are places out there and they come and go for publications, and more than anything that is what needs to be maintained, a place to find ways to network across the country. Pauline: It is important that we think ahead so it will grow by itself or not, not be administered. It is too much work, and it is not realistic. Kathy: We voted to have the new award, and we need to welcome everyone Pauline: It is not realistic to do everyone… we showcase the winner’s work, but we can’t do it for everyone. Motion tabled due to lack of time Motion to adjourn: Peter Seconded: Heather 5 CACS CSSE 2013 Summary (prepared by CACS President Avril Aitken) Group Number of Pre-Review Single Paper Equivalent Prop osals NOTE: Overall increase of 23% from last year Percentage of Total Calculation of Number of Session Slots Notes on distribution of 90 minute sessions: - In general, one for every two 75 min. sessi - More 90 min. sessions - if I rounded down [REEFMM; SERG; ARTS] Last year Victoria Program Last year Victori a RÉÉFMM 12 15 4% 4.22% 3 3.25 CCPA 21 27 7% 7.6% 6 5.75 SERG 38 48 13% 13.52% 10 10.25 10 LLRC 42 84 15% 23.66% 11 18 18 ARTS 49 67 17% 18.87% 13 14.25 14 127 114 44% 32.11% 33 24.5 25 289 355 100% 76 76 76 General Programme: Total for all of CACS and SIGS Last year Victoria Victoria Distribution 51 x 75min 25 x 90min 3 Over 1 day 6 Over 1 day 1 x 75 2 x 90 4 x 75 2 x 90 6 x 75 4 x 90 12 x 75 6 x 90 9 x 75 5 x 90 19 x 75 6 x 90 51 + 25 6