Dry Stone Canada Board Meeting Thursday October 28, 2014 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Conference Dial-In number: +1 559-670-1000 Participant Access Code: 158061# Host Access Code: 925292# AGENDA/Minutes 1 Call to order start:8:00 Present: Andre,Eric,Bill,Menno,John 2 Approval of the Agenda Menno approves, Eric seconds Festival a. Thoughts or suggestions Eric: copes on student wall needs fixing. John, Kenny, Eric, Andre, Bill, Menno fixing them on either November 8th or 9th Menno: Jared said there was an issue with students struggling on the cheek ends. Eric: maybe pre building the foundations for the students beforehand is a good idea. Problem with students leaving early. Bill: need to get back to Jeremy with the names of students. sort out paying Ken: certified check. 3 Ferris Park a. Inquiry from Carol Robinson Possibility of more workshops/festival. Carol Robinson wants to meet. Bill and Andre to meet with Carol. time to be discussed between Andre and Bill 4 Amherst (ideas from Andrea Cross) a. Heritage designation Andrea wants to create a new committee through the association to make this happen. She is offering to chair the committee(4-5 people). Bill offers to be part of committee, Andre, other potential volunteers: Margo, Carlan. b. By-law template Andrea Cross made one for Amherst Island. Could be made available to other community's in need. No one in opposition 5 Craft Skills nothing to report.. putting on the back burner until more certification is achieved 6 Web Site Menno is on it . Andre: can dry stone wall data base be integrated into the Dry stone Canada website? Eric: proposing a picture gallery for members to post work. further thought required on this matter. 7 Canada Blooms Just have to keep our ears open for an opportunity.. 8 Empty director seat and Registrar Margo Miller, Pat Callon, Tony Digiovanni, Jeremy Grant: Possible candidates to approach. 4 votes pat 1st choice, 1 vote Jeremy 1st choice 1st choice Pat 2nd choice Jeremy 3rd choice Tony 9 Other Business Alton being dry stone capital of canada?.. ehhhh...? Bill has volunteered to be registrar. Pillar in Alton square: names of participants? association name Bill: workshops and instructors for 2015? whoever is willing/eligible to get tested : Andre, Menno, Kenny, Pat Next meeting: to be discussed Adjournment: 9:15pm