Fraternal Excellence Annual Report & Awards Application

University of West Florida
Fraternal Excellence Application
In preparing this document, each fraternity and sorority will reflect on chapter strengths and challenges throughout the previous year and use this information
to improve in future years. The document also enables the University to identify early signs of problem areas for chapter and assist the active and alumni(ae)
members to improve in those areas.
This document will serve two purposes:
1. Application to receive Chapter Achievement and Fraternal Excellence Awards
2. Provide an annual report to review by the chapter and Fraternity & Sorority Life (MANDITORY – SEE SANCTIONS LISTED IN PROGRAM)
The chapter must use this Application found on the Fraternity & Sorority Website. This application is a word document (do not use programs that cause it to
reformat); chapters are expected to complete the application reading the standard in the GREY spaces, then following the directions in the WHITE space, and
then typing in the YELLOW spaces provided and scanning or attaching any supporting documents/photos. All photos, supporting documents, and information
must be in this document or turned into Fraternity & Sorority Life (preferably electronic) by the application due date to be put in the chapter’s folder for that
particular year.
Dates for the application due date, Fraternal Excellence Awards Banquet and Student Leadership Awards Banquet are all on the Fraternity & Sorority Life
Standard 1: Academic Excellence
The educational mission of UWF is of central importance to a strong fraternity and sorority community. To this end, it is expected that one of the primary goals
of fraternities and sororities is to promote academic achievement. Chapters should provide an environment that is conducive to studying and achieving
academic success.
Performance Standard
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Your chapter GPA will be pulled from the Grade Report
Chapter achievement of an overall grade point average for its full current membership that is above the respective
fraternity or sorority average each semester.
Your chapter GPA will be pulled from the Grade Report
Revised April 2015
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Chapter achievement of an overall grade point average for its full current membership that is above the respective
male or female undergraduate average each semester.
New member grade point average meets or exceeds the First Time in College undergraduate freshman GPA.
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Your new member GPA will be pulled from the Grade Report
Potential new members will hold a semester & cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better to be considered eligible for chapter
Your potential new member GPAs will be pulled from MIP Forms or PNM Grade Release Forms/ICS
New members will maintain a semester GPA that is above a 2.50 while they are participating in the new member
orientation/education program.
Your new members GPAs will be pulled from the Grade Report
Chapter’s semester grade point average showed a POSITIVE percentage change from the previous semester.
Your Percentage Change from one semester to the next will be pulled from the Grade Report
ALL chapter officers/positions will hold prior to election and maintain a minimum 2.75 cumulative or semester GPA.
Explain your GPA standard for each level of chapter officers:
1 point
See Appendix A and LIST ALL officer positions, the term, and their Semester GPA – USE GRADE REPORT FOR ACCURACY
The chapter has members who hold membership in one or more academic honorary organizations on campus.
See Appendix A and list all members involved in academic honorary organizations on campus and the organization.
The chapter has members who were inducted into Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities in the application year.
Report will be pulled from the Dean of Students Office each Spring Semester
The chapter establishes and maintains a detailed academic/scholarship program that includes:
 Academic and scholastic programming (beyond study hours) during each semester for the entire chapter.
 Minimum GPA requirements for all chapter members, including new members, and officers that reflect the universities
standard (2.5) or higher.
 A written process that describes the consequences, potential sanctions, and review of process for members who do not
meet the academic standards set by the chapter and/or organization.
 A written process that describes the methods of recognition in place for members who do meet the academic standards
set by the chapter and/or organization.
Revised April 2015
2 points
1 point
2 points
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Explain your academic/scholarship program or attach it:
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Chapter budget has dedicated funding for academic programming. This includes funding for any event/retreat/program that has at
least one academic component. (I.e. discounted dues, t-shirts, dean’s list dinner, awards, etc.)
Explain the what chapter funds were spent on academic programing or attach a detailed budget with programs that had an
academic component and explain the programs below:
The chapter has a program in place that promotes student/faculty relations. This program could include:
 An invited FACULTY member (UWF Professors NOT Staff) to address the chapter.
 Discussions led by a faculty member.
 Social interaction for members of the chapter and members of the faculty.
 Appreciation days/events for faculty members host by the chapter.
1 point
1 point
Explain your program and attach any supporting documents:
The chapter sponsors, co-sponsors, or attends (min of 60% of members) at least one (1) academic enhancement
programs each semester. Ex: time management, campus academic resources, study skills, note taking strategies, etc.
1 point
1 point
Explain your program and attach any supporting documents of attendance/sponsorship:
Standard 2: Ethical Leadership
The fraternity and sorority community at UWF strives to provide a responsible and healthy environment for its members and commits to participating in
programs and events that promote ethical leadership and responsible, informed, decision making.
2 points
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Performance Standard
Compliance with all Fraternity & Sorority Life procedures, including forms to be turned in in the time specified and the minimum
membership of 5 members.
Your chapter’s history and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Compliance with all chapters’ national polices and governing council’s policies related to recruitment/membership intake.
Your chapter’s history and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
The chapter’s constitution and bylaws are updated and ratified annually with a copy submitted to Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Explain your constitution and bylaw revision/update process:
Revised April 2015
2 points
2 points
Your chapter’s compliance with turning in these documents will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Chapter’s constitution, bylaws, and/or guiding principles have a non-discrimination policy in it.
1 point
Chapters will host an annual retreat/meeting in which the ENITRE CHAPTER meets to set goals for the coming year. The
agenda/curriculum for the retreat is to be submitted.
Explain your program and attach any supporting documents of attendance/curriculum:
1 point
Chapter will develop three (3) goals at the beginning of each semester to ensure chapter success. (Goals should have components
of being SMART goals, show how it will be MEASURED and if the goal is for both semesters show why you kept it a goal)
State your 3 goals for EACH semester and attach supporting documents:
2 points
Chapter will develop and maintain a chapter vision and mission.
State your chapter vision and mission and attach supporting documents:
1 point
Chapters will ensure that at least 1 member of their chapter attend the annual Fraternal Leaders Institute (FLI), one of which
MUST be on the Executive Board of the organization (preferably the President).
2 points
Your chapter’s attendee and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Chapters will host an officer transition retreat/meeting to ensure that new officers receive all of the information they need to be
an effective officer. The agenda/curriculum for the retreat is to be submitted.
Explain when you had your retreat for the application year officers and attach any supporting documents of attendance/
2 points
Chapter Executive Boards will develop a Chapter Plan (or update an existing plan) to be completed and discussed with Fraternity
& Sorority Life staff in one on ones by the end of each semester. (i.e. FLI Action Plan or HQ Chapter Goals Worksheet)
Explain your chapter’s plan (Action Plans are different than goals and should follow the example given at Mt. Olympus):
Your chapter’s compliance with turning in/discussing these documents will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Revised April 2015
2 points
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State your exact non-discrimination policy and attach supporting documents showing where it is clearly written out:
The chapter provides financial assistance for those brothers/sisters who are unable to pay for their dues and/or programs related
to their personal, academic, and /or leadership development if they are unable to cover these costs personally. This could be in
the form of a scholarship fund, a financial amnesty plan, or a reasonable payment plan that allows members flexibility in how
they pay for their membership.
1 point
Chapter has members who participate in the Fraternity & Sorority Life Roundtables (attendance at more than 50% offered
2 points
Your chapter’s attendance and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Chapter Leadership will attend their specific fraternity/sorority national conventions and/or regional leadership conferences.
Explain programs attended and attach any supporting documents attendance/agenda:
All chapters will have at least 1 chapter advisor.
Your chapter advisor(s) will be pulled from the Chapter Officer Form
Chapter advisors are encouraged to attend at least 50% of chapter or executive board meetings each semester. However, what is
imperative is that the Chapter Advisor is actively involved with the current happenings of the chapter and is providing regular
support and guidance to the chapter and the chapter members. Chapter Advisors are encouraged to be involved in the planning
and execution of recruitment events that chapters hosts. Chapter is to submit attendance portion of the minutes as proof of
Chapter Advisor attendance at meetings.
2 points
2 points
2 points
Explain your advisors involvement and attach any supporting documents:
All recruitment/membership intake events will be free of alcohol for members and potential new members.
Your chapter’s history and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Recruitment/MIP will be values based and the purpose of recruitment/informational events will be to disseminate information to
potential members about the respective organization. All publications and other descriptive programs about fraternity or sorority
recruitment/intake will provide information about membership expectations and provide accurate details related to financial
obligations, academic requirements, retention rates, and chapter achievements.
2 points
2 points
Explain your recruitment/interest program, how it is values based, and attach any supporting documents:
Chapters will have a working internal standards board/honor board of which an advisor is actively involved.
Explain your board, advisors involvement, and attach any supporting documents:
Revised April 2015
2 points
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Explain your program and attach any supporting documents:
Explain your financial procedures and attach any supporting documents:
1 point
Chapter will provide a detailed budget for the spring and fall semester to their chapter (and advisors upon request)
Explain your budget process, how you include the whole chapter, attach any supporting documents (meeting minutes/budget):
2 points
The chapter has in place a written crisis management plan that each member is educated on; this is to be turned into Fraternity &
Sorority Life annually. The plan should include at least the following components:
Contact information for chapter leadership, advisors, and national representatives
Chapter management plan including and order of succession
Media relations plan including who can speak to the media under what circumstances
Process to follow in the case of a death or serious illness
Process to follow in the case of natural disaster
1 point
Explain your crisis management plan or attach it:
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Chapters are encouraged to have at least 2 officer signatures on all financial agreements or talk to their advisor for other
acceptable financial agreement options.
Standard 3: Community
Fraternities and sororities are structured as microcosms within the larger campus community. Common traditions such as Homecoming and community events
can bind the community together and contribute to a thriving campus life. Involvement in campus life outside of fraternity and sorority life is highly encouraged
for all members of the community. UWF has a strong history of fraternity and sorority members holding positions in all walks of campus life. Involvement and
engagement assists chapters in fulfilling their mission and provides members an opportunity to learn from other experiences.
Explain programs attended and attach any supporting documents (photos are highly encouraged):
Revised April 2015
2 points
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This Space: For
Office Use Only
Performance Standard
Participation in governing council and university planned events (i.e. First Year Move In Day, ArgoArrival (i.e. ArgoPalooza, Beach
Bash, Late Night Target Event), Fraternity & Sorority Life Information Sessions, #WearItWednesday Events, Dance Marathon,
Blizzard Bash, Homecoming, Athletic Events, etc.).
Chapters will CO-HOST (meaning helped plan, setup, host, and attend the event) at least one (1) program per
semester with a NON-Fraternity & Sorority Life UWF student organization.
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Explain programs co-hosted and who they were with; attach any supporting documents:
Chapters co-sponsor (meaning helped plan, setup, host, and attend the event) a program that satisfies a standard
with another UWF Fraternity & Sorority Life chapter at least one (1) time per semester.
Explain programs co-sponsored, who they were with, and the standard accomplished; attach any supporting documents:
Chapters co-sponsor (meaning helped plan, setup, host, and attend the event) a program that satisfies a standard
with a UWF Fraternity & Sorority Life chapter from another council at least (1) time per semester.
Explain programs co-sponsored, who they were with, and the standard accomplished; attach any supporting documents:
60% of members in a chapter will be involved in at least one other UWF student or departmental organization.
See Appendix A and list ALL members (active in either Spring and/or Fall) involved in campus organizations.
Involvement will be verified using ArgoPulse through the Student Involvement Office.
2 points
40% of chapter members will hold a leadership position on campus. (including FSL chapter/council leadership roles)
See Appendix A and list ALL members (active in either Spring and/or Fall) involved in campus organizations & what positions
they hold. Leadership positions will be verified using ArgoPulse through the Student Involvement Office.
1 point
All chapters will have at least 50% of their undergraduate membership in attendance at campus/chapter sponsored receptions for
alumni(ae) (i.e. Homecoming, Alumni(ae) Reunions/Weekends).
Explain programs attended and attach any supporting documents attendance/program:
Chapters will be in compliance with all university reservation policies, campus facility policies, & housing policies (on/off campus).
Your chapter’s compliance will be verified based on accuracy of complaints filed by campus departments.
All chapters who are in Special Interest House agreements (Southside Fraternal Housing) or have an off-campus house approved
through their HQ/Housing Corp. must have the Chapter President and House Manager residing in the respective chapter facility.
Your chapter’s compliance will be verified through Housing and Residence Life.
Revised April 2015
1 point
2 points
2 points
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1 point
Explain your House Manager’s position description or attach it:
All chapters will develop and distribute a bi-annual Alumni(ae) Newsletter. Example of the Newsletter should be attached.
Explain who your newsletter goes to and how often; attach any supporting documents:
1 point
All chapters will work to partner with their local Pensacola Alumni(ae) chapter or if an Alumni(ae) chapter does not exist they will
develop an alumni(ae) board to encourage the development of a partnership between the two bodies.
Explain your involvement with your local Alumni(ae) chapter or board and attach any supporting documents:
2 points
All chapters will maintain an alumni(ae) database or will have access to an alumni(ae) database through their inter/national
Explain your database, who manages it, and where you access it:
1 point
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All chapters who are in a Special Interest Housing agreement with the university or have an off-campus house approved through
their HQ/Housing Corp. must provide proof that the chapter has the position of House Manager and a position description must
be submitted.
Standard 4: Personal Development
One of the primary goals of the fraternity and sorority community is to further the development of its members. To do that we must commit to fostering the
leadership potential of members throughout all stages of their UWF experience. Highly educated and responsible leaders will set an example through their
efforts. The development of individual members is a pre-eminent goal of fraternities and sororities.
2 points
Your chapter’s attendees and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Chapters individually will create a comprehensive, written new member program that promotes scholarship, offers leadership
Revised April 2015
2 points
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Performance Standard
All new members will participate in a New Member Education series (ie. NMI, AlcoholEdu, Safe Haven, Hazing Prevention Course).
This series should be sponsored by Fraternity & Sorority Life and the respective governing councils; however if the respective
governing council is not able to provide an appropriate education series, Fraternity & Sorority Life will provide the requisite
sessions. 75% attendance is required by new members to receive points. If new member misses one of the sessions in the Fall
they will have the opportunity to make it up in the Spring (if one is provided) or they can make it up in the following Fall, failure to
make it up the following fall results in an absence. (fines are applied if a chapter is missing more than 50% of those required to
attend – regardless of it being a first or second absence)
opportunities, encourages campus involvement, outlines clear expectations of membership and behavior and provides
opportunities for personal development. All new member education/orientation programs will be planned prior to
bids/invitations being extended. This program will be submitted to the chapter’s advisor and Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Explain your New Member/Membership Intake program or attach it:
2 points
2 points
See Appendix B and list ALL new members from both SPRING & FALL, when they were official new members, and when they
were initiated. If they were not initiated please give a reason WHY, this will help evaluate retention!
This will be verified by Fraternity & Sorority Life through Rosters and MIP Forms.
Chapters will attend or host 3 membership development programs or workshops a semester, with a minimum of 75% of the
chapter in attendance, from the categories listed below, which may include presentations from chapter officers or campus/HQ
staff on the following topics:
 Values Clarification
a. Individual Inter/national values programs such as NPC’s Something of Value Program, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s
True Gentleman Program or your chapter/council equivalent.
b. Living Your Ritual, Ethical Decision Making, Chapter Accountability, etc.
 Academic Success
a. Time Management
b. Stress Management
c. Study Skills
d. Academic Integrity
e. Career Services Workshops
 Alcohol and Drug Education (all programs listed can be found through wellness services)
a. Alcohol Programs
b. Do More Than Change the Channel
c. Choices
d. ArgoHost Training
 Cultural/Intercultural Awareness
a. Diversity and Intercultural Education
b. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, etc.
c. Gender relations
 Personal Health and Wellness
a. Sexual Assault
b. Body Image
Revised April 2015
2 points
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At least 60% of the new member class will initiate into full membership.
c. Up in Smoke
d. QPR Gatekeeper Training
Other suggestions
a. Social Justice/Current Events
b. Self-defense
Chapters conduct a review of the values and meaning of the ritual post-initiation.
Explain your program and attach any supporting documents of attendance/curriculum:
2 points
Chapters will have a written mentor program (big/little) which includes requirements for becoming a big sister or brother. (I.e.
currently financial with the chapter, minimum GPA, etc.) and activities that build relationships that are purposeful and related to
the values of the organization.
1 point
Explain your program and attach any supporting documents of requirements/activities:
Chapters will send (assist in finding a scholarship, etc.) attendance at NON UWF Programs such as: UIFI, LeaderShape through
AFLV or FL, chapters sending members to SEPC/SEIFC or AFLV conferences in addition to the ones who go from the councils, AFLV
emersion trips, Novak Institute or similar program each year that are for the leadership development outside of your
fraternity/sorority programs.
1 point
Explain programs attended, by whom, when and how it was funded; attach any supporting documents budget/program:
Chapters will be in compliance with their national policies when hosting events where alcohol is present or served.
Your chapter’s history and compliance will be verified through Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Chapter Risk and Social chairs should have a minimum one full semester experience as an initiated member in their chapter.
See Appendix A and list ALL chapter officers (be sure to label these positions specifically) & what semesters they joined.
2 points
1 point
At least one member of each chapter will have gone through UWF ArgoHost (Social Host) training.
Explain who attended and when; attach any supporting documents:
Chapter attendance will be verified through Wellness Services.
Revised April 2015
2 points
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Explain EACH program attended/hosted, which semester, and attach any supporting documents attendance/program:
2 points
Standard 5: Stewardship
One of the cornerstones of fraternity and sorority involvement is serving the community with time, talent, and treasure. Fraternity and sorority chapters
embody this important part of our community by raising funds for those in need, donating time and talent, and by raising awareness of societal issues that
should be topics of discourse. These efforts are done to improve our communities both within and outside of the campus.
Performance Standard
Chapters will complete an average of at least 5 hours of community service (active service) per member per
semester and report it in JasonQuest.
1 point
1 point
See Appendix A and fill out the number of Community Service hours per member each semester.
Community Service Hours will be verified through JasonQuest.
2 points
Explain programs co/sponsored and attach any supporting documents attendance/program:
Chapter members volunteer during an approved community service project coordinated by another Non-Fraternity & Sorority Life
UWF organization or by a UWF department.
Explain program attended and who coordinated it; attach any supporting documents:
1 point
Chapter has a team for UWF Dance Marathon (Philanthropy event hosted by the Inter-Fraternal Programming Board) and
participates in fundraising for their team and in the day of the event.
Explain who was on your team and how much you fundraised; attach any supporting documents:
1 point
The chapter sponsors or co-sponsors at least one (1) event each year with at least 60% attendance from chapter members that is
designed to raise money (philanthropic) for a community agency.
Explain programs co/sponsored and attach any supporting documents attendance/program:
2 points
The chapter invites and has participation from non-affiliated students/organizations in their philanthropic and service events.
Explain programs, who participated, and attach any supporting documents attendance/program:
Revised April 2015
1 point
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The chapter sponsors or co-sponsors at least one (1) event each year with at least 60% attendance from chapter members that is
designed to benefit a community service agency through volunteer hours and hands-on work (community service)or a community
awareness campaign (i.e. breast cancer awareness, register to vote, etc.) approved through JasonQuest.
The chapter’s philanthropic, service, and awareness work serves more than one (1) community agency or organization.
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Explain programs and who they serve; attach any supporting documents:
1 point
The chapter participates in at least two (2) other Fraternity & Sorority Life organizations’ community
service/philanthropy/awareness events each year.
1 point
1 point
Explain program attended and who coordinated it (INCLUDE any AWARDS and how much YOUR CHAPTER RAISED); attach any
supporting documents:
The chapter donates 100% of the monies raised to the philanthropy of their choice (i.e. no money raised is used to execute the
Explain the costs of EACH program, the amount raised & amount DONATED to which causes, and the funds/supplies budgeted
and/or donated to execute the program or attach any supporting documents (program/budget):
Note: We want to know the total amount of money raised and donated by your chapter to each cause.
1 point
Appendix A – Membership Breakdown including ALL New Members & Actives from BOTH Spring and Fall semester. This includes anyone
active only one semester (ie. Seniors). Use your Grade Report from Spring and Roster from Fall to complete list to ensure you do not miss
Member Name
EX: Doe
Revised April 2015
Sem. &
Fall 11
Semester GPA
(use grade
Chapter Officer
(term for each, current
year only)
President – Yr. 2015
(active in current year
Order of Omega
Honors Program
(active in current
year only)
Surf Club
Leadership Roles
(specific info for each,
current year only)
OOO – President
Service Hours
Add or Remove rows as necessary
Appendix B – New Member Breakdown, both Spring and Fall Classes should be listed including all members who received bids even if they
dropped the process.
New Member Name
Ex: Doe
Ex: Doe
Ex: Doe
Revised April 2015
Sem. & Year for
New Member Class
Spring 2015
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Date Joined/Inducted
February 2, 2015
February 2, 2015
September 12, 2015
Date Initiated
November 5, 2015
April 5, 2015
If not initiated list reason dropped, if they are were held over and
are still a new member list that too.
Ex: Held over till Fall for Grades
Ex: Dropped due to family reasons
Add or Remove rows as necessary
Revised April 2015