Research Office IACUC Guideline – Training, Education, and Occupational Health & Safety Requirements IACUC Approved XX/XXXX p. 1-6 Guideline - Training, Education, and Occupational Health & Safety Requirements See also: Policy – Training, Education, and Occupational Health & Safety Requirements for Animal Care and Use Program Participants This document provides guidance for any and all persons who work with, or are exposed to animals within OSU’s Animal Care & Use Program. The document has 3 sections, below: Checklist – Participant Categories o Includes ACUP participants, animal facility staff, facilities & trades staff, student employees, students with exposure via class or independent study, nonemployee visitors & volunteers with exposure during work, and visitors participating in facility tours, outreach, and other supervised short-term exposures Requirement Descriptions and Links o Animal Welfare Education (AWE) options o Occupational Health & Safety Program (OHSP) requirements - includes the Animal Handler Safety & Hazards online module, medical risks review, & activityspecific safety & hazards training options o Activity-specific Education & Training - includes requirements for education & training that relates to species, procedures, equipment, facilities, etc. o Documentation requirements Definitions o List of terms used 1 Checklists - Participant Categories ACUP Participants Animal Welfare Education (AWE) module (online or in-person) Occupational Medicine – medical review Employees & Student Employees i. Upon hire—submit Initial Animal Exposure questionnaire for review & clearance ii. Thereafter—submit Annual follow-up questionnaire for review & clearance Non-employees: one time submission of Annual Exposure for review & clearance Contact Occupational Medicine if you believe a medical review waiver is appropriate for you. Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) -- Animal Handler Safety session, may be completed online or in-person PI-directed training/education/qualification-- covers ACUP-specific species, techniques, potential hazards PI-maintained documentation-- covers ACUP-specific species, techniques, safety / hazards training ACUP/Amendment approval - work can begin after approval notification from IACUC Animal Facility Staff -- Husbandry/Animal Care/Cage-wash/Stall/Barn/Holding Occupational Medicine – Animal Exposure questionnaire & clearance (initial + annual renewal) EH&S -- Animal Handler Safety training (online or in-person) Facility Manager/Supervisor-provided training on facility-specific species, techniques, hazards Facility Manager/Supervisor/Administrative Unit -maintained documentation of training Facilities & Trades Staff-- animal facilities/area support Occupational Medicine – Animal Exposure questionnaire & clearance (initial + annual renewal) EH&S -- Animal Handler Safety training (online or in-person) Facility Manager/Supervisor-provided training on facility-specific species, techniques, hazards Facility Manager/Supervisor/Administrative Unit -maintained documentation of training Students – employed and working with animals and/or in animal facilities Occupational Medicine – Animal Exposure questionnaire & clearance (initial + annual renewal) 2 EH&S -- Animal Handler Safety training (online or in-person) Supervisor / Facility Manager -provided training on facility-specific species, techniques, hazards Supervisor / Facility Manager /Administrative Unit -maintained documentation of training Students – work with animals during class or independent study Occupational Medicine – Animal Exposure questionnaire & clearance (initial) Instructor/Supervisor-provided training on facility- & activity-specific species, techniques, safety/hazards Instructor/Supervisor/Administrative Unit -maintained documentation of training Non-employees - volunteers & visitors who work with animals / in animal facilities Occupational Medicine – Non-Employee questionnaire & clearance (one time) or waiver Facility Manager/Supervisor-provided training on facility- & activity-specific species, techniques, safety/hazards Facility Manager/Supervisor/Administrative Unit -maintained documentation of training Visitors – public tours/outreach/minimal risk Accompanying Supervisor / Manager available to oversee activity, as necessary, to protect health & welfare of animals and participant(s). 3 Requirement Categories Animal Welfare Education (AWE) One of the choices below is required for all participants listed on an ACUP or amendment. 1. CITI Program class completion, “Working with the IACUC” for Investigators, Staff and Students a. Register at b. Select “New Users” for initial log-in c. Select Participating Institution—Oregon State University d. Complete registration steps 1-8 e. Select “Vertebrate Animal Research” training module f. Select “Investigators, Staff and Students” basic course g. Complete all modules to obtain a certificate of completion. h. A copy of the certificate will also be sent to IACUC. 2. AWE presentation with IACUC staff, available upon request. a. Participants are also encouraged to meet with IACUC staff for an “OSU IACUC Introduction” session, to become familiar with both the processes and people central to our OSU IACUC. These meetings are also available upon request. 3. Agricultural-based AWE a. FASS (Federation for Agricultural Science Society) video and quiz completion— this training is specific for agricultural research and teaching projects. Contact the Animal & Rangeland Sciences Office Manager (Otila Zuschlag) to set this up. b. CITI course “Horses used in Agricultural Research Settings” Occupational Health & Safety Program (OHSP) Animal Handler Safety & Hazards Training – EH&S administered Required for all employee program participants before start of activities & available for all others. Contact the EH&S Administrative Program Assistant (Kay Miller) with related questions. 1. On-line video module completion – EH&S website. Must click submit to register completion – print/file the completion page notification 2. In-person training available upon request. See EHS contact link above. ACUP- or Activity- specific Safety & Hazards Training - PI/Supervisor administered Required for all participants before start of activities. The PI/Supervisor is responsible for providing education & training on any safety & hazard issues not covered in the general Animal Handler Safety module above. Training must be documented and accessible. 4 Class-specific Safety & Hazards Training - Instructor administered Required for all students before start of activities. The Instructor is responsible for providing education & training for class activityspecific safety & hazard issues. Training must be documented and accessible. The syllabus may be used as a form of documentation if there is adequate description. Occupational Health & Safety Program – Occupational Medicine administered Required for all program participants before start of activities. Online questionnaire forms are reviewed and cleared by OSU Occupational Medicine providers. OSU Employee reviews must be updated annually while working with animals. Non-employees complete a different form (see below). A waiver request in lieu of review is available. Contact the Occupational Medicine provider (Ariel Leshchinsky) with related questions. 1. OSU employees – one form used for initial review and another form is used for subsequent annual reviews, as required for ongoing clearance. a. Animal Contact Review & Initial Health Surveillance Questionnaire – complete before initial participation as an OSU employee. b. Annual Health Surveillance Questionnaire – complete each subsequent year you have exposure to animals during work as an employee of OSU. Renewal notification may come from Occupational Medicine or the IACUC office. Note: Send medical review information to Occupational Medicine ONLY 2. Persons not employed by OSU – one review a. The Non-OSU Employee Form is for visitors working with animals or in animal facilities -- volunteers; courtesy, affiliate, or visiting faculty; consultants; vendors; and other non-employee program participants in the course of work. Activity- Specific Education & Training Required for all program participants prior to independent work, per extent of activity & exposure. Must include applicable safety & hazard education not covered by the EHS module. Must be documented, and accessible from the PI/Supervisor/Facility Manager/Administrative Unit. 1. ACUP- or Activity- specific – Directed and/or delegated by the PI/Instructor/Supervisor. This person must verify competency prior to independent work involving animals. 2. Participant- specific – Directed and/or delegated by the PI/Instructor/Supervisor or Administrative Unit. 3. Facility- specific – Directed and/or delegated by the Facility Manager/Director. 5 Education & Training options for work with live animals: 1. Didactic a. CITI modules (or equivalent) include: i. Wildlife Research Module ii. Working with Horses in Agricultural Research iii. Working with Animals in Research Settings (many species modules) b. Procedures with Care -- videos of rodent and rabbit procedures c. DVDs & other resources may be available. Contact LARC or the IACUC office. 2. Hands-on (animal handling, care of species, technique and/or procedure training) Training may be completed after ACUP approval/hire/acceptance; however, competency must be verified prior to independent work with related animals and procedures. Options may include: a. Training with LARC veterinary personnel b. Training with PI/instructor/Supervisor, or other designated trainer experienced with the species and procedures c. Verification & documentation of previous experience and qualifications is acceptable for participants who are already qualified to perform independent work. 6 Definitions: 1. Program – short for Animal Care and Use Program 2. Program Participant – all participants exposed to animals. Includes employees and non-employees, including volunteers and visitors. 3. Animal Exposure – includes working with live animals, as well as exposure to tissues (non-sanitized), related allergens, and/or waste products. 4. ACUP – Animal Care and Use Protocol. Requires review and approval from IACUC. 5. ACUP Participant – all participants listed on an ACUP 6. PI – Principal Investigator, the person who is responsible for all ACUP activities & participants 7. IACUC – Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee. A local oversight board that reviews animal care and use activities for approval. 8. CITI – An online vendor that provides educational modules related to Program requirements. 9. Occupational Health & Safety Program (OHSP) –A requirement of Program participation, per oversight agencies. Includes 3 basic arms: safety and hazards education and training from (1) EHS (university-wide) and (2) the PI (ACUP or work specific), as well as (3) medical review and clearance for participation by Occupational Medicine care providers. 10. EH&S –Environmental Health & Safety Department 11. Occupational Medicine – office within the OSU Student Health Services Department 12. Occupational Medicine Review – a medical survey submitted by the participant for review and clearance to participate in the Program 13. Employees – those who are employed by OSU. Includes student workers. 14. Non-employees – all participants who are not OSU students or employed by OSU. Includes volunteers, courtesy/affiliate/emeritus/visiting faculty, consultants, vendors 7