4-H Blast 1-2-15 - AgriLife Extension County Offices

4-H Blast 1-2-15
Happy New Year!
Here is the 4-H Blast update for next week!
January 5th: Consumer 6pm-7pm, Extension Office Meeting Room
January 6th: Last drafts for Texas 4-H Scholarships Due, email Micah
Don’t forget that there a lot of activities going on to prepare for the New Year (Horse Judging,
Plant ID, Consumer, Livestock Judging, Prepping for Livestock Shows)! If you are interested in
any of these activities let the Milam County Extension Office know and we will get you in touch
with the right person to help!
Milam County 4-H Website:
Milam County 4-H Website is now here! We hope to be adding more and more as the year goes
along! Please go visit it as much as possible for new updates! http://counties.agrilife.org/mc4h/
Consumer Meetings for January 5th:
Meetings have been set for the consumer classes for January. Please see the following dates:
Monday, January 5, 6-7pm, Extension Office (Jeans and Boots)
Monday, January 12, 6-7pm, Bea’s Kitchen (Computers and Digital Cameras)
Monday, January 26, 6-7pm, Bea’s Kitchen (Printers and Televisions)
Monday, February 2, 6-7pm, Bea’s Kitchen (Nutritious Snacks and Fast Food Meals)
Monday, February 9, 6-7pm, Bea’s Kitchen (Cookware and Outdoor Equipment)
Tuesday, February 17, 6-7pm, Bea’s Kitchen/Office-if you come the week before
(County Contest)
Practices are really important to attend! If you do miss a class; all classes have been put on the
website you and you can judge the class and practice on your own. However, this may or may
not help you when being put on a team for the San Antonio/District Contests, so please make
sure you attend all practice dates as much as possible. http://counties.agrilife.org/mc4h/4-hprojects/consumer-decision-making/
Milam County Jr. Livestock Show Rules:
The MCJLS Animal General Rules and Animal Entry Forms are now available for viewing the
Milam County Extension Website: http://milam.agrilife.org/milam-county-jr-livestock-show/
Milam County 4-H Facebook Page:
The Milam County 4-H has a facebook page! Please make sure and go in and LIKE the page to
get information about Milam County 4-H! 4-H facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/milamcountyfourH 4-H Blasts will be posted on the page as well as
contest winners, etc. We have over 100 likes!!! Thank you!!!!
The Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarships are a very important part of your 4-H career! This year
you are allowed to apply for a FFA, FCCLA, AND a 4-H Foundation Scholarship!!!! If you
would like to apply please make sure you visit this website for the information and paperwork:
http://agrilife.org/bell4h/4-h-activities/scholarships/ The last draft is due January 5th to Micah
via email: mlholcombe@ag.tamu.edu Final drafts will be due January 20th at the latest.