2015 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student

Citations for Outstanding Contributions to
Student Learning
2015 Submission
Shortlisted nominees must provide:
A. A written statement using this template (maximum of four A4 pages in the specified format)
B. Contact details for two referees including the nominee’s Head of Faculty, School or Organisational
unit). Referees are to provide their reports in confidence and separately from this submission
Comprehensive details of submission requirements are contained in the Awards for Outstanding Contribution
to Student Learning - Procedure.
In assessing the submission against the chosen selection criterion, the Selection Committee will take into
account the extent to which evidence is shown that the contribution has:
Influenced student learning, student engagement or the overall student experience
Been sustained over time
Gained recognition by fellow staff, the University, and/or the broader community.
Nominees must forward completed submissions electronically to the Teaching Scholarship and
Awards Officer, ITaLI (email: teaching.awards@uq.edu.au) on or before the closing date.
Citation Details
Proposed citation (Maximum of 25 words)
Contact details
(Nominee or lead representative of the team)
Academic qualifications
(including institution)
Team name (Teams with more than five members must have a name)
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
Team members (Please list all team members)
School or Faculty
Academic qualifications (including institution)
(Press the TAB key in the last cell of the table to automatically add another row.)
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Awards for Teaching Excellence
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with your name and your school or faculty.
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SAMPLE TEXT: 25 word maximum summation of the citation for outstanding achievement in the field of teaching
excellence. (Avoid jargon and include the discipline or field of work and the distinctive contribution of the nominee or
team; the citation should inform the broadest possible audience about the work of the nominee.)
SAMPLE TEXT: The core element of a submission for a Citation is a written statement in which the nominee/s
describes their contribution to student learning by addressing one of the selection criteria, determined by the nature of
their contribution to student learning. It is essential that the nominee/s provides evidence in the written statement (use
Italics style for emphasis) to support their claims in line with the chosen criterion.
Another paragraph starts here. Use numbered lists or dot points as required.
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Awards for Teaching Excellence
Numbered list – right-click to restart from 1
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Criterion – use Heading 2
SAMPLE TEXT: a statement addressing the chosen criterion and providing evidence of the contribution (see Section
2.3 of the Award Instructions from OLT).
Nominees are advised to consult the previous years’ Assessment Reports available on the OLT Awards website.
The written statement is limited to four A4 page (use Bold for impact) in total and must be adhere to the formatting in
this template. Submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.
The assessment criteria are:
1 Approaches to teaching and the support of learning that influence, motivate and inspire
students to learn - This may include fostering student development by stimulating curiosity and independence in
learning; participating in effective and empathetic guidance and advice for students; assisting students from equity and
other demographic subgroups to participate and achieve success in their courses; encouraging student engagement
through the enthusiasm shown for learning and teaching; inspiring and motivating students through effective
communication, presentation and interpersonal skills; enabling others to enhance their approaches to learning and
teaching; and developing and/or integrating assessment strategies to enhance student learning.
2 Development of curricula, resources or services that reflect a command of the field - This may include
developing and presenting coherent and imaginative resources for student learning; implementing research-led
approaches to learning and teaching; demonstrating up-todate knowledge of the field of study in the design of the
curriculum and the creation of resources for learning; communicating clear objectives and expectations for student
learning; providing support to those involved in the development of curricula and resources; and contributing
professional expertise to enhance curriculum or resources.
3 Evaluation practices that bring about improvements in teaching and learning- Evaluation comprises making
judgements about the quality of programs and activities that are part of the academic, cultural and social experience of
higher education. This may include showing advanced skills in evaluation and reflective practice; using a variety of
evaluation strategies to bring about change; adapting evaluation methods to different contexts and diverse student needs
and learning styles; contributing professional expertise to the field of evaluation in order to improve program design
and delivery; and the dissemination and embedding of good practice identified through evaluation.
4 Innovation, leadership or scholarship that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching
and/or the student experience. This may include participating in and contributing to professional activities related to
learning and teaching; innovations in service and support for students; coordination, management and leadership of
courses and student learning; conducting and publishing research related to
teaching; demonstrating leadership through activities that have broad influence on the profession; providing innovative
learning and teaching for different contexts, including technology enhanced environments, for large and small class
sizes and/or to meet the needs of a diverse student cohort; and influencing the overall academic, social and cultural
experience of higher education. In assessing the evidence supporting Early Career nominations, consideration will be
given to the career stage of the nominee.
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Awards for Teaching Excellence
Evidence for ways in which the contribution has:
influenced student learning, engagement and/or the overall student experience
been recognised by fellow staff, the institution, and/or the broader community
been sustained over time for a period of no less than 3 years
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
Please attach Curriculum Vitae using the template to this submission (maximum of three A4 pages for
individuals. Teams may allow one additional page per team member).
You can contact the Teaching Scholarship and Awards Officer, ITaLI (email: teaching.awards@uq.edu.au),
for the CV template.
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
Please provide names and contact details of one colleague and your Head of Faculty, School or
organisational unit who agree to provide confidential statements on your contribution to student learning
against the nominated selection criterion. References must be no more than one A4 page each. If the
nomination is for a team, the references should apply to the team.
Note that nominees are responsible for contacting referees and requesting that reports be forwarded to the
Teaching Scholarship and Awards Officer, ITaLI (email: teaching.awards@uq.edu.au) by Monday 6 July
Head of nominee’s Faculty/School/Organisational unit
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement
2015 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
A list of teaching materials supporting claims made against the selection criteria must be included. The
relevance of any such material must be made clear in the written statement. The list is limited to one
page. Supporting teaching materials must not be submitted.
Examples of supporting teaching materials:
website (URL)
audio, video or other media files in commonly accessible formats
(e.g. .WAV, .AIF, .MP3,.MID, .MPG, .MOV, .WMV, .RM) and/or
printed material
Title, Name, School, Faculty
Written Statement