PVCP 215245/12 פתו וט בע"מ PathoVet Ltd Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology Services דר' יגאל ענוג 76391 , רחובות,81 יהושע בן חנניה 08 935 4193 פקס/טל 054 799 9516 Yigal Anug, DVM. Diploma Clinical Pathology Yehosa Ben Hanania 81, Rehovot, 76391 Tel/fax 08 935 4193 Cellular 054 799 9516 Date: ID#: Practitioner: Tel: Fax: E. Mail: Species: October 11, 2012 PVCP 215245/12 Dr. Pantanovitz Owner: NA 04 6273641 050 6619116 04 6273641 pantavet@zahav.net.il; yp@y-brown.co.il; Canine Breed: Boxer FS • Sample submitted: Glucose: Blood (001) Separated serum: • History: Age: 9 y Lipemia: Icterus: Hemolysis: + Clot: Dilution: Fever (39.5ºC), abdominal pain. • Hematology: (Expected Ranges Canine Advia) CBC 7.20 6.87 16.0 46.1 67.0 23.3 34.7 14.2 1.89 134 30.4 L H WBC RBC HgB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW HDW PLT MPV Differential % DIFF 84.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 H L NEUT LYMP MONO EOS BASO L.U.C. x10E3/uL x10E6/uL g/dL % fL pg g/dL % g/dL x10E3/uL fL (Expected Ranges Canine) x10E3/uL 6.05 0.43 0.43 0.29 0.00 0.00 5.2-13.9 5.7-8.8 12.9-18.4 37.1-57.0 58.8-71.2 20.5-24.2 31.0-36.2 11.9-14.5 1.4-2.1 143-400 7.0-11.0 L #NEUT: 3.9-8.0 %NEUT: 42.5-77.3 #LYMP: 1.3-4.1 %LYMP: 11.8-39.6 #MONO: 0.2-1.1 %MONO: 3.3-10.3 #EOS: 0.0-0.6 %EOS: 0.0-7.0 #BASO: 0.0-0.1 %BASO: 0.0-1.3 #LUC: 0.0-0.3 %LUC: 0.0-3.0 • Hematology Description: There is no anemia in the smear, polychromasia is rare. There is no left shift or toxicity in the neutrophils. Few mild reactive monocytes and occasional reactive lymphocytes with increased cytoplasmic basophilia are present. There are large platelet aggregates, total platelet number is estimated in the normal range (~9/HPF). PVCP 215245/12 פתו וט בע"מ PathoVet Ltd Diagnostic Veterinary Pathology Services דר' יגאל ענוג 76391 , רחובות,81 יהושע בן חנניה 08 935 4193 פקס/טל 054 799 9516 Yigal Anug, DVM. Diploma Clinical Pathology Yehosa Ben Hanania 81, Rehovot, 76391 Tel/fax 08 935 4193 Cellular 054 799 9516 • Biochemistry (Canine) Test GLU CHOL UREA ALB ALP ALT AST AMYL Ca CPK CREA Pi TRIG PROT Globulins Alb/Glob T.BIL GGT LDH Cl K Na Na:K Result 68 343 106 3.0 204 50 57 1177 6.2 507 3.5 5.8 56 6.7 3.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 1094 105 5.7 146 26 H H H H L H H H H Unit mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL g/dL u/L u/L u/L u/L mg/dL u/L mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL g/dL g/dL Ratio mg/dL u/L u/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L Ratio Min Max 65 118 135 280 12.6 58.3 2.6 4.0 0 150 0 60 0 50 200 1,480 9.0 11.7 50 200 0.5 1.5 2.5 6.2 50 100 5.4 7.5 2.7 4.4 0.6 1.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 6.0 50 320 102 117 3.8 5.6 142 159 >23 • Biochemistry Comments: Total solids 7.5 g/dL. Corrected calcium for albumin is 6.7 mg/dL. There is renal azotemia. Hemolysis in the sample falsely elevates muscle enzymes and causes artifact (calcium, potassium). ALP can be induced. • Diagnosis Renal azotemia/ insufficiency. Elevated muscle enzymes. Lymphopenia. Hypercholesterolemia. Hyperkalemia. • Comments Hemoparasites were not found in the smear. • Comments Urinalysis. Consider serology for E. canis. Thank you for your referral and please give us a call if you have any comments. Yigal Anug DVM, Diploma Clinical Pathology.