6th Annual Charlotte Biotechnology Conference

4rd Annual Graduate Student Poster Competition
Presented By
What Is It?
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is hosting the event at the 2010 Charlotte
Biotechnology Conference on October 27, 2010. Fundamental to the region’s success is basic and
applied research that is conducted at the region’s top research institutions. However, the ability to
commercialize these technologies is a key factor in the development of a comprehensive
biotechnology community. This competition is an excellent showcase of the region’s top graduate
student research projects and collaborations.
Who Participates?
Any graduate student (undergraduates and postdocs are NOT eligible) currently enrolled in area
universities and conducting “biotechnology” research with the potential for commercialization.
Research areas may include, but are not limited to, the following: biomedical engineering, biology,
nanotechnology, bioimaging, bioinformatics, nutritional science and disease research.
How To Apply?
A two-page extended abstract of the planned poster must be submitted by October 6, 2010. The
application can be downloaded from the following link:
Selection Process, Judging and Prizes
After an initial review of all entries, 10-12 applications will be selected as finalists for the poster
competition. Finalists will be notified by October 11, 2010. Each poster finalist will be required to
display and present their poster at the Charlotte Biotechnology Conference on October 27, 2010 at
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. A review committee consisting of scientific advisors,
business development experts and private equity investors will review each submitted application,
interview each finalist at the poster competition and score the poster and its presentation.
There will be a total of four cash prizes:
Grand Prize = $1,000 – Second Prize = $5,000 – Two Runner Ups = $250 per team
Sheetal Ghelani – 704-250-2648 – sghelani@dhmri.org
2010 Charlotte Biotechnology Conference
4th Annual Graduate Student Poster Competition Application
(Instructions: Please convert this application into a PDF format for submission by 6:00 pm
October 6, 2010. All applications must be emailed to sghelani@dhmri.org. The application can
be no longer than 2-Pages in length using 11 point Arial Font)
Poster Leader Name:________________________________________________________
Team Members:_________________________________________________________
Graduate School Year:____________________________________________________
Personal Address:_______________________________________________________
Quality of Research (50 points)
Background/Overview of Your Research (10 Points)
Materials and Methods Used (10 Points)
Results and Discussion (15 Points)
Future Direction of the Project (15 Points)
Commercialization Opportunity (50 points)
Can this research make money within the private sector? What’s the market(s)? (10 points)
Does this research complement or enhance an existing technology or process? (5 Points)
Could this technology/service act as a platform for a separate spinout company or is this
technology/service better served as a pure licensing revenue generator? (5 Points)
What industry(s) would benefit from development the research? (15 Points)
How would consumers or patients be affected by the research? (10 Points)
In your estimation, what timeline is realistic for development of the work from benchtop to
commercial use? (5 Points)