04-Apr-2014 12:34 04-Apr-2014 12:34Date: Date: 9 9Version: Version: Joseph BernsteinAuthor: Musculoskeletal Medicine for Medical Students Radial Head fractures Table of Contents 1 Description 3 2 Structure and function 4 3 Patient presentation 5 4 Clinical evidence 6 5 Epidemiology 7 6 Differential diagnosis 7 Red flags 8 9 8 Treatment options and outcomes 10 9 Risk factors and prevention 12 10 Miscellany 13 11 Key terms 14 12 Skills 15 Radial Head fractures Version 9 3 1 Description Radial head fractures are the most common type of elbow fractures in adults. Perhaps counter to intuition, fractures of the radial head (which is part of the elbow) typically occur after a fall on an outstretched hand. The impact from the fall drives the radius proximally into the humerus, causing an injury at the elbow. Radial Head fractures Version 9 4 2 Structure and function The radial head articulates with both the capitellum of the humerus and the ulna. The radial head is concave, matching the convex surface of the capitellum of the humerus. The radial head translates on the capitellum during elbow flexion-extension, and pivots around the central axis of the ulna during supination-pronation. Just distal to the radial head lies the annular ligament, which holds the radius to the ulna. This ligament allows for rotation as well as some translation, as the central axis of the radius is not perfectly cylindrical (and thus during pronation, the radius translates). The radial head also ultimately supports the carpus, as it is the base on which the radius itself is supported. xray of normal elbow showing radial articulation Radial Head fractures Version 9 5 3 Patient presentation Patients with an injury to the radial head typically present with a history of a fall on an outstretched hand, or, following higher energy trauma, elbow dislocation. Pain, effusion over the elbow, and limited range of motion at the elbow and forearm are common symptoms. There is typically localized tenderness over the radial head on palpation; passive rotation of the forearm is also painful. Intra-articular bleeding from the fracture may produce a palpable effusion. Aspiration of the effusion may assist with diagnosis and provide pain relief, thereby allowing faster and more effective rehabilitation. clinical phone of ASPIRATION of radial fx hemarthrosis Radial Head fractures Version 9 6 4 Clinical evidence Radiographs must be obtained in the case of suspected elbow fracture; standard anteroposterior (AP) and lateral films of the elbow and of the wrist usually suffice. The distal radio-ulnar joint should be assessed on the lateral film for dislocation. A fracture of the radial head with concomitant dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint is called an Essex-Lopresti fracture. Oblique views with the forearm in neutral rotation, called Greenspan views, show the radiocapitellar articulation and may be useful in the case of a suspected fracture that is not visible on AP or lateral films. Additionally, a positive fat pad sign on a lateral view indicates fluid in the joint, which in the acute setting is usually blood suggestive of a fracture. xray of fat pad sign for radial head fx CT scanning may be used for preoperative planning, especially in the case of fragment displacement or comminution. MRI may be used to assess for possible osteochondral injuries of either the radial head itself or, more commonly, of the capitellum. This is usually reserved for patients with persistent pain after a period of immobilization. Although radial head fractures are not typically associated with osteoporosis, it may be prudent to assess bone density in a middle-aged women who presents with radial head fracture. Radial Head fractures Version 9 7 5 Epidemiology One-third of all elbow fractures involve the radial head. The male-female ratio is roughly 1:1, but these fractures may be slightly more common in women. Men who sustain radial head fractures tend to be younger than women with the same fracture. That may be because men usually have a high-energy mechanism of injury such as a fall from height or sports injury, whereas women, who tend to have lowenergy injuries, sustain the fracture due to inherent bone fragility. Radial Head fractures Version 9 8 6 Differential diagnosis Associated injuries, which should be ruled out when a radial head fracture is suspected or confirmed, include fractures of the capitellum, fractures of the distal radius, dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint (the so-called Essex-Lopresti fracture), rupture of the medial collateral ligament (MCL) causing valgus instability, rupture of the triceps tendon, and elbow dislocation. Radial head fractures are known to present in combination with MCL ruptures and coronoid process fractures, a constellation known as the “terrible triad.” Radial Head fractures Version 9 9 7 Red flags Limited elbow range of motion may be due to a hemarthrosis (which should be aspirated to allow evaluation of passive range of motion as well as for pain relief), but this limitation could also reflect a displaced fragment. As noted above and below, the same mechanism that causes a radial head fracture (a fall on the outstretched hand, typically) can also cause other injuries at the elbow, including a humeral fracture; a medial collateral ligament sprain; or even a triceps rupture (akin to a quad tendon rupture). As such, a radial head fracture seen on radiograph is itself a "red flag" for an associated injury at the elbow and wrist. Therefore, the clinician must be sure that radiographs visualize both joints. A fracture from what appears to be a low-energy mechanism in an "at-risk patient" may suggest osteoporosis. Radial Head fractures Version 9 10 8 Treatment options and outcomes The goals of treatment are to correct any block to forearm rotation, to restore stability of the elbow and forearm, and to allow early range of motion. The Mason classification of radial head fractures is useful for determining treatment options. A Mason Type 1 fracture is a nondisplaced fracture with no mechanical blockage to forearm rotation. These fractures can be treated with a sling and early range of motion after 24-72 hours (indeed, as soon after injury as discomfort subsides). Aspiration of hemarthrosis in the radiocapitellar joint with local injection of anesthetic can relieve pain and aid in early range of motion. Sometimes a long arm splint for a few days is helpful for pain relief. xray of Mason Type 1 radial head fracture If there is mild displacement, angulation, impaction, or depression of the fracture (but still no mechanical block to forearm rotation), the fracture is a Type 2. These fractures typically do best if fixed surgically. The type of internal fixation will vary depending on fracture pattern and extent. Screws may be sufficient for a partial articular fracture, whereas a plate may be required for fractures that extend into the radial neck. The optimal fracture for ORIF has 3 or fewer articular fragments. xray of Mason Type 2 radial head fracture Fractures with significant displacement, angulation, impaction, or depression or with mechanical blockage are classified as Type 3. For most of these, radial head excision with prosthetic replacement is recommended. xray of Mason Type 3 radial head fracture Radial head excision alone, without placement of a prosthetic head, obviates the need to wait for bone healing, but may lead to symptomatic proximal migration of the radius. The inter-osseous ligament between the radius and ulna may prevent some migration, but the absent “base” to the radius may make such migration inevitable. A Mason Type 4 is a radial head fracture with an elbow dislocation and care is directed first at restoring the joint: patients with this injury should be sent to the Emergency Ward for urgent care. Stiffness or contracture may occur secondary to prolonged immobilization of the elbow; therefore, it is essential to start active range of motion as early as possible. Pain, swelling, and inflammation may be hindering motion and should be investigated further for unrecognized injury. A supervised therapy program may maximize outcomes. Radial Head fractures Version 9 11 Chronic wrist pain may be the result of an unrecognized injury to the DRUJ, interosseous ligament, or triangular fibrocartilage complex. The posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) is vulnerable to injury during operative treatment. PIN neuropathy is a motor syndrome that results in wrist and finger drop. Proximal radial migration may occur after radial head excision in the case of unrecognized unstable fracture-dislocations such as an Essex-Lopresti injury. Other possible complications include malunion, non-union, avascular necrosis, heterotopic bone formation, complex regional pain syndrome and posttraumatic radio-capitellar osteoarthritis. Radial Head fractures Version 9 12 9 Risk factors and prevention The link between osteoporosis and radial head fractures is still being investigated. The fact that women over 50 years old tend to sustain radial head fractures in low-energy falls is suggestive of a correlation with osteoporosis. If a strong correlation does exist, women over 50 should be offered screening for osteoporosis to prevent osteoporotic fractures. Radial Head fractures Version 9 13 10 Miscellany In one study by Duckworth et al, a trend was observed toward increased incidence of radial head fractures in patients with a lower socioeconomic status. Note that the radial head and neck are located at what a lay person would identify as the “bottom” of the bone. Radial Head fractures Version 9 14 11 Key terms Radial head fracture, elbow, fracture-dislocation, stability, early range of motion Radial Head fractures Version 9 15 12 Skills Radiocapitellar joint aspiration