OIL TANK FLOATING ROOF FIRE PROTECTION Tender number : 08-10-4140 Our reference : PRJ-130 Technical Offer – Oct.2011 Contents 1) General Description ................................................................................................................. 3 1.1) Overview .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.2) Solution ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.3) Materials Selected ........................................................................................................... 4 1.4) Benefits Gained................................................................................................................ 5 2) Information about the system: ................................................................................................ 5 3) Technical specification and description of the system: ........................................................... 6 3.1) 10 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 74 m. .................................................................... 6 3.2) 8 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 61 m: ...................................................................... 7 3.3) 10 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 51 m: .................................................................... 8 3.4) 2 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 50 m: ...................................................................... 9 3.5) 4 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 91.64 m: ............................................................... 10 3.6) 4 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 76.12 m: ............................................................... 11 3.7) 2 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 37 m: .................................................................... 12 4) Remarks and Spare ................................................................................................................ 13 5) Conditions: ............................................................................................................................. 15 Annex 1 : Technical bulletin for FM-200® Annex 2 : Technical bulletin for FE-36™ Annex 3 : Cylinder drawing Annex 4 : P&I Diagram 1) General Description 1.1) Overview Floating roof tanks are used for the transportation and storage of crude and refined petroleum products. They have helped reduce tank fires by approximately 86 percent since their introduction. They do, however, still have one weak spot. Between the rim of the floating roof and the tank shell is an annular seal, where a flammable mixture of air and vapor can collect. To date, protection of this area has often been carried out by using Halon 1211 (phased out since the end of 2003) or a foam system. Consisting of a total of eight components, the complex system has many areas with a potential for failure and usually requires some form of human intervention for activation. Regular drills, involving the pumping and subsequent cleaning of the old foam, coupled with a high cost of maintenance, increase the overall expense of ownership. Finally, as the foam only extinguishes by smoldering the fire, it is a relatively slow process, increasing risk to the premises and nearby tanks. 1.2) Solution Orfeo International, the Spanish market leader in high risk/high value protection, teamed with DuPont to develop a new, automatic system based on the DuPont Fire Extinguishant FM-200® or FE-36™. It consists of a delivery pipe (sited along the annular seal) connected to a storage cylinder, both placed on the roof, in which FM-200® or FE36™ is held under pressure in a liquid state. Automated sprayers are located along the delivery pipe and are opened upon the detection of heat from a fire. The extinguishing agent is applied, directly, and the fire is out even before it has been spotted. At the same time, an alarm is automatically activated in a central control room. he amount of gas delivered from each nozzle is carefully calculated to deliver the proper amount of FM200® to each protected area. The Orfeo FE-36™ or FM-200® system is used either as a stand-alone system or as an add-on to a foam system, with successful results and numerous benefits. 1.3) Materials Selected DuPont™ FM-200® is accepted and respected worldwide, with a history of protecting some of the world's most critical and irreplaceable assets. In fact, FM-200® is in use in over one hundred thousand applications, in more than 70 nations. FM-200® systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and flammable liquid fires before they cause significant damage. That's the fastest fire protection available, period. When fire is extinguished this quickly, it means less damage, lower repair costs, and an extra margin of safety for people. It also means less downtime and disruption of business. 1.4) Benefits Gained Clean and effective fire suppression The Orfeo system uses FM-200® or FE-36™, specifically developed to replace Halon. These clean agents have instant extinguishing capabilities, and are leaving no residue to be cleaned after extinguishing the fire. Fail-proof activation The Orfeo system is low in cost, is prefabricated construction and is easy to install and maintain. Each tank has its own independent system, where pressure and levels in the storage system are continuously monitored. In the unlikely event of a leakage or discharge, the drop in pressure is signaled in the control room. There is also automatic monitoring of the overall system, ensuring day and night protection, even when no personnel are present. Reduced maintenance, reduced operational costs Maintenance is limited, subject to local regulations regarding equipment under pressure. Each storage tank is divided into different zones, each with its own independent system. Only the system protecting the area with a fire will be activated – and will need to be recharged – offering minimal post fire costs and a shorter return to operations. A further benefit is the reduced risk of having the whole tank unprotected in the period before the system is recharged. Finally, comparable installation costs for one storage tank using this system can be 75 to 80 percent lower than the equivalent cost of installation of a new foam system. 2) Information about the system: Recipient material: AISI‐304 Stainless steel. Quantity of FM-200 gas: 68 kg. Propellant agent: Nitrogen. Pressure: Stored pressure. Pressure of the propellant agent: 8‐10 bar. Hydrostatic pressure: 21.45 bar. GL material inspection, hydraulic test and design check 3) Technical specification and description of the system: 3.1) 10 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 74 m. Diameter Ø = 74 m Perimeter = 232.48 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 120 Sprinklers Areas: 232.48 m / 40m = 5.81 areas 6 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 10 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -6 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -6 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -120 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -120 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 3.2) 8 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 61 m: Type of tank = Floating roof Diameter Ø = 61 m Perimeter = 191.63 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 100 Sprinklers Areas: 191.63m / 40m = 4.79 areas 5 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 8 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -5 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -5 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -100 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -100 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 3.3) 10 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 51 m: Type of tank = Floating roof Diameter Ø = 51 m Perimeter = 160.22 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 82 Sprinklers Areas: 160.22 m / 42 m = 3.81 areas 4 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 10 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -4 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -4 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -82 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -82 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 3.4) 2 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 50 m: Type of tank = Floating roof Diameter Ø = 50 m Perimeter = 157.1 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 80 Sprinklers Areas: 157.1 m / 40 m = 3.92 areas 4 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 2 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -4 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -4 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -80 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -80 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 3.5) 4 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 91.64 m: Type of tank = Floating roof Diameter Ø = 91.64 m Perimeter = 287.90 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 140 Sprinklers Areas: 287.90 m/42 m = 6.85 areas 7 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 4 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -7 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -7 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -140 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -140 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 3.6) 4 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 76.12 m: Type of tank = Floating roof Diameter Ø = 76.12 m Perimeter = 239.14 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 120 Sprinklers Areas: 239.14 m / 40 m = 5.97 areas 6 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 4 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -6 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -6 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -120 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -120 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 3.7) 2 crude oil tanks with a diameter of 37 m: Type of tank = Floating roof Diameter Ø = 37 m Perimeter = 116.24 m Quantity of Sprinklers: 60 Sprinklers Areas: 116.24 m / 40 m = 2.9 areas 3 cylinders per tank. Quantity of tanks = 2 tanks. Scope of delivery per tank consists of: -3 pieces AISI-304 stainless steel cylinder with a capacity of 100 dm3, stored with 68 kg of FM-200® each***, equipped with IP65 pressure switch, pressure gauge, junction box and valve with coupling. -Designed according to AD-Merkblatter rules, with Germanischer Lloyd certification. -3 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel supply 1" pipe of 2 meters length with nipple. -60 pieces of prefabricated AISI-316 stainless steel 1/2" pipe of 2 meters length. -60 brass sprinklers 93ºC. 4) Remarks and Spare Item Description in Tender documents Pressure Containers with accessories. Incl. (valves, gauges & 1 cable junction boxes) with steel supports skid & sun shade 2 3 4 Distributions galvanized steel piping in standard length & diameter Max o.pressure = (20 bar) - required fitting ; couplings ; Tee connections for sprinklers fixing & mounting brackets with clamps . - isolating valves & flanges o-rings and other neccesary items . - Quartz bulbs sprinklers male inlet to BSP , ( single or multiple discharge tips ) - ( Temp rating 93C° (NFPA) requirement) chrome coated . 5 Other electrical accessories. 6 Fire resistant; salt & oil resistant sheath flexible electric cable multi core ((signal cables)). Remark Spare Considered in the offer Specified according to sys design per tank of each group . Deviation: Stainless steel piping is used instead of galvanized piping Considered in the offer Considered in the offer not needed Parallel cable 2 x 1.5 red/black Pszh : 3000 MT 10% excess: 20 pieces of prefabricated AISI316 stainless steel supply 1’’ pipe of 2 meters length with nipple Tee connections for sprinklers fixing: Approximately 621 spare units Pressure switches: 31 units Spare quantity: 7000 units 7 8 9 10 11 Wall mounted Electronic control unit (per each group of tanks to be located in MCR (main control room) ،include (per each panel):- power supply unit, sys. Status, sys release in case of fire indication , full annunciation, built in charger; sys isolation device …test / reset & other necessary options. Sys to be intrinsically safe electrical rating IP 54 All electronic card to be plug - in type Included in quotation: 1 control panel for each tank. 4 sets of tools, including: Pipe binding All installation tools ; consumables & machine, pipe pipe binding / cutting tools cutting machine, wrench and Teflon rolls Bulk agent, service containers (acc. To DOT std. not less than 100 FM-200®: 20 TN kg per cylinder, (sealed upright w/ top side twin port valve) Spare parts for the whole system major component ;( ITEMIZED As described in LIST). To be provided incl . above items Electronic cards. sirens and alarm call Other essential items for system points: included in integrity to be advised by supplier item 7 above 5) Conditions: Delivery time: 4-5 weeks for engineering after receive of LC, production 30 weeks after drawings approval. (Partial shipment shall be arranged) Delivery conditions: CIF Basrah Payment conditions: 30% when placing the order, balance against irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit. Commissioning and Set Up: Commissioning of the system for the 1st tank will be done by our engineer(s). Also supervision of commissioning for other tanks can be arranged by our engineers. Relevant cost for 1 engineer and 2 months is considered in the offer. In case further engineers are required to be present at site by owner’s request, extra cost would be invoiced separately. Validity : 3 months from date of offer Annex 1 : Technical bulletin for FM-200® Annex 2 : Technical bulletin for FE-36™ Annex 3 : Cylinder drawing Annex 4 : P&I Diagram