THE BIRTH OF THEATRE Objective: Monday, August 05 Week: A1 THEATRE I West African Storytelling Topic: Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Due Today: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Mastery: Objective: To learn about each other and to establish classroom norms. Tuesday, August 06 Essential Q: What should our classroom be like on a daily basis? Define "Theatre." Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: 1) a building designed for the performance of plays, operas, etc. 2) the world of actors, theatrical companies, etc. theatre Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Due Today: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Mastery: Objective: To learn about each other and to establish classroom norms. Wednesday, August 07 Essential Q: What should our classroom be like on a daily basis? Is it easier to be in front of an audience in or out of character? Why? Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: 1) A play. 2) Dramatic literature. drama Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Due Today: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Mastery: Objective: To learn about each other and to establish classroom norms. Thursday, August 08 Essential Q: What should our classroom be like on a daily basis? Is it good for an audience to feel negative emotions during a play? Why? Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: West-African storyteller. griot Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Due Today: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Mastery: Objective: To learn about each other and to establish classroom norms. Friday, August 09 Essential Q: What should our classroom be like on a daily basis? How do you remind yourself about appointments and scheduled events? Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: The earliest known play script. Abydos Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Due Today: journal Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Mastery: Standard: III-1-c Standard: III-1-c Standard: III-1-c THEATRE I THE BIRTH OF THEATRE Native American Traditions Week: A2 Topic: Objective: To learn the influence of storytelling traditions on the emergence of theatre. Monday, August 12 Essential Q: How is acting like storytelling? Small or large audience—which is better? Active or passive? Visible or invisible? Why? Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: 1) The playwright’s choice of words. 2) Clear enunciation. diction Rehearsal: Stumbles Along Improv Warm-Up: Mr. Know it All Materials: Way of Seeing: 25 Due Today: Daily Participation Grade Elevated language of tragedy. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Diction v. Pronunciation. Objective: To learn the influence of storytelling traditions on the emergence of theatre. Tuesday, August 13 Essential Q: How is acting like storytelling? What does the term Native American bring to mind? Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: 1) Anything presented to the sight or view, especially something of a striking or impressive kind. 2) A public show or display, especially on a large scale. spectacle Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Mrs. Know it All Rehearsal: Stumbles Along Due Today: Daily Participation Grade “Stumbles Along” as a visual play. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: All components of spectacle. Objective: To learn the influence of storytelling traditions on the emergence of theatre. Wednesday, August 14 Essential Q: How is acting like storytelling? Identify a stereotype that you hate. Why do you hate it? Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Every sound that is heard during a dramatic presentation. melody/music Rehearsal: Stumbles Along Improv Warm-Up: Fortunately/UnMaterials: Art in Action: 1 Due Today: Daily Participation Grade “Stumbles Along” as a auditory play. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Identify all types of sounds. Objective: To learn the influence of storytelling traditions on the emergence of theatre. Thursday, August 15 Essential Q: How is acting like storytelling? Standard: Journal Summarize a story, real or fictional, that a relative once told you. III-1-c Prompt: A culture that relies on the spoken word and encourages preservation. Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: oral tradition Rehearsal: Stumbles Along Improv Warm-Up: What are you doing? Materials: Art in Action: 44 Due Today: Daily Participation Grade Components of an oral tradition. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Describe an oral tradition. Objective: To learn the influence of storytelling traditions on the emergence of theatre. Friday, August 16 Essential Q: How is acting like storytelling? Standard: Journal If you had a nick name related to an animal or a natural object, what would it be? III-1-c Prompt: A culture that relies on the written word and encourages artistic innovation. Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: literary tradition Rehearsal: Stumbles Along Improv Warm-Up: Houses/People Materials: Art in Action: 44 Due Today: journal Components of a literary tradition. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Describe a literary tradition. THEATRE I Greek Tragedy THE BIRTH OF THEATRE Week: A3 Topic: Objective: To understand the fundamental qualities of the ancient Greek theatre. Monday, August 19 Essential Q: What did the Greek theatre look like? What is the biggest contribution that the Greeks and/or the Romans made to the modern world? Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: A dramatic composition dealing with a somber theme, typically that of a great person destined through a flaw of character or conflict with some overpowering force to downfall or destruction. tragedy Rehearsal: The Birds Improv Warm-Up: Standard Vocal/Body Warm-Up Materials: Way of Seeing: 27 Due Today: Daily Participation Grade Elements of tragedy. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Identify thrust stage. Objective: To understand the fundamental qualities of the ancient Greek theatre. Tuesday, August 20 Essential Q: What did the Greek theatre look like? Where is Greek and/or Roman architecture evident in today's world? Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Greek tragedian. Oedipus Rex. Antigone. Sophocles Rehearsal: The Birds Improv Warm-Up: Standard Vocal/Body Warm-Up Materials: Due Today: Daily Participation Grade Elements of tragedy. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Name Oedipus. Objective: To understand the fundamental qualities of the ancient Greek theatre. Wednesday, August 21 Essential Q: What did the Greek theatre look like? Are comedy and tragedy still the two biggest categories of theatre? Why or why not? Standard: Journal III-1-c Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: According to legend, the first actor. Thespis Rehearsal: The Birds Improv Warm-Up: Standard Vocal/Body Warm-Up Materials: Way of Seeing: 27 Due Today: Daily Participation Grade Elements of tragedy. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Define chorus and actors. Objective: To understand the fundamental qualities of the ancient Greek theatre. Thursday, August 22 Essential Q: What did the Greek theatre look like? Standard: Journal The Greeks often made play attendance mandatory. Would that work well today? Why or why not? III-1-c Prompt: 1) A god introduced into a play to resolve the entanglements of the plot. 2) Any artificial or Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: improbable device resolving the difficulties of a plot. deus ex machina Rehearsal: The Birds Improv Warm-Up: Standard Vocal/Body Warm-Up Materials: Way of Seeing: 27 Due Today: Daily Participation Grade Elements of tragedy. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Explain divine intervention. Objective: To understand the fundamental qualities of the ancient Greek theatre. Friday, August 23 Essential Q: What did the Greek theatre look like? Standard: Journal In terms of entertainment, are Americans more like the Greeks or the Romans? Why? III-1-c Prompt: Appearance or semblance of truth or reality; quality of seeming true. Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: verisimilitude Rehearsal: The Birds Improv Warm-Up: Standard Vocal/Body Warm-Up Materials: Way of Seeing: 27 Due Today: Journal Elements of tragedy. Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Daily Participation Grade Mastery: Name 3 unities. THEATRE I THE BIRTH OF THEATRE Objective: Monday, August 26 Week: A4 Greek Comedy Topic: Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: August 27 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: August 28 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: August 29 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: August 30 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal THE BIRTH OF THEATRE Objective: Monday, September 02 Week: A5 THEATRE I Roman Tragedy Topic: Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 03 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 04 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: September 05 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: September 06 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal THEATRE I THE BIRTH OF THEATRE Objective: Monday, September 09 Week: A6 Roman Comedy Topic: Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 10 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 11 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: September 12 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: September 13 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal MEDIEVAL & JAPANESE THEATRE Objective: Monday, September 16 Essential Q: Week: A7 THEATRE I Medieval Religious Topic: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 17 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 18 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: September 19 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: September 20 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal THEATRE I MEDIEVAL & JAPANESE THEATRE Objective: Monday, September 23 Essential Q: Week: A8 Medieval Secular Topic: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 24 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: September 25 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: September 26 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: September 27 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal MEDIEVAL & JAPANESE THEATRE Objective: Monday, September 30 Essential Q: Week: A9 THEATRE I Noh Topic: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: October 01 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: October 02 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: October 03 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: October 04 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal THEATRE I MEDIEVAL & JAPANESE THEATRE Objective: Monday, October 07 Essential Q: Week: A10 Bunraku Topic: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Tuesday, Due Today: Mastery: October 08 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Wednesday, Due Today: Mastery: October 09 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Thursday, Due Today: Mastery: October 10 Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Rehearsal: Improv Warm-Up: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Objective: Friday, Due Today: Mastery: October Essential Q: Standard: Journal Prompt: Vocabulary Term or Proper Noun: Improv Warm-Up: Rehearsal: Materials: Lesson & Discussion: Assignment: Due Today: Mastery: journal