Transition booklet: My journey to Prep A collaborative planning tool for my family and educators to support my successful transition into Prep Insert child’s photo Child’s name: Contents Parent / Guardian Consent for Exchange of Information ................................................. 4 Parent and child section: All about me ............................................................................ 5 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5 My ‘all about me’ statement ......................................................................................... 7 This is me .................................................................................................................... 7 All about me facts ........................................................................................................ 9 My individual profile ................................................................................................... 12 Parent aspirations ...................................................................................................... 12 The transition team........................................................................................................ 14 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 14 My transition team’s contact information.................................................................... 15 Educators Section ......................................................................................................... 17 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 17 My teacher’s statement about me .............................................................................. 18 Option 1 ................................................................................................................. 18 My teacher’s statement about me .............................................................................. 21 Option 2 ................................................................................................................. 21 Examples of my learning ........................................................................................... 26 Rationale ................................................................................................................ 26 My Learning Records and Portfolios ...................................................................... 26 Documenting any adjustments to teaching and assessment ................................. 27 My Intervention programs and reports ....................................................................... 29 My current programs and statements..................................................................... 29 My assessments and reports ................................................................................. 30 Collating my information after enrolment ................................................................ 31 Planning ........................................................................................................................ 32 My individual transition plan ....................................................................................... 32 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 32 My individual transition goals ................................................................................. 33 Points to consider when planning my transition activities ....................................... 35 My transition activities ............................................................................................ 37 All about Prep ............................................................................................................ 38 Information about my Prep environment ................................................................ 38 My transition timeline ................................................................................................. 41 Ensuring effective communication ............................................................................. 43 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 43 Keep in Touch (KIT) book - Template 1 ................................................................. 44 Communication book with goals - Template 2 ....................................................... 45 What did I do today? - Template 3 ......................................................................... 46 Reviewing my transition journey ................................................................................ 48 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 48 Reviewing my transition journey (template) ........................................................... 49 Parent / Guardian Consent for Exchange of Information The Transition booklet: My journey to Prep is designed to support a successful transition for your child to Prep. The information collected in this book will enable all settings to support your child and your chosen school prepare for their Prep program. Privacy Statement The Department of Education, Training and Employment is collecting personal information regarding your child or yourself in accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 to ensure the education program is responsive to your child’s individual needs. Only personnel that you identify below will access the information. We will not give your information to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or law requires us. We ask that you please read the following statement and sign below so it is clear who is able to access this information: I give consent for the following stakeholder/s to add and view information in this transition booklet for the purposes of gathering information about my child for transition to Prep. Stakeholder/setting Name Early Childhood Education and Care Service (ECEC) Intervention Program Allied Health Professionals School Other Parent/guardian name Signature Date Parent and child section: All about me Introduction This section is an opportunity for my family to provide specific information about me, including the aspirations you have for me. This information is important as you have unique information about me that is valuable in ensuring my transition to Prep is successful. This section is for you to complete. You may ask others to assist you by providing information, scribing or helping you choose and print only the parts relevant to you or by organising interpreters or advocacy services. People who may assist you to complete this section include: my early childhood education and care (ECEC) educators (both those within kindergarten services or long day care services and those in early intervention settings) other family members, friends or support persons advocates my new teachers or support staff at my new from school anyone who knows me well, for example my babysitters, swim instructors and neighbours. In this section, the following templates are provided: My ‘all about me’ statement Children have extraordinary views and perspectives and it is important that my voice be captured within my journey to Prep. The following My ‘all about me’ statement template is for me to complete to share information about myself. This may be done via pictures or drawings, photographs, words, adult as scribe, and/or video. (Please edit the leading sentences or add more boxes as relevant for your child.) All about me facts This section provides an opportunity to share a snapshot about me and share vital information with my transition team. Some suggestions have been provided or you may choose to add your own information. Other people you may wish to ask to contribute to this form or assist you include my ECEC educators, any allied health professionals such as therapists, other family and friends and anyone who knows me well. My individual preferences Identifying and documenting my individual preferences can assist in the success of my transition to school. This information assists in identifying appropriate strategies and transition activities that are individualised and specific to me. My individual preferences can change over time, so it is important that this information be updated regularly to ensure it is accurate and useful to my transition journey. Parent aspirations When we begin the transition journey, it is often helpful to stop and consider what you hope I will achieve during the transition process and in the early years of school. Writing down your aspirations can help clarify your main goals, consider whether these are realistic for me to achieve within the time frame, and helps the staff working with me understand the priorities of our family. The aspirations that you list below can be modified to become individual learning goals for me when I am at school. Other people who may help you consider and record your aspirations for me include my ECEC educators, other family members, friends, and anyone who knows me well. My ‘all about me’ statement This is me At (e.g. Things that make me happy Kindy/ECDP/ECEC/home/swim are: lessons) I like to: At school I am looking forward to: At school I might need help with: Something important I want to tell my new teacher: All about me facts All about: (name) Date of birth: (Photo) Preferred name: Parent/carer name(s): Sibling(s) and other family members: My family and home life My family: (family, special people) At home: (pets, friends, special jobs or activities) Medical information Health issues or specific requirements: (medication, allergies, dietary requirements, safety or well being concerns) Likes and dislikes My favourite things are: I dislike or get stressed by: You can help me calm down by: Communication I get my message across to you by: e.g. Using sentences / Using phrases or three or four word sentences / Using one word / Standing near you / Leading you to what I want / Pointing or showing / Using signs / Using picture exchange I understand instructions and information when: e.g. I have extra processing time / They are two or three step instructions / You get my attention first / They are one step instructions / When you include pictures or images / When you show me what you want me to do / I watch someone else Social interaction and play Things I like to do with other children include: List activities, interactions, games, books and toys. When I separate from my parents and carers I might: You might help me in the playground by: e.g. Helping me get started in an activity / Reminding me of the rules / Giving me visual information / Letting me have a break / Organising a buddy How I learn I learn best when: e.g. The room is quiet / There are only a few children working with me / I know my routine / You show me first what I need to be doing / I can have my favourite toy or object with me Activities I might enjoy at school include: e.g. Construction / Outside activities / Indoor activities / Puzzles / Music / Books / Using the computer / Talking about: _____ You will know I am enjoying the activity because I might: At school the types of activities that I might have difficulty with include: e.g. Desk activities / Packing away / Group work / Waiting / Moving between activities / Sitting on the mat / Messy activities / Noisy activities You will know I am having difficulty because I might: At school I might need help with: e.g. Following group instructions / Organising my belongings / Asking for help / Sharing / Starting activities / Locating the toilet When I need help I usually: Other information about me My individual profile My team members completing this form include: Date completed/reviewed: My likes/interests (e.g. motivators): My dislikes (e.g. stress triggers): My obsessions/habits (e.g. routines, calming strategies): My strengths (e.g. learning style, skills/talents): Parent aspirations We are working on these skills now (e.g. greeting others in the morning, asking for a turn, wearing hat): Before you transition to Prep, I am hoping you will be able to (e.g. pull your pants up in the toilet, wait for your turn, be able to find your hat at playtime, write your name): Things you may need support within Prep (e.g. staying calm, having a go, being able to use your PECS book at your new school, being able to use the toilet at your new school): During Prep, I hope to see you (e.g. make a friend, play in the playground with the other children, enjoy the day, be able to tell me what you did at school, stay with the group for an activity): By the end of Prep, I would like you to (e.g. write your name, be reading, be able to sit with the group for story time, ask someone to play): By the end of the early years of schooling, I hope to see you doing the following (e.g. write a sentence, wear shoes with laces and be able to do them up, stay calm when the routine changes, invite friends over on the weekend, be part of a group of children): Comments: Completed by: Date: The transition team Introduction My transition team may consist of the following members: my parent/s family support personnel who know me or my family well my new school staff my ECEC educators: my kindy teachers and/or early intervention teachers any other professionals involved with me. A large team is useful in the data gathering stage. A wide variety of team members who are able to observe or work with me in a variety of environments, situations or interactions, may provide rich data. A smaller team is useful in the transition planning stage. A representative from each subteam (family, sending, receiving and allied health) is necessary to develop individual transition goals, ensuring that my individual needs are identified, recorded and an appropriate plan of action is developed. Contact details During the transition process, it is important that relevant information be shared regularly with all members of my transition team. Information may not be shared across team members from different agencies without my parents/guardian giving written permission for that to occur. Written information is easiest to share and therefore allows all members of my team access to information that is relevant about me to assist my transition journey. My transition team contact information template has been provided to record my transition team contact details. (Please add or delete columns as required to individualise it to my transition team). My transition team’s contact information Completed/reviewed: My parent(s) name(s) Availability Contact details Phone: Email: Phone: Email: My parent(s) support contact person(s) (optional) Position Availability Contact details Phone: Email: Phone: Email: My Early Childhood Education and Care setting/placement contact person(s) Position Case Manager Availability Contact details Phone: Email: Phone: Email: Phone: Email: My allied health contact person(s) (optional) Position Availability Contact details Phone: Email: Phone: Email: Phone: Email: My school contact person(s) Position Case Manager Availability Contact details Phone: Email: Phone: Email: Educators Section Introduction This section of the booklet is designed to document, collate and share information relevant about me, my family, my ECEC setting (if relevant) and my new school during my transition journey. My ECEC educators and my allied health team are primarily responsible initially for completing this section of my booklet. My parents may be supported and encouraged to provide information and or documentation for this section as relevant. If I do not access an ECEC setting or allied health services such as therapy, my parents may be supported or encouraged to complete this section of my transition booklet with staff from my new school or themselves, if they wish. Within the early stages of my transition journey, consideration of the support needs of my parents and my family may assist with reducing their anxiety related to me starting school and increase my family’s independence and capacity to support me. Services may include assistance to print and complete relevant components of this booklet, information regarding the transition process and procedures, literacy support, interpreter services, advocacy services, parent support groups and community based supports. Some judgment is required when selecting the most relevant elements of this section to include in my transition booklet. Irrelevant sections that do not apply to me can be deleted. This section provides the following information: My teacher’s statement about me: You may choose to use either of the transition statements provided by the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) or to use one of the two templates provided (please delete irrelevant template/s) Examples of my learning My intervention programs and reports. My teacher’s statement about me Option 1 The teacher statement template below is based upon the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines (EYCG) early learning areas. An explanation of the recommended content for each section of the form is included. The document is designed to complement any Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG) portfolio and act as a transition statement. My details Name: Date of birth: Person completing this statement: Date completed: Relationship to the child or role: ECEC service or activity name: Description of program, service or activity: Identity Building a sense of security and trust: seeking help from peers, understanding the daily routine, interacting with new people. Acts with increasing independence and perseverance: organising and managing needs and activities, managing classroom routines and processes, make choices, selforganisation of personal belongings, perseverance when trying new and challenging tasks. Building a confident self-identity: engage in a variety of types of play and learning experiences. Days of attendance: Connectedness Building positive relationships with others: ways to connect with peers and people (attending to, greeting, responding to, turn taking, negotiating), initiating and contributing to play (sharing, waiting, requesting or choosing a turn or item), skills for cooperating, skills for resolving conflicts (asking for help or a break, winning and losing, turn taking, active engagement (play themes, use of toys exploring the environment, cause and effect, problem solving, predicting) Wellbeing Use of verbal (speech) or nonverbal communication (key word signs, symbols, photos, objects or actions) for a range of purposes. Use of a range of sentence structures, skills for listening for a range of purposes, vocabulary for mathematical or scientific learning, articulation, ability to take turns in conversation and group settings, Awareness of texts, sound-letter relationships, emergent literacy, interest in drawing, Interest in exploring mathematical thinking and problem solving, concept comprehension and use, awareness and use of numbers in environment, comparing objects, sorting objects, matching objects. Communicating Use of verbal or nonverbal communication for a range of purposes. Use of a range of sentence structures, skills for listening for a range of purposes, vocabulary for mathematical or scientific learning, articulation, ability to take turns in conversation and group settings, Awareness of texts, sound-letter relationships, emergent literacy, interest in drawing, Interest in exploring mathematical thinking and problem solving, concept comprehension and use, awareness and use of numbers in environment, comparing objects, sorting objects, matching objects. Active learning Thinking skills: hypothesising, inferring, testing, evaluating, learning through copying others in language, actions and behaviours (cause and effect, problem solving, functional use of objects, comparison). Ability to sustain concentration, confidence to engage in a range of learning situations (attention, memory, processing of routine and nonroutine instructions and information, sequencing, investigating the environment). Other transition support suggestions and information: My teacher’s statement about me Option 2 The teacher statement template provides areas for information regarding my current level of skill and learning needs grouped in developmental areas, similar to the characteristics associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). An explanation of the recommended content for each section of the form is included. The document is designed to complement my QKLG portfolio and act as a transition statement. My details Name: Date of birth: Person completing this statement: Date completed: Relationship to the child or role: ECEC service or activity name: Days of attendance: Description of program, service or activity: The child’s interests and strengths (play, objects, people, environments, knowledge, topics, activities, routines, memory, learning preferences, foods, sensations etc) Communication Expressive communication: How the child requests preferred items, a turn or help. How the child gains another person’s attention. Number of items the child can choose from and presentation of the choice (object, image, symbol, verbal choice etc). Use of spoken language (approx. sentence length, topics, responding to peers, responding to adults). How the child interacts with others, uses language for a range of purposes. Use of alternative means of communicating (Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC system; Picture Exchange, Key Word signing, speech generating device etc. Reading, viewing, and interest in text, books, letters, multimodal applications and images. Receptive communication: The number of steps able to be completed in routine instructions. The number of steps able to be completed in new instructions or environments. Usual processing time (5-10 seconds) for information. Comprehension of stories, discussions, peers Strategies to support understanding (visual supports, choice boards, real object cue, key word sign etc) Understanding of text, letters, patterns, sequences and order in language. Reading, viewing, understanding and interest in text, books, letters, multimodal applications and images. Self-care tasks Toileting Eating and drinking Dressing, including shoes and socks and clothing preferences or dislikes. Hygiene such as hand washing, use of sun cream, and nose blowing. Organising equipment such as back pack, lunch box, drink bottle, equipment for tasks, Sleeping patterns. Independence with routine tasks and activities. Knowledge and understanding of rules, danger and safety. Motor Skills. Social interaction and play Activities the child chooses to engage in. Activities that may be used to motivate or engage the child. Play, toys, objects and interactive games the child enjoys. Interactions and specific people (adults and children) the child enjoys being or working with. Routines and activities the child is comfortable with. Supports or prompts that assist the child to attend. Supports that assist the child to join peers play. Phrases or routines the child is learning to support play and interactions. Activities, interactions or items that help the child to calm and settle. Play preferences (topics, routines, materials, toys, partners, inside or outside etc) Strategies to support attending and responding during group activities. Peers, interactions and models the child will copy. Playground supports and information. Group size and group composition to support engagement. Routines and structure Routines the child has learnt. Work systems and sequences the child uses independently. Strategies used to support routines such as sitting, lining up and waiting. Choice making skills. Responses to change including strategies or supports that help the child understand change. Responses to rules and routines in games and activities with peers. Props, preferences, use of manipulative materials, objects and scaffolds in play. Learning strengths (visual, kinaesthetic, use of technology, colour, images, group size, memory, use of model etc.) Preferences for materials to use during construction, writing, drawing, creating and designing. Behaviour Stress triggers and responses to stress. Knowledge and understanding of rules, danger and safety. Any behaviour plans such as an IBP or positive behaviour support plan. Environments, textures or sensations that the child finds challenging. Environments, textures or sensations that the child enjoys. Use of visual supports and other assistive technology. Preferred activities, environments, interactions or routines. Gross motor challenges. Fine motor challenges. Sleeping, self-care and dietary patterns that may affect behaviour and attention. Break areas. Strategies to assist the child to settle in a new environment Access to breaks during the session or day. Break area preferences (sensations, materials, boundaries, time, rules etc.). Use of reward or behaviour charts. Scheduled reinforcements. Use of visual supports including schedules, story interventions, photos, and technology based tasks to support understanding. Items, toys, books or activities that calm the child. Sensations the child enjoys (swings, water, sand, textures, movement, touch etc). Interactions and people the child knows and enjoys. Other transition support suggestions and information: Examples of my learning Rationale Sharing my work samples, portfolios and any documented observations provides information that is useful when determining any curriculum access needs I may have. My learning records and portfolios can be enhanced with the provision of specific information regarding any strategies that have been helpful for me, and my family. My Learning Records and Portfolios My portfolio and transition statement from my ECEC setting include (): learning story/stories learning statement(s) collected work sample(s) documented observation(s) documented conversations video and other recordings multimodal applications or interactive books image(s) other . Documenting any adjustments to teaching and assessment If adjustments to the teaching and assessment have been made to support me, they can be documented in the five areas below. My ECEC educators and any of my allied health team can add adjustment information to the table. My parents may also add specific information, particularly if I do not attend any ECEC setting or therapy sessions. Adjustments to teaching and assessment unique to me Area Type of adjustment Specific example of adjustment and any supporting documents, video or images (Specific support, method of presenting information/instructions, application, strategy, schedule, work system etc) 1. Adjustments to presentation: use of visual supports use of ICT to present information use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) supports such as picture exchange number of steps instructions key word instructions key word signs use of model/visual example use of peer as tutor/support use of routine to present new information how schedule is presented (next activity photo/whole session/with reward) prior learning of concepts or 2. Adjustments to response: 3. Adjustments to setting: 4. Adjustments to timing: 5. Adjustments to scheduling: language adjustments to verbal responses drawing use of ICT to respond choosing or sequencing photos/images/objects use of peer as recorder or presenter use of model making or objects to respond use of speech generating device use of mime, demonstration or role play observed in play, interaction or routine use of video or recording to respond group size adult support ratios augmented use of peer support use of alternate work space or area break or calming area adjustments to sensory environment seating use of separate room or area use of visually clear boundaries use of visual cues to support understanding of where to sit, stand, wait usual processing time for routine instructions is seconds usual processing time for new instructions is seconds extended time to complete tasks number of tasks student usually completes each session time of day task is done planned breaks each session preferred/motivating tasks: number of tasks completed before requiring access to preferred or motivating tasks number of activities able to transition through calmly supports for transitioning through tasks adjustments to group tasks or rotations use of predictable sequence My Intervention programs and reports Sharing information, goals, and achievements from my ECEC setting(s) or allied health team (such as therapists) will help provide a background of what has previously been a focus or learning area for me or my family and will enable school staff to clearly see the progress I have made with my learning and how this learning was supported. My ECEC educators and any of my allied health staff can provide details of any of my programs, interventions, reports or plans relevant to me once my parents’ consent is obtained. My parents may also choose to complete the information if relevant. Staff from my new school may also assist with this section if required. My current programs and statements Any of my current programs and statements, including any Individual Education Plans (IEP), Individual Support Plans (ISP) or Individual Behaviour Plans (ISB) or Positive Behaviour Plans (PBS) and documents, therapy plans, or interventions developed by my ECEC educators and or allied health team members can be included in the table below. Please note that this information is additional to my transition statement or portfolios. Title Case Manager/author Date Program or statement shared? Start: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No (IEP/ISP, IBP, PBS / therapy or intervention program) 1. Finish: 2. Start: Finish: 3. Start: Finish: 4. Start: Finish: My assessments and reports Assessments and reports which have been developed by my by allied health team, such as therapists or medical specialists, can be included in this table. My early intervention providers may also provide reports and or assessments if appropriate. Title Author Date Report shared? (Progress report/Attainment Statement/therapist’s report/Medical reports or tests) 1. Yes No 2. Yes No 3. Yes No 4. Yes No Collating my information after enrolment Once I have enrolled at my new school, this information may be managed and collated by my new Prep school staff in a variety of ways dependent upon the individual school: OneSchool (Education Queensland Schools only) other electronic management and or reporting systems used by individual schools student portfolios and files individual planning meetings, notes and plans. Planning My individual transition plan Introduction Transition planning supports the development of clear, relevant, and achievable goals that are relevant to me and all stakeholders involved in my transition process. This is completed through a process of collaborative planning where ideas, thoughts and opinions are shared in order to reach consensus. More information for educators regarding transition planning may be found in the Transition information for educators section of this resource. The collaborative development of an individualised transition plan can be done in conjunction with planning specific transition activities or events that may be documented in an individual transition timeline. My individual transition plan section aims to document: the goals and aspirations of my transition team my transition activities information I need to know about my Prep environment my transition timeline. Remember you can incorporate, or adjust as appropriate, the Adjustments to teaching and assessment unique to me template included in the Examples of my learning (educators section) of this booklet by including them as specific strategies and supports. My individual transition plan may be reviewed at any time with consent from my parents and other transition team members. A template has been provided. Please complete, edit, copy and delete irrelevant sections of the template. My individual transition goals Skill 1 that I am working towards (e.g. asking for help, waiting, changing activities, self-care tasks, following three step schedule): Baseline: (State my current status/ability and assessment tools used where appropriate) Goal: (what the student aims to do) Condition: (where and under what circumstances) Criterion: (how often or to what extent) Specific strategies and supports (e.g. routines, visual supports, prompts, adjustments to the teaching and learning process which will help me develop the skill): Team responsibility: Evaluation (state how progress is to be measured, who by, and how often): Review details Date Changes are required Emerging Achieved Signature Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Skill 2 I am working towards (e.g. asking for help, waiting, changing activities, self care tasks, following schedule): Baseline (State my current status/ability and assessment tools used where appropriate): Goal: (what the student aims to do) Condition: (where and under what circumstances) Criterion: (how often or to what extent) Specific strategies and supports (e.g. routines, visual supports, prompts, adjustments to the teaching and learning process which will help me develop the skill): Team responsibility: Evaluation (state how progress is to be measured, who by, and how often): Review details Date Changes are required Emerging Achieved Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Signature Points to consider when planning my transition activities When planning for my transition activities, it is important to consider the following: (please delete or add as relevant) I prefer warning of upcoming events, particularly if they are new events for me. I prefer to know exactly when events will occur. You can do this by linking unfamiliar events with known or more familiar event (such as on Fridays after lunch, when Mum gets home from work). My experiences of new environments are more positive if consideration is given to the sensory and social demands of the environment. Plan for me to arrive when it is not busy, noisy or overwhelming if possible and ensure I have a designated person to report to. Please include some familiar activities, interests, people or peers in my transition activities to help keep me calm such as . I enjoy looking at photos, video and images and these help me understand what will happen next when they are used on a schedule. To help me stay calm, I may like to take something familiar to hold when visiting a new place. I might bring: . Other: . My transition activities My transition activities template outlines what transition activities need to occur and who is responsible for them. The transition activities can be completed either sequentially and ticked off as completed (e.g. Tips for sequencing transition activities) outlines a range of suggested transition activities for you to choose from), as a brain storming activity and planning tool for the activities to be recorded in My transition timeline or a combination. Role/task of sending educator Role/task of receiving educator Role/task of parent Task of child All about Prep Information about my Prep environment Information about my Prep classroom and routine/s can be provided by my Prep teacher and/or case manager for this section. This can be done through photos, video, images and or written information. Please complete my table below by adding photos, images, information or linking to video footage or where video footage is located. You can edit and delete irrelevant sections. Completed/reviewed on: Routine or activity Where I wait before and after school (include OSHC routines if necessary): Where I put my bag, lunch and drink bottle: The drink bubblers and access rules or routines I need to know: My closest toilets and toilet routines or rules: Where I eat my lunch with my class: Where I play with my class: Routines I follow when the bell rings: My classroom teacher, including support staff (names and photos): Any relevant staff job share arrangements: My specialist lesson staff (names and photos): My class timetable outlining weekly specialist lessons, teacher and support staff and general routines: My class wiki or website address: Special events, excursions, incursions or special days: Additional routines I need to know (not already documented previously): My uniform, including any uniform variations for Prep students (such as a difference coloured hat): Other: My transition timeline Below is a template for my transition team to complete to capture the transition activities that need to occur to support my transition journey to Prep. This can be updated as required at the transition meeting and can be used as a tracking document to ensure everyone on my transition team knows what is happening and when. Date/time Location Transition activity/procedure Team member responsible Achieved/completed Recurring? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Ensuring effective communication Introduction It is very important that once my transition activities and timeline have been developed that there is clear communication occurring between everyone about how I am going. The following templates have been provided to make it easier for my parents and the school to communicate with each other about me. Each template can be adjusted to ensure they are easy to complete to provide the relevant information between home and school. (Please delete irrelevant templates) I might also like to share information between my family, my ECEC setting and my Prep teacher myself. Template 3 can be individualised to me by considering what information is important for me, how much information should be on my template, and how I can be supported to share this information. You might: add images, photos or symbols for me to circle or choose help me to capture via camera or choose images from the internet to prompt me to share information help me to draw, write or edit words or images delete some parts of the template or add more information if this suits me. These include: Keep in Touch (KIT) book (template 1) for general information Communication book with goals (template 2) to communicate my achievements against my goals What did I do today (template 3) to provide specific day to day information about my activities Keep in Touch (KIT) book - Template 1 Keep In Touch (KIT) book template Name: Term: Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Author: Author: Author: Author: Author: Author: Communication book with goals - Template 2 Communication book template with goals Name: My goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. Other information: Term: Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: Setting: What did I do today? - Template 3 Today is: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Date: (Add symbols or images to represent the days of the week or important events that tell me what day it is (I might only need one day on my page.) (Add symbols, words or photos to represent the different activities I participate in, what I enjoyed, the adults and children I played or worked with and what I might do tomorrow. Remember to think about how many activities I can choose from – do I need more or less on my template?) Today I went to: Kindy School Today I: Might include activities, routines, tasks, games, how I felt as well as what I did. I really enjoyed: singing, painting, the playground, the slide, a book about animals, the computer, my lunch, playing chase etc. Therapy Stayed home Other I played or worked with this person today: Tomorrow I will: Alternatively, other important information to be shared. Reviewing my transition journey Introduction Evaluating the effectiveness of my transition journey is an important element of the transition process. Further information regarding reviewing the transition process is available in Reviewing the transition journey. The following template has been provided to assist you with reviewing my transition journey. Reviewing my transition journey (template) This is to be completed by my transition team, including my family, me (where possible), my ECEC educator/s and new Prep teacher and my allied health team. What worked: School selection (information gathering, choosing a school, learning about individual schools, enrolment procedures): Getting to know me (visits to school, ECEC setting, home, my profiles and planning tools): Collating information from my parents, professionals and ECEC setting: What didn’t work so well: Future suggestions: What worked: Preparing my new Prep school staff (information, support, mentor, professional development): Whole school support (information, playground, classroom, case manager role): Collaborative planning and the development of individual supports, resources and plans: Engagement and coping strategies developed for me (break and support options, challenges, stress triggers): What didn’t work so well: Future suggestions: What worked: Relationship development and communication procedures (me, peers, family, ECEC educators, whole school staff, transition team, others): Other: What didn’t work so well: Future suggestions: