NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? All classes will continue to teach quality conceptual units of work that map onto a NSDS conceptual programming scope and sequence that supports quality teaching and learning programs. In 2013, there will be a continued focus on Science. Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? T1 T2 T3 T4 Funding Source Chart of accounts Through monitoring K-6 conceptual units and promoting quality teaching and learning in the areas of HSIE and Science, all students will engage in quality conceptual learning programs and will be able to demonstrate their ability to question, discuss and communicate their understanding of concepts. Whole School Based In teams, staff continue to collaboratively program, evaluate and modify existing conceptual units of work Staff will engage in professional development on quality teaching pedagogies Action Learning project in Science, on using the Predict, Observe and Explain Model to enhance the teaching of scientific investigation skills within the conceptual learning programs Website: 2013 conceptual units of works will reflect an equal representation of Science and HSIE within each grade All conceptual units of work contain rich tasks that reflect quality teaching pedagogies Evidence of reflection and annotation on Conceptual units Team evaluations of Organised through RFF roster Amanda & Amy Amy (mentored by Amanda) Page 1 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? T1 Committee Based Members to ensure documents are updated and programs placed in an easily accessible place (hard copy also) Committee members to update the scope and sequence to align to the National Curriculum, with a focus on Science for 2013 Continue to monitor the changes to National Curriculum and reflect on how these changes impact on the current scope and sequence and Website: T2 T3 T4 completed programs with necessary changes made Evidence of teaching strategies in conceptual programs All grades will collaboratively design and implement quality science programs using the predict, observe and explain teaching model 2013 Conceptual units of work easily accessible on public and provided in paper form 2013 Conceptual programming scope & sequence and outcomes will be up-to-date & Funding Source Chart of accounts All team members Fiona Amanda, Amy, Nina, Louise 1 day release for 3 teachers Amanda, Amy, Nina, Louise (3 x 360) $1080 Page 2 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? Amanda, Amy, Nina, Louise 1 day release for quality teaching guide $360 T1 communicate necessary information to staff Continue to provide support with collaborative planning sessions through establishing a quality teaching guide for programming and effective pedagogy Updating and organisation of Science resources to support quality teaching and learning programs Establishment of resource kits to support conceptual learning in classrooms Committee to ensure all teams fulfil and include authentic links to Aboriginal Education Website: aligned to National Curriculum with changes highlighted to staff Scope and sequence document will include key and contributing questions as well as outline curriculum content across grades Staff have a shared understating of any National Curriculum implications on Conceptual learning programs Quality resources (including resource kits, online, quality texts & quality teaching guide) used to teach T2 T3 T4 Funding Source Chart of accounts Amanda, Amy, Nina, Louise Nina to create moodle -all team members to email Nina with all resources used in units Heath, Mel, Louise and Emily science room and resources All team members 2 days release for resource kits $720 2 days release for organisati on & purchasin g of science resource s $720 Purchasi ng of Resource s Page 3 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? T1 Through establishing shared understanding and teacher consistency in the spiral curriculum students will build on their knowledge, make connections and apply this to achieve a deeper level of conceptual understanding. Whole School Based Support grade teams to collaboratively program, implement and evaluate units of work using the conceptual framework and quality teaching guide In class support provided to Early Career teachers and new teachers with the planning & implementation of conceptual lessons Professional development provided for new staff and committee members on conceptual Website: conceptual learning in all classrooms Authentic links to Aboriginal Education evident in conceptual programs particularly in the area of HSIE Conceptual learning expert present at all grade planning days Evaluations of completed programs conducted in teams and necessary changes made for future programs Conceptual learning placed on purposeful grade meeting agendas T2 T3 Funding Source Chart of accounts T4 $4,200 (approx. $300 for each grade for 2 science units a year) Amanda to organise during days off class where possible. Amanda to organise during days off class Amy and Amanda Page 4 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? programming theory Ongoing professional development on quality teaching, the spiral curriculum and conceptual programming theory through whole school and grade meeting forums Committee School Based Compile folders of past conceptual programs (2010-2013) as a resource to be used in planning to discern what students have learned in previous years Ensure conceptual programming is on team meeting agendas Ensure continued collaboration with all RFF programs Committee members to present quality teaching guide and discuss resources available in team meetings and on planning days Website: T1 T2 T3 T4 Amy and Amanda Fiona All team members Increased level of understanding of learning continuum and conceptual programming theory, across the school All staff have access to previous Conceptual units (on line & hard copies) Explicit reference to the learning continuum (spiral) evident in all Conceptual programs Conceptual programming on Funding Source Chart of accounts Emily and Ching Nina & Amanda to create packs Page 5 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? T1 By using a range of thinking tools and effective assessment strategies within conceptual units, students will utilise range of tools to communicate, reflect and evaluate their knowledge and understanding of concepts. Whole School Based Optional professional development on the use of thinking diagrams, concept maps and assessment tools Embed thinking diagrams and conceptual tools into programs Website: T2 T3 T4 grade meeting agendas and communicated in grade newsletters Library lessons integrated with conceptual programming units Mandarin classes linked to conceptual framework ESL staff present at staff planning days Teaching and learning programs embedded with thinking diagrams, concept maps and a range of assessment tools Shared understanding of the use of thinking tools within the Funding Source Chart of accounts All Emily and Ching Ching Fiona All team members Amanda All team members Page 6 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? Resource kits: Melissa, Elizabeth & Michelle 2 day release for updating of resource packs (thinking diagrams & assess tools) $720 Nina, Amanda & Amy 2 days release $720 T1 Committee School Based Collaboration with the G&T to establish a shared understanding of how to differentiate conceptual units to extend students Committee members to share knowledge of thinking diagrams with their grade teams and ensure they are effectively embedded into all conceptual units of work K-6 Committee members to ensure assessment tools are evaluated to allow students to effectively Website: T2 T3 T4 classroom All conceptual units to include concept maps as a means to asses students conceptual understanding Students will be able to articulate their thinking and conceptual understanding using a range of diagrams and thinking tools Explicit reference to extending students evident in Conceptual programs Conceptual programming on grade meeting agendas Well established resource kits being used in classrooms to support the use Funding Source Chart of accounts All team members All team members Page 7 of 2 NORTH SYDNEY DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL School Priority: Conceptual Learning 2013 Expected Targets What are we aiming to achieve? Total Budget: $8520 Strategies Indicators Time Frame Responsibility Allocation What will we do to achieve this? How will we measure our achievement? When will we do it? Who is responsible for it? How much will it cost? T1 demonstrate their learning Regional Professional Learning – Conceptual Programming Across the School Sharing the Journey of Transformation Establishing quality teaching and learning in the areas of Human Society & It’s Environment and Science. Website: T2 T3 Funding Source Chart of accounts T4 of thinking tools & in planning for conceptual units Staff within the Region engaged in professional development on Conceptual learning theory and establishing quality teaching across the school. Amanda Page 8 of 2