mission - St. Stephen Catholic Church

Confirmation Agreement
CANDIDATE’S NAME _____________________
I agree to satisfactorily perform all the requirements for the preparation of
Confirmation and to turn in all paperwork by the designated due date. If this
information is not turned in by the due date the Religious Education Office will assume
that I have decided not to continue with preparation for Confirmation at this time.
As the parent of _______________________________ I agree to participate in the
preparations for Confirmation, and to ensure that my child completes all requirements
by the designated due date. I agree to attend at least two adult enrichment events
offered throughout the year (Missions, Adult Faith Formation classes, Bible Study,
Speaker, etc. Contact the RE Office for details).
1. Orientation Meeting: Sunday October 28, 2012 from 7:00 to 8:00pm at the church
2. Candidate/Parent Interview (completed by appointment)
3. Participate in a one-night retreat Friday November 30th – Saturday December 1st
4. Regular Mass attendance as a family
6. Attend class on Sunday nights (parents/sponsors strongly encouraged to attend)
7. Teen AND at least one parent must attend rehearsal on Tuesday January 29th
8. Copy of candidate’s Certificate of Baptism
9. PINK Confirmation Information Form to be turned in at first class meeting.
10. GREEN Saint’s Name Research Form to be turned in at first class meeting.
11. WHITE Sponsor Verification Form to be turned in at first class meeting.
12. GOLD Service project forms (minimum of 20 hours) completed by the end of
Your Confirmation will be on Saturday February 2, 2012
PLEASE NOTE : If the Religious Education Office is closed when you return your forms, you
may leave them in the black mailbox on the wall outside the office door, or bring them to the
church office when you come to Mass. Be sure your name is on all forms!
Family Handbook
for the preparation of
Sacramental catechesis for Confirmation is a process of conversion which leads the
candidate toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with
the Holy Spirit. It fosters the relationship between sacrament and life: we live what we
St. Stephen Catholic Church Religious Education Office
10428 Saint Stephen Circle
Riverview, FL 33569
PHONE: (813) 671-4434
FAX: (813) 671-2994
e-mail: restaff@ststephencatholic.org
Traditional Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your
love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created; and You will renew the face of
the earth. O God, who did teach the hearts of your faithful by the light of the Holy
Spirit, grant us in the same spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His
consolation. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Welcome to the Sacrament preparation program for Confirmation. By registering
your teen you have chosen to make this a special time for your family. As we
begin this journey of faith with your family, be aware that parents teach more by
what they are and do, than by what they say. Your child will learn Christian
attitudes from your values and goals. It is important to provide religious
experiences in your home because children learn about their Catholic faith by
living their faith. You need to be a strong role model for your child. By your
example, you pass on the traditions of our faith.
A reflection…
Jesus gathered a group of 12 around him as he set out to do God’s work. He
could have worked alone; some of the prophets worked that way. But Jesus
chose not to. He came to gather people into the family of God – a community,
the Catholic Church.
In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul illustrates the bond of community by
comparing us to the human body. He said we are different parts but still
belong to the same body; we are interrelated and need one another. No one
person has all the gifts of the Spirit; we have different but related gifts. And
that makes community necessary for wholeness. God has called us together
through Jesus into one family. It is a bond created in heaven & strengthened
on earth as we work together in serving God.
We are praying for your family! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can help
in any way!
In Christ,
Matthew Irwin
High School Youth Minister
(813) 704-1686
1. Orientation Meeting: Sunday October 28, 2012 from 7:00 to 8:00pm at the church
2. Candidate/Parent Interview (completed by appointment)
3. Participate in a one-night retreat Friday November 30th – Saturday December 1st
4. Regular Mass attendance as a family
6. Attend class on Sunday nights (parents/sponsors strongly encouraged to attend)
7. Teen AND at least one parent must attend rehearsal on Tuesday January 29th
8. Copy of candidate’s Certificate of Baptism
9. PINK Confirmation Information Form to be turned in at first class meeting.
10. GREEN Saint’s Name Research Form to be turned in at first class meeting.
11. WHITE Sponsor Verification Form to be turned in at first class meeting.
12. GOLD Service project forms (minimum of 20 hours) completed by the end of
Your Confirmation will be on Saturday February 2, 2012
PLEASE NOTE : If the Religious Education Office is closed when you return your forms, you
may leave them in the black mailbox on the wall outside the office door, or bring them to the
church office when you come to Mass. Be sure your name is on all forms!
the sacrament of confirmation
Traditionally the Sacrament of Confirmation has been associated with the sending
of the Holy Spirit. The effect of the sacrament was and is an enriching of the
individual through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The recipient then applies those
gifts in service to the community.
Early in the Church’s history, the Apostles welcomed new Christians into the
community with the celebration of the three sacraments: baptism, Eucharist and
Confirmation. These were all administered at the same time. The importance of
the sacrament of Confirmation was noted in the fact that the Apostles themselves
would lay their hands upon the newly baptized Christians in a symbolic gesture
indicating the sending of the Holy Spirit.
As the history of the Church unfolded, the three sacraments separated from one
another. Thus we have the tradition today of Baptism, Eucharist, and
Confirmation at different times in a person’s spiritual progress. Confirmation is
usually administered by the bishop, highlighting the special significance of this
sacrament. During the ceremony the bishop lays his hands upon the person in the
same manner that the Apostles did and calls upon the Holy Spirit to strengthen
that person.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is now seen as an important dimension of the
initiation of the individual into the community. As one grows physically,
intellectually, and emotionally, one also grows in faith. The sacrament offers
concrete instruction and the visible support of the community through the Bishop
and the parish. As the newly confirmed (confirmand) grows in faith, the
sacramental experience becomes more real. As parents, we should be aware that
our faith can always grow and that one cannot expect adult faith from an
Gifts of the Holy Spirit:
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude
Knowledge, Piety, Wonder and Awe
We are God’s people, touched by the Holy Spirit, to witness more effectively, think
more clearly, feel more deeply, listen more insightfully, speak more truthfully, love
more extravagantly, care more soulfully, serve more creatively, give more lavishly,
encourage more lovingly, live more fully, teach more eloquently, participate more
faithfully, pray more movingly, worship more deeply, and celebrate more joyfully.
As a sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation is intimately related to Baptism and the
Eucharist. Christians are reborn in Baptism, strengthened by Confirmation, and
sustained by the food of Eucharist. Specifically in Confirmation they are signed with the
gift of the Spirit and become more perfect images of their Lord. Confirmation renews
and strengthens the Christian’s baptismal call to bear witness to Christ before the world
and work eagerly for the building up of His body.
Confirmation emphasizes the transformation of life by the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit in His fullness. Confirmed Christians claim as fully their own, the new life, into
which they were first initiated at Baptism. The Church community expresses its
continued support and concern for the spiritual growth of those confirmed.
According to the Diocese of St. Petersburg Catechetical Guidelines for the Sacraments
of Initiation, the revised Rite of Confirmation says the Sacrament of Confirmation is to
be conferred on the faithful at about the age of discretion (unless the conference of
bishops determines another age), with an emphasis on Confirmation as the sacrament
of Christian commitment.
Catechesis for this sacrament takes place within the parish community, which has an
obligation to participate in the catechetical preparation of those to be confirmed. The
parish is the faith community into whose life of prayer and worship they will be more
fully initiated. It also embodies the message to which they are to respond and gives
witness, in service, to the faith they profess.
As the primary educators of their children, parents and sponsors are to be intimately
involved in catechesis for Confirmation. This will help them renew and strengthen their
own faith, besides enabling them to set a better example for their children or
The process of immediate catechesis for Confirmation is a responsibility of the parish
and is a free standing program apart from any grade in the parish or school Religious
Education program in which the child may continue. Parents & Sponsors are strongly
encouraged to attend Confirmation class with their teen and also to take personal
advantage of other adult faith formation opportunities offered in the parish. When
possible, parents and sponsors are also encouraged to participate in service projects
together with the teen so that you grow together in giving witness to Christ in the
Readiness, not age, is the criteria for receiving this sacrament,
and preparation takes an earnest family commitment.
“Live on in me, as I do in you. I am the vine, you are the branches.”
- John 15:4-5
High School Confirmation Calendar
The candidate and at least one parent attend a brief interview to
assess the youth’s readiness for reception of this sacrament.
Enclosed is a list of questions you should come prepared to
answer. This is not a test to pass, but a casual conversation with
your parish priest. Interviews will take place by appointment
during the fall.
Sponsor Talks
Candidates are asked to have a regular dialogue with their
sponsor throughout the preparation process.
Service Projects
20 hours of community service work to be arranged by your
Sunday October 28
Confirmation Orientation for BOTH teens and parents
7:00 – 8:00pm at the church
Note: If you have already chosen your sponsor and they live locally they
are also welcome to attend.
Friday November 30Saturday December 1
High School Confirmation Retreat @ Mary Help of Christians
Sunday December 9
Confirmation Class, 6:45 – 8:45pm at the church
Sunday December 16
Confirmation Class, 6:45 – 8:45pm at the church
Merry Christmas: No Meeting on 12/23 or 12/30
Sunday January 6
Confirmation Class, 6:45 – 8:45pm at the church
Sunday January 13
Confirmation Class, 6:45 – 8:45pm at the church
Sunday January 20
Confirmation Class, 6:45 – 8:45pm at the church
Sunday January 27
Confirmation Class, 6:45 – 8:45pm at the church
Tuesday January 29
Teen must attend with at least one parent and/or Sponsor
Saturday February 2
Confirmation Dress Code
Young Men
Dress Shirt with collar and tie
Pressed Dress Pants
Dress shoes
Suit or Sport Coat is strongly encouraged
Young Women
Knee Length (or longer) dress or skirt and blouse
Dress pants and blouse
Dress shoes
A jacket, shawl, or sweater must be worn over a strapless dress to cover bare shoulders
or spaghetti straps
We encourage parents and other family members to also dress appropriately for this
liturgical celebration
Web sites
Catholic-pages.com/dir/saints.asp (this gives list of books on saints)
Popular Saints
Joan of Arc
Thomas Becket
Therese of Lisueux
Juan Diego
Mary Magdalene
Anthony of Padua
Thomas Moore
Leo the Great
James the Great
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Padre Pio
Rose of Lima
Francis of Assisi
Martin de Porres
Vincent de Paul
Thomas Aquinas
PLEASE NOTE: The bishop may ask you something about the saint’s name you have chosen, when you
approach him at the Confirmation Mass. That is why it is very important to be specific with the name you
choose. For example, instead of choosing St. Francis, specify St. Francis of Assisi.
Service Project Suggestions
Jesus said, “Here I am among you as one who serves.” Luke 22:27
At our church:
Babysitting during Sunday morning Mass
Meals on Wheels (Thursdays during the summer)
Food Pantry (Fridays during the summer)
Babysitting for parish events, such as the Missions
Join the Choir
Become an altar server
Assist in a Religious Education class
Help in the R.E. Office (during the summer)
Volunteer for Vacation Bible School
Do yard work at the parish (contact the church office)
In our community:
Visit the elderly in a nursing home
Assist the elderly in your neighborhood with chores
Baby sit for someone you know who needs help
Organize or help with a recycling project
Volunteer to work in a hospital
Tutor after school
Write cards or letters to hospitalized children
Collect food for the poor
Collect, clean and repair clothing for the poor
Earn money for the missions by washing cars
Collect toys and/or toiletry items for the poor
Read to the blind
Make gifts for nursing homes
Collect and deliver magazines to hospitals
Bake for a cake sale
Assist with young children’s sports activities
Help at CardioStart International 6110 Hartford Street, Tampa
Contact Joanne McGuire, Administrative Director
Tel: 813-740-2698 Fax: 813-628-9101
Just a reminder … Confirmation candidates are required to perform at least 20
hours of community service as part of the requirements for Confirmation
preparation. Fill out the gold form(s), or your own form, and return to the Religious
Education Office by the end of December.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours,
no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion looks out
at the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours
are the hands with which he is to bless us now.”
- St. Teresa of Avila
Who can be a Confirmation Sponsor?
 Confirmed Catholic who is living their own Confirmation
commitment – a person of faith who tries to live a Catholic life and
will be a role model
 Mature person who is at least 16 years of age
 Someone who prays and celebrates Mass and the sacraments
regularly; prays daily
 Someone who has not left the Church or married outside of the
PLEASE NOTE : Parents are not allowed to be sponsors for their own children.
They already have a significant role as parents.
What can a Candidate expect from their sponsor?
 A sponsor is someone you know, trust and respect
 A sponsor will take an interest in the process and will be ready to take part
in the special liturgies and help you complete your requirements
 A sponsor is someone you will be able to talk to, and feel free to ask
questions concerning your faith and the Sacrament of Confirmation
PLEASE NOTE: While most Candidates prefer to have a sponsor who can be
present throughout the entire process, do not hesitate to choose a sponsor who
does not live near you. If your sponsor is unable to be present for meetings, or
even the Confirmation Mass, a parent may act as proxy for the sponsor. The
proxy must meet the same requirements as a sponsor.
As soon as you decide on a sponsor and they agree to take on this awesome
responsibility, you should provide your sponsor with the Sponsor Verification
Form (WHITE FORM). It will be your sponsor’s responsibility to submit it to
his/her home parish for verification, and then mails or faxes it to St. Stephen
Religious Education Office by the due date. This form is part of your
requirements for the preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation, so please be
sure your sponsor complies with this requirement.
St. Stephen Religious Education Office
10428 Saint Stephen Circle
Riverview, FL 33569
(813) 671-2994
High School Confirmation Interview Questions
The Sacrament of Confirmation is an incredible gift of God. Through it you will be filled with the gift of
the Holy Spirit and bound ever more closely to the Church. We are delighted that you have chosen to be
confirmed and we will do all we can to assist you in your preparations.
Please be prepared to answer these questions during your interview. Some questions pertain to you and
your life, the answers to others can be found in the Bible, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
My interview is scheduled for: _____________________________________
Do you believe in God? Why?
Who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
How do you (personally) pray, and how often?
What are the seven sacraments?
How often do you participate in Mass?
Do you know the Act of Contrition? Please be prepared to pray it.
Why do you want to be confirmed?
What does the Sacrament of Confirmation mean to you?
What difference do you think it will make in your life?
What are the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit?
Where do you find Confirmation in the Bible?
Please name the Ten Commandments.
Who are the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion? Who are the Extraordinary Ministers?
Who is the Ordinary Minister of Confirmation? What else does he do?
What acts of charity or service projects are you doing?
Do you think Confirmation is the beginning, middle, or end of your Religious Education?
What else can we do to help you prepare for this Sacrament?
Do you have any questions for us?
Parents: Are you willing to travel with your child on this journey of faith?
Parents: What are you doing to bring yourself and your family closer to Christ?
Dear Sponsor,
The checklist below will help you determine how well your candidate is
prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation, based on your personal
observations of his or her behavior in various situations. Thank you for your
commitment to your candidate, and for the assistance you provide as you
travel together on their faith journey. Feel free to contact us if you have any
questions (671-4434)
- The Religious Education Staff
1. Prays daily and uses the traditional kinds of Catholic prayer
2. Attends Mass weekly; receives Holy Eucharist
3. Can name the Church’s different liturgical seasons
4. Understands different parts of the Mass
5. Can read something in the Bible and discuss the impact it should have
on his or her life
6. Is able to talk about his or her experiences of God and the challenges
he or she faces while trying to live like a disciple of Jesus
7. Uses a specific decision-making process that reflects his or her religious
8. Demonstrates empathy
9. Can tell the difference between right and wrong
10. Expresses his or her moral convictions
11. Recognizes the positive and negative messages in the media
12. Applies intentional ways of reconciling with others
13. Offers to help others
14. Shows a willingness to address injustice, unfairness, or exclusion
15. Tells the truth
16. Has a sense of humor
17. Applies his or her spirituality toward reducing stress in his or her life
18. Participates in the sacrament of reconciliation
Dear Confirmation Sponsor ,
Thank you for agreeing to sponsor one of our candidates for the sacrament of
Confirmation. Your life is a testimony of your commitment to the Lord and to the
Catholic Church. As your candidate continues their faith journey, you, along with their
parents, have been asked to be their spiritual guide. A sponsor is the traditional name
for the role of walking with a candidate in his/her preparation for Confirmation. After
prayerful consideration, we hope you are willing and eager to guide your candidate in
how to pray
how to witness
how to recognize the working of the Holy Spirit
more about the parish
how to participate in parish life
how to overcome bad habits and attitudes
Welcoming Lord, stand by me.
Favor me with insight into hearts hungry for welcome,
With hospitality to accept and respect the gifts they bear,
With generosity to share my gifts.
With faith to share the gift that is you.
Fill me with your powerful spirit
that I might lead, guide, sponsor, and support.
Speak your living word to me and to the one I sponsor along your way.
And when I do not know what to say, keep me quiet, Lord.
And let your spirit do the talking. Amen.
Sponsor’s Questions for the Candidate
Are you praying? How often?
Have you experienced Christ in your life? Explain.
Have you witnessed Christ’s presence in someone else’s life recently?
What Scripture have you heard or read that had special meaning for you?
Have you felt the presence of Christ in your home, your school, your
neighborhood, and your social life?
Do you have any questions about something you’ve read in the Scripture or
something you’ve experienced?
Is there any specific problem or situation that I can help you pray about?
PLEASE NOTE: Sponsor will put their right hand on their candidate’s right shoulder
when standing behind them at the Rite and Confirmation Mass.
Confirmation Information Form (PINK
Please Print Clearly
NAME: ____________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________
(as it appears on your baptism certificate)
YOUR AGE on the DAY OF CONFIRMATION _________________
FATHER’S FULL NAME: _____________________________________________________
MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME: __________________________________________________
NAME TAKEN IN CONFIRMATION: (FULL SAINT’S NAME) __________________________
For example, “St. John of the Cross” instead of “St. John” or “St. Peter Damian” instead of St. Peter”
NAME OF YOUR SPONSOR: _____________________________________ (ONE PERSON)
SPONSOR’S PARISH: __________________________ CITY: __________________________
STATE: _____________________________
ZIP: __________________________
A sponsor verification form must be completed by the sponsor and then submitted to our
Religious Ed Office or faxed to our office @ 813-671-2994. (Including members of St.
SPECIAL NEEDS – Please advise us if your sponsor might require any special type of seating
at Confirmation: _______________________________________________________________
Please return this completed pink form and the green Saints Name Research Form to the
Religious Education Office by the start of class.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS SECTION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
_____ Good Class Attendance (or attend SSCS)
_____ Regular Mass attendance
_____ Baptismal Certificate (copy)
_____ Signed Agreement
_____ Candidate/Parent Interview
_____ November 30th Retreat
_____ This Confirmation Information Form (PINK)
_____ Service Project Forms – minimum of 20 hours (GOLD)
_____ Saint’s Name Research (GREEN)
_____ Sponsor Verification Form (WHITE)
Saint’s Name Research
YOUR NAME _____________________________________________
Many people choose an additional name at Confirmation. It should be the name of a
recognized saint of the Catholic Church. Names of saints are chosen to serve as patrons
and models for those being confirmed. Candidates should choose a patron saint’s name,
not because of the attractiveness of the name, but because of the attractiveness of the
Christian life that person led.
Complete this form to learn more about the name you choose. Turn it in to the Religious
Education Office as part of your requirements by the start of class.
Saint’s Name (Be specific!) ______________________________________
BE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT SPELLING! This will be on your name tag.
Find out something about this saint:
Saint’s place of birth: __________________________________________________________
Family background: ___________________________________________________________
Occupation: __________________________________________________________________
Circumstances of their death:
What virtues did this saint practice?
What aspects of this person’s Christian life attracted you?
How is this saint a model for Christians today?
Turn in to the Religious Education Office as part of your requirements (at least 20 hours).
YOUR NAME __________________________
Description of the project:
Date(s) the project took place: ________________________________ Total hours: _______
How did this project help to build the Kingdom of God?
Describe your feeling while you were involved with this project:
What type of follow-up, if any, will you do?
I have completed this service project as part of my personal preparation for the coming
of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Your signature ___________________
NAME __________________________
Description of the project:
Date(s) the project took place: ___________________________________ Total hours: ____
How did this project help to build the Kingdom of God?
Describe your feeling while you were involved with this project:
What type of follow-up, if any, will you do?
I have completed this service project as part of my personal preparation for the coming
of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Your signature ___________________
St. Stephen Parish Sponsor or Godparent Verification Form
Please give this form to your Sponsor or Godparent for thier use, or they may obtain one
from their own parish office that we will accept
Return completed form to:
St. Stephen Religious Education Office
FAX: (813) 671-2994
10428 Saint Stephen Circle
Riverview, FL 33569
Or drop it off at the RE Office or Church Office
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sponsor or Godparent,
We are delighted that you have been asked to be a sponsor for the Sacrament of Baptism or
Confirmation. What an honor! You have been chosen because of the way you live and share
your Catholic Faith. It will be your role to help the newly baptized/confirmed lead a life in
harmony with the Gospel. One of the most effective ways to share one’s faith is through
example. Therefore, to be eligible to serve as a sponsor, you must be:
 at least 16 years old and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist
 an active Catholic regularly attending Mass, praying daily, and living your life in
accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church
 a Catholic who is not living with someone outside marriage or married outside the
Catholic Church (Please contact our office, or your church office, if you are married
outside the Church and would like information on convalidations 813-671-4434)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO BE COMPLETED BY SPONSOR or GODPARENT
I testify that I am an active Catholic of at least 16 years of age. I have been Confirmed,
regularly receive the Most Holy Eucharist, and live my life according to the teaching of the
Church. Furthermore, I am a registered parishioner of _______________________________
Catholic Parish, contribute to the support of my parish according to my means, and fulfill the
requirements listed above. I consider myself suitable to the role of sponsor or godparent and
intend to fulfill it and live a life of faith befitting this role.
Signature ___________________________________
Date ________________________
Print Name _________________________________
Phone _______________________
Address ____________________________________
e-mail _______________________
For the Baptism / Confirmation of (Candidate’s Name) ________________________________
To Whom it May Concern:
We are pleased to be able to issue this testimonial letter. The individual whose name is
signed above is a practicing Catholic who is a registered member of this parish. To the best of
our knowledge, this person is qualified to be a Sponsor or Godparent for anyone receiving
the Sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation.
Date ____________________
Signed ________________________________________
Print Name & Title _________________________________
(Parish Seal)
Letters to your Candidate
(Don’t turn this in with your other requirements – it’s between you and your Candidate)
Parents and Sponsors: Please write a note of encouragement and
congratulations to your candidate, and share your thoughts about their faith
journey. Present to your candidate prior to rehearsal.
A note from my parents …
A note from my sponsor …