Professorial Banding Criteria Matrix

Professorial Banding Criteria Matrix
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Professorial Band – to achieve a band the criteria in the previous band(s) must also be met. These should be used with disciplinary norms
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
Core criteria:
Core Criteria:
Core Criteria:
Core Criteria:
Core criteria:
i) An international research
profile with significant and
substantial outputs, as
appropriate to the discipline
and in keeping with the
☐ volume required by REF
ii) As appropriate to the
☐ discipline, evidence of
successful collaborations
with other research
☐ teams/institutions/networks
i) A sustained international
research profile with
increasing citation, as
appropriate to the discipline
ii) significant and sustained
success in obtaining
research or research project
grants, individually or as a
team leader, or key coinvestigator
iii) Significant success in
obtaining research grants,
individually or as a coinvestigator
i) An outstanding
internationally recognised
body of research with
frequent citation and
impact on scholarship, as
appropriate to the discipline
i) World-leading scholars
with an established
reputation and sustained
body of work published in
the top journals and
ii) As appropriate to the
discipline, evidence of
successful collaborations,
through, for example,
leading EU work stream of
grant with other research
ii) Evidence of successful
collaborations with major
international or major
national research teams or
institutions, as
appropriate to the
iii) A track record of
sustained research with
ongoing major projects.
The following supplementary
activities and responsibilities
may be among those
supporting the primary
Research contribution:
iv) A track record of
☐ sustained achievement
within the field
☐ The following supplementary
activities and responsibilities
may be among those
supporting the primary
Research contribution:
i) Research students
successfully supervised to
completion and, as
appropriate to the discipline
i) Increasing numbers of
research students
successfully supervised to
completion and, as
appropriate to the discipline
ii) Substantial experience in
reviewing grant
applications to national and
international funding
bodies; through, for
iii) Significant and sustained
success in obtaining
research grants
programme, as PI
The following supplementary
activities and responsibilities
may be among those
supporting the primary
Research contribution:
i) Significant key note
addresses to international
ii) Significant indications of
esteem within and beyond
academia, such as senior
iii) Establishing, leading
and developing research
centres of international
and national importance,
ass appropriate to the
iv) Sustained success in
obtaining research grants
and leading projects such
as co-ordinator of EU
consortium (with respect
to funding availability
within the discipline)
Together with
supplementary evidence of
i) Professors meeting the
Research criteria for Band 5
will be producing worldleading, paradigm-shifting
research that is
acknowledged as such
Supplementary criteria,
according to disciplinary
i) Very significant and
recurring funding from
external sources
ii) International
collaborations with worldleading institutions
iii) The establishment and
development of research
centres of international
iv) Numerous invitations to
present prestigious named
lectures, or participate in
high-profile events
v) World-class reputation
such that a research group
(if she or he has one) is
ii) Proven and sustained
success in research
leadership and/or
☐ management of a research
iii) Experience in reviewing
grant applications for
national and international
funding bodies
example, membership of
research council peer review
iv) Guest editorship,
regular reviewing or
refereeing for eminent
v) Invited addresses to, or
organization of,
international or major
national research meetings
and conferences
vi) Research degree
appointments as external
vii) Indications of esteem
within and beyond
academia, such as
invitations to participate in
public, printed or broadcast
iii) Significant invited
addresses to, or
organization of,
international or major
national research meetings
and conferences
iv) Significant indications of
esteem within and beyond
academia, such as visiting
appointments, and highprofile invitations to
participate in public, printed
or broadcast debate.
visiting appointments, and
high-profile invitations to
participate in public, printed
or broadcast debate
iii) Evidence of active
involvement in the
development and
achievement of the
research strategy within
the Faculty or College
sustained success in:
i) Supervising postdoctoral fellows as well
as research students
ii) Active membership of
key research bodies such
as research council
iii) Receipt of senior
Research Fellowships
awarded by funding
bodies or learned societies
iv) Prestigious prizes or
v) Editorship of
internationally eminent
iv) Membership of editorial
boards of journals
vi) Regular invitations to
deliver named lectures or
keynote at leading
conferences in the field.
recruited internationally
vi) Significant roles in
management or leadership
so as to influence the future
research trajectory of the
discipline, Faculty or the
vii) Acknowledgement of
the importance of his/her
work, through the award of
Fellowships of learned
societies, for example the
British Academy or the
Royal Society, and
prestigious named prizes,
national or international
awards recognizing
research excellence
viii) The award of honorary
degrees from prestigious
ix) Esteem from beyond, as
well as within, academia.
Professorial Band - to achieve a band the criteria in the previous band(s) must also be met. These should be used with disciplinary norms
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
Core criteria:
Core criteria:
☐ i) Influence of pedagogy
☐ i) Award of national
☐ i) HEA Principal Fellow or
beyond own department
prizes such as those by
equivalent award
i) Evidence of developing
through successful faculty
the HEA e.g. National
☐ i) Evidence of developing
and delivering excellent
and delivering excellent
schemes or college wide
Teaching Fellowship,
☐ ii) A seminal contribution to
learning activities through
and innovative learning
dissemination or use of
Senior Teaching
the development of teaching
module design, developing
activities, this might be
pedagogical approaches
internationally in a particular
teaching materials, and of
through introducing new
by other universities
subject area, or in relation to
learning modes, new
Higher Education more
☐ evaluating their impact on
☐ ii) Publication in the field
student learning
disciplinary areas etc. and ☐ ii) Widely used teaching
of pedagogy which
generally. This would be
might be evidenced by a
text book or development
significantly alters the
evidenced by international
ii) Sustained and continuing
College teaching prize or
of other teaching
prizes, the paradigm-shifting
evidence of successful and
initiative award
resources which are
nature of the work etc.
effective teaching over a
widely used in the sector
significant period, indicated ☐ ii) Evidence of CPD
for teaching related
by student take-up of
development or initiative
☐ iii) Organisation of
options, strong evaluations
The following
conferences concerning
supplementary activities
pedagogy within the field ☐ iv) Evidence of substantial
and responsibilities may be
The following supplementary
among those supporting
peer esteem in teaching
☐ iv) engagement with A
the primary Teaching
Level exam boards or
☐ activities and responsibilities
may be among those
other external bodies
☐ v) QAA auditor or
supporting the primary
comparable role
Teaching contribution:
☐ i) Design and
management of
development (or review)
i) Management of
successful new
of the curriculum or
programmes at
undergraduate or masters
methodologies or the
management of teaching
teaching support roles,
within the Faculty or
such as personal advising
vi) Reviewer of teaching
and learning provision for
other universities
External Engagement & Impact
Professorial Band - to achieve a band the criteria in the previous band(s) must also be met. These should be used with disciplinary norms
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
i) Evidence (as appropriate
☐ i) Evidence (as
☐ i) On-going engagement
☐ i) Award of patents or
☐ i) Acting as lead advisor to
to the discipline) of impact
appropriate to the
with national or
national governmental or
of knowledge transfer or
discipline) of a significant
international partners in
related agencies or
exchange on practice or on
and sustained impact of
the public dissemination of ☐ ii) Prominent involvement
international bodies such as
quality of life; this might be
knowledge transfer or
information to the benefit
at office-holding or
the EU, the UN, UNESCO
via occasional public
exchange on practice or
of the community, or the
equivalent seniority in the
etc. on global issues
forums, or meetings with
on quality of life
population at large or to
establishment of
community, business,
the commercial, creative
externally funded
☐ ii) Advisory or consultancy
health or
and heritage sectors,
endowments for scientific
work that has significantly
☐ ii) Increased consultancy
governmental/policy groups
activity which benefits the
including leadership of
or cultural activity or
broadened the
College as well as the
consortia in this area
understanding of the
ii) Evidence of research
discipline, benefits RHUL,
impact in the form of
and continues to do so
☐ ii) Engagement with
☐ iii) Substantial
translations of original
work into foreign
Stream activities of
bodies, charities or other
of knowledge transfer
☐ iii) Impact of research,
languages, or other forms of
manifest benefit to the
end-users of research
(e.g. Government
practice or teaching on
impact on non-English
College as well as the
Departments & nonnational, governmental or
speaking audiences
international policy or
commercialization of
Bodies, charities,
iii) Evidence of Third
research outputs
Stream and Consultancy
Foundations, museums,
☐ iv) Successful development
activities of manifest
arts and science festivals,
of their own work through
benefit to the College as
substantial contribution
patents and licenses, spin out
well as the individual
to national or
companies etc. which benefit
international media
Royal Holloway
broadcasts, particularly
substantively, and of sharing
series etc.)
expertise in this regard
v) Major
media coverage of research,
scholarship or practice
vi) Third Stream activity
whose impact and/or income
are of manifest benefit to the
College, and exceed norms in
this area
Leadership and Enhancement
Professorial Band -to achieve a band the criteria in the previous band(s) must also be met. These should be used with disciplinary norms
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
i) Evidence of external
☐ i) Evidence of sustained
☐ i) Evidence of enduring
☐ i) Evidence of an original
☐ Professors meeting the
leadership through
and on-going success in
academic leadership and
contribution to the
Leadership & Enhancement
contributions to peer review
leadership roles within
a proven ability to lead,
leadership of the field
criteria for Band 5 will
bodies, committees,
Royal Holloway. This
develop and motivate
through the
undertake significant and
learned societies,
might be via development
colleagues, working to
establishment of a new
influential activities
professorial appointment
of new initiatives and
achieve substantive
body, cultural event etc.
facilitating the College’s
panels outside the
College goals
strategic aims. Evidence of
institution, institutional or
this might well include:
☐ ii) initiating and
departmental university
sustaining key
☐ ii) Evidence of academic
☐ ii) A successful and
reviews, professional
leadership and the
effective contribution to
partnerships of strategic
☐ i) Evidence of a substantive,
organisations and the like
capacity to motivate
the achievement of the
importance, or major
successful and active role in
colleagues working as
College’s strategic goals
fundraising or other
the strategic development
ii) Well-developed
part of a team
beyond the area of
income generation
and furtherance of the
management skills and
research and teaching, for
academic agenda of the
evidence of significant and
example through
on-going contributions to
involvement with
national or international
the administration of a
partnerships, representing
research sponsorship or
☐ ii) Substantive contribution
the College externally on
evaluation panels, or
to College’s strategic goals
at Royal Holloway through
matters of key
other relevant
beyond areas of research and
major administrative roles
importance, or through
committees and funding
teaching (e.g. negotiating
fundraising or other
bodies, including
complex partnerships,
iii) Mentoring of other staff
income generation
Research Councils’ boards
representing College on
matters of key importance,
or through fundraising or
☐ iii) Active membership of
national or international
other income generation) so
bodies with evidence of
as to benefit the College well
how a leading and
into the future
influential role has been
☐ iii) Leadership, guidance and
sharing expertise with
colleagues at a level that
brings lasting enhancement
and raised esteem to the
work of the group
iv) Achieving public
recognition outside as well
as inside the H.E. sector as a
world authority.