Regents Biology Homework Packet Unit 8

TEST DATE: __________
Regents Biology
Homework Packet
Unit 8: Evolution and Unit 9: Classification
Use your Biology by Miller & Levine textbook to complete and help with the following homework
(1) Read the assigned pages, (2) Define the vocabulary, and (3) Answer the questions.
Neatness counts. Number the definitions. Write the page and number of the questions. Do your work in
ink or even type the homework. Staple the definitions and questions to the HW packet.
The homework assignment is due the day before the test. We will use the HW packet as a test review.
The completed and corrected HW packet will be collected on the day of the test. Late homework
assignments receive no credit (0). If the assignment is not turned in by the last day of the quarter the
zero grade (0) will change to -5.
Ch 16: Darwin’s
Theory of Evolution
Read pgs. 448 – 479
Ch 17: Evolution of
Read pgs. 480 – 507
p. 450 (2)
p. 454 (1)
p. 460 (3)
p. 465 (4)
p. 482 (4)
p. 487 (9)
p. 494 (6)
p. 464 #1a
p. 473 #3a, 3b
p. 486 #2a, 4
p. 492 #4
p. 497 #1a
Regents Review
Pgs. 476 – 479
#1 – 37
Regents Review
Pgs. 504 – 507
#1 – 30
Ch 18: Classification
Read pgs. 508 – 535
Ch 19: History of Life
Read pgs. 536 – 570
p. 510 (9)
p. 516 (5)
p. 523 (4)
p. 538 (10)
p. 546 (8)
p. 553 (1)
p. 515 #2b
p. 528 #1c
p. 552 #2a, 2b, 3a
p. 558 #1b, 2a, 2b, 2c
Regents Review
Pgs. 532 – 535
#1 – 36
Regents Review
Pgs. 566 – 569
#1 – 32
Know the Terms:
Match the word to the definition
a. comparative anatomy
e. radioactive dating
i. natural
m. sedimentary rock
q. adaptation
b. homologous
f. population
j. embryology
n. vestigial
r. analogous
c. variation
g. index fossils
k. extinction
o. petrifaction
s. Darwin
d. speciation
h. mimicry
l. gene pool
p. biochemistry
t. fossils
___ 1. Change that improves chance of survival
___ 12. evolutionary evidence provided by
___ 2. Resembling another species
structural similarities
___ 3. Differences within a population
___ 13. use of carbon-14 to determine the age
___ 4. Formation of new species
of fossils
___ 5. Developed a theory of evolution
___ 14. traces or remains of organisms
___ 6. Croup of organisms of the same species
___ 15. body parts with similar function but
___ 7. Type of selection
different development
___ 8. All the genes in a population
___ 16. replacement of body parts by minerals
___ 9. body parts with similar embryological
in water
___ 17. evolutionary evidence from patterns of
___ 10. remnants of structures that functioned in
ancestral forms
___ 18. evolutionary evidence from DNA and
___ 11. death of all members of a species
Understand the Concepts:
1. Where do evolutionists derive support for their theories?
2. How did Francesco Redi help disprove spontaneous generation?
3. Why is sedimentary rock important to scientists studying evolution?
4. How did Louis Pasteur help disprove spontaneous generation of microorganisms?
5. Describe the changes in Earth's atmosphere from its beginning through to the present.
6. How are adaptations important in evolution?
7. How can geographic isolation result in speciation?
8. Explain how two unrelated species in different environments may come to resemble each other.
9. Summarize Darwin's theory of natural selection.
10. Why might emigration and immigration result in variation within a population?
Evolution and Classification Review
1. Evolution is the ___________ in a ___________ over time
2. __________ __________ derived his theory of evolution from studying finches in the Galapagos
a) Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is based on __________ ___________
b) Natural Selection works through:
3. Darwin could not explain sources of variation in his theory of natural selection, from your studies in
biology name 3 sources of variation:
4. Survival of the fittest requires that organisms have an ___________, a characteristic that aids in
survival, that allows them to out compete other organisms for food, shelter, mates, etc.
5. Using Darwin’s theory explain how the whale evolved.
6. ___________ had a competing view of evolution. It is wrong because it is based on ___________
and ___________
7. Evidence Supporting Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
1. __________ __________
2. __________
3. Comparative Biology
Homologous Structures - ____________________________
Analogous Structures - ______________________________
Vestigial Structures - ________________________________
In modern times most evolutionary relationships are
determined by difference and similarities in the _________
4. __________
8. Genetic Drift – changes in populations
8. Speciation - _____________________________________________
a) Geographic Isolation
b) Behavioral Isolation
c) Reproductive Isolation
For questions 1 -10 choose the kingdom or
kingdoms described by each of the following
statements. Some choices may be used once, more
than once, or not at all.
1. Multicellular organisms which can NOT make their
own food.
2. Mushrooms and molds are examples.
3. Unicellular organisms with the nuclei NOT in a
distinct nuclear membrane.
5. These are multicellular photosynthetic organisms.
6. Cats, dogs, and sponges are in this kingdom.
7. Ameba, paramecium, and the euglena are in this
8. Blue-green algae and bacteria are representatives
of this kingdom.
9. Mosses are in this kingdom.
10. This is the Kingdom which is most newly
recognized, consisting of single celled organisms
that often live in extreme environments.
4. Unicellular organisms with the nucleus in a
distinct nuclear membrane.
Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer and write it on the blank.
___ 1. Which of the following organisms would NOT
have a similar pattern of embryological
(1.) human
(2.) fish
(3.) bird
(4.) lobster
___ 2. Approximately how old is the earth?
(1.) 1 billion years
(2.) 4.5 billion years
(3.) 8 billion years
(4.) 20 billion years
___ 3. During a study, 4 undisrupted sedimentary
rock layers were uncovered with a fossil in each
layer. Layer A was at the top, layer B was next, layer
C was under layer B, and layer D was at the bottom.
Based on this layer arrangement, all of the following
statements about the fossils are correct EXCEPT
(1.) the fossil in layer B is younger than the fossil in
layer C
(2.) the fossil in layer B is older than the fossil in
layer A
(3.) the fossil in layer C is younger than the fossil in
layer D
(4.) the fossil in layer A is the oldest
___ 4. What part of an organism is most likely to be
found in the fossil record?
(1.) stomach
(2.) brain
(3.) bone
(4.) skin
___ 5. Which statement about evolution is accurate?
(1.) Complex animals were among the first
organisms to exist on earth.
(2.) There was a sudden transition from earlier forms
of life to Iater forms.
(3.) Many transitional forms have not been found in
the fossil record.
(4.) The horse is smaller now than its ancestor was
millions of years ago.
___ 6. Which of the following would be homologous
(1.) hind leg of a cat and arm of a human
(2.) wing of a bird and arm of a human
(3.) gills of a fish and lungs of a human
(4.) wings of a bird and wings of an insect
___ 7. Some snakes and whales have remains of hind
legs embedded in their body walls. These are
examples of
(1.) analogous structures
(2.) vestigial structures
(3.) embryonic structures
(4.) homologous structures
___ 8. The similarity of human and gorilla
hemoglobin indicates that
(1.) the organisms are in the same genus
(2.) the organisms have identical DNA codes
(3.) the organisms have similar enzymes and
hormone molecules
(4.) no antibodies would develop if blood from the
gorilla was transfused into a human
___ 9. The assumption of Lamarck's theory that
proved to be incorrect was
(1.) the law of use and disuse (2.) the inheritance of acquired characteristics
(3.) the process of natural selection
(4.) that reproduction must be random
___ 10. Pasteur and Redi performed experiments to
disprove the
(1.) theory of Lamarck
(2.) findings of Miller and Fox
(3.) heterotroph hypothesis
(4.) theory of abiogenesis
___ 11. According to Darwin's theory, what
determines whether a variation is favorable or
(1.) the organism's chromosome number
(2.) the size of the organism's gene pool
(3.) the number of favorable variations the organism
(4.) the environment of the organism
___ 12. Darwin believed that
(1.) all members of a population have similar
(2.) variations in anatomical structures are not
(3.) some variations are advantageous to an
(4.) all organisms have an equal chance of survival
___ 13. Which of the following is NOT a source for
genetic variation?
(1.) immigration
(2.) recombination
(3.) asexual reproduction
(4.) gene mutations
___ 17. The first life-forms to appear on Earth were
most likely
(1) complex single-celled organisms
(2) complex multicellular organisms
(3) simple single-celled organisms
(4) simple multicellular organisms
___ 18. One explanation for the variety of organisms
present on Earth today is that over time
(1) new species have adapted to fill available niches
in the environment
(2) evolution has caused the appearance of
organisms that are similar to each other
(3) each niche has changed to support a certain
variety of organism
(4) the environment has remained unchanged,
causing rapid evolution
Base your answers to questions 19 and 20 on the
diagram below and on your knowledge
of biology. Letters A through J represent different
species of organisms. The vertical distances
between the dotted lines represent long periods of
time in which major environmental changes
___ 14. The evolution of a new species occurs
(1.) through the gradual accumulation of small
(2.) slowly and continuously over many millions of
(3.) suddenly and quickly after many years of
(4.) but its rate is still being debated by scientists
___ 15. Which of the following are correct statements
about the synthetic theory of evolution?
l. lt states that evolution happens to individuals and
not to populations.
ll. lt defines evolution as a change in allele
lll. lt includes Darwin's theory.
(1.) I only
(3.) ll and lll only
(2.) ll only
(4.) l,ll, and lll
___ 16. Which statement is best supported by fossil
(1) Many organisms that lived in the past are now
(2) Species occupying the same habitat have identical
environmental needs.
(3) The struggle for existence between organisms
results in changes in populations.
(4) Structures such as leg bones and wing bones can
originate from the same type of tissue found in
___ 19. Which species was the first to become
(1) E (2) J
(3) C (4) D
___ 20. Which species appears to have been most
successful in surviving changes in the
environment over time?
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D
___ 21. According to the interpretation of the fossil
record by many scientists, at which point did
multicellular organisms appear first on Earth?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) E
Base your answer to questions 22 on the diagram
and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram
shows an interpretation of relationships based on
evolutionary theory. The letters represent different
___ 22. The diagram indicates that a common
ancestor for species C and E is species
(1) F (2) G (3) H (4) K
___ 23. What is the most probable reason for the
increase in the percentage of variety A in the
population of the species shown in the graph below?
___ 26. Which statement concerning the first
appearance of the organisms over the time period
represented in the chart above is most likely correct?
(1) Life on Earth has remained the same.
(2) Life on Earth has changed from primitive
organisms to more complex organisms.
(3) Life on Earth began with complex organisms and
changed to more complex organisms.
(4) Life on Earth has changed rapidly.
___ 27. The diagram below shows the bones in the
forelimbs of two different vertebrate species.
(1) There is no chance for variety A to mate with
variety B.
(2) There is no genetic difference between variety A
and variety B.
(3) Variety A is less fit to survive than variety B is.
(4) Variety A has some adaptive advantage that
variety B does not have.
___ 24. Which statement represents the major
concept of the biological theory of evolution?
(1) A new species moves into a habitat when another
species becomes extinct.
(2) Every period of time in Earth’s history has its own
group of organisms.
(3) Present-day organisms on Earth developed from
earlier, distinctly different organisms.
(4) Every location on Earth’s surface has its own
unique group of organisms.
___ 25. Some behaviors such as mating and caring
for young are genetically determined in certain
species of birds.
The presence of these behaviors is most likely
due to the fact that
(1) birds do not have the ability to learn
(2) individual birds need to learn to survive and
(3) these behaviors helped birds to survive in the
(4) within their lifetimes, birds developed these
The position and structure of these bones could best
be used to make inferences about the
(1) food preferences of these vertebrate species
(2) intelligence of these vertebrate species
(3) evolutionary history of these vertebrate species
(4) reproductive behavior of these vertebrate species
___ 28. The diagram below shows the evolution of
some different species of flowers.
Which statement about the species is correct?
(1) Species A, B, C, and D came from different
(2) Species C evolved from species B.
(3) Species A, B, and C can interbreed successfully.
(4) Species A became extinct.
Use the information below and your knowledge of
biology to answer questions 29 and 30 which follow.
___ 33. The Florida panther, a member of the cat
family, has a population of fewer than 100
individuals and has limited genetic variation. Which
inference based on this information is valid?
(1) These animals will begin to evolve rapidly.
(2) Over time, these animals will become less likely
to survive in a changing environment.
(3) These animals are easily able to adapt to the
(4) Over time, these animals will become more likely
to be resistant to disease.
___ 34. According to the heterotroph hypothesis,
some early heterotrophs evolved into autotrophs
because of their ability to synthesize organic
compounds from water and
(1.) carbon dioxide
(2.) oxygen
(3.) hydrochloric acid
(4.) hydrogen
___ 29. Which statement best explains why some
mosquitoes survived after the first spraying?
(1) Some mosquitoes were adapted to the climatic
change that occurred over the several-month period
of spraying.
(2) All of the mosquitoes contained DNA unique to
the species.
(3) The spraying of the insecticide represented a
change in the environment to which all adult
mosquitoes were adapted.
(4) A natural variation existed within the mosquito
___ 30. Which statement best explains the decreased
effectiveness of the insecticide?
(1) The insecticide caused mutations that resulted in
immunity in the mosquito.
(2) Mosquitoes resistant to the insecticide lived and
produced offspring.
(3) The insecticide reacted chemically with the DNA
of the mosquitoes and was destroyed.
(4) All of the mosquitoes produced antibodies that
activated the insecticide.
___ 31. In addition to the basic ideas of Darwin, the
modern theory of evolution includes the concept
(1.) variations are the result of mutations and gene
(2.) variations exist only in large populations
(3.) overproduction of organisms leads to extinction
(4.) competition occurs only between members of
the same.
___ 32. A change in genetic material that produces
a variation in a species may be a result of
(1.) a mutation
(2.) overproduction of a species
(3.) competition
(4.) a struggle for survival
___ 35. Modern evolutionary theory consists of the
concepts of Darwin modified by knowledge
(1.) overpopulation
(2.) survival of the fittest
(3.) the genetic basis of variation
(4.) competition
___ 36. One way that the modern theory of evolution
differs from the theory of evolution proposed by
Charles Darwin is that the modern theory
(1.) includes the concept of use and disuse
(2.) identifies mutations as one explanation for
(3.) does not include the concept of overproduction
(4.) does not consider the effects of genetic change
___ 37. Based on modern evolutionary theory, how
long ago is it thought that complex multicellular
organisms appeared on earth?
(1.) 1 million years ago
(2.) 100 million years ago
(3.) 1 billion years ago
(4.) 4 billion years ago
___ 38. What will most likely happen if the gene
frequencies in a given population remain constant?
(1.) Recessive characteristics will increase in the
(2.) Evolution will not take place within that
(3.) Dominant characteristics will increase within that
(4.) Evolution within that population will occur at a
faster rate.
___ 39. A large population of cougars is separated
into smaller populations as a result of geographic
isolation. Over a long period of time, these groups
will most likely become
(1.) identical in genotypes
(2.) identical in phenotypes
(3.) artificially selected
(4.) reproductively isolated
___ 45 According to the theory of natural selection,
genes responsible for new traits that usually
beneficial to the survival of a species in a particular
environment will usually
(1.) decrease suddenly in frequency
(2.) decrease gradually in frequency
(3.) not change in frequency
(4.) increase in frequency
___ 40. Which gas was added to the environment by
the first heterotrophs?
(1.) oxygen
(2.) ammonia
(3.) carbon dioxide
(4.) sulfur dioxide
___ 46. Which factor would have the least effect on
changing the gene frequencies (percentages) within
a population?
(1.) geographic isolation
(2.) asexual reproduction
(3.) use and disuse
(4.) gene pool (makeup) stability
___ 41. Geographic isolation of a small population
from the main group may contribute to the
development of new species. This speciation is
more likely to happen if members of the
geographically isolated population, compared to
members of the main group, have
(1.) an inability to survive environmental conditions
(2.) the ability to resist genetic mutations
(3.) different environmental factors acting on them
(4.) the same initial gene frequencies
___ 42. Distinct species of birds living on two
different islands have similar characteristics which
indicate common ancestry. The differences that
have evolved to make these species distinct have
resulted in
(1.) the inheritance of acquired traits
(2.) frequent interbreeding
(3.) the elimination of variations
(4.) reproductive isolation
___ 43. What would most likely be the result of two
subdivisions of a population remaining
geographically isolated from each other for several
hundred generations?
(1.) Variations in one subdivision would differ from
the variations in the other subdivision.
(2.) Variations in both subdivisions would be
(3.) Neither subdivision would show any variations.
(4.) Both subdivisions would show variations
resulting in similar mating patterns.
___ 44. Which would best represent a quick
biological adaptation?
(1.) The fossil record shows the existence of
trilobites and dinosaurs in the past.
(2.) Building malls has decreased the available
habitats for some organisms.
(3.) Some organisms have not changed in their
characteristics for millions of years.
(4.) Species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria have
developed in some hospital environments.
___ 47. lf organisms are geographically isolated from
each other for a long time, they
(1.) will always remain in the same species
(2.) will become polyploids
(3.) will probably experience convergent evolution
(4.) will probably become reproductively isolated
___ 48. Darwin's finches served as an example of
(1.) convergent evolution
(2.) industrial melanism
(3.) adaptive radiation
(4.) spontaneous generation
___ 49. If dark-colored birds and light-colored birds
were introduced into an environment that
predominately contained trees with dark colored
(1.) both types of birds would have the same chance
of escaping predators
(2.) light colored birds would try to change their
color to dark color
(3.) light colored birds would have a better chance of
(4.) light colored birds would be more easily seen by
___ 50. DDT and streptomycin
(1.) are both antibiotics
(2.) are chemicals to which individual organisms
developed resistance
(3.) act as environmental agents for the selection of
resistant strains of organisms
(4.) are mutagenic agents that are known to
contribute to cancer in humans
___ 51. The diagram below shows a comparison of
nitrogen base sequences in the DNA of some
organisms to those of a human.
According to this diagram, humans may be most
closely related to the
(1.) gorilla
(2.) ancestral primate
(3.) orangutan
(4.) chimpanzee
___ 52. According to Charles Darwin, one factor that
affects the evolution of a species is
(1.) variation due to genetic mutations
(2.) rapid fossil formation
(3.) survival of the fittest
(4.) exposure to environmental pollutants
___ 57. The diagrams below show embryos of three
different vertebrate species.
According to one theory, similarities in these
embryos suggest common ancestry. As these
embryos mature, they will most likely
(1.) develop new organs according to the nutritional
requirements of each organism
(2.) show no similarity as adults
(3.) continue to closely resemble each other as
(4.) develop the distinctive characteristics of their
___ 58. The diagrams below represent homologous
___ 53. Which statement best describes evolution?
(1.) Evolution is a predictable change from simple to
complex organisms.
(2.) Evolution is a process of change through time.
(3.) Evolution often proceeds from complex to
simpler organisms.
(4.) Evolution causes organisms to develop
characteristics they need.
___ 54. In Yellowstone National Part, some species
of algae and bacteria can survive and reproduce in
hot springs at temperatures near the boiling point of
water. The ability to survive and reproduce at these
temperatures is an example of
(1.) aggregate formation
(2.) adaptation
(3.) artificial selection
(4.) reproductive isolation
The study of the evolutionary relationships between
these structures is known as comparative
(1.) cytology
(2.) biochemistry
(3.) anatomy
(4.) embryology
___ 59. The graph below shows the results of an
investigation related to evolution.
___ 55. The embryos of fish, chickens, and pigs
have gill slits and a tail. The presence of these
features suggests that
(1.) all these animals can swim
(2.) these animals may have had a common ancestor
(3.) gill slits and tails are required for embryonic
(4.) pigs developed from chickens
___ 56. Characteristics of a species that make its
members better able to live and reproduce in their
environment are known as
(1.) abiotic factors
(2.) biotic factors
(3.) favorable adaptations
(4.) homologous structures
This graph was most likely developed from data
involving a study of the
(1.) transmission of acquired characteristics
(2.) concept of punctuated equilibrium
(3.) concept of gradualism
(4.) variation within a species
True/False Section: Indicate whether the following statements are true or false based on your knowledge of
the living environment and study of evolutionary theories.
___ 1. The concept of biological evolution is that the Earth's present-day species developed from earlier,
distinctly different species.
___ 2. The sorting and recombination of genes during mitosis and fertilization result in a great variety of
different gene combinations which drive the process of evolution.
___ 3. New heritable characteristics can result from new combinations of existing genes or from mutations
of genes in reproductive cells.
___ 4.
Gene mutations can be caused by agents such as radiation and chemicals.
___ 5.
Only gene mutations which occur in gametes or sex cells can be passed on to the offspring.
___ 6.
Asexually reproducing species have more variations which make the species more likely to survive
changing conditions.
___ 7.
Natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for the fossil
record of ancient life forms, as well as for the molecular and structural similarities seen amongst many diverse
organisms living today.
___ 8.
___ 9.
Individuals with advantageous adaptations to the environment tend to increase in numbers.
Evolution necessitates long-term progress in any set direction.
___ 10. An increased variation of organisms within a species decreases the possibility that some members of
the species will survive changed environmental conditions.
___ 11.
Many organism behaviors have evolved through natural selection.
___ 12. Meiosis and fertilization make possible a great variety of gene combinations which drive natural
___ 13. Evolutionary changes appear to be like the growth of a bush. Some branches survive from the
beginning with little or no change, many die out all together, and others branch repeatedly, sometimes giving
rise to more complex organisms.
___ 14. The great diversity of organisms is thought by evolutionists to be the result of billions of years of
evolution that has filled the earth's niches with available life forms.
___ 15. Extinction of species is relatively uncommon. Most of the species that have lived on the earth are
currently alive.
___ 16. The closer the DNA sequences between two different organisms, the lesser the kinship or
evolutionary relationship between them.
___ 17. Biological adaptation of species involves the selection of naturally occurring variations within
___ 18. Biological adaptations include changes in structures, behaviors, or physiology that enhance survival
and reproductive success in a particular environment.
___ 19. Biological evolution is thought to account for the diversity of species developed through processes
over many generations.
___ 20.
Only gene mutations which occur in sex cells can be passed on to the offspring.
Constructed Response Section
Answer each of the following short answer questions. Write in the correct response as there are no choices!
1. List the two parts of a scientific name.
2. This is the fundamental unit of classification/taxonomy.
3. The diagram at the right shows a series of homologous
bone structures in four different species of
vertebrates. Explain how these structures support the theory
of organic evolution.
4. List and explain three sources of variation in sexually reproducing living things.