California State University, Fullerton Sponsored Project Internal Routing Form Project # check if this is an HPRI proposal 1. Investigator(s) Information (List all CSUF key personnel involved in the project & specify the semester or semesters in which the time requested will be provided (i.e. Spring 05), the type of time requested, and the percentage of time or the number of units of released/reassigned time being requested). Please complete page 4 for additional key personnel. Note to investigators/key personnel: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form (FCOI). For proposals to non-profits & other nonexempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. Please see footnote (page 3) on Conflict of Interest1 . Total faculty overload time for any given academic year is 25% maximum. Certification: Each Faculty/Staff member certifies that 1) They agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the external grant or contract which supports this proposed activity; 2) They agree to abide by the University’s research policies, including UPS 630.000 (scientific misconduct), UPS 620.000 (human participants), UPS 610.000 (conflict of interest) and UPS 100.005 (patents); 3) Their time commitments for this and other externally funded projects do not exceed 125% of my time during the academic year per CSU Policy, HR 2002-05, dated February 19, 2002; 4) They certify that they are aware of the federal regulations regarding Lobbying and Drug-Free Workplace and will comply as necessary; 5) They have provided prior knowledge to their Chair and Dean about their intent to prepare this proposal. 6) By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Principal Investigator (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % Cost Match: Release Time % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge % For NSF Science and Engineering Research or Education Proposals: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that in accordance with Section 7009 of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 U.S.C. 18620-1), effective January 4, 2010, that at the time of proposal submission to NSF, I will have a plan to provide appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research to undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers who will be supported by NSF to conduct research. I acknowledge that while training plans are not required to be included in the submitted proposal that such plans will be subject to review upon request. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Cost Match: Release Time % Non-Academic– % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge % No Salary Charge % No Salary Charge % Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Cost Match: Release Time % Click to choose Role Non-Academic– % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Cost Match: Release Time % Non-Academic– % Cost Match: Non-Academic: 2. Sponsor Name: Overload Time – % Sponsor Institute/Division: Program Name: Funding Opportunity #: CFDA# (if applicable): 3. Project Title: 4. Funding Source: 5. Type of Proposal: Federal Federal Flow-Through State of CA CA State Flow-Through Business/For Profit Non-Profit/Private Foundation Private-Individual Private-Alumni Foreign Source Local (includes other states, cities, county, community colleges & public school districts) 7. Kind of Application: Indicate the type of proposal or project that is being submitted for review. FY2015-16 Grant Cooperative Agreement Subcontract (Prime Contract: Fixed Price Cost Reimbursement OTHER 6. Special Funding: ARRA ) Congressionally Directed Other 8. Project Type: (select only ONE) 1 Pre-Proposal Letter of Intent New Proposal/New Contract Revision Supplement Continuation/Renewal Postmark Date: Original OGC Project Number: 9. Sponsor Deadline: 10. Basic Research Applied Research Research Development Public Service Scholarships and Fellowships Curriculum Development/Instruction Student Services/Support Equipment Construction Training Receipt Date: Electronic Submission Date/Time: Rate Applied: IDC Base: Target Date: % (specify MTDC, TDC, etc) Location of Project ON campus Location (if off campus): OFF campus 11. Brief Description of Project: (Please provide a 2-3 sentence description) 12. Total Funds Requested: 13. Proposed Project Period: (mo/da/year) $ $ $ Direct Costs: F&A (Indirect) Costs: Total Costs: Start Date: End Date: 14. Cost Sharing 2: Cost Share Sources 3 Total Required per sponsor guidelines? Yes No (enter source of funds below) If Yes, % or $ req.: CSUF Cost Share ( in-kind / Third Party Cost Share ( cash): in-kind / cash): $ CSUF: $ Third Party: $ Total Cost Share: 15. Additional Budget Information & Resources (Please indicate whether this project involves any of the following): Equipment Purchases (≥$5,000/system) Est. Costs (if applicable): $ Source: Additional or Renovated Space Est. Costs (if applicable): $ Source: Special Facilities Est. Costs (if applicable): $ Source: Special Insurance Requirements Est. Costs (if applicable): $ Source: Other Est. Costs (if applicable): $ Source: 16. Intellectual Property Potential Copyright Potential Invention Other (Check if applicable): Potentially Patentable Process or Idea Trademark 17. Verification of Compliance: Committee Status Approvals/Protocols N/A Not yet submitted Pending Approved (Enter Date and Protocol #) Animal Subjects Human Participants Health & Safety, Chemical/ Radioactive Materials, Radioisotopes Bio-hazardous Materials, pyrophoric, shock/friction sensitive chemicals If applicable, please contact EHIS at If applicable, please contact EHIS at 18. Involvement of Students Mark all that apply: Does this project involve student hiring? Yes If Yes: Number of Undergraduate Students Number of Graduate Students FY2015-16 No Unpaid participation of CSUF students? Yes If Yes: Number of Undergraduate Students No Number of Graduate Students 2 Please mark the appropriate description of student activity: (Mark all that apply) Teaching/Tutoring Advising/Mentoring of Others Internship Technical (i.e., Web development) Research/Laboratory Work Course Credit Field Work Clerical/Administrative Training Community Engagement 19. Involvement of Post doc(s) Does this project involve hiring of post doc(s)? Yes No If Yes, please list the names of post doc, if available, or mark TBH (to be hired). Name: % Effort: Name: % Effort: Name: % Effort: FY2015-16 3 20. Risk Management Review Items (check any of the following): In accordance with Executive Order 890, Administration of Grants and Contracts in Support of Sponsored Programs, please carefully review and respond to each specified item detailed in the listing of Risk Management Review Items. Yes No Does the project require/ involve Yes No Does the project require/ involve Consultants, collaborators, partners DHHS/FDA/DEA/USDA regulated materials Subcontract(s) International travel (specify country): Recombinant DNA Modification of any University property or the installation of equipment Liquor liability Auto liability Microbial agents Professional liability Known carcinogen(s) Skin or scuba diving Compressed air or gas cylinders Production of medical waste Handling of human blood, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials Sponsor demanding pre-approval rights over publications Radioisotope or lasers An inherently dangerous activity Pyrophoric chemicals Non-University real property Possible pollution exposure Operation at a medically-related clinic or facility Working with comprehensively embargoed countries (OFAC & EAR): Iran, Cuba, Syria; and/or countries listed under OFAC or EAR Targeted Sanctions and Territories - Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Belarus, Sudan, North Korea, Iraq, Yemen, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Liberia, Zimbabwe, Balkans, the Cote D'Ivoire (formerly Ivory Coast); and/or ITAR prohibited countries: Afghanistan, Belarus, Central African Republic, Cuba, Cyprus, Eritrea, Fiji, Iran, Iraq, Cote d'Ivoire, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Haiti, Liberia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Republic of the Sudan (Northern Sudan), Yemen, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Specify country: Collaborating with colleagues in foreign countries? Specify country: Training foreign nationals in using equipment? If yes, please specify nationality & equipment: Shock/friction sensitive chemicals Minors Shipping equipment, chemicals, radioisotopes or biological agents, plants or soils to or from a foreign country. If Yes, please specify item and country: Handling of export-controlled materials and/or information Pre-approval of participation of foreign national students 21. Award Administration or Stewardship (For Office Use Only): Award to be administered by the CSUF Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) Award to be administered by the Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation (CSFPF) Award to be administered by CSU Fullerton (STATE) 1 2 For proposals to NSF or PHS (e.g., NIH) PIs/co-PIs must complete the Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Form. For more information on PHS/NSF Conflict of Interest definitions please see PIs requesting funding from non-profits and other non-public organizations must file a California Form 700-U form (see CA Fair Practices Commission website at Details of the Conflict of Interest policy at Cal State Fullerton can be found at The OGC recommends that only the minimum amount of cost sharing sponsor required be reflected in the proposal budget. Voluntary, committed, cost-share is discouraged. Non-reportable university cost match should be appropriately identified as “internal cost-share only.” FY2015-16 4 3 If the source of cost-share is the CSUF, commitment should be made by the person authorized to approve expenditures against the CSUF account. If cost-share is from a Third Party, a written commitment from that party is needed prior to proposal submission. Additional Investigator(s) Information (List all CSUF key personnel involved in the project & specify the semester or semesters in which the time requested will be provided (i.e. Spring 05), the type of time requested, and the percentage of time or the number of units of released/reassigned time being requested). Please complete page 4 for additional key personnel. Note to investigators/key personnel: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form (FCOI). For proposals to non-profits & other nonexempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. Please see footnote (page 3) on Conflict of Interest1 . Total faculty overload time for any given academic year is 25% maximum. Certification: Each Faculty/Staff member certifies that 1) They agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the external grant or contract which supports this proposed activity; 2) They agree to abide by the University’s research policies, including UPS 630.000 (scientific misconduct), UPS 620.000 (human participants), UPS 610.000 (conflict of interest) and UPS 100.005 (patents); 3) Their time commitments for this and other externally funded projects do not exceed 125% of my time during the academic year per CSU Policy, HR 2002-05, dated February 19, 2002; 4) They certify that they are aware of the federal regulations regarding Lobbying and Drug-Free Workplace and will comply as necessary; 5) They have provided prior knowledge to their Chair and Dean about their intent to prepare this proposal. 6) By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Note: Total faculty overload time for any given academic year is 25% maximum. Certification: Each Faculty/Staff member certifies that 1) They agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the external grant or contract which supports this proposed activity; 2) They agree to abide by the University’s research policies, including UPS 420.106 (scientific misconduct), UPS 420.103 (human participants), UPS 610.000 (conflict of interest) and UPS 100.005 (patents); 3) Their time commitments for this and other externally funded projects do not exceed 125% of my time during the academic year per CSU Policy, HR 2002-05, dated February 19, 2002; 4) They certify that they are aware of the federal regulations regarding Lobbying and Drug-Free Workplace and will comply as necessary; 5) They have provided prior knowledge to their Chair and Dean about their intent to prepare this proposal. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge Cost Match: Release Time % Certification: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Conflict of Interest1: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form. For proposals to non-profits & other non-exempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF THIS FORM. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge Cost Match: Release Time % Certification: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Conflict of Interest1: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form. For proposals to non-profits & other non-exempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF THIS FORM. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge Cost Match: Release Time % Certification: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Conflict of Interest1: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form. For proposals to non-profits & other non-exempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF THIS FORM. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge Cost Match: Release Time % Certification: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Conflict of Interest1: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form. For proposals to non-profits & other non-exempt FY2015-16 5 entities please complete the Form 700-U. PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF THIS FORM. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge Cost Match: Release Time % Certification: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Conflict of Interest1: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form. For proposals to non-profits & other non-exempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF THIS FORM. Click to choose Role (last name, first name) Please identify total time below, including any cost-match of effort. Released/Reassigned Time – % Non-Academic– % % Cost Match: Non-Academic: Overload Time – % No Salary Charge Cost Match: Release Time % Certification: By signing off in Cayuse, you certify that you are not currently debarred or suspended from receiving federal or state assistance and that you are not delinquent in repaying debts to the federal government. Conflict of Interest1: For proposals to NSF & PHS (e.g., NIH), please complete a Federal Disclosure Form. For proposals to non-profits & other non-exempt entities please complete the Form 700-U. PLEASE SEE PAGE 3 OF THIS FORM. FY2015-16 6