Test: Matter Study Guide

Matter Test Study Guide
matter = anything that has mass and takes up space.
pure substance = a single kind of matter that is pure, meaning that it always has a specific chemical makeup.
Ex.) table salt is always NaCl and sugar is always C12H22O11
element= a pure substance that can’t be broken down into any other substance. Ex.) oxygen, copper,
aluminum, zinc, tungsten, carbon, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen
atom= the smallest part of an element. Ex.) one atom of oxygen
compound= a pure substance made of two or more elements chemically combined in a set ratio. Ex.) H2O
molecule= the smallest part of a compound Ex.) one molecule of H20
mixture = made of two or more substances that are mixed together, but not chemically combined. Ex.) trail
homogeneous= can’t see the different parts. Ex.) sugar water
heterogeneous= can see the different parts. Ex.) salad
solution = an example of a homogenous mixture
chemical formulas= tell you which elements and how many atoms of each are in a compound ex.) C12H22O11
set ratio = a specific number of atoms of each element to make a compound
weight = a measure of the force of gravity on an object; can
change- depends on location
Ex.) earth vs. moon
mass = a measure of the amount of matter in an object; does not
 triple beam balance
 SI unit is the kilogram
 scientists prefer to measure by mass rather than weight
because mass doesn’t change
volume = the amount of space that matter occupies
 graduated cylinder for liquids
 ruler using the formula LxWxH for regularly shaped solids
 water displacement for irregularly shaped solids
 Units include: liquids- L, mL and solids- cm3
Volume of a liquid =
graduated cylinder
Volume of an irregular solid =
water displacement
Volume of a regular solid = l x w x h
density = relates the mass of a material in a given volume
 D= M/V
(density = mass divided by volume)
 Units include: g/cm3
 density of water = 1 g/cm3
 if something has a density greater than 1 g/cm3, it will sink in water.
 if something has a density less than 1 g/cm3, it will float in water.
physical properties = a characteristic of a pure substance that can be observed without changing it into
another substance.
states of matter= solid, liquid, gas
physical change = a change that affects the physical properties of matter such as appearance, state of matter,
examples of a physical change:
boiling water
crushing a can
melting iron
breaking a glass
state of matter change
freezing water
cutting your hair
chopping carrots
water evaporating off of the ocean
chemical properties = a characteristic of a pure substance that describes its ability to change into a different
chemical change = a change that results in the formation of a new substance with properties that are different
from those of the original substance.
examples of a chemical change:
frying an egg
leaves changing color in the fall
cooking a turkey
rust on a bike
endothermic reaction = a reaction in which energy is absorbed; it makes the environment cooler
ex.) ice melting- ice absorbs heat energy from the environment
exothermic reaction = a reaction in which energy is released; it makes the environment warmer
ex.) fireworks exploding in the sky and giving off light
law of conservation of mass = matter is neither created nor destroyed; whatever elements you start with in
the reactants, you must also end up with in the products during a chemical reaction. Ex.) Na + Cl  NaCl
energy= the ability to do work
types of energy
kinetic = the energy of matter in motion
potential = the stored energy of an object because of its position
chemical = the internal energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms
electromagnetic = a form of energy that travels through space waves