
For the DAY you recorded answer the following questions based on your Nutrition and
Fitness Reports.
According to your Nutrients Report what is the difference in Calories between your Target and
what you ate? (state if you are OVER or UNDER and what the difference is). (5)
2. According to your Nutrients Report, (9)
a. Which Nutrients that have a Target are you eating less than HALF of what is
b. What about Minerals?
c. What about Vitamins?
3. According to Food Groups and Calories, What is your difference between WHOLE GRAINS and
4. According to Food Groups and Calories, are you meeting the daily target for FRUIT? If you are,
is your fruit source coming more from JUICE or WHOLE FRUIT? (5)
5. Are you meeting your target for VEGETABLES? If not, what types of vegetables do you like to
eat? (5)
6. Is there any FOOD GROUP you did not eat from today? State the food group and what food(s)
you would eat to meet your target. If you did eat from each group, state that you did. (5)
7. Where do most of your EMPTY CALORIES come from? (SOLID FATS or ADDED SUGARS?)
What foods did you eat that you can cut back on the Empty Calories? (5)
Is this day recorded a GOOD INDICATOR of what you NORMALLY eat most days of the week?
A) Explain your answer by saying what types of foods you’re used to eating and any you ate
today that you typically don’t. (10)
B) Today, My OVERALL OPINION of my diet was it was: HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY? (3)
C)Today, you felt mostly FULL, HUNGRY, or SATISFIED. (3)
D) What will you try to do different for tomorrow to improve your eating habits? List at least 2
improvements. (10)
9. Today I met/I did not meet my recommended amount of PHYSICAL ACTIVITY of 60 minutes per
day. (3)
10. My Activity Level was HIGH, LOW, MODERATE. (2)
The Activity(s) I did today was: List whatever activities you performed today. (5)
What activity(s) will you try to work in tomorrow that you didn’t do today? (5)
OVER THE 3 Days of Nutrition and Fitness Analysis; The Conclusions and Averages (60 points)
1. My average intake of Calories was:________________. I averaged
____________calories MORE or LESS than I need per day. (3)
2. (12) The Nutrients that I consistently consumed over the 3 days were:
The Nutrients that I consistently fell less than 50% for EACH of the 3 days were:
The Vitamins that I consistently fell less than 50% for EACH of the 3 days were:
The Minerals that I consistently fell less than 50% for EACH of the 3 days were:
3. I averaged ______________grains over the 3 days. I averaged _____________ WHOLE
GRAINS compared to_______________ REFINED GRAINS.(3)
4. I consistently DID/DID not consume FRUIT over the 3 Days. If I did consume FRUIT it
was mostly WHOLE FRUIT or JUICE.(2)
5. I consistently DID/DID not consume VEGETABLES over the 3 Days. The VEGETABLES I
ate the most were______________________. (2)
6. Over the 3 days I skipped ____________meals. The main reason I skipped meals was
because:________________. (2)
7. Some Healthy Snacks I ate were____________________. Some Unhealthy Snacks I ate
8. Most of my “EMPTY CALORIES” come from:______________________________.(2)
9. Overall, on average, most days I find myself; HUNGRY, FULL, SATISFIED.(2)
10. In CONCLUSION, I believe that my diet is overall HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY. (15)
 Please explain why you believe this. A) Give specific examples from your data to back
up your answer. B) Make sure also to give suggestions as far as how you can and will
improve your diet.
11. Most days my Physical Activity level was HIGH, LOW, MODERATE. (15)
 A) Be sure to explain WHY and WHAT you do for Physical Activity. B) Also, include
what kinds of activities you would like to start doing more of.