Graduate School Information for postgraduate research students considering requesting to suspend their registration At some point during your studies, you may need to consider suspending your studies for a specific period of time. You might suspend for a variety reasons including academic, financial, medical, personal, immigration, family or other. An interruption to your studies can be disruptive, and create academic and other difficulties, so you are advised to discuss your situation very carefully with your supervisors/Director of Postgraduate Research Studies, as well as staff in the Doctoral Research Office, before making a decision about whether to request a suspension. Students considering making a request to formally suspend their registration are asked to read and note the following pieces of information before submitting a Suspension Request Form to the Graduate School. Access to University Facilities By definition, you are not expected to be studying in University premises (including in your School/Department/Graduate School) or receiving supervision during a period of suspension. However, you are encouraged to keep in contact with your School/Department/Supervisors during your period of suspension. Council Tax You do not have to pay Council Tax while you are enrolled as a full-time student. When you suspend your registration you cease to be a full-time student. If you choose to remain in the UK during your suspension then you will be liable for Council Tax for the period of your suspension. Immigration The immigration rules state that to be in the UK as a Tier 4 student you need to be “engaged” in full-time study. Since a period of suspension means you are not studying full-time, then there are visa implications which you need to be aware of. As a Tier 4 Sponsor, the University of Reading must report to the Home Office that you have suspended your studies. It is also in the student’s interest that the Home Office are made aware of a suspension as it confirms that the programme of study has been disrupted and might (where applicable) be completed at a later date than originally anticipated when you entered the UK. Suspensions of up to 60 days in duration Graduate School Suspensions will be reported to the Home Office but only one period of up to 60 days suspension will be permitted during the whole degree programme. A suspension of up to 60 days will not result in your visa being curtailed as the University will continue to sponsor your Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. Please note that if your suspension is extended for a further period beyond the initial 60 days , or you do not return on time*, then the University will, at that point, report to the Home Office that it is no longer sponsoring your Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. You will then receive a Curtailment Letter from the Home Office requiring you to leave the UK by a specified date. Please see the section below on ‘Resuming your studies after a period of suspension’. *Please note that if you are suspended for medical reasons then you will need to provide evidence of your fitness to return to your studies from your doctor prior to the end of your suspension. If you do not resume your studies after a suspension of 60 days then the University will automatically report to the Home Office that it is no longer sponsoring your Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. Please see the section below on ‘Resuming your studies after a period of suspension’. Please note that you are required to maintain regular contact with your Department/School during this period of suspension as part of the University’s sponsorship of your Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. You should therefore update your Department/School on your status a minimum of once per month during your suspension. If you fail to do this then the University may be obliged to report this loss of regular contact to the Home Office which may bring the University’s sponsorship of your visa to an end prematurely. Students are asked to note that it should not be assumed that those suspending for up to 60 days will automatically have their Latest Submission Date extended by the equivalent period; it is hoped that this will be possible but it will depend upon the dates on the visa currently held by the student. Staff in the Doctoral Research Office (contact details below) will discuss this with the student if applicable. Suspensions of more than 60 days in duration Suspensions of more than 60 days mean that you will not be engaged in your studies for a significant period of time. Therefore, the University will report to the Home Office that it is no longer sponsoring your Tier 4 (General) Student Visa and you will receive a Curtailment Letter from the Home Office requiring you to leave the UK by a specified date. Please see the section below on ‘Resuming your studies after a period of suspension’. Please see the section below on Resuming your studies after a period of suspension. Resuming your studies after a period of suspension The University is committed to supporting you in the completion of your degree programme and will endeavour to facilitate your return to the University in order for you to do so. At least one month prior to the official end date of your suspension, please contact the Doctoral Research Office by e-mail (contact details below) to advise of your return date, request another CAS to support a new visa application or alternatively to discuss other options. Important Immigration Points to Note: Graduate School Immigration Advice – Immigration advice is available throughout your period of suspension and can be accessed either from inside or outside the UK. Help with checking/assisting with the completion of a visa application form can be requested by contacting the International Student Experience Team at Students suspended on medical grounds – Where the University has reported that it is no longer sponsoring a student’s Tier 4 (General) Student Visa, it may be the case that a student believes that they should not fly due to medical/other reasons. Where a student has such concerns they should take advice, before applying for a suspension, from the International Student Experience Team at Doctoral Extension Scheme - Please note that if you intend to apply for a visa under the Doctoral Extension Scheme (DES) in future, you are required to hold a current Tier 4 (General) Student Visa and be present in the UK at the point when you apply for the DES. Students wishing to apply for the DES are strongly advised to aim to submit their thesis at the 3.5 year point in order to allow for all the necessary arrangements to be made within the period of their current Tier 4 visa sponsorship. The Doctoral Research Office provides this information and any other related documents in good faith, based on the information that you have given us about your current situation. We endeavour to ensure our information is accurate, but since both your situation and the legislation relating to your immigration status can change at short notice, the Doctoral Research Office cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or other consequences arising from the use of this information, nor for decisions made by the Home Office or any other agencies regarding immigration applications. Students in University Accommodation Students residing in University accommodation may be asked to leave their accommodation during a period of suspension. All students in University accommodation are advised to check the implications of suspending their programme on their accommodation situation by enquiring at the Student Services Helpdesk (Carrington Building) before they formally apply for a suspension. Fees Fees are normally cancelled for periods of suspension and refunds are made where appropriate. If you have any questions regarding fees then please contact the Doctoral Research Office. Studentships If you are in receipt of a studentship paying a maintenance grant (or stipend) which is administered by the University then the payments would normally be stopped for the period of suspension. If you are taking a period of maternity leave then you will need to take note of the specific Terms and Conditions applicable to your studentship. These will set out any entitlements in regard to a period of maternity pay from your sponsor. To check this, please contact the Doctoral Research Office. Graduate School Library Access Please note that your Library access will be affected by a suspension as many of the licences in place only allow access to be provided to students whose registration status is current. If this presents a problem for you then you should visit the Library Information Desk in the Main Library in order to seek advice. University username, password and e-mail address IT access continues during a period of suspension and it is important that you monitor your e-mail account during your suspension as important messages may be sent there. Immigration Advice and other useful links Immigration Advisory Service Student Advisory Team Student Services Centre, Carrington Building General Enquiries: +44 (0)118 378 5555 Email: Student Services International Student Pages United Kingdom Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) UKCISA operate a free telephone advice line for students; Monday – Friday 1-4pm 020 7107 9922 Last Updated 16/12/15 REQUEST FOR SUSPENSION OF REGISTRATION (RESEARCH DEGREE) All sections of this form must be completed. Please also attach copies of any relevant correspondence or supporting evidence (such as medical certification). The form should be sent to the Doctoral Research Office, Graduate School, Old Whiteknights House for consideration by the Dean of Postgraduate Research Studies. If the request is approved then careful monitoring must take place within the Department/School to ensure that the student is able to keep to any new schedule. Student name Student number School/Department Graduate School Programme Full-time/Part-time Dates of registration (please use format xx/xx/xx) From: To: (maximum registration date) Statement from student giving reasons for requesting suspension: Statement from supervisor: Length of suspension requested (From xx/xx/xx To xx/xx/xx) Any further details, including previous extensions or suspensions granted (please continue on reverse if necessary) If funded, has the sponsor been informed? (Yes/No) Graduate School Supervisor Name (Please print name) Signature of Supervisor School/Dept Director of PGR Studies OR Director of Research (please print name) Signature of School/Dept Director of PGR Studies OR Director of Research Date For use by the Doctoral Research Office: Approved? (Yes/No) Signature of Dean of Postgraduate Research Studies Date