2nd Grade - the Wayne County Historical Museum!

Second Grade- The Local and Regional Community, examine local and regional
communities in the present and past and how these communities meet people’s
needs. They will describe their basic rights and responsibilities as citizens.
Indiana Academic Standards included in this field tripHistory:
2.1.1 Identify when the local community was established and identify its founders and early settlers.
2.1.2 Explain changes in daily life in the community over time using maps, photographs, news stories, Web
sites or video images.
2.1.3 Identify individuals who had a positive impact on the local community.
2.1.4 Identify and describe community celebrations, symbols and traditions and explain why they are
2.1.5 Develop a simple timeline of important events in the history of the school and/or community.
2.1.6 Create and maintain a calendar of important school days, holidays and community events.
2.1.7 Read about and summarize historical community events using libraries and a variety of information
Civics and Government:
2.2.4 Describe how people of different ages, cultural backgrounds and traditions contribute to the community
and how all citizens can respect these differences.
2.4.2 Identify community workers who provide goods* and services* for the rest of the community and
explain how their jobs benefit people in the community.
2.4.4 Research goods and services produced in the local community and describe how people can be both
producers and consumers.
Primary focus:
1. Old Time Main Street
-discuss differences in shopping now and then
a. variety of stores now… specialty to megastores like Walmart
b. What was different about the physical facility?
c. Compare merchandise choices… many companies make
competing products (Bounty, Mardi Gras, Viva, all make paper
2. Black Smith Building
-review varied forms of transportation
a. How are they the same and different, now and then?
b. How did each succeeding vehicle change the services needed?
Blacksmiths were replaced by auto mechanics)
c. Transportations systems (roads) now and then
-how and why did roads change
-how did those changes affect the local work force
-discuss the work of a blacksmith
a. How was the blacksmith building different from a cabin, or store?
b. What were some of the varied jobs a blacksmith did for the
1. The Starr-Gennett Story
-What exactly is the Starr-Gennett story?
-What role did Starr-Gennett play in Richmond’s history
-refer to the time line in the basement to relate Starr-Gennett to Indiana
and Richmond’s earlier beginnings
**Break** field trip time up with a song, craft activity, or game… helps children
refocus, and be ready to listen
-example: coloring pages of children in dress from different time periods
-example: play a game children played in different time periods
(tie to lack of “toys” available… hopscotch required no special
equipment, boys rolled hoops)
-example: read a short field trip appropriate story
The Wondrous Whirligig : The Wright Brothers First Flying Machine by Andrew
Glass, 2003
Touching The Sky : The Flying Adventures Of Wilbur And Orville Wright by Louise
Borden, 2003
Secondary exhibits: very brief discussions- just enough to whet appetites for further
study and visits
1. Davis Airplane Company
-Manufacturing influence in Richmond
-Designed and manufactured in Richmond- what happened?
2. Solomon Dickinson log cabin
-construction needs- materials and labor
3. Historical Automobiles
-made in Richmond
-what happened to the manufacturing base
Accompanying Activities:
1. Teacher packet-sheet containing areas to be covered and accompanying State
-activity sheets
-web pages as further resources- the first two are excellent for Richmond
www.logcabinvillage.org/tour-marineschool.html (virtual tour)
www.campsilos.org/mod2/teachers/life.shtml (history detective)
-simple art/craft ideas
-story list for further in-class reading
The Wondrous Whirligig : The Wright Brothers First Flying Machine by Andrew
Glass, 2003
Touching The Sky : The Flying Adventures Of Wilbur And Orville Wright by Louise
Borden, 2003
Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys by Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, 2000
-ideas for furthering understanding (writing activities, story webs)
Digital pictures- taken at the museum and emailed to the classroom
-pictures of individual students (preferred- but you’d have to make sure
you took pictures of every child)
-small group pictures
-whole group picture- emailed to teacher and posted in the
museum for the children to show to parents when they come back
as a family
Take-home invitation- each child takes home an “invitation” from the
museum, to bring their families and return.
-outline areas covered in the field trip
Teacher field trip evaluation and suggestion sheet
Wayne County Historical Museum
1150 North A Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Dear Parents and Family Members,
Your child just returned from a field trip to the Wayne County Historical Museum.
He/She got to see and do many interesting things… see exciting exhibits, sing songs,
hear stories, play games, and much more.
The second grade field trip focused on the always exciting Old Time Main Street, the
Blacksmith Building, the Starr-Gennett Story, and the historical automobiles, among
other things. Please ask your student about his/her favorite part.
Your child would really enjoy sharing this wonderful experience with you and other
family members. Your family is invited to come to the Wayne County Historical
Museum to explore all we have to offer.*
Our hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday – Sunday, 1:00
p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Please come share your child’s educational excitement.
Jim Harlan
Executive Director
*minimal entrance fee
Wayne County Historical Museum
1150 North A Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Field Trip Evaluation and Suggestion form
Grade Level_____________
1. Did this field trip meet your expectations? Why or why not?
2. What other Wayne County Historical Museum areas should be part of this field
trip and fit into your school corporation’s curriculum and your State
3. In what ways could we have made this field trip better for your class?
4. Are there any activities, websites, books, etc. that you could suggest to
accompany this field trip information packet?
Thank you for completing this evaluation and suggestion sheet.
Vocabulary- 2nd grade
blacksmith- somebody whose job is making and repairing iron and metal
objects such as horseshoes
founders- somebody who establishes an institution, business, or organization
goods- articles for sale or use, often those produced for later consumption, as
opposed to services (example- food, clothing, toys, etc.)
mechanic- a skilled worker who is employed to repair or operate machinery or
services- jobs and businesses that provide something for other people but do
not produce tangible goods, e.g. banking, insurance, operating a store,
police/ fire
settlers- a new resident of a place, especially a place that is unpopulated or
populated by people of a different race or civilization
transportation- a means of traveling or of carrying somebody or something
from one place to another
Wayne County Secret Code
i= 
q= 
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__ __ __ __ __ __
= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
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__ __ __ __ __ __
= __ __ __ __ __
= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
= __ __ __ __ __
= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
 = __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
=__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
Occupations in the Community
Unscramble each occupation and draw a line to the correct person.
aeimfnr= __ __ __ __ __ __ __
aeioncpml= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
oordct= __ __ __ __ __ __
aeercth= __ __ __ __ __ __ __
aeeossspnlr= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
aeiusssmbnn= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
aieurfdgl= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
aeirrvbdc= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
eugjd= __ __ __ __ __
aeooywrrrckft= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
ookc= __ __ __ __
iettnsd= __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Word Bank
cab driver
factory worker
Name _____________________________
Goods and Services
Does the person provide a good or service? Circle the correct answer.
Color and write about this picture.
Come enjoy the History & Heritage of Richmond/Wayne County!
As you explore Richmond/Wayne County's history and heritage,
echoes of the past will encompass you. We invite you to travel the
historic National Road, today U.S. 40, the trail pioneers used as they
made their westward trek. Immerse yourself in the many historical
museums depicting the way of life of Hoosier families and pioneers
during the westward migration.
You'll be amazed when you discover where pre-Civil War runaway
slaves hid at the Levi Coffin House, the Underground Railroad,
where over 2,000 slaves escaped to freedom. One of the many
slaves who hid in the Coffin home was "Eliza," whose story is told
in "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
Richmond was settled in 1806 by North Carolina Quakers and is
one of the older cities in Indiana. Quakers (called Friends) were
drawn to the Northwest Territory by its cheap, fertile land and its
prohibition on slavery. By 1809, nearly three hundred Friends,
almost all from North and South Carolina had settled here. They
formed the Whitewater Monthly Meeting of Friends (now
Richmond's First Friends Meeting), the oldest Quaker congregation
in the state of Indiana. Quakers founded not only Richmond but
other communities, such as Economy, Dublin, Milton and Fountain
City. Quaker meeting houses became part of the landscape all over
the county.
Historic districts and buildings are a reminder of the hard work and
success of the past. Wayne County has preserved its extraordinary
collection of early 19th to early 20th century architecture. Richmond
has one of the finest early Victorian neighborhoods in the nation.
The area also consists of late Federal and Greek Revival townhouses
and cottages, early 19th century farm homes and sturdy barns,
ornate churches, mansions, and the majestic county courthouse.
Just west of Richmond lies the charming community of Centerville,
dotted with historic early 19th century row houses with magnificent
archways. With this architectural treasure not found elsewhere in
Indiana, Centerville is truly an architectural gem.
Jazz Heritage - Back in 1916, the Gennett Record Company of
Richmond, Indiana began making records in a primitive little studio.
Over the next 30 years Gennett became the place in the country to
record jazz. Jazz artists of the 1920s, 30s and 40s, including Hoagy
Carmichael, Bix Beiderbecke, Louis Armstrong, Tommy Dorsey,
and Jelly Roll Morton, flocked to Richmond to record their radical
Trails of Days Long Past
The Historic National Road was America's first interstate highway
established by an act of Congress in 1806. The Indiana portion was
built between 1829 and 1834, linking the eastern seashore with the
western interior. In 1996, the Historic National Road was designated
as a state scenic route. And in 2002, The Historic National Road
from Maryland to St. Louis was designated as an All-American
Road. Driving the route evokes a sense of traveling through the
passageways of history from historic architecture and early 19th
century farms to nostalgic gas stations, historic monuments and
genuine Midwestern scenic beauty.
History of the National Road
The construction of the nation's first highway, built with federal
funds in the early nineteenth century, was not without government
mandates. For citizens' own protection, legislators prohibited any
tree stump in the National Road to exceed 15 " in height.
Carved through dense forest, the National Road preceded most
Indiana cities, and was, literally, the road to civilization. Before the
National Road made its way westward from Maryland in 1811,
Centerville was the only town besides Indianapolis between
Richmond and Terre Haute. The crude highway completed its
journey in 1832, with its last stop in western Illinois. As many as
200 wagons a day passed through towns along the route.
The nickname "Main Street of America" was honestly earned as
towns such as Centerville sprang up from enterprising pioneers who
recognized the need for inns, blacksmith shops and grocers. In fact,
settlers keen on cashing in on National Road traffic often offered
their land to the government for free.
To maximize National Road frontage, Centerville folks, whose
homes or businesses lined the 100' Main Street, narrowed the road
to its present 65' by building onto the fronts of their buildings.
Archways between Federal style rowhouses allowed access to the
rear of buildings and backyards. New homes were built almost flush
with the sidewalk, and porches were built on the side of homes
instead of in front so that residents could sit out without being
smothered in dust (the first section of Indiana's National Road to be
paved, however, was Centerville's Main Street). Today, more than
100 buildings in Centerville's Historic District are listed on the
National Register of Historic Places.
Madonna of the Trail
The Madonna of the Trail is a monument to Americans who
traveled the bitter road. One of only 12 statues marking the pioneers'
trek from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Richmond's Madonna of the
Trail was dedicated by the Daughters of the American Revolution
October 28. 1928. The featured speaker was a little known Missouri
judge, Harry S. Truman.
A "Memorial to the Pioneer Mothers of the Covered Wagon Days,"
the motto ascribed to the Madonna of the Trail could also salute all
who made their way westward along the National Road: "the
autograph of a nation written across the face of a continent."
The figure of the mother is of heroic proportions, 10 feet high with a
weight of 5 tons. The base on which the figure sands is 6 feet high
and weights 12 tons. This base rests on a foundation which stands 2
feet above the ground level which makes the monument 18 feet tall.
The Madonna is located in Glen Miller Park at the corner of 22nd
and National Road.
Visit all the Madonnas
Location and dedication dates:
Maryland, Bethesda Week of April 19, 1929
West Virginia, Wheeling July 7, 1928
Pennsylvania, Washington December 8, 1928
Ohio, Springfield July 4, 1928
Indiana, Richmond October 28, 1928
Illinois, Vandalia October 26, 1928
Missouri, Lexington September 17, 1928
Kansas, Council Grove September 7, 1928
Colorado, Lamar September 24, 1928
New Mexico, Albuquerque September 27, 1928
Arizona, Springerville September 29, 1928
California, Upland February 1, 1929
Historic Huddleston Farmhouse Inn Museum
Travelers along the National Road stopped for the night at the farm
where they were, for a fee, permitted to set up camp and rent a
fireplace to cook meals. If the weather was nasty John Huddleston
would allow "guests" to sleep on the floor, where the first to arrive
could be nearest the fire. Technically, John Huddleston's home was
not an inn: to be an inn, it would have had to have two extra beds
and three people to sign an affidavit to the owner's moral and
righteous standing. During inspection time, John borrowed beds
from neighbors. As for the affidavit validity, John had been
"disowned" by the Quaker meeting because of low attendance and
asked to leave the denomination.
The history of the National Road can also be found at the Wayne
County Historical Museum. Established in 1930 by Quaker Julia
Meek Gaar, the museum first housed her substantial personal
collection. Heir to an industrial fortune (she was, in 1882, one of
Richmond's 47 millionaires), Gaar traveled extensively and
amassed, according to a Smithsonian director, "the largest and most
valuable historical collection of any woman in America." Today, the
museum boasts a turn-of-the-century general store, a fully
operational 1880's blacksmith shop, an Egyptian mummy, and
displays many of the 13 automobiles manufactured in Richmond.
The Wayne County Historical Museum hosts Pioneer Days every
Indiana's National Road designated as a National Scenic Byway
The Historic National Road through Indiana has been named a
National Scenic Byway, one of the nation's most prestigious
highway designations. This honor recognizes the Road's historic
significance as America's first and most important national highway.
For more than 150 years, the National Road, which stretches from
Cumberland, MD to Vandalia, IL, provided the east-west pathway
for the expansion of America.
The idea for the National Road originated with George Washington.
Funded by Congress under the Jefferson administration in 1806, the
Road was the nation's first federal highway project. Construction of
the Road, driven by pioneer spirit, economic development needs and
national security interests, took place in sections over several
decades. In the 1920's, the Road became U.S. Highway 40 and
became the premier transcontinental highway.
A traveler along Indiana's National Road will find echoes of the past
from historic pike towns with traditional main streets, single pump
gas stations, to American architecture spanning fifteen decades,
historic landmarks, and tranquil, rural countryside. The national
Road is focused on telling a story. It is our nation's first highway! It
is a story of westward migration and settlement in six states. It is a
story of one of our first automobile routes west. We invite you to
drive Indiana's National Road, the Road that helped shape lives.
Stories about the Old National Road
What's in a Name?
Names of Wayne County towns along the National Road are richly
historical in themselves. In Western Wayne County travelers pass
through East Germantown/Pershing. Some folks, it seems, preferred
patriotism to heritage when they chose to honor John J. Pershing,
commander of the American Expeditionary Force in Europe during
World War I. Then, again, Irish heritage has nothing to do with the
town of Dublin. That name comes from a hill in the National Road
that was difficult to climb, especially in mud. Doublin' up of horses
was sometimes required.
Courthouse Battle
Just as it created or enhanced opportunities, the National Road led to
obscurity for some towns. The first courthouse was located in the
now non-existent town of Salisbury in southern Wayne County.
When Centerville began to thrive, community leaders felt the seat
should be relocated. It was agreed that Centerville could be county
seat if it built a courthouse as "good" as the one in Salisbury. But,
the folks in that town refused to let Centerville officials inside to
inspect the courthouse. The committee stood outside and counted
bricks to estimate its size. They guessed correctly and the seat was
moved in 1818. (In a bit of irony, the first Salisbury log cabin to
serve as courthouse has also been moved to Centerville and is the
only original log courthouse still standing in the Northwest
Centerville's glorious reign was short-lived, however. In 1873,
Richmond vied for the county seat in what was to become the
famous Courthouse Fight. Reluctant to give up their holding,
Centerville officials barricaded themselves inside the courthouse. A
group of angry Centerville citizens, in an attempt to block
Richmond's efforts in taking county records, fired a cannon at their
eastern neighbors standing at the courthouse door. In a figurative
backfire, the cannon blast blew the door from its hinges and the
records were seized. Today, the former courthouse is the site of
Centerville's Library and the hole made by "Black Betty" is clearly
visible above the doorway.
Wayne County Court House
circa 1947
5 June 2003
Indiana Yearly Meeting House (Hicksite)
Wayne County Historical Museum
North A between 11th and 12th
circa 1947
26 April 2003
Morton Center
(Now Insurance Company of America)
120 North 9th Street
From the 1909 Pierian (Richmond H.S. yearbook)
circa 1947
April 2003
Roberts Log Cabin
Oldest School Building in Wayne County
Now on the grounds of the Wayne County Historical Museum
Image is c. 1890; taken from 1906 Dalbey Souvenir
This cabin was built near what is now the northwest corner of South A and 14th Streets.
c. 1910 in Glen Miller Park
In 1938, the cabin was moved from Glen Miller Park to the grounds of the Wayne County
Historical Museum, where it remains.
August 2005
Main Street looking West from 7th Street , north side of street
Main Street looking West from 7th Street , south side of street
Main Street looking West from 8th Street , north side of street
November 2003
October 2003
Glen Miller Park
Residence of Mrs. Martha E. Parry
2221 Main Street
August 2004
Residence of Ferd Grothaus (Now Olde Richmond Inn)
30 May 2003
Pennsylvania Station, North E Street between 9th and 10th
circa 1917
April, 2003
Beginning as the Wayne Agricultural
Works in Dublin, Indiana in 1837,
and incorporated in 1868, Wayne
Works moved to Richmond in 1876.
By the 1890s in addition to making
farm implements, it was making
carriages and horse-drawn “kidhacks,” or early school busses. From
1906-1916 Wayne Works
manufactured the “Richmond”
automobile, but in 1914 it built its
first school bus, and for most of the
rest of the century, it was a major
producer of busses.
Wayne Works continued to make bus bodies for
public transportation and school districts. During
World War II it manufactured ambulance bodies for
the military.
In 1956 Wayne Works merged with the Divco
corporation of Detroit and became Divco-Wayne.
When the company threatened to leave in 1964,
the community launched a drive to build a new
plant, which was opened in 1966 and was a $5
million, state-of-the-art facility. Wayne Works
stayed in Richmond, but by 1993 it could no
longer compete in the market and closed.
Pre-field trip picture sheetAreas to be covered on this field trip: Second Grade
List all your students below the field trip area where they would like to have their picture taken as a
remembrance of this field trip:
1. Old Time Main Street
2. Solomon Dickinson log cabin
3. Blacksmith Building
4. Starr-Gennett Story area
5. Historical Automobiles
6. Davis Airplane